The Red of the Writing

By StarSpeckledSkies

1K 59 730

Three women, who have never met. Three secrets, never meant to be known. Unfortunately, it doesn't stay that... More

Author's Note & Epigraph
One | Rani
Two | Maliha
Three | Rija
Four | Rani
Five | Maliha
Six | Rija
Seven | Rani
Author's Note
Eight | Maliha
Nine | Rija
Author's Note
Ten | Rani
Eleven | Maliha

Twelve | Rija

30 1 39
By StarSpeckledSkies

A/N: So.... I'm a complete, utter idiot.

Somehow, I accidently copied and pasted chapter 11 where this chapter should have been. And then didn't catch it, because it was late Saturday night and I was a sleep-deprived monster who clearly didn't proofread the chapter. I'm so, so sorry. If you're seeing this author's note (which is at the beginning of a chapter, where I don't usually put author's notes), then it means that the chapter has been updated to contain its correct content. Once again, I apologize from the bottom of my heart for that! Please, enjoy what's actually supposed to be in this chapter!

* * * * *

It's moments like these when I feel like the last person on the planet.

Leaning back against the wall, I occupy myself by staring out the window at the end of the upstairs hall. The branches of the tree outside sway in the gentle breeze, waving at the heavens. For a moment, the moon, which has mostly been tucked behind the clouds, seems to glow a little brighter, and I can't resist the urge to smile. For how protective Ihiti is of her sister, even she cannot deny the Great Mother a chance to smile at her children.

The entire house is absolutely still. Even my soft inhales and exhales feel like explosions in my hushed surroundings.

Reluctantly, I tear my eyes away from the window, and my head falls back, making a soft thump as it hits the wall. I should probably stop getting lost in my head - Tanik would probably murder me if our guest ended up escaping because of my carelessness, kind-of friendship or not.

Glancing at the clock hanging across from me, I sigh. Still three more hours to go before the sun rises and I can get off guard duty. Great. Just great.

It's not that I don't understand Tanik's caution; honestly, I'd think him a fool if he hadn't set up a night guard rotation. But something in my gut tells me that it's unnecessary. That's not to say I trust the woman - Aurora, she introduced herself as - but I just can't seem to shake the feeling that she doesn't want to hurt us.

Maybe it's the clear weariness in her face, or her seemingly sincere words and actions. After all, what purpose would it serve to give Tanik the opportunity to introduce himself again? Or to greet me by my tradition of my people, the people who her government hates?

Whatever it is, it brings back memories. Because, although I could never claim to understand her situation completely, I can definitely relate the most. I was once on the run too. I was once terrified for my life on a daily basis, once afraid that I would spend the rest of my life simply trying to survive. I was once the untrustworthy newcomer among the Resistance (perhaps not to this extent, though).

It feels almost like a cruel joke, meeting somebody in almost the exact same circumstances I was once in, and being faced with the choice of what to do with them. My brain screams at me, reminding me to keep my guard up, because the last time I didn't-

And then there's my heart. Because what kind of person would I be, if I refused this woman the very same help I was granted?

There's a thump from inside Aurora's room, and my thoughts screech to an abrupt halt.

Getting to my feet, I lean towards the door, hand resting on the handle of the knife in my pocket. Straining my ears, I try to pick out any more sounds.


I narrow my eyes at the door, the corners of my lips tugging downwards in confusion. But then, I allow my muscles to relax a little.

Maybe Aurora just woke up and knocked something over. Or she fell off the bed. Or something like that. Whatever it is, it must have a reasonable explanation.


Just when I turn around, there's another thump, followed by a clatter.

I pause, craning my head back towards the door.

One noise? I would understand. But three? My stomach churns with anxiety. Something's definitely wrong.

I reach for the door's handle, only to hesitate, my palm hovering above the knob. What if something isn't wrong? What if I end up barging into her room for nothing? I know I wouldn't want my privacy invaded like that.

There's an even louder thump, and then, an ear-piercing scream.

My qualms vanish instantly, and I all but tear the door off its hinges, knife in my other hand.

I can hardly believe my eyes at the scene that's before me. My steps falter.

Aurora lays on the ground, hair splayed around her head in a messy brown halo. There's a thin trickle of blood running from her neck.

And a black-clothed figure stands above her, holding a knife, the edge covered in a red sheen of blood.

It takes me a moment to process what I'm seeing, along with the fact that my steps have slowed down considerably.

Mjiva! Cursing myself for my hesitation, I rush into the fray, gripping my knife tightly.

I have to admit, for being weaponless and definitely having been caught off guard, Aurora's holding her own decently well. Her movements are sloppy and panicked, clearly not those of a trained fighter, but she's putting up a fierce fight.

As for the assailant, well, they're definitely experienced. They dodge most of Aurora's flying fists and legs with a well-practiced grace, and take the ones they can't without wavering. One hand covers Aurora's mouth.

The only advantage I have is the element of surprise, and I make sure to use it. Ramming my shoulder into the attacker's body, I nearly lose my footing as they stumble and nearly crash into the bed. Evidently, they were not expecting another person.

I try to recover, bringing my knife up for a slash at their torso, but they're quicker. They whip around to face me, swinging a pillow in front of them as a makeshift shield. My knife cuts through the pillow, but the assailant is unharmed. To make matters worse, they take advantage of my surprise at the unexpected move, kicking my ankles hard. The attack sends me crashing to the ground. My knife skids away from me.

My head makes impact with the floor, and I groan at the pain that explodes at the back of my skull.


It takes all my willpower to force my eyes open. I expect to see the attacker, standing above me with their knife. About to end my life.

But they're not there.

I can still hear the noises of struggle, though. Turning my head and ignoring the tears that have gathered in my eyes as a result, I realize that they're heading back towards Aurora, who's trying to scramble away.

Something clicks into place in my mind.

The attacker had me down, unable to defend myself. They could have killed me. But they didn't. Why?

Because they're not after all of us. They're after Aurora. Only Aurora.

Before I can question why, there's the sound of footsteps, and another person enters my line of sight, going after the assailant with a dagger in hand.


I breathe out a sigh of relief. If there's anybody who has a chance against this assailant, it's Tanik.

But, as good as he is, he might not be able to do this alone, either.

Not on my watch.

I force myself up to my elbows, resisting the urge to cry out. Each throb of my head feels like a nail being driven into my skull.

Tanik and the attacker exchange blows, and the metallic clangs of knife meeting dagger fill the room. The absence of any talk makes the scene even more unnerving.

Get up. Get up.

I push my body into a sitting position, but nearly fall onto my back again as a new wave of pain splits my skull.

Of course, of all the things I could have hurt, it had to be my head.

And then, the situation spirals straight into the depths of Phirnu.

Tanik swings his dagger with an underhand motion. But, the assailant doesn't block with the knife, as Tanik apparently expected. Instead, they move slightly to the side, bringing the blade of their free hand down on Tanik's forearm. He falters, and that's all the assailant needs. They seize Tanik's hand, slamming it hard into the frame of the bed. The pain forces Tanik to drop his weapon immediately.

Oh, no.

The dagger lands with another clatter, a few inches away from my right foot. Tanik, to his credit, doesn't stop fighting, attempting to wrestle the attacker's own knife from them with his one working hand.

It doesn't work. The assailant just uses their free hand to pry Tanik's hand away from theirs. Next, they kick Tanik's unguarded front, causing him to crash to the ground a few feet away from me. Thankfully, he doesn't hit his own head, but he looks too stunned to move.

The assailant turns away from him, looking back at Aurora. She's standing now, in front of the door. Her eyes are wide with terror, and she's clearly considering bolting for it.

The attacker steps closer to her. I blink, the haze of pain in my head making it difficult to think.

But one clear thought manages to make itself known: they're going to kill her.

We promised her the Resistance's protection. And we're about to break that.

When the assailant nears me, I don't think. I lunge, grab hold of their foot and yank.

They fall.

As soon as they hit the floor, I try to pin them down, covering them with my body. They thrash, trying to throw me off, but another weight joins me within a few seconds. Tanik.

Without hesitation, Tanik grabs the assailant's head, hitting it against the wall. While it isn't enough to knock them out, a lot of fight drains out of them almost instantly.

Taking advantage of this, Tanik reaches up and yanks the attacker's hood down.

My heart stops.

Brilliant blue eyes glare at me, dazed but defiant.

Obviously, Tanik and Aurora are just as astonished as I am. There's a moment of heavy, stunned silence, before Aurora chokes out, "M-Maliha?!"

Maliha. So that's her name.

Despite the situation she's in, the woman somehow has the audacity to smirk. "Hey, Aurora."

My mind churns, trying to make sense of the facts in front of me. Maliha is the one who brought Aurora here. Maliha helped shelter Aurora from the government.

So why in the world is Maliha trying to kill her?

Apparently, Tanik is thinking along the same lines I am. Retrieving his dagger, Tanik aims it threateningly at Maliha. "Talk."

She shrugs, seeming completely unperturbed. "So, you know, we've been having some really nice weather lately-"

Tanik slams the dagger down into the wooden floor, missing Maliha's fingers by only a few inches. She barely blinks. "Stop playing games with us." He growls. "I'm really not in the mood. Why do you want to kill Aurora?"

To my surprise, the woman laughs, shaking her head. "Oh, I don't want to kill Aurora."

"Ah, I see." Sarcasm drips from Tanik's voice. "So you were just going after her for laughs, then?"

"Ha, I wish. No, I don't want to kill Aurora. I want to kill her." She inclines her head towards Aurora.

I can practically feel Tanik's temper reaching the end of its rope. "Are you mad? She is Aurora."

Maliha shakes her head. "No, she isn't. I guess that means she hasn't told you guys either, huh?"

"Told us what?" Tanik's tone is suspicious, but he indulges her. I glance at Aurora, and my eyes widen.

Her face is utterly terrified.

Maliha might be on to something, after all.

"Well then," Maliha's face splits into a wide grin. Considering the position she's in, it makes her look like a maniac. "Allow me the honor of introducing you. Tanik, Iza, may I present to you: Rani Altario, daughter of their Majesties Amell and Aurora Altario, and the rightful Queen of Ayera."

* * * * *

Word count: 16,310

So, what did you all think of the reveal?

I get that the concept may be a bit cliché, and I was very on edge about taking my story this way. But ultimately, I decided to go for it - after all, there are already lots of clichés in writing, and that doesn't mean readers don't like to read them. I'm firmly of the belief that how much the reader enjoys a story is up to how the author writes it, (mostly) regardless of what clichés they use. And I really do hope that I've written this in a way that is enjoyable.

Also, there's been a HUGE hint to Rani's backstory throughout all of her chapters, starting from the very first chapter. Did anybody catch it?

Additionally, let me know how you enjoyed the fight scene! I personally wasn't too happy with it, so I'll probably come back and revise it a bit sooner or later. 

Well, I'll see you next week, for the aftermath... >:)

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