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Por thatonecrxckhead

43.7K 1.1K 142

โŒจ โ—  โŒ—[๐–๐€๐“๐‚๐‡๐ˆ๐๐† ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐Œ๐Ž๐•๐ˆ๐„๐’ ๐–๐ˆ๐“๐‡ ๐˜๐„๐€๐‘ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ”] ;; โž โ and I, shouldn't cry, but I lo... Mรกs



3.1K 109 4
Por thatonecrxckhead

[The next day, in the streets of London.]

"Oh, it's Harry again!"

[Harry and Hagrid are in the underground tube.]

HARRY: First year students will require: three sets of work robes, one wand.

HAGRID: Essential bit of equipment, Harry.

HARRY: One pair of dragon-hide gloves. Hagrid, do they mean for a real dragon?

HAGRID: Well, they don't mean a penguin, do they? Heh. Crikey, I'd love a dragon.

HARRY: You'd like a dragon?

"Well at least he got a dragon for a day." Ron shrugged, which earned odd looks.

He was swatted by Hermione, whom he glared at, but turned away immediately when she gave him a look.

HAGRID: Vastly misunderstood beasts, Harry. Vastly misunderstood.

[He suddenly eyes a woman and then he nods. The woman returns to reading her paper.]

[The next scene, Hagrid and Harry are walking down the streets.]

HARRY: All students must be equipped with... one standard size 2 pewter cauldron and may bring, if they desire, either an owl, a cat, or a toad. Could we find all this in London?

HAGRID: If you know where to go.

"I remember my parents and I got lost when we went for the first time." A muggle born student whispered.

"Me too! We looked like crazy people searching for something that wasn't even there."

Another student spoke up, "Maybe it would be better if we got instructions in our hogwarts letters."

Professor McGonagall took that thought into consideration.

[They walk towards a corner store and as they get closer, the sign above it has "The Leaky Cauldron" magically appearing. They enter the Leaky Cauldron. There was music and several patrons that are speaking to each other.]

TOM: Ah, Hagrid! The usual, I presume?

"I never thought Hagrid would drink." Said a young first year.

HAGRID: No thanks, Tom. I'm on official Hogwarts business today. Just helpin' young Harry here buy his school supplies.

TOM: Bless my soul. It's Harry Potter!

"Okay we get it. Your famous." Ron playfully rolled his eyes.

[The pub immediately goes silent and everyone notices. A man comes up and shakes Harry's hand.]

"The fuck did Harry do to get the pub that silent?" Sirius asked, but got smacked behind the head by Remus for swearing.

MAN: Welcome back, Mr. Potter. Welcome back.

"Back? Back from where?"

[A witch comes up and shakes Harry's hand, as well.]

WITCH: Doris Crockford, Mr. Potter. I can't believe I'm meeting you at last.

"Why is he famous?" Barty whispered to Evan.

"I don't fucking know Barty, I wasn't there."

[A man in robes with a turban on his head appears. It is Professor Quirrell.]

QUIRRELL: Harry P-potter. C-can't tell you how p-pleased I am to meet you.

"I really loved making fun of his stutter." Draco laughed to Halley.

"That fake ass stutter. He had us good though." She replied.

Their parents at the table looked at them with curious looks, they should be wary of the man if that is how the children speak of him.

HAGRID: Hello, Professor. I didn't see you there. Harry, this is Professor Quirrell. He'll be yer Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts.

HARRY: Oh, nice to meet you.

[puts out his hand, offering a handshake with Quirrell. But he looks at Harry's head and hesitatingly refuses]

"Umm? Rude?" Ginny scrunched up her nose.

"Would have been fun to burn his hand off." Harry laughed, but stopped immediately when he saw the look Halley was giving him.

QUIRRELL: F-fearfully f-fascinating subject. N-not that you need it, e-eh, Potter? Heheh.

HAGRID: Yes, well, mus' be goin' now. Lots to buy. Heh-heh-heh.

HARRY: Goodbye.

[The two leave into a back room winery in front of a brick wall.]

HAGRID: See, Harry? You're famous!

HARRY: But why am I famous, Hagrid? All those people back there, how is it they know who I am?

"That's what I said!" Barty yelled and was immediately shushed by half the hall.

He threw them silent middle fingers, but was caught by Professor McGonagall.

HAGRID: I'm not sure I'm exactly the right person to tell you that, Harry.

[Hagrid taps the brick wall clockwise with his umbrella. The blocks then magically shift and open up to reveal a hidden, busy street called Diagon Alley.]

HAGRID: Welcome, Harry, to Diagon Alley.

Many children in the hall reminiscent to their first time in Diagon Alley. It was truly a marvelous and unforgettable sight.

"Oh how I love Diagon Alley! Best place in the world." The children all agreed.

Bellatrix turned to Narcissus with a smirk, "Especially Knockturn Alley."

Narcissus rolled her eyes, not finding what her sister said funny.

[Harry grins broadly as they step into the street and walk down it. An owl screeches.]

HAGRID: Here's where yeh'll get yer quills and yer ink, and over there all yer bits and bobs fer doing yer wizardry.

[Harry is amazed as they pass by shops filled with owls and bats. The camera pans on a broom store, where a group of boys are crowded around a shiny broom.]

GIRL: It's a world class racing broom.

BOY 1: Wow! Look at it! The new Nimbus 2000!

BOY 2: It's the fastest model yet.


"Yes, James! I'm on it- oW?!"

"Enough brooms you two, I've had enough. It hasn't even come out yet."

[Harry and Hagrid continue walking down Diagon Alley]

HARRY: But, Hagrid, how am I to pay for all this? I haven't any money.

"A Potter saying they don't have money? Never." James's father claimed proudly.

HAGRID: Well, there's yer money, Harry. [he points to a tall, white, marble building, Gringotts Bank] Gringotts, the Wizard Bank. T'ain't no safer place, not one. 'Cept perhaps Hogwarts.

"Lies, but alright." Halley muttered and Draco chuckled.

[Inside the bank, they walk down the shiny aisle, passing tiny creatures working at their desks.]

HARRY: Uh, Hagrid, what exactly are these things?

HAGRID: They're goblins, Harry. Clever as they come goblins but not the most friendly of beasts. Bes' stay close.

[Harry sticks to him. Hagrid clears his throat as they approach a counter with a goblin, wearing spectacles and a waistcoat, in it.]

HAGRID: Mr. Harry Potter wishes to make a withdrawal.

[The goblin looks up.]

Goblin: And does Mr. Harry Potter have his key?

HAGRID: Oh, wait a minute. Got it here somewhere. Ha! There's the little devil. Oh, and there's something else as well.

[Takes out a letter wrapped in a string.]

HAGRID: Professor Dumbledore gave me this. It's about You-Know-What in vault You-Know-Which.

"Mysterious." Luna spoke for the second time since they'd been there.

"Trouble." The Weasley and Prewett twins cackled.

GOBLIN: Very well.

[Later, they race down the depth caverns in a cartlike structure. The cart stops, and a goblin, called Griphook, clambers out.]

GRIPHOOK: Vault 687. Lamp, please. [Hagrid hands him the lamp and he walks to the vault] Key, please.

[Hagrid hands him the key and Griphook unlocks the vault. The room is filled nearly top to bottom with coins. Harry is amazed.]

People in the hall gap at the sight of all the riches, which boost Fleamount Potter's ego. His wife sighed at his expression.

HAGRID: Didn't think yer mum and dad will leave you with nothing now, did yeh?

[They continue on through the cavern.]

GRIPHOOK: Vault 713.

HARRY: What's in there, Hagrid?

HAGRID: Can't tell yeh, Harry. It's Hogwarts business. Very secret.

GRIPHOOK: Stand back.

[Slides finger down the door. The vault opens to reveal a small white stone package. Hagrid enters the vault and scoops it up. The eerie light it was shining with disappears.]

HAGRID: Bes' not to mention this to anyone, Harry.

"Yeah, Harry can't keep secrets for long, I should know that." Halley laughed, to which Harry sent her a sheepish smile.

[Harry nods in agreement]

[Outside back in Diagon Alley, Harry and Hagrid are walking through the street. Harry has bought most of his equipment, and is reading his list.]

HARRY: I still need... a wand.

HAGRID: A wand? Well, yeh'll want Ollivanders. There ain't no place better. Why don't you run along there and wait. I just got one more thing I got to do. Won't be long.

James screeches loudly, earning odd looks from everyone in the room.

"Sorry, sorry. I'm just so excited!" He apologised.

[Harry goes into the store, quietly. He looks around. There are shelves of wands in boxes, but no people.]

HARRY: Hello? Hello?

[Then, a noise came from the back, and a man appears on a ladder and looks at Harry. The man is Ollivander and he smiles.]

OLLIVANDER: I wondered when I'd be seeing you, Mr. Potter. It seems only yesterday that your mother and father were in here buying their first wands.

James was about to screech again, but was prevented by Lily who placed a hand over his mouth and held him down.

[Picks a wand]

OLLIVANDER: Ah. Here we are.

[Harry holds it, but does nothing]

OLLIVANDER: Well, give it a wave.

[Harry is hesitant, but waves. This causes most of the boxes to come flying out and crashing down. Harry jumps and hurriedly puts the wand back on the counter.]

OLLIVANDER: Apparently not.

[Ollivander gets another wand from a box.]

OLLIVANDER: Perhaps this.

[Harry waves at a vase, which shatters, startling Harry.]

OLLIVANDER: No, no, definitely not! No matter.

[gets a wand from a box but stops and becomes thoughtful]

OLLIVANDER: I wonder...

[Ollivander hands the wand to Harry. No sooner after he touched it, Harry suddenly glows under it, blowing his hair up and several of the paperwork in the background. Ollivander looked a bit surprised and deep in thought.]

Everyone was silent, watching on in curiosity for what was to happen.

OLLIVANDER: Curious. Very curious.

HARRY: Sorry, but what's curious?

OLLIVANDER: I remember every wand I've ever sold, Mr. Potter. It just so happens that the phoenix, whose tail feather resides in your wand gave another feather, just one other. It is curious that you should be destined for this wand when its brother gave you that scar.

Most of the people in the hall gasp loudly, Barty included by being the loudest.

"Such an unexpected twist!"

He was shushed by Evans who tugged at his hair from behind.

[Points to the lighting bolt scar on Harry's forehead]

HARRY: And who owned that wand?

OLLIVANDER: We do not speak his name. The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter. It's not always clear why. But I think it is clear that we can expect great things from you. After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things. Terrible, yes, but great.

"His magic was very powerful." Luna muttered to herself, to which Halley nodded at her words.

[he hands Harry back his wand.]

[Harry then hears a knock on the window.]

HAGRID: Harry! Harry! Happy birthday!

"Hagrid is the best!" Harry shouted, to which everyone agreed.

[Has a snowy owl in a cage, which hoots, his name is Hedwig.]


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