The Universe Rings (A Ringing...

By FrostyHannah

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Interitus have been destroying universes for thousands of years, defying the Venenarius who seem powerless ag... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Behind the story
About The Author
The Universe Ring Art (by me)
Fan art by some of my readers

Chapter Six

139 8 31
By FrostyHannah

The cool water soaked into Kenneth's hair as he ducked under the rushing river water. The sun beat down on his back through the branches. Halo was preparing to mend the universe ring, and Kenneth thought it would be good to wade in the shallows of the river till she was ready.

Kenneth opened his eyes underwater. Orange and yellow marbled fish swam around him, staring at him with their eyes—each had one large eye on their head. He stood, breathing in the hot and humid jungle air.

Halo's voice rang across the damp foliage, "Kenneth!"

Kenneth seized his shirt from a boulder blanketed by moss and pulled it over his chest as he stumbled out of the river. He stepped into his tennis shoes, not bothering to tie them.

Halo appeared out from the lean-to, her tattooed hand pushed her tangled hair back. "You went swimming without me," she pointed out.

Kenneth ruffled his hair with his hand, shaking the water out of his hair. "Are you ready?" he asked.

Halo hesitated. "Well, I've been practicing on so many other things, I can't imagine any consequences if this doesn't work but I still don't wish to fail. I only hope—" she rambled.

"You're stressing me—Are you ready to fix the ring or not?" Kenneth asked, forcing a dry chuckle to reassure Halo that he wasn't upset.

Halo nodded and crawled into the lean-to, Kenneth followed. On the stone slab, on which tic marks were scratched, was the broken universe ring. Halo knelt in front of it, Kenneth off to the side. "I'm only so nervous," Halo whispered.

Kenneth's eyebrows lowered as he stared at the ring. "Nothing will happen if this doesn't work, right?"

"I don't think so other than we will not be able to leave," Halo replied. Kenneth found her answer still depressing—this must work, he couldn't starve any longer in this unpredictable maze of jungle.

Halo's finger laid over the ring, her white lashes falling over her eyes. Kenneth's eyes darted from her hand to her face, nervously biting his knuckles.

The green glow seeped out from under Halo's hand and Kenneth's heart rose—this might work...

With a sudden bang, a shockwave blasted into Kenneth and Halo and they tumbled into the walls of the lean-to, vines snapping and branches toppling onto their heads. Halo shoved a branch away and crawled to the stone slab.

"Kenneth, the ring!" she gasped.

Rubbing his head, Kenneth approached. Cracks etched over the stone of tic marks, and dust sprinkled over. "Where's the ring?" he asked numbly.

"Reduced to powder..." Halo's white hair hung over her face as she stared at where the universe had been.

"You can fix it?" Kenneth asked in vain, he knew it was beyond repair.

Tears welled in Halo's eyes. "Are you mental? Not even the most powerful and knowledgeable Venenarius could repair this."

Kenneth's jaw clenched. "You said nothing would happen to the ring if you failed," he said, willing to not allow his voice to rise in cadence.

Halo's eyes glazed, seeming to darken. "I suppose I'm a liar, daft boy. How was I to know it might disintegrate?" she asked bitterly. Her quick anger diminished, overcome by tears. "Oh, I'm sorry I called you a name! I-I shouldn't have attempted to repair a magical artifact—I've never even heard of such a dimwitted idea."

Kenneth froze as Halo collapsed in her hands, sobbing. His heart numbed, emotion dissipating in the revelation they could never leave. Any hopes of escape were shattered with the universe ring; no one knew of their location, or even if they were alive. It all sunk in deep till he'd been kneeling as stone for a long while.

"Wow..." Kenneth exhaled eventually.

Halo sat straight, brushing her hair off her tear-stained face. "What?" Her voice was dry and trembled.

"I guess I really am spending the rest of my life in a jungle," Kenneth said flatly.

Halo sniffed, ignoring his remark. "Do you think Dior thinks I'm—we're dead?"

Kenneth gazed at his lap. He couldn't answer honestly.

Halo's fingernails picked at the surrounding skin, as some sort of nervous habit. Kenneth noticed the places where her fingers had bled where she'd peeled at them.

Kenneth grinded his teeth, his stomach aching from lack of nutrition as well.

"I'm sorry for giving false hope," Halo said.

Kenneth frowned. "It was an idea, at least. And it sounded promising when you brought it up," he replied, his voice in a dead rhythm. "I mean, it's not like our situation is any worse—the ring is useless whether it's disintegrated or not..."

A faint smile twitched from the corners of Halo's lips. "You don't blame me?"

Kenneth shook her head. He might have at first when shock still filled him, but it truthfully wasn't her fault.

"You know, you somewhat remind me of Dior," Halo whispered, leaning oddly close to him. "In your eyes...I can't describe it."

Kenneth leaned back from her, needing the space and unsure of how to answer Halo's statement. "Um, speaking of Dior..." He found himself unsure of why he was initiating conversation. "When did you meet him?" he asked.

Halo hugged herself. "Four years ago, shortly after the destruction of my universe..."

"That must've been more than horrible for you—about your universe," Kenneth said.

Halo's head tilted to the side. "I suppose...I truthfully can't remember significant details about my universe or family—I was ten when it happened...and for some reason, I can't recall much before that." The sun's rays through the jungle leaves cast a green hew over her melancholic expression.

Kenneth had to admit he'd zoned out as Halo explained what she could remember of her past life, till she said, "Unfortunately he was kidnapped—"

Kenneth's brow furrowed. "Who?"

Halo's posture stiffened. "Oh, I'm sorry. I don't intend to overshare," she gasped. "My mouth runs quicker than my good judgment."

Kenneth blinked. "No, who was kidnapped? I, um, wasn't really listening..."

Halo's eyebrows lowered. "My baby brother; he was two years younger than me."

"Oh, sorry that happened," Kenneth said.

Halo shrugged. "I don't remember him," she said in a tone of longing as if wishing she did.

Kenneth exhaled a tired sigh, losing any ability to socialize effectively. He crawled out of the shelter, feeling his pants pocket to reassure himself he still had the knife. He found a shady spot by the edge of the river. The world never looked more bleak than it did now—the sun must've dimmed in misery.

A soft wind whistled, rustling against the newly rebuilt lean-to. Hunger gnawed at the stomach, and rest wasn't to be found. Kenneth's eyes had long adjusted to the dark, now searching for bright stars that might've seeped through the jungle ceiling.

Breaking through the jungle ambiance, Halo said, "I can't ever sleep."

"Welcome to the insomnia club," Kenneth murmured, a smile twitching on his lips. He was still lying on his back with his legs propped up in the small space and hands behind his head.

Halo snickered, though it sounded forced. "Would you...Would you mind if I talk nonsense? Dior often lets me ramble late in the night if we can't sleep—proved to bore him to sleep."

Kenneth supposed there couldn't be anything better to do. "I guess it's fine..."

A sigh, and Halo said, "Well, I can speak three languages. English, Scottish Gaelic, and German...I don't have much a use for them, and I can't say I'm fluent in German anymore."

Kenneth had to admit it was quite impressive—he didn't know more than a few simple words in Spanish. "Cool, that's talent," he said.

Halo continued, "And...If I'm not incorrect, I believe that my white hair is specific from my universe—although other universes have odd-colored hair as well. My mum had blue hair..."

Kenneth shifted where he lay, a rock digging into his back. "Huh, everyone in my universe just had boring colors." He swallowed hard as the memory of his universe brought discomfort, and he pushed the thought to the back of his mind as always.

Halo said, "I educated myself for the past four years; even schooling Di some since he dropped out of school. Dior ships supplies to different universes and shelters, helping refugees. We often spend the nights together since he's busy throughout the day." The cadence of her voice grew high, apparently so lost in the idea of her friend that she must've forgotten she'd never reunite with him. Kenneth felt sorrowful for her...

"So, you and Dior are just friends?" Kenneth asked, suddenly curious.

"Er, I could say we've formed a sibling bond. He's like an older brother," Halo replied. "I find him quite nice. His job is interesting, innit?"

"Mhm." Kenneth didn't have the heart to admit that for the short time he knew Dior, he hadn't been too fond of him.

Halo sighed in the darkness. The enthusiasm diminished from her voice as she said, "He fades in and out of friend groups, but he's never had real friends other than me. Most of them were negative influences who only wished to corrupt him."

Kenneth could relate on a level; he'd never had many friends, often disinterested or unwilling to waste time. Now he only wished he'd put more effort into friendships before his life was destroyed.

"Oh, Kenneth. I pray Dior doesn't fall into any old habits—drinking and such," Halo blurted, sounding on the verge of tears. "He's been prone to such terrible depression, and I fear those habits might worsen what he already tends to feel."

The fear in Halo's voice almost brought Kenneth to say words of comfort, but he could think of nothing worth saying—'Sorry' would be the least helpful to her.

A long silent moment passed, animals chirping in the background. Kenneth assumed Halo must've fallen asleep till she said, "I'm sorry, I'm bringing up such depressing things."

Kenneth blinked long, sleep finally threatening to take over. "No, it's fine. You're just concerned for your friend."

Halo continued, "Well, I'm not too discouraged; I've quite enjoyed many moments of my life, and I don't think it's over yet."

Kenneth's brow furrowed as he stared up at the branches. "Wasn't your brother kidnapped, universe destroyed, family dead, and now you've lived the past four years in a shelter with Dior?" he asked before he could stop himself, though he felt he'd regret saying it so suddenly.

Halo exhaled a shaky breath into the darkness. "I merely meant, I'm not too discouraged by being trapped in this jungle, because I feel as if things will work out eventually. I'm not sure why, but I have an intuition."

"A psychic intuition?" Kenneth interjected, in an attempt at humor.

Halo gave a half-sigh, half-laugh. "And I meant living with Dior in a shelter wasn't all that bad...Obviously, my family's fate was awful and I do care deeply—I simply don't remember them all that well."

Kenneth chewed the inside of his cheek. "Oh..." words failed him initially, but he eventually said, hoping to convey his sincerity, "I'm so sorry about what happened to your family—I can't imagine how hard it must've been for you at ten..." She was quiet, so he went on. "But if you ever need to talk to anyone, Halo..." He tried to look at her eyes, but in the darkness, he wasn't sure she could see him. "I'm here for you," he finished, forgetting his previous melancholy, and solely focusing on Halo. "I really am."

"Thank you..." Halo whispered.

"Oh, Halo?"

"Yes?" she asked, her voice still quiet.

"I have an intuition too..." Kenneth told her. "And my intuition tells me that you're right."
"Right about what?" Halo asked, curiosity in her tone of voice.

"About everything." Kenneth couldn't see her face in the darkness, but he heard her tiny laugh—a soft, emotion-laden sound.

"Goodnight, Kenneth," Halo whispered, a comfortable tone to her voice. She sighed again—this time more contentedly.

Kenneth smiled slightly, hoping he had managed to comfort her. "'Night, Halo." Something felt different, a shift in the flow of his emotions. Possibly he and Halo could be good friends...and everything would turn out for the better.

"Oh, and Kenneth?" Halo said, voice high in cadence. "You know it's okay to feel whatever you feel; I'd never judge you for it. So you can talk to me too—about anything."

"Uh, thanks Halo..." Kenneth didn't know what to say. "I appreciate it. Anyway," he added, "'Night."

"Goodnight," Halo said finally. They both drifted off to sleep.

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