The Journal

By purpledinoblack

68 1 0

After death is one thing, but knowing how our death will be before we even die, is that possible? Well Corall... More

A report?
"This red thingy"
Not if you keep coming back
where i left off
Death is close
Cruel mothers
Her report

Golden shadows

9 0 0
By purpledinoblack

The ReincarnationProcess... Earth was the first aspect of life. Earth created wind and water. As wind was made, earth combined itself with wind, creating fire. Years later earth, wind, water, and fire joined together to make spirit. Soon spirit made lords to hold and continue their power.

In heaven there are five principals (elements) fire, water, earth, wind, and spirit. Each element/ principal has a lord and two or three consorts.

Principals à lords à Consorts

As I read, it began to seem like a bible. It then showed a graph taking the word Fire and splitting it into four words: Fire, Ingus, Reed, and Ender. It explained that Ingus was the lord and Reed and Ender were her two consorts. It did the same for water: Water, Alex, Teather, Enveus, and Rain. It showed that Alex was the lord, and Teather, Enveus, and Rain were her consorts. Earth: Earth, Anvus, Rage, Tanner, Health. Anvus was the lord and his consorts were Rage, Tanner, and Health. Wind: Wind, Ian, Neather, and Deed. Ian being the lord, along with his two consorts Neather and Deed. Last, but not least, it explained Spirit: Spirit, Printus, Ire, Randus, Ivy, and Tanus. Then it was back to the bible style.

Spirit is the highest element. All other elements (principals) are underneath Spirit. Many years, once the unborn angels were created Randus (Spirit's Consort) tried to overthrow Printus, which caused him to be cast out of the temple. Betraying all of Heaven he created the element (principal) Dark.

As it did the show the other element it also laid out a map or graph for Dark: Dark, Artus, Randus, and Keen. Randus being the Ruler, along with Artus and keen being "Consorts". Then it explained the difference in the names.

Soon Randus gathered consorts, Artus and Keen. Artus has always tried to overthrow, hunching why his name is before the Ruler.

Later on, unborn angels started to care for themselves, believing other theories then the basic principals.

After that it was more drawings of symbols, symbolizing the elements. Fire has a square shape with a fire burning in the box. Wind was basically three wind movements going in the same direction but in a triangle format. Earth was the weirdest, it has a kind of square like structure, but the bottom didn't close. It has the lines go inside the box not all the way but halfway. In the line that went inside, there were three lines to hide in the corner it created. In the middle of the whole structure there was a spiral. Water was a circle with three wind marks in the top of the circle. Then three water waves in the bottom. Spirit and Dark weren't like the others they had more complications to them. Spirit made me think of a flower. It has three corresponding spirals, but Dark had a wing like shape with a line and star in the middle. Then it moved on back to the bible structure.

How they plan... from the beginning the principals have worked as a team, slowly trying to guide unborn angels in the right direction. They use what's called a plan table.

A plan table is a huge web chart, which keeps track of everyone's life. It can move due to whom they are working with or on its own when unborn angels make their decisions.

It also showed a drawing of the plan table. As I continued to read this I became tired. I laid the book beside my desk, and went to make sure Timmy was in bed. When I walked in, he was sound asleep, so I kissed his forehead.

"Mommy really does love you. I'm sorry if she doesn't show it that much." He stirred in his sleep as I walked out the room, and headed to the bathroom. I got ready to take a shower, when I looked in the mirror and saw a golden white shadow behind me. When I turned around there was nothing there.

I continued with my shower when I heard a voice, "Stop."

"Who's there?" My heart sped up, but the voice never came back. I hurried out of the shower ready to get some sleep.

Once I crawled in bed, my eyes fluttered shut to the sound of the voice once again, "Please."

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