Confused About You | Hermione...

Af nzcrsm

87K 3.6K 830

The crowd erupted in joy as the new year arrived, and fireworks burst into the sky, casting a brilliant, kale... Mere

|| Unexpected Visitor
|| Knight Bus
|| Sirius Black
|| Dementor
|| New Teachers
|| Talons and Tea Leaves
|| Buckbeak
|| Party
|| I Like You
|| I Like Y/N
|| Girlfriend
|| Granger's Little Crush
|| Friends
|| Normal
|| Marauder's Map
|| Hogsmeade
|| Back Home
|| Sweet Dreams
|| First Kiss
|| Drunken Mistake
|| Firebolt
|| Confused About You
|| Shitty Old Day
|| Brother and Sister
|| The Execution
|| Sirius Black
|| Traitor!
|| Reconciliation
|| Saving Buckbeak
|| Now We Wait
|| Everything Has Changed
|| Hermione
|| Home
|| America
|| My Love

|| Peter Pettigrew

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Af nzcrsm


Y/N reclined on her bed, the soft glow of her lamp illuminating the Marauder's Map resting in her lap. Animated footsteps darted across the parchment, a dance of nocturnal wanderers at Hogwarts. She watched with a hint of amusement, knowing she probably wouldn't stumble upon anything extraordinary but finding it a simple distraction for her boredom.

As her finger traced the map's surface, she noticed a cluster of students from the fourth year and above scattered about, each with their own late-night agenda. Penelope and Percy stood out among them, their names drawing a chuckle from Y/N. She could only imagine what mischief or "study sessions" they were involved in.

A particularly dense cluster of footsteps marked a room that was likely the location of Draco's party. Y/N remembered the invitation, quickly retracted by Draco, leaving her with a mixture of curiosity and indifference. Her gaze then drifted to the dorm of her friends Harry and Ron.

A comical exclamation mark appeared next to Ron's footsteps, followed by a speech bubble declaring his aversion to tap-dancing spiders. Y/N couldn't help but snort in response. 

"You tell those spiders, Ron," she muttered, her eyes returning to the map, searching for any intriguing developments in the Hogwarts night.

Y/N continued to watch the Marauder's Map, her eyes scanning the parchment as she kept an eye on the various activities happening around Hogwarts. She could see the occasional group of students sneaking around, no doubt planning some sort of late-night adventure.

As she observed the map, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity about what her friends were up to. Her gaze lingered on Hermione's footsteps, wondering if she might find the girl somewhere unexpected. It was late, after all.

Then, she spotted Hermione's name near the library, and a small smile tugged at her lips. Y/N knew that Hermione often spent her nights there, immersed in books and study. It was one of the things she admired about her.

Hermione had managed to mend things with Harry, and his broom was returned after McGonagall confirmed its safety. While Harry was initially furious with Hermione, their deep bond as friends ultimately prevailed, and they quickly reconciled. After all, they were practically like siblings.

Y/N and Hermione's interactions had returned back to normal. Their conversations flowed more comfortably, and even in silence, there was an ease between them. Yet, beneath the surface, Y/N couldn't help but analyze every word and gesture from Hermione, as if the girl had taken residence in her thoughts.

Then, as Y/N's attention drifted back to the Marauder's Map, a name appeared that caught her off guard – "Peter Pettigrew."

She blinked, her brow furrowing as she looked away from the parchment and then back at it, confirming that she had seen the name correctly. Peter Pettigrew – the name was undeniably familiar. It hit her like a lightning bolt. Peter Pettigrew was the man Sirius Black had supposedly destroyed. 

How on earth was he here, walking around in Hogwarts Castle?

Y/N discreetly pushed the covers of her bedsheet off, rose from her bed with a soft thud, and closed her lampshade. The room was filled with the gentle snores of her sleeping friends. She fumbled around in the dim lighting, searching for her slippers on the floor, but her efforts were fruitless.

Aurora stirred in her sleep, her voice heavy with drowsiness as she asked, "What are you doing?"

Y/N turned to look at her, struggling to find the right words. "Just can't sleep. I'm gonna go take a walk around the castle," she explained.

"Did I wake you up? Sorry, I'll be back soon. Go back to sleep." With that, she stood up, put on her slippers, slipped the parchment into her pocket, and quietly pushed the door open.


Y/N moved through the dimly lit castle corridors, her wand illuminating the Marauder's Map with the Lumos spell, casting a bright glow at the tip of her wand. The animated portraits along the way scolded her and demanded she extinguish the light, but she could only offer them apologetic glances. 

Her eyes were fixed on the map, her footsteps echoing as she walked, the only visible things in the dark corridors were the faint outlines of the paintings, the walls, and the round entrance to another corridor that seemed like a vortex of darkness.

As she continued her path, she noticed the name "Peter Pettigrew" drawing nearer on the map. Y/N slowed her walk, extending her wand in a defensive stance, her heart racing. The footsteps were getting closer, and Peter Pettigrew didn't stop.

Doubt and fear swirled in her mind. Every instinct told her to step back and run away. Her eyes darted between the map and the corridor ahead.

Closer, he came.

On the map, Peter passed by her. Y/N glanced around in a startled panic, and then she let out a shocked yelp when she saw a figure — herself — in a mirror on the wall. It was her own reflection, and it had momentarily scared her.

Y/N bit her lip, composing herself and scanning the surroundings for any sign of Peter, but he had already passed her on the map.

"Oi, go to sleep!" a painting grumbled with annoyance, and the others joined in, expressing their exasperation at her wand-waving.

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows in frustration, returning to the map as she noticed her father, Caspian, coming closer.

"Shit," she whispered to herself. "Mischief managed," she said, causing the Marauder's Map to revert to its ordinary appearance.

"Nox," she whispered, extinguishing the light, leaving her in complete darkness. However, her solitude was short-lived as another light appeared. Caspian stood before her, arms crossed, and his wand concealed at his side, a stern expression on his face.

"Y/N," he said, raising an eyebrow.

"What are you doing, wandering the corridors at night?" Caspian inquired, his tone firm. Y/N gave her father a small glare before adopting an innocent facade.

"I was heading to a late-night party," Y/N fibbed, her face giving away nothing, as if she were telling the truth.

"And you know that is not permitted," Caspian reprimanded.

Y/N responded with a nonchalant grunt, well aware that she would likely receive just a warning and no real punishment. Caspian remained unswayed by her attitude, closely examining her every gesture.

"How similar you are to me," Caspian mused, his tone tinged with nostalgia, recalling his own days of rule-breaking. "You really are my daughter, aren't you?"

Y/N shot him a glare. "I'm nothing like you."

"Keep telling yourself that, Y/N," Caspian snorted, observing as her cheeks tightened with frustration as she fought back a barrage of profanities.

"Can I go now?" Y/N interjected bluntly, her eyes void of emotion.

Caspian hesitated for a moment, then noticed Y/N's restless hands in her pockets, causing him to raise an eyebrow. "What's that in your pocket?"

Y/N perked up. "There's nothing in my pockets," she stated with a matter-of-fact tone.

"Empty your pockets," Caspian urged.

With an exasperated sigh, Y/N begrudgingly reached into her pockets and withdrew the Marauder's Map, which remained blank. She glanced at her father with a blank expression. 

"Spare bit of parchment," she explained.

"Really?" Caspian questioned, seizing the map from her grasp and unfolding it, giving her a skeptical look. "You know, after your detention, something valuable from my office has gone missing."

"I'm so sorry for your loss," Y/N replied with heavy sarcasm.

"Ha-Ha-," Caspian dryly chuckled, unamused, before drawing his wand. Y/N's eyes widened slightly as she bit her lip, her gaze remaining fixed on the parchment.

"Open!" Caspian incanted, tapping his wand against the paper.

The Marauder's Map designs reappeared, and Y/N's head jerked to look at it. Caspian pushed the parchment back to her chest and said sternly, "Read it."

Y/N let out an exasperated huff before she reluctantly took the paper, tauntingly drawing out her words. "Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs offer their compliments to Professor Crimson and..." She paused, an amused scoff escaping her lips as she glanced at Caspian.

 "Well?" Caspian questioned.

"And request he keep himself out of other people's business. Though, it might be challenging, considering he can't even keep his own dick in his pants," Y/N continued, her lips curving into a sly smirk.

Caspian's face reddened with anger, and he gripped the Marauder's Map tightly, his eyes fixed on the parchment. The insult hit a nerve, clearly referencing his own questionable actions in the past.

Y/N couldn't help but suppress a smirk, though she knew that pushing her father's buttons might not be the wisest decision. She stared back at him, her expression bordering on defiance.

Caspian, struggling to regain his composure, took a deep breath and muttered a counter-spell to close the map. He then handed it back to Y/N. "Take it back to your room," he ordered, his voice filled with a simmering anger.

"Professor!" a voice interrupted Y/N as she attempted to step back. "What's going on?"

"I've discovered Miss Crimson with quite an unusual item," Caspian explained, motioning for Y/N to hand it over to Lupin, which she did somewhat reluctantly.

Lupin examined the paper, emitting an amused chuckle, though his eyes betrayed a hint of recognition and concern. "I highly doubt it's anything sinister, Caspian. It appears to be a parchment meant for insulting anyone who reads it. A Zonko product, I presume?"

Y/N met his gaze, stammering slightly before nodding quickly. "Yes, it's a Zonko product," she hurriedly added, attempting to retrieve it, but Lupin skillfully avoided her grasp. "Nonetheless, I will investigate any hidden qualities it may possess."

"Professor—" Y/N began, but Lupin interjected.

"Y/N, would you accompany me, please? Professor, good night," he said, steering her away before she could continue.


Y/N sat across from Lupin in his office, the parchment landing on the table with a force that made her flinch, echoing through the circular room. She met his gaze reluctantly, her eyes filled with uncertainty.

"I can't fathom how this map ended up in your possession, and frankly, I'm astonished that you didn't turn it in," Lupin's voice resounded, laced with disappointment.

"Did you never consider that, in the hands of Sirius Black, this map becomes a direct path to you?" Lupin questioned, his intense gaze fixated on her, a stark contrast to the quiet and unassuming man Y/N had always known.

"Professor," Y/N began, searching for an explanation.

"Don't offer me excuses, Y/N!" Lupin scolded, his tone stern.

Y/N shook her head, her gaze dropping to her lap as she nervously fiddled with her fingers.

"No," Lupin stated firmly.

"No, sir," Y/N murmured softly.

Lupin leaned in closer, his expression serious. "Your father never set much store by the rules either," he said, pointing a finger at her. "But he, as much as you would not like to hear it, was a good man. If he was in your position, he would've turned this in—"

"But he didn't," Y/N interjected.

"I beg your pardon?" Lupin inquired.

"I stole it from his office," Y/N admitted. "He would've probably given it to Sirius Black, I know that he's a Death Eater, you know."

Lupin stared at her. "Your father was a spy against You-Know-Who."

"Bullshit," Y/N said bitterly.

"He's a professor, you're a student," Lupin pointed out. "I assume it was stored in a drawer with other potentially dangerous items?" he questioned, and Y/N remained silent, confirming his suspicion.

"Your parents moved to America, they gave up everything they knew in London and made tremendous sacrifices to keep you safe! Risking their sacrifices by roaming the castle without protection while a killer is on the loose strikes me as a poor way to honor them!" Lupin scolded.

"I don't owe them anything," Y/N retorted.

Lupin sighed. "I won't cover for you again."

"I never asked you to," Y/N retorted. "Stop treating me like a child who can't make decisions!"

"You are a child!" Lupin said sternly. "Don't talk back to me, do you understand?"

Y/N hesitated briefly, on the verge of arguing further, before nodding weakly.

"Use your words," Lupin insisted.

"Yes, sir," Y/N mumbled.

"Return to your dormitory," Lupin ordered, and Y/N rose from her seat. "And stay there!"

Y/N walked to the exit, her hand on the handle before she paused and remembered something, turning back around. "Professor, just so you know, I don't think that map always works," she pointed out, still averting his gaze.

Lupin shot her a curious glance, prompting her to explain more clearly.

"Earlier, it showed someone in the castle. Someone I know to be dead," said Y/N. "Peter Pettigrew."

Lupin stared at her in shock before scoffing in disbelief. "That's not possible."

"That's what I saw," Y/N said, pushing the door open. "Good night, Professor."


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