By Yoonminworld139

38K 1.4K 122

How does it feel ? when your own family uses you for their fancy life style and all comfort but don't give a... More

Plate-10 to 15
Plate - 17


1.1K 47 12
By Yoonminworld139

Jimin slowly opened his eyes, feeling a tight hold on his palm. The first person he saw was his husband, with a pale face and his head resting on the bed beside Jimin's thighs.

His husband's eyes were closed, and Jimin smiled as he raised his left hand and lovingly caressed his cheeks. He lightly ruffled his hair and gazed at him with affection.

Jimin looked around for his parents since it was his second day in the hospital, and the doctor had advised him to rest due to food poisoning.

Feeling Jimin's touch, Yoongi opened his eyes filled with love and worry. Tears welled up in his eyes as he took a deep breath, and their gazes met. Yoongi reached out his right hand, gently holding Jimin's cheeks, and moved his chair closer to Jimin's bed. He placed a tender kiss on Jimin's forehead.

"You scared the hell out of me,"

Yoongi said, tears falling. Jimin wiped them away, offering a comforting smile before pulling Yoongi's face closer. Without a word, he pecked Yoongi's lips in response.

"I'm never going to leave you alone again,"

He tried to sound stern, but his words came out sweet and gentle.

"And what the hell did you eat that caused food poisoning?"

Yoongi asked, his face furrowing with concern. Jimin shrugged, remaining silent as he continued to gaze longingly at Yoongi. Opening his arms, Jimin looked at Yoongi with pleading eyes. Any lingering anger in Yoongi dissipated, and he gladly embraced Jimin, hugging him tightly.

"I didn't do it on purpose, Yoonie,"

Jimin whispered in Yoongi's ear, placing a tender kiss on the junction between his shoulder and neck, causing Yoongi to let out a soft moan.

"I missed you,"

Jimin's tears streamed down his cheeks.

"I missed you too, my little nymph,"

Yoongi pulled back slightly, peppering Jimin's nose and lips with gentle kisses.

"Where are appa and dad?"

Jimin asked, scanning the room for his parents.

"They went back home and asked me to bring you straight to the Kim Mansion from the hospital,"

Yoongi replied, resting his head on Jimin's chest. Around Jimin, Yoongi couldn't pretend to be anyone else. Jimin had a profound effect on him, and he cherished their genuine connection.

Jimin loved playing with Yoongi's hair, as his said husband rest his head on Jimin's chest listening to his heartbeat, and teasing him affectionately, always treating Jimin as his innocent partner.

Soon, Jimin was discharged from the hospital, and Yoongi drove them towards the Kim Mansion. Jimin had been gazing at Yoongi throughout the ride, his eyes brimming with tears.

He felt like an emotional wreck but couldn't pinpoint the reason. He tried to distract himself with various thoughts, but none of them succeeded in easing his overwhelming emotions.

"Yoongi, please pull over,"

Jimin whispered calmly. Without hesitation, Yoongi guided the car to a stop and turned his gaze towards Jimin. In the blink of an eye, Jimin was enveloped in his arms, their lips meeting in a passionate exchange.

Jimin didn't allow any room for response, tenderly cradling Yoongi's face in his hands and peppering kisses all over. Yoongi simply stared at him. He bit his lower lip, attempting to contain the overwhelming surge of emotions, as Jimin continued to kiss him fervently.

Eventually, Jimin ceased the flurry of kisses and embraced Yoongi tightly.

"I love you, I love you so deeply,"

Jimin whispered, his voice struggling to convey the magnitude of his emotions. His words trailed off, unable to fully capture the intensity within him.

Yoongi maintained his gaze, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Finally, he drew Jimin into a warm kiss, their lips melding together.

Jimin sighed in relief, his racing heartbeat finding solace in the rhythm of their connection. With a gentle movement, he eased himself off Yoongi's lap and settled back into his seat, radiating a serene smile.

"Now, let's continue our journey,"

Jimin said cheerfully. Before he could finish his sentence, Yoongi leaned in, pressing a tender peck on his lips. He assisted Jimin in fastening his seat belt, followed by a sweet kiss on his forehead.

"I love you too,"

Yoongi whispered, their words carrying an unspoken understanding, before they resumed their drive, hearts intertwined with unwavering love.


Yoongi's frown deepened as he observed the closed entrance door. Sensing Jimin's unease, he gently placed a hand on his shoulder, silently reassuring him.

Jimin took a deep breath and raised his hand to knock, but before he could, the door swung open, revealing a silent and dark interior. The stillness in the air sent a shiver down Jimin's spine.


Yoongi called out tentatively, his voice echoing through the empty space. There was no response. Jimin's worry grew, and he hesitantly called out,


The lack of reply only heightened their anxiety. With trepidation, Jimin took a step forward, his heart pounding in his chest. Suddenly, the lights flickered on, illuminating the hall and causing Jimin to let out a startled scream.

He instinctively sought comfort in Yoongi's arms, burying his face against his chest. Yoongi held him tightly, providing a sense of security amidst the unexpected situation.

As Jimin's racing heartbeat gradually subsided, he cautiously peeked out from Yoongi's embrace, his brows furrowing in confusion.

His eyes widened as he took in the sight before him-a hall adorned with blue and pink balloons, and his parents, Mr. Kim Seokjin and Mr. Kim Namjoon, standing there with smiles on their faces.

A flicker of realization crossed Jimin's mind, and a wide grin spread across his face as he looked at his parents.

"Appa, is it what I think it is?"

He asked, excitedly lacing his words. Mr. Kim Seokjin nodded, confirming Jimin's suspicions. Overwhelmed with joy, Jimin wasted no time in rushing towards his appa, showering him with kisses on his cheeks.

"Congratulations to both of you! Yoongi, I'm going to be a big brother!"

He exclaimed, his happiness bubbling over. Jimin's elation was momentarily interrupted as Mr. Kim Namjoon gently held his hand, stopping him from his exuberant jumping. Meanwhile, Mr. Kim Seokjin's face paled, possibly overwhelmed by the unexpected turn of events.

Jin let out a whine at his son's enthusiastic display, but when he turned his gaze towards Yoongi, Jin held a glimmer of hope.

However, Jin's hope was short-lived as Yoongi proceeded to hug Mr. Kim Namjoon and offer his congratulations, much to Mr. Kim Seokjin's annoyance.

"I'm not pregnant!"

Mr. Seokjin blurted out, causing both Yoonmin to exchange perplexed glances.

"Then what is all this?"

Jimin asked, his confusion evident. Mr. Kim Seokjin twisted his mouth in dissatisfaction and clarified,

"It's not for me."

Jimin's curiosity heightened as he pondered the intended recipient.

"Then who is it for? Oh, appa and dad, don't tell me you prepared this surprise for me! I mean, you could have done better with the decorations. It's a baby-themed setup, appa!"

Jimin continued his rambling, turning towards his appa, who suddenly opened the lid of a cake.

Beside the cake, a napkin caught Jimin's attention. It bore the words,

"Hello, Appa and Dad."

Jimin's initial confusion gradually transformed into realization, and a mix of emotions washed over him. Yoongi, understanding the significance of the moment, widened his eyes, tears welling in his eyes.

Jimin, his mind still reeling from the whirlwind of emotions, turned his gaze to his Appa with a mixture of confusion and curiosity. Struggling to find the right words, he stammered,

"Appa, is it really me...?"

Before his Appa could respond, Jimin felt himself being embraced by Yoongi, whose love enveloped him like a warm blanket.

The tightness of the hug brought tears to Jimin's eyes, and Yoongi peppered his forehead with affectionate kisses, wordlessly assuring him.

Sensing the overwhelming atmosphere, Namjoon spoke softly, confirming,

"Yes, it's you, Jimin."

The floodgates of joy burst open within Jimin, and tears streamed down his cheeks as he tried to contain his elation.

He couldn't help but jump up and down in excitement, though Yoongi held him tightly, not wanting to let go. In a tender gesture, Yoongi gently placed his hand on Jimin's stomach, a silent proclamation of their shared happiness.

Lost in a whirlwind of emotions, Yoongi leaned in and pressed a loving kiss to Jimin's lips. Without thinking, he knelt down and pressed his lips against Jimin's stomach in front of their parents.

The room filled with a mix of emotions, Jin's adoring ,


Blending with Namjoon's playful fake cough, breaking the tender moment.

Yoongi quickly composed himself, holding Jimin even tighter, pouring out all the love he had for his dear husband. In that embrace, amidst the tears and overwhelming emotions, Jimin felt a sense of belonging and a profound understanding of the love that surrounded him.


Two months had passed, and Yoongi shared some news with Jimin as they sat together.

"Rouwn is out of jail, and they're all leaving Korea,"

Yoongi informed, resting his head on Jimin's lap and tenderly placing his hand on Jimin's stomach.

"Our deal with Mr. Chan and Choi went smoothly, Mr. Min Jay, who needed urgent money, sold the Min Empire for 1,000 crore. I managed to buy back my empire,"

Yoongi explained, sharing the details , while Jimin lovingly played with his hair.

Curiosity piqued within Jimin as he inquired,

"Where are they going?"


Yoongi responded, his eyes fixed on Jimin's face, awaiting a response that didn't come. Eventually, Jimin spoke up,

"No, Yoon. I don't want them to suffer any more harm. It's good that they are out of our lives and away from Korea. Now they can live their own lives, and we can focus on living ours. Besides, they've lost everything, including our empire and mansion,"

Jimin expressed, tenderly pecking Yoongi's forehead.

A hint of sadness laced Yoongi's voice as he confessed,

"I couldn't secure the mansion for you. I'm sorry."

In a surprising turn of events, the Kim family entered the room, playfully fake coughing upon seeing Yoongi with his head in Jimin's lap. Jimin gently patted Yoongi's head, signaling him to stay as he was.

"Dad, someone bought the mansion before I even had a chance,"

Yoongi explained, caught off guard. To Yoongi's astonishment, Mr. Kim Namjoon smiled and tossed a set of keys toward him. Yoongi's eyes shimmered with joy as he caught the keys.

"It's a gift for you, in celebration of giving us a grandchild,"

Namjoon declared, taking a seat beside Jimin and enveloping his son in a warm embrace. Meanwhile, Mr. Kim Seokjin gently guided Yoongi to rest his head on his lap, softly massaging it. A smile illuminated Yoongi's face as warmth and gratitude washed over him.

"Thank you, Appa,"

Yoongi expressed his heartfelt appreciation, and Mr. Kim Seokjin leaned forward to plant a tender kiss on his forehead.

Jin chimed in,

"No thanks are necessary within a family,"

And they all shared a heartfelt smile. After enjoying a precious family moment, the Kim family bid Yoongi and Jimin farewell, leaving the room. Yoongi hovered over his husband, lavishing him with affectionate kisses all over before pausing in front of Jimin's stomach, planting a loving kiss there.

"Everything is falling into place. We're just waiting for you,"

He whispered, his voice brimming with love.

He expressed, gazing at Jimin and then at his stomach.


                            ~THE FIN~


                                            Author h...........

Next is the epilogue, I hope you guys liked my work , Thankyou for all the support my lovelies!!!

I love you guys....

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