deja vu || niccolò govender r...

De roridiamond

1.1K 52 31

So when you gonna tell her That we did that, too? She thinks it's special But it's all reused That was our pl... Mais

deja vu
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430 19 4
De roridiamond

Sofia had never held that gut instinct of something feeling wrong or the feeling of insecurity in her relationship with Vittorio...she just found herself excessively worried.

Her boyfriends' soon departure to Canada for the next couple of months was nearing, and she couldn't help but ponder on how hard long distance with him would truly be. 

Maybe she was being a little dramatic.

I mean, it shouldn't be too hard.

It wasn't that she didn't have faith in the boy; of course she did.

I mean she loves and trusts her boyfriend.

She was just the 'overthinking' type, that's all.

The accumulation of thoughts swiftly disappeared as Camilla's voice had substituted her never ending worries.

"I mean I want this surprise party to be like the best one ever." Camilla explained to her friends, holding close attention to Sofia's lack of interaction.

"Right Sofi?" All attention turned to the brunette girl.

"Uh- yeah." Sofia quickly nodded with a slight smile directed to her friends.

"Good, then it's all settled..." Camilla's statement was cut short due to the crowd of familiar boys walking towards them.

"What's settled?"  Vittorio questioned as he wrapped his arms gently around his Sofia's shoulders, giving her a gentle peck on the top of her head, to which she smiled to.

"Nothing...just girl stuff you wouldn't understand." Camilla replied jokingly earning an eye roll from the boy.

Camilla always acted fucking stupid when Vittorio was near.

"Actually, I was wondering if you guys wanted to come over and like hang out tonight. I was thinking we could watch a movie like old times, before you leave." She continued directing her conversation to Vittorio and pouting.

Sofia internally groaned, she knew if she was to go to Cami's house she would be faced with her brother too, and that was too much for one night...especially when accompanied with his new 'girl-friend' of the week.

Girl-friend my ass.

"I don't know Cami, I have like so many assignments I need to finish." Sofia lied through her teeth to her bestfriend.

"You told me you had completed your last assignment yesterday." Vitto looked down at his girlfriend with a frown of confusion.


Sofia's eyes widened as she looked up to her boyfriend.
"Oh I did? Oh yeah i forgot...guess I'm free." She responded with a forced smile as she turned to look at Camilla.

"Perfect! Tell Brando he can come over too and Nicco will probably already be at home." Camilla explained before saying her goodbyes.

"Hey are you okay?"  Vitto's attention was now set on the girl wrapped in his arms.

"Yeah, I just went to bed late." She turned rubbing her eyes to now look up at the boy.

"Your parents again?" He asked.

The girl sighed in response hugging the boy.

"I'm going to miss you Vitto." Sofia uttered under her breath as she closed her eyes.

She felt so dependant on him.

"Can you pass me the salt please?" Sofia raised her voice breaking the awkward silence that was held between Niccolò, Virginia and Camilla.

Niccolò's harsh gaze was held onto the girl, making her grow rather uncomfortable waiting for the rest of her friends to arrive.

"So when is Brando arriving?" Camilla asked, trying to ease the group.

"Our dad was trying to give him one of his long lectures about life and decided to show him around 'the business' at work so he couldn't come over straight away." Sofia responded.

"And where's Vittorio, Sofia?" Virginia asked.

"I wouldn't know." Sofia mumbled looking down whilst playing with her food on her plate with the fork in her hand.

"Strange." Virginia replied with a signature fake smile of hers.

"I need a cigarette." Sofia stood out of her seat abruptly.
"Uh- does anyone have a lighter?" She continued looking at solely Camilla to which she shrugged.

"I do, here." Niccolò ushered as he slid the lighter to the girl.

"Thanks." She mumbled back before walking out of the room still holding eye contact with the floor.

She knew smoking was bad.

Yet the reminiscent scent of the lit stick of poison seemed to please her as the smoke danced so freely around her silhouette.

Easing her thoughts as it touched her lips, allowing the smoke to be inhaled.

With every deep inhale came a soft exhale seconds after. The smoke later finding its way into the evening's breeze that swept it away rapidly.

As her heart began to slow down, so did her thoughts.

What a great invention she thought.

But those thoughts were cut short for the second time today as a familiar face sat opposite the girl.

"Here's your lighter." Sofia stated passing the igniter back.

"Can I?" Niccolò asked referring to the stick that sat on the girls lips.
She hummed back blowing the smoke out as she shared the cigarette with the boy.

He inhaled the sweet smoke as if he relied on it to live, with a sigh and exhale after.

"I didn't know you smoked." Niccolò expressed to the girl as he now held a softer watch on the girl.

"Didn't know you had a girlfriend." Sofia responded as she snatched the cigarette.

"Not my girlfriend." He replied in a raspy tone as he exhaled the fumes.

"Is that what you told your friends about us when we were together?" Sofia sighed turning her head to the view of Rome at night.

"Why would I lie about us?" He whispered back.

"You kept us a secret for months; anytime I'd bring us up you'd shut me out like always." Sofia explained.

"No I didn't." The boy shook his head with a breathy laugh.
"You promised Nicco." She replied.

Their conversation was cut by the footsteps that came from the direction the two had recently come through.

"Sorry I'm late, I had to convince my mom to let me out at this time of night." Vittorio stated slightly flustered before leaning down to place a peck on Sofia's head to which Niccolò scoffed to as he rolled his eyes and began to hurt himself in a fake manner for the couple to get a hint of his dislike.

"It's okay, let's go back inside there's nothing interesting out here." Sofia replied looking down on Niccolò who just smiled sarcastically at her response as she stood up and left with her boyfriend.

The room that was previously practically silent was now filled with laughter.

"Where'd blondie go?" Sofia asked as she walked over to grab a drink from the counter.

"She got into a mood because Nicco wasn't paying attention to her and went home." Brando laughed.

Niccolò swiftly walked back into the lounge and greeted his bestfriend.

"So what movie are we watching?" Vitto asked as he sat down on the couch placing his girl in his lap.

"I was thinking Scream VI." Camilla suggested to the group.

The movie played, to which most of the group didn't pay much attention to.

The jumpscares made the boys laugh as the girls screamed.

No one was tired after the movie ended.

"What do you guys wanna do?" Chiara asked.

"Let's play truth or dare." Brando suggested.

"That's so boring Bra." Niccolò stated as he lit another cigarette.

"I get it, you're scared" Brando continued with a smirk.

"I'm not scared, it's just childish." The boy explained back.

"Let's just play" Sofia stated moving to sit in a circle.

"Okay Sofia...truth or dare?" Brando asked.

"Truth." She responded.

"What's the biggest thing you've kept from our parents?" He smirked.

"Uh- probably that my first kiss was with a girl." Sofia shrugged as she inhaled the cigarette that was being passed around.

"Wait what?!" The group exclaimed simultaneously.

"What? I thought you guys already knew..." Sofia uttered in slight confusion.

"I mean I don't like date girls but I've kissed them before." She rambled.

"So you're basically like bisexual." Vitto asserted.

"I mean I wouldn't put it like that but okay" Sofia responded.

The group continued playing a few rounds.

"Chiara...I dare you to kiss Sofia." Carlo dared to the girl to which smiled.

"You're such a perv Carlo, Jesus." Sofia mumbled before moving closer to Chiara and kissing her.

The kiss was just for the dare of course...but the girls couldn't help but try and make the boys jealous.

The moment stopped as a scoff came from Niccolò, who quickly stood up and stormed out of the room into his own space.

"What's up with him?" Vitto asked.

"I don't know." Camilla shrugged.

"Can't handle two girls making out, probably went to sort out something downstairs." Brando joked pointing to his pants earning a push from his sister as the girls 'ew'd' in disgust.

"Don't be weird." Sofia stated to her brother.

Luckily, it was Thursday the next morning meaning Sofia could sleep in on the weekend after another early morning.

But now she was faced with another endless day of school.

Oh how she hated school.

Seeing the same depressed faces around the building.

Most up to no good.

Smoking, selling drugs, vandalism...the list was endless.

"Do you wanna go into town on Friday and buy an outfit for the party?" Camilla asked Sofia as they sat in lesson paying zero attention to the teacher.

"Is it that important that a whole new outfit is needed?" Sofia questioned.

"I mean this is a big party Sof, I put a lot of effort to make it important before your boyfriend leaves." She explained.

"I know I know...thank you." Sofia smiled to the girl. "Why can't Chiara go with you?" She continued.

"Because you need an outfit too...besides I want to spend some time with you." Camilla replied earning a hum from the shorter girl as they stood up grabbing their bags when the class was dismissed.

"Hey!" Chiara walked over greeting the two girls who greeted back.

"I can't wait to leave this stupid school for a while." Chiara sighed as she took out her form for her exchange.

"So you three are really leaving me all alone in this shithole." Fabio groaned as he walked closer to his friends.

"Hey! Be grateful...I won't steal your food anymore." Sofia replied with a smile.

"That's if we get chosen." Camilla reassured the group as they agreed.

"I actually need to uh- hand my form in...Sofia do you wanna come with me?" Chiara suggested.

"Sure" The girl shrugged back as they said their goodbyes to the boy and girl and made their way down the hall.

"I need your help." Chiara stated looking down at the shorter girl.

"With handing in your...forms?" Sofia asked slowly in confusion.

"Come with me." Chiara explained as she took Sofia's arm dragging the girl into the bathroom.

"Okay so parents don't want me to go to America but you can help me forge a signature right?" Chiara stated in a somewhat panicked tone.

"What?!" Sofia exclaimed loudly getting shushed by the blonde girl who looked around frantically.
"Are you crazy Chi?! If you get caught-" She continued in a whisper.

"Come on Sof, I need your help." The blonde pleaded.

Sofia was a a goody two shoes when it came to school.
She would never disobey a school rule.

I guess a little signature wouldn't hurt.

"You're so fucking lucky you're my bestfriend." Sofia sighed as she too grasp of the paper and pen and leant it on the nearest sink.

The girls concentration was diverted to the quiet whimpers that came from behind them. As the two looked at eachother slowly, both heads turned to the partly closed cubicle.

Sofia moved ahead of Chiara, leaving gentle knocks on the door awaiting a response of some sort.

"Is- is everything okay in there?" Sofia muttered looking back at Chiara's confused yet worried face.

"Hello?" Chiara called as she moved to open the cubicle door, exposing a crying girl.

The girls intense sobbing continued as she gazed at the two confused girls.

"Are you okay?" Chiara asked with a tone of concern.

The girls weeps turned into balls of laughter as she looked up at Chiara and turned to look at Sofia who stood there unsure of what to do.

"What the fuck do you want?" Ludovica directed her words to the blonde girl.

"Nothing..." Chiara stated.

"We just thought you weren't feeling good or something." Sofia blurted in panic.

The door was later slammed closed as the dark haired girl chuckled.

"Sorry?!" Chiara exclaimed.

"What the fuck?" Sofia mouthed as she walked over and sat up on the edge of a sink as Chiara took hold of her form again.

The raven haired girl soon walked out looking over at the two girls.

"I've got a maths test..." Ludovica explained to the girls. "And I know fuck all, so I was just practicing." She continued.

The girls hummed back in response as they moved their attention back on the piece of paper.

Sofia decided to sit on the side of one of the sinks as she took a juul from her skirt waistband later taking a hit as she looked over to Ludovica who began to apply makeup in the mirror.

"Do you mind?" The short haired girl half smiled as she asked looking at the vape in the girls hand.

"No not at all..." Sofia handed the juul to the girl who inhaled the flavoured air and after returned to reapplying her blush.

"Do you need a hand?" Ludovica asked referring to Chiara's frustration over the form in front of her.

"Oh I've only got one copy...I can't mess it up." Chiara defended. "Thanks though." She continued.

"And yet you wanted me to sign it..." Sofia sighed as she earned a glare from Chiara to which she turned her head down and played with her juul.

Ludovica turned her head to Sofia smiling before she took grasp of the form and pen swiftly leaning it down.

"Now...let's see." She began signing the paper. "Is this your dad's?" She asked looking over at the blonde girl who glanced at Sofia who just shrugged again.

"Look good?" The girl asked moving the paper back to the girl.

"Holy shit." Sofia chimed, moving closer to see the identical signatures next to eachother.

"It's perfect." Chiara sighed looking over at the girl.

" both of you get out of here. I need more time to rehearse again." Ludovica explained before pushing Chiara back to which she scoffed at.

Sofia swiftly jumped off the sink and the two girls speedily walked out of the restroom in utter confusion.

"What the fu-" Sofia begun before getting cut off by Chiara's response.

"I don't know." Chiara muttered back looking back at where they'd just walked out from hearing the familiar sobs once more.


hi loves

I'm back with a new BABY book and I'm so so excited.

First chapters are usually so boring ibr but I just want to make these chapters longer and more enjoyable for y'all.

Pre-writing the first few chapters so I'm not behind :)

I won't abandon you guys this time I promise lmfao.

love u

rori xx

Continue lendo

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