A Kingdom Built Alone ➵ Heroe...

By strawberryfairy00

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"I've got massive beef with Hera" "You're going to have to get in line for that one" percy jackson x male oc ... More

A Kingdom Built Alone


176 12 4
By strawberryfairy00

Chapter Three: Nico, Some Random Beanpole, and an Angel

"Who's the pretty one?"

Kade did his best to shift his weight slightly when his leg began to fall asleep when Reyna flinched for her dagger again, her dogs following suit and growling at Kade.

"Come on, I just asked you to put that away! Can you keep it away, please? It's not like I wanted to know about a million possible different realities so I would appreciate it if you could understand that I am not wielding that knowledge like a weapon." Kade complained, rubbing a hand across his face.

"What do you know? Why were you kept for 73 years? Who did it, and how did they do it?" Reyna asked, her eyes never moving from Kade despite his annoyed shifting.

"I know about the prophecy of the eight, me being the eighth. I was kept for 73 years because I need to be alive today for this prophecy to happen. Hera did that, not sure if the possible futures was her idea though. So that's why I know what kind of people you guys are. But I have no idea what major life events are actually going to happen." Kade droned on. He never gave much thought to just how annoying telling his life story would actually be.

"So she did this in order to keep you alive for the prophecy, but Zeus had already made you immortal for the same reason." Reyna stated, not questioned. Kade was grateful that she was putting pieces together on her own. He was running very low on patience.

"Yes, spouses not being able to communicate is oftentimes a sign of a bad marriage. Now, can I please see my brother? I need to meet him. He's all I have left." He had said it so many times that he was beginning to worry that he would have to fight in order to see Nico.

For the first time, Reyna's eyes softened. She hadn't realized that Kade had never actually met Nico before. She had been under the impression that they had been separated and just never found their way back to each other.

"He'll be here soon. You're welcome to go and meet him and Elias when they get here. You'll probably meet Paxton as well." Reyna concluded their discussion quickly. Standing up smoothly and ushering Kade out of the building.

She reached her hand out and turned Kade around to look him over. "You're clean, so you can skip the bathhouse, but I would suggest you eat something. I can't imagine where you were before provided nutrition. You look rather frail."

"How kind of you, Reyna." Kade deadpanned. "Now, do I have to find the mess hall on my own, or are you going to draw me a map?"

Reyna just dragged him somewhere by his elbow, shoved him into Percy and Hazel then stalked off.


As Hazel guided the two older boys to meet Nico and Elias, she had to do her best to tune them out.

"Dude, I can't believe you would just run me over like that." Percy wacked Kade's shoulder in retaliation.

"Next time I get manhandled I'll make sure not to run you over. How's that sound?" Kade snarked back as he held onto his shoulder and tried to rub out some of the soreness. "Also this isn't the mess hall. Where are we?"

Percy just grumbled while catching up to Kade and Hazel, choosing to keep silent despite glaring over in Kade's direction every so often. Hazel had to hold back her snicker at Percy's attitude, it was nice to see him a little bit less defensive than he had been. His eyes only seemed sad now. The hardness built from self-preservation had softened.

Kade's eyes had only been mischievous, but now they held his anxiety for him so his shoulders didn't have to carry the burden. Hazel could tell that he was very anxious to meet Nico. She could only hope that their meeting would go well. Thankfully, Nico had been very open and welcoming to her. So hopefully, Kade being his brother, would make the introduction go over smoothly.

"You are going to meet your brother." Hazel smiled lightly.

"He's our brother, Hazel." Kade corrected. He took a deep breath in before looking down the hill. "There he is."

"Hazel, who's the pretty one?" Percy spoke up, seemingly on impulse because he even looked surprised by his words.  Hazel's eyes flew over to Percy. She tilted her head in confusion. While Kade gasped dramatically, smacking Percy's chest in a teasing manner.

"That's Elias. He comes whenever Nico comes." Hazel's words caused Percy to nod as he took in the information.

"Actually, he looks familiar. His face is one of the only two I can see clearly when I think about my past." Percy spoke up, catching Kade's attention.

"Who else do you remember, Percy?" Kade questioned, not entirely sure which of the possible futures would be the one to play out.

"Annabeth, she's my best friend." Percy stated. "I only know Annabeth and Elias, everything and everyone else is gone."

"Not gone, Percy. Just not in reach right now." Kade comforted, sending the boy a playful wink. He had to step back when Percy reached out to smack Kade's arm. "Now, I want to go meet our brother."

They made their descent down the hill, Percy's mind drifted to the conversation that Octavian and Hazel had. She didn't seem like the person to keep secrets let alone have any to keep in the first place. But it truly seemed like Octavian knew about the worst possible thing that she could have done and the boy had every intention of holding that over her head.

Their journey stopped at a little black crypt nestled into the side of the hill. In front of the crypt was three boys. Nico, who was dressed in black jeans and his signature aviator jacket. Elias, the previously mentioned pretty boy. Who had tanned skin that showed freckles that made constellations across his cheeks and dyed blonde hair that touched his neck.  But there was third boy that made Kade stop in his tracks, he recognized Nico and Elias. This third boy hadn't been in the possible futures that he had seen when he was stuck in his time loop. Plus the boy had an arm wrapped around Nico's waist and the smaller boy didn't seem to be protesting. Maybe his little brother had a boyfriend, Kade smiled at the thought.

"Hey." Hazel called out to the trio. "I brought friends."

All three of the boys turned to face the trio that just came down the hill.

"This is Percy Jackson." Hazel started. "He's a good guy."

Percy waved before shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

"And this is Kade Drewitt." Hazel clapped her hands out of excitement. "He's our brother, and he's really old."

"How is that a selling point?" Kade asked, mortified as he held his hand out to shake.

Only Nico reached his hand out the shake, perhaps it was only the oldies who are used to handshakes but the other boys still gave their greetings. "Pleased to meet you, I'm Nico di Angelo."

"Hi, I'm Elias. It's nice to meet you." The blonde boy's smile was blinding. His deep voice caught Percy and Kade off guard. The two of them had heard his voice before, but this was the first time hearing it in person for Kade. Percy completely forgot hearing the other boy's voice along with most of his life.

"Howdy, I'm Paxton. The light of Nico's life." The tall boy had medium dark brown hair and a teasing smile on his face. Nico shoved Paxton off of him at the jab but everyone could still see him flush and smile.

"I'm literally stuck with you." The younger son of Hades grumbled as he dusted his jacket off, wiping off imaginary dirt.

"Hey now, we're soulmates but that doesn't mean you're just stuck with me." Paxton poked Nico's arm incessantly. "You know that you like me."

Well Kade hadn't been expecting that. When it comes to seemingly fictional things being said by demigods, those things usually aren't so fictional. "Soulmates?"

"Yeah! Just take a look." Kade and Nico both held up their pinkies, and after a little while a small red string could be seen tied around each pinky to connect the two of them forever.

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