The Depth Between Us

By KAAllen01

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Michelle and her teenage daughter, Kiera have been victims of domestic violence at the hands of their husband... More

Background Info & Cast
Part 1: The Final Straw
Part 2: A New Beginning
Part 3: Rescue Dive
Part 4: Undercover
Part 5: Kidnapped
Part 6: It's All Over
Part 7: Fireworks
Part 8: Kops & Kids
Part 9: The Last Dance
Part 10: Forever My Girl
Part 12: Goodbye
Part 13: Love's to Blame
Author's Note

Part 11: Happy Birthday

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By KAAllen01

It was getting close to the end of August. Jay was about to leave the apartment to go to work when something on the calendar caught his attention. Kiera's 18th birthday was on that Friday, which means that he only has a few days to plan special something for her.

Jay thought of ideas as he drove to work. The only idea he had was having a little celebration with everyone in Intelligence. He got to the District and went up to the Intelligence Unit.

"Hey, Sarge. You got a minute?" Jay asked.

"Sure, come on in." Hank said.

Jay sits down in front of Hank's desk.

"Kiera's birthday is this Friday. Is it too much to ask if we can celebrate her birthday here?" Jay asked.

"Hmm." Hank murmured, pondering the idea.

"It won't be anything big. Just cake, presents, and maybe a little decorations." Jay thought.

"I'll allow it. She's a resilient kid who deserves to celebrate her special day with people that has been there for her." Hank said.

"Thank you." Jay said, shaking hands with his Sergeant.

"Guys, how do you feel about setting up a surprise party for Kiera? It's not gonna be like a blowout, just something small yet meaningful." Jay asked everyone.

They all got excited at the idea and thought it would be cool.

"I can order the cake." Kim said.

"The rest of us can take care of decorations." Adam volunteered.

"Has Kiera mentioned any gift ideas?" Hailey asked.

"She likes music, reading, and watercolor, along with needing a few more things for her dorm room. Honestly, if you guys see something that you think she would like, just go with your gut." Jay explained.

After the team figured out everything, Jay put his trust in them to make this party special.

The next day, Kim goes into SweetHearts bakery before going to work to order Kiera's birthday cake. She is greeted by Ms. Sharyn at the register.

"Hi. Welcome to SweetHearts. How can I help you?" she said.

"Thank you. I'm here to order a birthday cake." Kim says.

"Here's our design book that contains all the options we can make." Ms. Sharyn said, setting down a thick binder on the counter.

Kim was thumbing through the binder to look at all the options the bakery can do for a cake.

"Wow, you guys sure do have a lot to offer. It's so hard to choose because all these designs look incredible." Kim complimented.

"Thank you. Mind if I ask whose birthday is coming up?" Ms. Sharyn asked.

"My coworker's daughter. Her name is Kiera." Kim answered.

"Kiera Ralston?" Ms. Sharyn questioned.

"Yeah. How do you know her?" Kim asked.

"She used to work here part-time a while back." Ms. Sharyn explained.

"No way. I see why she liked working here." Kim said.

"Oh yes. Kiera was a great employee and I really bonded with her." Ms. Sharyn explained.

"Umm, do you have any recommendations on what Kiera would like since you know her so well?" Kim asked to change the subject back.

"I've made her birthday cake for the past few years and this one is her absolute favorite." Ms. Sharyn said, pointing to a picture of a chocolate cake with rainbow sprinkles.

"All right. I'm gonna trust you on this one." Kim said, confirming the selection.

"Perfect! Just fill out this order form and we'll take care of the rest." Ms. Sharyn said, handing Kim a blank order form.

She filled out the information on the order form, such as the cake size, type of icing, the selected design, the lettering, and the time frame of when the cake had to be ready by. Kim handed the form back to Ms. Sharyn when she was done.

"Thank you." Kim said.

"We'll call when it's ready. Kiera's gonna love it." Ms. Sharyn said.

Kim gave her a smile, then left the bakery to go to work.


It's the morning of Kiera's birthday!

Jay woke up a little earlier than his usual time because he's going to make Kiera's favorite breakfast. He figured that she'd wanna sleep in on her birthday, so he's gonna leave it on the island for her.

Jay writes her a note and leaves it by the breakfast tray. He goes back to his bedroom and wrap up his gift for her and he'll give it to her that night. Then, he left his apartment and drove to the District.

He walked through the lobby and approached Trudy at the front desk.

"Hey, Sarge. Can you do me a favor?" Jay asked Trudy.

"Maybe, if I feel up to it." she answered in her usual, cranky yet authoritative voice.

"Be on the lookout for Kiera and buzz her up to the Unit when she gets here. It's important!" Jay said, then went upstairs.

"Sure, I'll be on the lookout." Trudy said to herself, then went back to figuring out her daily crossword puzzle.

Jay walked into the Unit to find Hailey and Vanessa on step ladders, hanging up streamers from one side of the room to the other. Antonio and Kim hadn't arrived, and Hank was in his office. Adam and Kevin were attempting to blow up balloons.

"This is harder than it looks." Adam says, while trying to figure out the helium tank.

Then, Antonio walks in with a little gift bag in his hand and dodges a balloon flying in his direction.

"Really, dude. What was that for?" he questioned to Adam as he took off his jacket.

"Sorry, man." Adam apologized.

A few minutes later, Kim comes in with her gift and the birthday cake. Everyone took a minute to look at it before she put it in the fridge in the break room.

"Jay, when do you think Kiera will be here?" Hank asked as he was coming out of his office.

"She usually wakes up around this time and it doesn't take her long to get ready. She'll text me when she's on the way here. So that gives us a little more time to finish setting up and do any work." Jay explained.

The amount of decorations was enough for simple party. The desks had three lavender purple balloons weighed down by a paper weight and there were two streamers floating from one side of the room to the other.

Back at home, Kiera woke up around 9:00am. She practically jumped out of bed because she's always cheery on her birthday. She walks out to the kitchen to find the plate of pancakes and scrambled eggs on a tray on the island. There was a note from Jay beside it.

"Happy Birthday, champ! Eat up and come down to the District. By the way, you might wanna heat up your breakfast first.

Love Dad :-)"

Kiera smiled at the sweet note and that he made breakfast for her. She put the plate in the microwave for a few seconds to warm it up before she ate it. It was so delicious that she devoured every bite.

After she was done eating, Kiera went to her room to get ready. She put her hair up in a mid ponytail, then put on a dressy pink short-sleeved shirt, a knee-length jean skirt, and white Converse sneakers.

Kiera went out to the parking garage and got in her car. She drove to the 21st District and parked in the front parking lot. Kiera walked into the lobby and approached Trudy at the front desk. The Sergeant looks up from her crossword puzzle to see Kiera coming in.

"Just the girl I am calling for." Trudy said as she comes from around the desk.

She guides Kiera over to the stairs and used the palm scanner to let her up to the Intelligence Unit. Everyone in Intelligence heard the gate buzzer go off, which signals that someone is coming up.

"Here she comes. Hide!" Vanessa whispered.

With that, everyone hid behind a desk and waited for the birthday girl to arrive.

Trudy and Kiera walk up to the Intelligence Unit to see lavender purple balloons and streamers all over the room.

"What is all this?" Kiera questioned.

Then, everyone in Intelligence jumped out of their hiding spots and threw purple confetti.

"SURPRISE!" they cheered.

She was so shocked that they went out of their way to plan something this special for her.

"Are you surprised?" Adam asked her.

Kiera nodded her head yes. Her attention focused on Jay as he walked towards her with an envelope in his hands.

"It's from your Mom." Jay said, handing her the envelope.

Kiera took the envelope from him and ripped it open. She pulled out a mother to daughter birthday card. On the inside, it said:

Happy Birthday, my sweet angel

Miss you heaps...all my love,
Mom 🖤

Kiera smiled, thinking that her mother didn't forget her birthday with everything going on.

Jay guided her to his desk and she sat down in the chair. Everyone came over with their gifts.

Hailey was first and she handed her gift to Kiera. She read the card first, then pulled out the tissue paper. Kiera pulled out a new watercolor palette and a set of paint brushes.

"I love it! Thanks, Hailey." she said, giving her a hug.

"Happy birthday, K." Hailey said.

Kim was second and she handed her gift to Kiera. She read the card first, then ripped off the wrapping paper. Kiera got all the paper off to reveal a picture frame with a monogram of Kiera's initials.

"This will be perfect for my dorm room. Thanks, Kim." she said, giving her a hug.

"Happy birthday." Kim said.

Vanessa was third and she handed her gift to Kiera. She read the card first, then pulled out the tissue paper. Kiera pulled out a gift certificate for a spa day and a bag of assorted Lindt chocolates.

"Thanks, Vanessa. We'll have to find a day to have a spa and these chocolates are my favorite." Kiera said, giving her a hug.

"Happy birthday. If you're having a stressful day, chocolate will make everything better." Vanessa said.

Adam was fourth and he handed his gift to Kiera. She read the card first, then ripped off the wrapping paper. Kiera got all the paper off to reveal a white box. She opened the box and there was a Central Chicago University sweatshirt inside.

"Thanks, Adam. I'll definitely be showing off my school spirit now." Kiera said, giving him a hug.

"Happy birthday." Adam said.

Kevin was fifth and he handed his gift to Kiera. She read the card first, then pulled out the tissue paper. Kiera then pulls out a square box that's covered in wrapping paper.

"Classic." Jay commented as he laughed.

"I learned that trick from an old friend." Kevin stated.

"Let me guess, your mother?" Adam questioned.

"Maybe." Kevin said nonchalantly.

Kiera tore off the wrapping paper to reveal a pair of AirPods.

"Awe, Kevin. Thanks, but you didn't have to do that." Kiera said, giving him a hug.

"It's fine, really. I figured you need an upgrade from those corded headphones. Happy birthday, queen." Kevin said.

Antonio was last and he handed his gift to Kiera. She read the card first, then pulled out the tissue paper. Kiera pulled out another box and opened it to reveal a silver bangle bracelet that says "Warrior" on it.

"I love it! Thanks, Antonio." Kiera said as she put the bracelet on her right wrist.

"You know, my daughter, Eva helped me pick it out. So, she deserves some of the credit." Antonio admitted.

"Well, tell her I said thank you too." Kiera said.

"I will. Happy birthday, Kiera." Antonio said, then gave her a hug.

After opening all the presents, Kim brought out the cake and sat it down in front of Kiera.

"Wait a minute! Is this what I think it is?" Kiera questioned as she examined the cake.

"Yes. It's from SweetHearts bakery, where you used to work. Ms. Sharyn said this was your favorite cake." Kim answered.

Kiera couldn't help but smile.

"You guys are the best." she said to everyone.

"No, Kiera. Jay was right, you're the best. We're just so happy to see that you're okay." Hailey said.

Jay lit up the candles, then they all sang "happy birthday."

Jay kneeled beside Kiera.

"Go on, make a wish." he encouraged.

"Let's make one together." she said as she grabbed his hand.

They both closed their eyes and thought of a wish, then blew out the candles together. Everyone else clapped for them. Kim cut the cake and distributed pieces to everyone.

"So, how does it feel to be an adult now?" Hank asked Kiera.

"Honestly, I don't feel like an adult." she answered.

"You just gotta get used to it." Hailey commented.

"Kiera, does this bakery offer catering?" Antonio asked.

"Yeah. Why?" she answered.

"I was wondering if they could cater my kids' birthdays." Antonio explained.

"They'll do it, you just gotta make arrangements with Ms. Sharyn, the owner." Kiera said.

"It must've been cool to work at a bakery." Vanessa said.

"Oh, it was. It was my first part-time job and I started working right when Ms. Sharyn opened. She truly loves what she does and she treats all of her employees like her own children." Kiera said.

"Awe, that's so sweet." Jay said.

"Not as sweet as this cake." Kevin commented.

"You know, I don't think I've told you guys this. But, I really do appreciate you all looking out for me." Kiera said, changing the subject.

"It's in a cop's DNA." Adam commented.

"Not like that. I mean I feel like I have three other Moms and Dads here." Kiera finally said.

After she said that, they all stopped eating their cake and got up to give her a hug one by one. Hailey and Antonio were the last ones.

"We're proud of you for breaking free because there's always a battle that's worth fighting for." Hailey said to her, then squeezed her tight.

She let go of Kiera, then let Antonio come up to her.

"If someone messes with a cop's kid, then they mess with all of us. We're a family here and we don't leave anyone behind. Kiera, I can see you as my own daughter." Antonio told her, then wrapped his arms around her.

When the party was starting to die down, the decorations came down. After the cleanup, Hank approaches Kiera.

"Can I see you in my office, please?" he asked her.

"Yes, sir." Kiera said.

She got up from Jay's desk and followed Hank into his office. He closed the door behind her.

"Have a seat." Hank said as he sat down at his desk.

"Am I in trouble or something?" Kiera asked.

"Oh, no. You're not in trouble with me on your birthday. I just wanted to talk to you about something." Hank said.

"Oh okay. What about?" Kiera said as she sat down.

"I just wanted to personally thank you because you've been a great help to us whenever we needed you." Hank said.

"Of course. I'm glad to help out in anyway I can." Kiera said.

"I'm not finished yet. You've got a good heart and incredible intuition. Which is why I think you would be great somewhere in Law Enforcement. You could be a criminal psychologist or a counselor." Hank said.

"Well, I'm flattered, but I've had my heart set on Marine Biology for as long as I can remember. I don't know if I can just give that up." Kiera explained.

"I'm not saying that. What I am getting at is I know potential when I see it. You've got skills like no one else." Hank said.

Kiera was pondering what she had just heard. Maybe there is a different career path calling her name.

"Just think on it." Hank advises.

"Okay." Kiera said, then got up from the chair.

Hank stood up from his desk, then pulled a little slip of paper out of his pocket.

"Kiera, I apologize for not getting you a birthday gift, but this is the least I can do. I've done this for quite a few kids over the years, but I don't just give it out to anybody. If you need help for any reason, I'd like to think we would be your first call." he said, then headed her his PD information card.

Kiera looked at Hank square in the eye, then pulled him into a hug. The old man was caught off guard when the girl hugged him, but he wrapped his arms around her as if she was his own.

"Thank you for believing in me." Kiera softly said.

"Anytime, kid." Hank said.

She walked out of the office and went back to Jay's desk. Kiera pulled out her journal from her bag and start to write a Pros and Cons list for the Marine Biology and the Criminal Justice college degrees. Then, Jay walks over to her.

"Hey, champ." he said.

"Hi." Kiera said, then went back to writing.

"Whatcha doing?" Jay asked as he leaned against the side of his desk.

"Writing a Pros and Cons list for two different college majors." Kiera answered.

"Different major? I thought you were going to study Marine Biology." he questioned.

"I thought so too. That is, until Hank suggested that I could do something in Law Enforcement, such as a criminal psychologist or a counselor." Kiera said.

"That's a great idea. I can so see you doing that." Jay said, encouraging the idea.

"Exactly, which is why I'm writing all this stuff out so that I can make my decision." Kiera said.

"I hate to break it to you, but you only have a few days left until you move onto campus, so you better decide fast and make the switch." Jay said.

"Can you stop reminding me." Kiera said, then went back to writing her list.

"Let me warn you now. If you choose to pursue a degree in Criminal Justice, then there is no turning back. Once you're in, you're committed." Jay pointed out.

"Are you trying to scare her?" Hailey asked from his desk.

"Why? Is it working?" Jay questioned.

"Kiera, just follow your heart." Vanessa told her.

Kiera finished her Pros and Cons list, then went to the break room to get a water bottle. She saw the cake container in the fridge and noticed that there was enough cake left for three people. Kiera opened the container and cut out a slice and put it on a plate with a fork.

She then walked out of the break room and started walking towards the stairs.

"Where you taking that?" Kevin asked her.

"It's for Trudy." she answered.

As soon as she said that, Adam and Kevin got up from their desks and blocked her way.

"Let us save you the aggravation." Adam said.

"What are you talking about?" Kiera questioned.

"A piece of cake or anything special won't magically get you on Platt's good side." Kevin said.

"This isn't about getting on her good side, it's just a kind gesture. You know, the smallest thing can make the biggest impact." Kiera said, then walked past them.

The two of them followed her down the stairs to see how this plays out.

"Is she always philosophical?" Antonio asked Jay.

"Sometimes." he answered.

Kiera walks out of the Intelligence Unit and down to the lobby. Adam and Kevin wait by the gate as they watch the girl approach their desk Sergeant.

"Excuse me, Ms. Trudy?" Kiera said to get her attention.

"That's Sergeant Platt to you. What do you want?" Trudy said in her usual, cranky yet authoritative voice.

"Sorry. I thought you would want the last piece of my birthday cake." Kiera said, setting the plate in front of the desk Sergeant.

Then, it was like something in Trudy changed when she took the first bite of cake.

"Oh my goodness, this is delicious! Thank you Kiera." Trudy said with her mouth full.

"You're very welcome." Kiera said, then started making her way towards the stairs.

"Oh, and happy birthday!" Trudy said.

"Thank you." Kiera said.

She approached Adam and Kevin at the top of the stairs, by the gate.

"How'd you do that? What's your secret?" Adam asked.

"Simple: kill them with kindness." Kiera said, then walked past them.

"That'd be the last thing I'd use to kill someone with, let alone Trudy Platt." Kevin said to Adam.

A few hours later, Will stops by the District real quick to drop off Kiera's birthday card, which also had a restaurant gift card inside.


At the end of the day, Jay and Kiera walk into their apartment. She crashes down on the couch in exhaustion, then looks through all of her birthday gifts. Which makes Jay remember his birthday gift for her.

He goes to his bedroom to retrieve the gift from his dresser, then walks back out to the living room and sits next to Kiera on the couch.

"You have one more birthday surprise." Jay said, handing her the gift bag.

She pulls the card out of the envelope. It was a father to daughter birthday card. It said:

To my wonderful daughter, you are the light of my world and no one can take away your sparkle. You can do anything that your heart desires and I will always be there for you.

Happy Birthday Kiera!
Love, Dad

Kiera pulls out the tissue paper to see a tiny, lavender box at the bottom of the gift bag. She pulls it out and opens it to reveal a star ring with purple iridescent gemstones.

"Oh my goodness." she softly gasps in astonishment.

"It's beautiful. Thanks, Dad." Kiera said to him.

"This is for you to remember you that no matter what happens in this life, you're always a star to me." Jay explained.

Kiera smiled as she pulled the ring out of the box. Jay took it from her and slid it on her right ring finger.

"You know, I picked this ring out all by myself." he said, taking pride in his decision.

"It's perfect." Kiera giggled.

They ate the last two pieces of the birthday cake, then called it a night.

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