Paw Patrol AU: Shattered Bonds

By Antonio_leSha

7.6K 51 39

This is a side story for Book 1 of my series (A Journey Never to Forget) Marshall's clumsiness has been causi... More

Chapter 2: Regret
Chapter 3: Memories
Chapter 4: Faith
Chapter 5: Icy-Hot Feelings
Chapter 6: On the Case!
Chapter 7: Brothers?

Chapter 1: Broken and Alone

1.8K 11 19
By Antonio_leSha

It was an ordinary day in Adventure Bay. Dina and Ryder were playing video games and the pups were playing tag. We'll all except for one. That pup was Marshall. Chase insisted he sat out since he usually messes the games up. Being a kind pup and not wanting to upset his friends further he sat by a tree nearby and watched. Marshall was just thinking to himself.

Marshall: "Why don't they understand that I can't control my clumsiness. I get that it can be annoying, but why make me sit out like this. It's just not fair."

Marshall got up and walked to his pup house on the side of the Lookout. He got in and it turned into his fire truck.

Marshall: "Maybe a little drive around will help me take my mind off everything."

Marshall started his truck and he drove off. No one noticed, not even the other pups.

Marshall drove around the town as he waved to the people around him. He saw kids having fun. Adults relaxing or taking walks or doing other stuff. Everything was peaceful that day.
Marshall eventually drove by Mr. Porters and Decided to stop by and say hi to him and Alex.

Marshall parked his truck and hopped out. He walked over and saw Alex drawing with crayons and Mr. Porter sweeping.

Marshall: "Hey Mr. Porter, hey Alex!"

Alex: "Hi Marshall!"

Alex ran up to Marshall to show him the drawing he was working on. The drawing had him and the other paw patrol members drawn on it, it looked very good for someone his age.

Marshall: "Wow Alex, that looks amazing!"

Alex: "Thanks Marshall!"

Alex game Marshall a hug and pet him which Marshall enjoyed.

Mr. Porter: "Hello Marshall."

Marshall: "Hi Mr. Porter."

Mr. Porter: "What bring you here today?"

Marshall: "Juts wanted to go for a drive is all. What are you up to?"

Mr. Porter: "I'm cleaning up the cafe. I also need to put those vegetables away. Could you help me out?"

Marshall: "Sure thing!"

Marshall went to a box and grabbed it with his teeth. He slowly walked over to make sure he didn't drop it.

Even though he tried his best. He tripped and fell causing all the vegetables to spill out everywhere. Marshall looked down in shame.

Marshall: "I'm sorry Mr. Porter."

Mr. Porter pet Marshall softly

Mr. Porter: "It's okay buddy, I guess I should've been a bit considerate that it would be hard to move the box with your teeth. Thank you for wanting to help though, effort goes a long way."

Marshall still down felt a little better about his mistake after that.

Marshall: "Thanks Mr. Porter, I'm gonna go see how Mayor Goodway's doing."

Mr. Porter: "Okay Marshall, have a good day!"

Marshall waked goodbye and he drove off to Town Hall.

A few minutes later Marshall arrived at Town Hall and saw Mayor Goodway tending to her tulips.

Marshall: "Hello Mayor!"

Mayor Goodway: "Oh hello Marshall! How are you?"

Marshall: "I'm alright."

Mayor Goodway noticed Marshall was a little down but didn't say anything.

Mayor Goodway: "What do you think of my Tulips Marshall?"

Marshall: "Wow, they're very pretty Mayor!"

Mayor Goodway: "Thank you Marshall. Oh can you do me a favor and grab my little shovel for me? I need to dig up some more dirt to plant some more tulips."

Marshall: "Oh course Mayor Goodway."

Marshall walked over to the shower while stepping over the hose so he didn't trip. He grabbed the shower with his teeth and walked back to Mayor Goodway. Everything was fine until his leg got caught in the hose as Mayor Goodway moved it and he tripped and fell right into her tulips.

Mayor Goodway: "Marshall! Are you okay?"

Marshall was a little dizzy but he shook it off.

Marshall: "Yeah, I'm fine, but you tulips are ruined. I'm sorry Mayor."

Mayor Goodway: "Oh don't be sorry Marshall, it was my fault. I'm the one who moved the hose. Besides I can plant more tulips anyway."

Marshall: "Are you sure."

Mayor Goodway: "I'm sure Marshall."

Marshall waved goodbye to Mayor Goodway as she did the same and he drove off.

Marshall: "Hmm maybe I can see if Farmer Yumi can teach me some more Pup-Fu. I bet that will take my mind off everything."

Marshall felling better drove off to the farm.

Meanwhile at the lookout

Dina and Ryder had just finished a game of smash bros in which they lost, to an AI.

Ryder: "Man that sucked."

Dina: "Your telling me. Wana go see what the pups are up too?"

Ryder nodded and agreement and they walked outside to se the pups playing. Dina noticed Marshall wasn't with them.

Dina: "Hey, where's Marshall?"

Ryder: "Oh yeah, I don't see him."

Dina: "And his fire truck is gone too."

Ryder: "Let's ask the pups."

Dina and Ryder walked up to the pups who were still playing tag.

Dina: "Hey Pups."

The pups stopped and said hello to their owners.

Pups: "Hi Ryder. Hi Dina."

Dina: "Where is Marshall? His fire truck is not here."

The pups were confused when they looked at where the Dally's truck was supposed to be only for it to not be there.

Chase: "I don't know."

Dina: "I'll call him."

Dina called Marshall and he awnsered.

Dina: "Hi Marshall, where are you?"

Marshall: "Hi guys, I going to see if Farmer Yumi is available. I want to learn some more Pup-Fu."

Dina: "Okay buddy. Please make sure to tell someone when your leaving in your own next time. It's gets us worried."

Marshall: "Okay, I won't. Ill see you guys later."

Dina: "Bye Marshall!"

Marshall then hung up the call.

Dina: "Looks like he's alright. Hey, you wana go play again Ryder?"

Ryder: "Oh yeah, but this time we won't loose."

Dina: "That's the spirit!"

Dina and Ryder walked back into the lookout.

Skye: "Whew, they're gone."

Rubble: "I'm glad Marshall left for a bit, we can finally enjoy a game without being knocked over."

Rocky: "I know right?"

Zuma: "Agreed."

Chase: "Maybe he'll be less clumsy when he comes back."

Magenta looked rather concerned that the pups were acting like this toward Marshall. For what she knew, this has never happened before.

Magenta: "You guys really don't feel bad making Marshall sit out like that?"

Rubble: "Of course not! Well... maybe."

Chase: "His clumsiness is getting annoying."

Everyone else except Magenta: "Yeah."

Magenta: "I guess that's fair but just don't make him think you guys hate him. He may be clumsy but he's still our friend."

Chase while being annoyed by Marshall was a little considerate that his friend had feelings.

Chase: "I won't, but I need a break from it you know?"

Magenta: "Okay, that's fine. Just please don't do something stupid."

Chase nodded and they went back to playing tag.

Meanwhile at Farmer Yumi's

Farmer Yumi was tending to her crops as usual while humming.

Yumi: "Today is a nice day out."

Yumi then heard the sound of a vehicle driving closer. Yumi looked in the fit the sound was coming from and saw Marshall in his fire truck.

Yumi: "Oh it's Marshall. He's probably here for some Pup-Fu training."

Marshall parked his truck and walked over to Farmer Yumi.

Marshall: "Hi Farmer Yumi!

Yumi: "Hello Marshall! I assume your heat for Pup-Fu training?"

Marshall: "I sure am!"

Yumi: *chuckle* "Alright, just give me a few minutes to finish tending to my crops. Would you like to help?"

Marshall: "Sorry Yumi, but I've been pretty clumsy today. I don't want to mess up your crops."

Yumi: "That's alright Marshall, why don't you go get ready and wait for me in the barn."

Marshall: "Okay!"

Marshall went to go get his Pup-Fu uniform on and waited for Yumi. After a few minutes he sees Yumi walk in with her Karate clothes and a black ninja headband. She was a black belt.
Now she was known as Sensei Yumi and not Farmer Yumi.

Yumi: "Are you ready Marshall?"

Marshall: "I'm ready."

Marshall practiced his Pup/Fu skills while learning from Sensei Yumi. After about 45 minutes they called it a day.

Yumi: "Your improving fast Marshall."

Marshall bowed

Marshall: "Thank you Sensei a Yumi for teaching me. I am going to drive back to the lookout now."

Yumi: "Goodbye Marshall!"

Marshall changed back into his uniform and drove off to the lookout. He got back to the lookout and parked his truck and took off his uniform.

Marshall: "I feel a lot better now. I wonder what everyone else is up to?"

Marshall walked inside and saw the pups watching Apollo the Super Pup.

Marshall: "Hey guys!"

Everyone except Magenta panicked a little that Marshall was back.

Magenta: "Hey Marshall! We're watch Apollo the Super Pup! Want to join us?"

Marshall: "Sure I would love too!"

Marshall walked over to take a seat on a bean bag. However he didn't realize some tennis balls were left on the floor.

Chase: "Marshall lookout for those-"

Before Chase could finish Marshall had slipped on one of the balls and fell back and the ball was sent flying forward. It went straight toward Skye but she moved out of the way in time.

Marshall: "I'm so sorry is everyone okay?"

Marshall was so concerned about his friends he didn't realize the ball had cracked the TV making it turn static.

Marshall: "Are you hurt Skye?"

Chase was fed up by this. Not only had Marshall almsot hit Skye, the pup he loved ,but he broke the TV. Chase walked up to Marshall with anger in his eyes, growling, showing his teeth to his friend. Marshall slowly backed up in fear. Chase was considered an older brother in Marshall's eyes, so he was terrified that he was being threatened by him. The other pups looked at Marshall with anger as well, all except Magenta who was also kind of scared.

Magenta: "Guys calm down, your scaring Marshall!"

Chase: "Good! I'm tired of him! He almost hit Skye!"

Magenta: "It was an accident Chase!"

Chase growled at Magenta making her stumble back in fear.

Marshall: "Comon guys please! It was an accident!"


Rubble had never been this angry before. Marshall knew this was gonna be bad for him.




Marshall at this point was tearing up crying.

Marshall: "P-please stop it..."


Chase took a breath before speaking one last time.

Chase: "I wish I never considered you a younger brother to me idiot."

Marshall couldn't handle what Chase had said to him. The pup he looked up to. The pup he followed. The pup who he looked at as his older brother. Chase hated him along with everyone else except for Magenta who was also terrified as she was whimpering in horror hearing them say such horrible things to the pup.

Marshall: "Y-you d-don't... mean that... right?"

Marshall was nearly in the verge of breaking down. Even seeing his own friend. His own brother about to cry like no one's ever cried before. He just stared at him with the same angry expression.

Chase: "Yes. I. Do."

Marshall couldn't handle it anymore, he ran out of the lookout crying and went into his pup house and locked the door scared of what might happen if he comes out.

Chase who had finally calmed down along with the other pups looked at Magenta.

Chase: "Sorry about that Magenta."

Magenta just sat there frozen.

Skye: "Magenta?"

Magenta still didn't move.

Zuma: "Let's leave hew alone for now, I'm suwe she'll be fine in a few minutes."

The five walked out leaving Magenta alone is a state of horror.

Magenta: "W-what did I just watch... Was that really Chase?"

Magenta sat there for a few minutes trying to contemplate what she just watched. Meanwhile Marshall was in his pup house crying his eyes out.

Marshall: *sobbing* "A-am I really that worthless to you Chase. I looked at you as an older brother. I felt safe because you were around. Now I feel scared and alone."

Marshall then had an idea

Marshall: *sobbing* "If they don't want he on the team. Then I'll leave and quit being a burden to them."

Marshall started packing his things. Mainly bring his Teddy Bear and his picture of him with the team.

Marshall: "I don't need them in this..."

Marshall using his claws cut the paper only leaving himself, Magenta, Dina, and Ryder on the photo.

Marshall then decided to leave a note for them to read. Attached to it were the other 5 pups whom he ripped off of it. He put the note on the inside of the lookout.

Marshall put on his uniform, started his truck, and then drove off. Marshall took one last look at the tower.

Marshall: "Goodbye Magenta, Dina, and Ryder... I'm going to miss you..."

Marshall then drove across the bridge completely out of sight.


Dina and Ryder were at the top discussing some more important things and had just finished.

Dina: "That takes care of that."

Ryder: "Yep. I'm gonna hang out up here for a little bit."

Dina: "Okay Ryder, I'm going to go check on the pups."

Dina walked in the elevator and it went down. She expected to walk out and see all the pups watching the movie laughing  and having fun, but she saw made her entire heart drop. All she could see was Magenta in the corner with a look of fear in her eyes frozen. She looked to the left and saw the damaged TV.

Dina: "What the hell..."

Dina ran up to Magenta

Dina: "Magenta? Magenta!"

Magenta finally snapped out of her shock.

Magenta: *breathing heavily* "Oh g-god..."

Dina hugged the pup as she was sobbing into her shirt. Dina didn't care though, she was concerned about her and as to what happened.

Dina: "Hey, what happened."

Dina spoke softly since the pup was clearly in a terrible state.

Magenta: "M-Marshall h-he... crying... C-Chase... yelling..."

Magenta was struggling to get the words out of her mouth.

Dina: "It's okay... deep breaths..."

Magenta started taking deep breaths to try and calm down. Dina noticed a piece of paper on the wall. She placed Magenta on the bean bag nearby and she went read it.

Dina: "It's from Marshall."

The Note

If this is Magenta, Dina, or Ryder reading this then keep reading.

I'm truly sorry but I am leaving the Paw Patrol for good. I have made mistake after mistake and have been a burden to everyone. Since I am such a terrible, stupid, idiot. I will not return and save everyone the trouble they would have to deal with. Im sorry Dina, Magenta, and Ryder. I love you 3 so much and I'm So thankful to have had you in my life. Thank you guys for everything you've done for me.
Ryder, thank you for being a the one to take me in when I was alone and afraid. Dina, thank you for being an amazing friend and letting me let loose what's on my mind when I'm down and always being there to listen.
Magenta, thank you for being an amazing pup. I know we've only been together for a few days but it was some Pawsome days.   Please look out for Dina like she looks out for you. I know you guys will do amazing as a team.
Also, tell Chase I'm sorry for not being a little brother that's not a stupid, clumsy, idiot. It's not my fault and it wasn't my choice.
One more thing, please tell Everest that I love her and that she means the world to me. Tell her she was the pup that brightened my heart. She made my world lighten up when she was around. She is beautiful and I wish I could be with her for the rest of my life. I want to be around her forever but I don't want to be a burden anymore.
Thanks you guys for everything.
Love you,

Love Marshall

The note had ended.

Dina just stood there. She couldn't believe what she had just read. She was sad, broken, angry, mad, so many emotions at once. She didn't know how to feel.

Magenta had finally calmed down and walked up to Dina who was standing there.

Magenta: "D-Dina?"

Dina slowly turned around, her face covered in tears.

Dina: "Magenta... Marshall ran away...."

End of Chapter 1

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