Darkness Princess

By GalxyWings

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A girl gets reborn in the universe of kingdom hearts but not as a keyblade wielder of light or a normal girl... More

Waking up as princess of Darkness
phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
phase 4
The final phase

Lets begin the plan

117 1 1
By GalxyWings

Xehanort have been trying to be pataint with Ventus but was getting a bit rash.

But Ebony was able to do better then Ventus with her training, though that might be because she is able to be insync with the darkness better then others.

So he might excepted a bit much a bit too fast.

But no matter, as long Ebony trys to keep on the path of how things happen in the games, they'll both get the x blade eventully.

What Xehanort gonna do is the first step to getting closer to the x blade.

Ebony was sitting ontop of a tall rock, Ventus didn't even noticing her as he was surrounded by heartless that Ebony summoned to help Ventus train and to use the darkness.

The good thing is Ventus does not even know adout her, she always hid her self when Ventus was around, you never knew if Ventus does remember something he could say he saw a girl using darkness and Eraqus could of go to find her to do something adout it.

Ebony wanted to ensure the plan would work.

Ventus: Please don't do this master I'm not strong enough!

Ebony thoughts: Really? Please if Sora can fight the heartless with maybe some help from Goofy and Donald then Ventus should atleast try to fight these guys.

Xehanort: No because your trying to hold it in.
Let the dark impulises awaken in the pit of your heart, release them here and now!
Sharpen your fear into rage!

The heartless then started slowly closing in on Ventus.

Xehanort: You must!
If you do not let the storm within you run it course, it will wipe you off the face of the world.
Make no mistake!
Do it!
Emdrase the darkness.

Xehanort: Produce for your master the x blade!

Ebony slapped her hand onto her head, Xehanort can bit a rash sometimes but she didn't like how Xehanort bascily told someone their after x blade itself.

Oh well Ventus won't remember this and he won't know adout it untill near the ending of BBS.

Then a heartless jumped onto Ventus who screamed and didn't put up a fight.

Ebony thoughts: Gees, What made Ventus forget how to fight he was able to do it during the times of fairy tales but now.
Aleast he'll be able to fight in a few years.

Soon after Ventus get dog pilled by the heartless, Ebony came down and called them off.

Ventus was laying on the ground on his front, Xehanort walked over as Ebony gave a annoying look at the blond boy.

The heartless didn't even hit him! They just dog pilled onto the boy and he then knocks out she guess.

Ebony: Really? This blond boy didn't even try to fight back?
The heartless didn't even hit him, just dog pilled onto him!

Xehanort: I know.

Xehanort then lookes at Ventus with an dissapointed look.

Xehanort: Really?
You would rather die then use the power.
Feckless Neophyte.

Xehanort then used his foot to Roll Ventus onto his back.

Xehanort: IF I must.
I will exstract the darkness from within you myself.

Xehanort then summon his keyblade, no name.

Then the old man hold the handle of the keyblade using both hands and hold the weapon adove Ventus chest.

Then uses it power to send out an beam of light which hit Ventus chest causing the boy eyes to open.

A ball of light came out before it was then covered in darkness and took a form a boy in a helmet dressed simliar of what Riku wore when possesed by ansem/ Xehanort.

Ventus groan in pain before fading into uncoindenes with his blue eyes now bulled.

The helemet boy floated gentely onto the ground as Xehanort smirked while Ebony took some imtrested of Ventus darkness in form.

Xehanort: Empty creature from Ventus revin, to you.
The name Vanitas shall be fitting.

Vanitas: Yes master.

Vanitas then looks at Ebony before then dowing down surpriseing the girl and the old man.

Vanitas: Your grace.

Xehanort and Ebony then looked at each other.

Timeskip four years later.

Ebony is now sixteen years old.

Xehanort have trained Vanitas and Ebony for four years.

Ebony was impress with the Ventus darkness, Vanitas does better at training and seem to do better then the blond boy.

Ventus was dropped off to Eraqus so Xehanort could forces on training Ebony amd Vanitas.

Xehanort let Vanitas soon know that as soon he and Ventus are both strong in equalnes of both light and darkness, they rejoim to forge the x blade.

Vanitas is willing to do this because Ebony wanted the keyblade to.

Vanitas can't deny his princess the most powerful keyblade, she desive that weapon.

This makes both Xehanort and Ebony happy, its an extra ensurenes that Vanitas is willing to do as they say even though he doing it for Ebony.

Ebony soon learned that she is able to summon The Unversed after Vanitas was created, she aleast know she can control them.

Though the unversed also obay Vanitas as well.

Then over the four years Ebony learned that she can feed on other people negative emoitions and darknesses.

She even found that she have the simliar abilty of the siren from mlp to make others fight and soon under her control.

She was able to transform and summon her siren heartless which prove to be useful at spying, causing choas or collecting energy.

Soon Vanitas and Ebony grew stronger.

But now it the time to start the plan.

Xehanort took Ebony and Vanitas to the land of departure.

Vanitas and Ebony hidden themself on the bottem level floor where no one would notice them.

Ebony had her siren heartless sneakly hidding behind in shadow form where Xehanort is sitting, making easier for Ebony to watch.

Xehanort allowed it seeing that heartless could be useful to feed on any darkness and negative emotions that may present itself during the exam.

Eraqus stood infront of his students looking both at Aqua and Terra both before speaking to them.

Eraqus: Today you will be examined for the mark of Mastery.
Not one bjt two of the keyblade's chosen stand here as candidates.

Vantias hold his laugh in as Ebony mouth and use her  hand to mouth As Eraqus was talking.

Ebony found it a bit boring.

Eraqus: But this is neither a competition nor a battle for supremcy.
Not a test of wills but a test of heart.

Ebony rolled her eyes when Eraqus said that last part.

Eraqus: Both of you may prevail or neither but I'm sure our guest master Xehanort did not travel all this way, to see our youngest prospect in years to fall short in the mark.

Eraqus then turn his head to look at his old friend  unaware of the shadow heartless that is hidding behind Master Xehanort.

Eraqus then looks back at his students.

Eraqus: I trust you are ready?

Terra and Aqua: Yes.

Eraqus: Then let the examination begin.

Eraqus summomed his Keyblade and jse a spell to make balls of light, Terra and Aqua turn around and called upon their keyblades ready to fight.

Everyone was turned around face away from where Xehanort is sitting.

The shadow siren heartless peaked its head out and looked at The old man, who gave a small nod to it while no one is looking.

The thing smilled evily before then looking at the balls of light, it eyes let out a faint glow of purple before then the balls of light get corrupted, no one noticed the glow because how faint it was.

This shock everyone beside, Xehanort and his students.

The siren then hid behind the chair again before anyone could notice.

Terra and Apua fought the corrupted lights, The shadow then made one of them head to Ventus.

Terra and Aqua: Ven!

Ventus was able to use his keyblade to destory a ball.

Ventus: Don't worry adout me!
You two focus on the exam!

Apua and Terra are back to back surrounded by corrupted balls of light.

Aqua: But Ven you are in danger here!
Go wait in your room!

Ventus: No way!
I've been looking forward to this-, seeing you two become masters.
I'm not gonna miss it now!

Terra: He can take care of himself.
He's been out there training just as hard as us.

Ventus: Yeah!

Apua: Stay sharp Ven!

Apua, Terra and Ventus fought the corrupted balls of light and soon one by one the targates were destoryed.

Ventus went back watching from the side lines as Aqua and Terra then faced their master.

Eraqus: That was unexpected.

Ebony then whispered to Vanitas.

Ebony: A bit of unexecpted Fun.

Ebony and her heartless smilled widley evily.

Eraqus: But one must keep a still heart even in the most trying of circumstances.
It was an excellent test, one I chose to let unfold.

Ebony thoughts: Yeah and the one you didn't decide to look into it after the exam.

Eraqus: Which brings us to your next trail.

Terra and Aqua then face each other with their keyblades in their hands.

Eraqus: Now Terra and Aqua, the two of you will face each other in combat.
Remember there are no winners, only truths.
For when equal powers clash, their nature is revealed.

Terra and Aqua then gotten into their fighting stance.

Eraqus: Begin!

Terra and Aqua then fought each other clashing their keyblades against one another, both dogging each other attacks and trying to land a hit.

Terra was attacks are heavy while Aqua moves are gracefull fast.

Then when Terra saw Aqua runing to him, caught up in the moment of wanting to prove himself to be a master, accidently lost the control of darkness causing it to appear on his free hand.

But Terra and everyone but Xehanort didn't notice the whisp of darkness going into the siren heartless, the heartless grined enjoying the delishes food.

Then Terra saw what happend and gotten under control bashing it from his hand.

The last bit of darkness get feed into the heartless as Terra and Aqua contuine their spar in the exam.

Xehanort smirked when he saw what happened while Eraqus was warry when he saw Terra loosing controll of the darkness for a moment.

Timeskip ten minutes later.

Terra and Aqua finshed sparing, Xehanort and Eraqus then dicuss adout who passes before then comming to a decision.

Eraqus: We have deliberated and reach a decision.
Terra, Aqua, you both perform commendably.
However only Aqua have shown the mark of mastery.

Terra was shocked that he didn't pass as well as Aqua, she was shocked that her friend didn't passed to only she did.

Eraqus: Terra, you failed to keep the darkness whithin you sufficiently in check.

Eraqus: But there is always next time.
That is all.

Xehanort then walks off as the siren heartless sneakly used Xehanort shadow to sneak passed.

Eraqus: Aqua, as our newest keyblade master, you are entitled to certain knowledge.
Please wait here for futher instruction.

Eraqus then goes somewhere as Terra friends go to comfort him, Terra and his friend don't notice small green whisp of negativy that left terra body and head to Ebony and Vanitas.

Ventus: Terra, I'm sorry.

Terra: The darkness.... where did it come from?

As Terra was pondering.

Xehanort when down some stairs where Vanitas and Ebony was waiting The siren heartless then left Xehanort shadow and went into her.

Making the dark princess happy of feeling stronger.

Xehanort: What do you make of Ventus?

Vanitas: He an't gonna cut it.

Ebony: Well atleast he tries to fight now, aleast that something.

Vanitas: Yeah but somebody gotta break that loser in.

Xehanort: Not here you won't.
I have to keep up appearances.

Vanitas: I know that.

Ebony: At least I gotten something to eat.
Terra darkness was a yummy snack, image what is like as a meal.

Then Ebony noticed green mist heading toward her and Vanitas.

Ebony: Looks like someone is feeling a bit negative today, no doubt Terras.

Then Vanitas started to absord some of the negative as does Ebiny pendent before then all of it was consumed.

Vantias: Hmm that was a some good nagativety.

Ebony: It sure was.
But we need to get Ventus somewhere else.

Vanitas: Yeah, he just need a little incentive to leave home.

Vanitas, Xehanort and Ebony then go down stairs.

Vanitas went off to wait and do his thing as Ebony hid herself outside feeding on Terra Negativty seeping out of him.

Xehanort was gonna do his part on using Terra.

But its been awhile since she fed good lunch, she couldn't causes any big problem that could of let her feed alot but that would of caught Eraqus attation.

Ebony was shocked to see that Terra didn't even noticed green mist leaving his body as Ebony pendent comsum it.

Soon Ebony fed on the last of the mist as the rest went to Vanitas, Vaniats always aleast fed on some of the negative emotion.

Then Xehanort comes out and pulls Terra out of his thoughts.

Xehanort: Yes...

Terra then stood up and turn around to look at the elderly man.

Xehanort: Yes, you are indeed strong.
The darkness is nothing to fear.

Terra: Master Xehanort....

Xehanort: And Yet... how frustrating that Eraqus refutes its power.

Xehanort walked down the steps.

Xehanort: You can train with him forever and Still.
You'll never be a master in his eyes.

Terra is wanting to know why though.

Terra: But Why?, Help me understand, master Xehanort.
What is it I failed to learn?

Xehanort then reach the bottom of the stone stairs.

Xehanort: Your fine as you are.

This confuses Terra a bit.

Xehanort: Darkness cannot be destroyed.
It can only be channled.

Terra: Yes, thank you, master.

Terra felt better actrully felt like Master Xehanort undertsands him but Ebony smirked as she stayed hidden, this guy is easy to fool sometimes.

Then the bell rang which made Terra look around before then heading up the stairs and into the castle.

Ebony walked out from her hidding space and walk up to Xehanort.

Ebony: That guy is easy to use huh?

Xehanort: He is.

Ebony: Vanitas should be doing his part in getting Ventus in leaving though Eraqus will send that New master to chase after Ventus.

Xehanort: No doubt Eraqus will but when Aqua sees The mistakes Terra will make, this will surely cause their friendship to..

Ebony: To be qustioned.

Xehanort: Yes, and the feeling of beytraled will make Terra use the darkness and soon, we will have what we want.

Ebony: The x blade.

Xehanort and Ebony then walks through a dark portal before it then vanishes before anyone else could see it.

In the darkness, Vanitas appeared.

Ebony: Has it been done?

Vanitas: Yes, my princess, Ventus should be chasing after Terra soon enough.

Ebony: Good, then that means the plan is coming together.

Xehanort: Yes, we getting closer to our goal.
Now you can start some chaos, feed on much darkness and Negativaty as you want and need.
Just make sure everything goes excacly as planned.

Ebony: We'll do, lets go Vanitas.

Vanitas: Yes, your highness.

Ebony and Vanitas then goes through another dark portal to cause some choas on any world.

Meanawhile with the keyblade wielders.

Terra just inside and standing by Aqua side when Eraqus told Terr and Aqua whats happing.

Eraqus: That was my dear old friend master Yen sid.
You know he is master no more... but he still keeps a close eye on the tides of light and Darkness.
His councsel serves as signposts, on the road we wielders of the keyblade must walk.

Eraqus: All the more reason, then, for concern.
For he tells me the princess of heart are in danger.
Not only from the forces of darkness, as you may assume.... but also from a new threat, one that feeds on negativity.

Eraqus: Fledging emotion that have taken monster form.
Yen Sid calls them The "Unversed".
As wielders of the keyblade, you are tasked with striking down, any who upset the balance of Light and Darkness.
The Unversed are no exception.

Eraqus: I tried to pass this news on to Master Xehanort, but my repeated attempts to reach him have failed.
I doubt there any connection and yet... this all troubles me.

Terra: Master Xehanort is gone?

Terra was shocked Master Xehanort was just here a few moments ago what could have stop Eraqus message from reaching the eldery keyblade master.

Eraqus: So here we are.
I need you two to get this situation under control.
Eliminate the Unversed, and find master Xehanort.

Eraqus: I have unlocked the lanes Between.
You may use these forbidden pathways, to travel between this world and countless others.

Eraqus: The darkness looms closer then usual within these spaces, but your armor will protect you.

Eraqus: Lastly, remember that order must be kept.
You cannot tell anyone there are other worlds.
Now go and fufil your duty.

Terra and Aqua: Yes master!

Terra then turn around adout to leave when his master stopped him for a few moments.

Eraqus: Terra.

Terra turned around to look at his master.

Eraqus: Consider this an opportunity.
A second chance for you to changed my mind.

Terra: What?

This confuses Terra a bit.

Eraqus walked to Terra.

Eraqus: You must know, I care for you like my own son.

Eraqus: If I could have my way, I would name you master in a second.
But, how can I, when you are so obsessed with power?

Eraqus: Terra, you mustn't be afraid of losing.
Fear lead to obsession with power, and obsession beckons the darkness.

Eraqus then put his hand on Terra shoulder.

Eraqus: You must never forget.

Eraqis then pulled his hand away amd took a step back.

Terra: Thank you, master.
I swear... I will not fail you again.

Terra then walks to go and leave for the mission.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Let me know in the comments.

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