Dead Of Night - Jace Wayland

By snatchingmyweave

38.7K 920 269

" When the daylight disappears, you'll find no shelter in this tangled web of fear" this is @rowanmorgenstern... More



1.2K 34 3
By snatchingmyweave

Moo Shu To Go


Elara's eyes fluttered open, the sound  of talking could vaguely be heard as she slowly lifted her head up from the table it seemed to laying on. The girl finally noticed she was sat in-between both Clary and Simon.

"Ooh, looks like little doppelganger is awake." One of the men sitting across from her smirked, crossing his arms. Elara merely glared at him while leaning back against the chair; she even noticed she had left her leather jacket back at the Loft by how cold she felt.

"As I was saying." Clary continued, placing her cuffed hands onto the table. "Alaric, did you arrest us for trespassing or something, because news flash, I was in my own apartment."

"We're just having a little conversation." He shrugged "That's all."

"So why did you knock me out and handcuff us?" Elara raised her brow while also placing her cuffed hands onto the table, leaning forwards "Is that how you get people to talk to you? Since you can't any other way?"

The man growled slightly while Alaric slowly shook his head towards him. "I knew you would fight back, so I knocked you out." He sent the girl a glare "And I think I actually prefer you being knocked out, too"

"Too bad, Sweetie." Elara smirked "I'm awake now."

"I bet this guy has one of the scariest online profiles ever." Simon whispered close to his sisters ear, but to his dismay it wasn't quiet enough.

"Yeah with only one friend." Elara hummed before smiling innocently towards the man.

"These two are funny." The man smirked "I like funny."

"Look, I know you're scared of Luke." Alaric said as he leaned towards Clary. "He's trying to find you, I can keep you safe."

But Elara felt a funny feeling towards the men in front of her. She truly didn't believe that was the only reason they were brought here. "You just need to tell us where the Mortal Cup is." Elara internally groaned; And there it is.

"Everyone thinks Clary knows where this stupid cup is." Elara scoffed "Why don't you just go and buy a cup from the shop and put a label on it saying 'Mortal'?"

"Elara, Please shut up." Clary hissed out towards the girl who in response gave her a scowl and did her best to put her middle finger up towards the redhead. Simon was chuckling as he watched on. "I honestly don't know where it is."

"Think, Clary, I'm trying to give you a chance." Alaric said with urgency lacing his voice.

"I can't help you." Clary was starting to get annoyed "I'm sorry. Now will you please let us go?"

A fork was suddenly slammed down onto the table near the redhead's hands, but she moved them away quickly.

"Dude, are you bipolar or something?" Elara yelled while she moved her hands away from the table.

"Playtimes over." The man grinned while he moved his hand away from the fork, leaving it stand in it's own, wedged into the table.

"Theo, just let me talk some sense into them." Alaric said towards the man, almost begging him. Elara was seriously beginning to hate Theo with everything she had within her.

"No, we did it your way." Theo merely muttered "Now, we're gonna try mine." he gestured towards something behind the three hostages to come forwards.

Elara felt herself being pulled out of her chair, she also saw the same was happening with Simon. "Hey, Hey!" Clary yelled "Don't touch them!"

The man gripped onto the brunette's shoulder tightly, sending her a horrid smile. Elara grimiced as she immediately looked away from him.

"Don't move. Tell us where the Cup is or Little Doppelganger and your funny friend, dies." Theo threatened which in return made Elara scoff at the nickname.

Clary turned her head to look at them with fear. 'Come on Clary! Lie if you have too!' Elara internally thought before she saw Clary narrow her eyes slightly before nodding her head ever so slightly. That alone made Elara confused, did she actually hear her thoughts?

"Please don't hurt them." Clary pleaded the moment she turned back towards Theo and Alaric "I promise you, I swear to you, I do not know where the cup is."

"That's too bad." Theo smirked once more "Get rid of them." he nodded towards the two people restraining Elara and Simon.

The men immediately began to drag the siblings away as they got pulled through the doors. "Simon!" Elara yelled the second she was dragged away from him, the man pulling her someplace else.

Elara soon found herself, alone. restrained to a chair, struggling against the ropes that bound her there. She tried pulling with all her might but nothing worked.

Elara allowed a small whimper to leave her lips, she hadn't felt this helpless since the accident she endured last year. The same feeling settling within the pit of her stomach. Was this really how she was going to die? Not even having said goodbye to her friends, her family, her brother or even Jace. She didn't want to die this way, she just couldn't.

"Simon!" Elara shouted loudly with the mere hope he'd somehow hear her from whatever room they had placed him in. The girls heart was beating like a humming birds wings as she felt herself begin to panic. She hated being restricted, bad memories being bought back at the mere feeling.

She felt like a cadged animal, dreaming of being freed once more. But alas that wouldn't be her outcome would it? The cadge was closing in on her now, threating her breaths to come out shorter and quicker while her vision blurred. Elara let out a loud cry as she struggled once more against the ropes, but she was weak something she dreaded to feel.

A lone tear escaped the girls eye, gently caressing her face as it fell down her cheek. It was the last thing she felt as her head slowly lulled to the side, finally blacking out from the panic attack.


The sound of an alarm blaring loudly made the brunette groan out as her eyes slowly opened. But she soon regretted it the moment smoke began to fill up her lungs causing her to cough loudly, making it even harder to breathe as she struggled against the restraints even more.

A powerful feeling took over the girl as she suddenly ripped her arms free and reached down to pull the restraints away from her legs. Elara fell out of the chair and onto the floor, coughing violently as she began to crawl towards the door.

Her hand slowly reached up and pulled at the door handle, but it wouldn't budge. Her eye's were slowly blurring once more as the smoke invaded her vision, fear took over her body as she trembled slightly while tears beginning to fall once more.

Was she really going to die like this? In a dark room, suffocating from the smoke entering her lungs. Taking away her life slowly and painfully. Many people say your life flashes in front of your eyes when your mere moments from death, but with her? Absolutely nothing was shown. Only what could've been, the moments she'll miss and won't ever get to feel or witness.

"Simon." Elara whispered weakly, banging her fist against the door with all she had left. "Clary?" she continued with one last loud bang before she turned around, leaning her back against the door. A peaceful feeling falling over the girl, maybe she was ready.

A loud bang sounded at the window that was surrounded by bars, Elara weakly turned her head only to see Simon and Isabelle looking through the now broken window.

"Elara!" Simon shouted in panic the moment he saw how weak his sister was. So he acted on instinct, jumping through the window and landing gracefully in a crouch before rushing over to her, coughing slightly.

He wrapped Elara's arms around his neck and lifted her up, watching as her eyes fell shut and her head lulled against his shoulder, her breathing was coming out slow and shallow as he immediately lifted her up towards Isabelle who took her from the boy and placed her onto the cold ground  outside of the window.

"Elara, open your eyes." Isabelle's voice was laced with panic as she placed her fingers against Elara's neck, feeling for a pulse, a small gasp leaving her lips. "Her pulse, it's weak." was all the girl said before Simon sent her a panicked look and immediately picked his sister back up into his arms. "Lara, please open your eyes." he whispered before he began to run with Isabelle towards the others. "Clary!"

"Pass her to me." Jace shouted the second he saw the lifeless girl laying within Simon's arms. Simon gently passed her over and sent his sister a worried glance as her head lulled against The angelic boys chest.

Isabelle quickly rushed to her side and moved the girls hair away from her neck and bought her stele up towards the rune, tracing over it. "Okay." Isabelle's voice was shaky as she reached over, placing two fingers against the girls pulse "It's getting stronger." she sighed in relief.

Elara's eyes fluttered open before a small cough left her lips "Now that was thrilling." she croaked out, the rune began to work almost immediately as she peered up at the Angelic boy. "You can put me down now, I'll be fine."

Jace hesitated slightly, but sent a small smile towards her and gently lowered the girl down to stand. Elara felt her breathing coming back to normality as she sighed, moving to lean against him. Jace's arm moved around the girls waist and held her close to him.

"Thank you, Iz" Elara weakly smiled towards the girl who only smiled and nodded her head.

"I hate to break up your little reunion." Jace smirked, looking over at Clary and Simon in amusement "But we've got a bunch of werewolves trying to kill us so maybe we should get going-"

"wait, wait, the Box." Clary panicked as she looked over at Alec "My backpack. I think I left it at the loft."

"I also left my jacket there and it has my stele in it." Elara hummed, peering over at Alec who turned to look at her, shaking his head slightly. "No we've got your jacket." he then looked at Clary "And your bag, I didn't screw everything up."

Elara frowned at his statement, nothing about this had been the boys fault.

"Let's get out of here, then." Simon said as he walked forwards, Isabelle shook her head and held her arm out for him to stop. "Wait, Simon! Whatever you do, do not make any fast movements."

Jace tightened his grip around Elara, which made the girl move even closer to him, gripping onto his jacket. Werewolves immediately surrounded them, making Isabelle, Alec and Jace take out their weapons." This can't be good." Jace muttered.

Everywhere they looked, wolves stood around them. Blocking every exit, acting as if they were ready to pounce at their prey. "We're surrounded." Said Elara, her eyes not removing themselves from the wolves, but the others moved to cover  Simon and Clary.

Elara shuddered as the growing intensified, more wolves slowly walking out from within the darkened shadows, one even looked towards the brunette, licking it's lips.

"Everyone stay together!" Demanded Alec, holding onto his bow and arrow, ready to attack if any of them advanced even closer.

"Believe me, I'm not going anywhere."  Simon quickly grasped onto his Sisters hand, fear lacing his voice.

Jace suddenly pushed Elara backwards, Simon pulling her close to his side while the blonde haired boy held his free hand out towards her; Elara didn't waste anytime as she took his hand in hers, holding tight. "Everyone, get back, that's the Alpha leader!" Jace shouted.

A large werewolf walked out the doors of the Jade Wolf takeaway shop, growling loudly as it began to advance their way. "Jace, behind us!" Clary yelped slightly, another wolf jumping down onto the crates before pouncing down onto the Alpha wolf, sending them both flying into stacked up pallets, hiding them both from view. Only growling and whimpers could be heard.

Elara's heart was going crazy within her chest, her eyes stuck on the wooden pallets in front of her. The girl didn't even notice Simon pull away from her to comfort Clary, not until she felt Jace pull her towards him, wrapping her in his arms.

"What's happening?" Elara piped up loudly, her eyes catching onto Alec's.

"He's challenging the Alpha."

"So he's helping us?" A small smirk appeared onto the girls lips at the mere thought of having a wolf on their side.

"Or cutting In line to kill us." Simon shuddered.

"Have a little faith." said Elara airily, turning her gaze towards Simon who sent her a small smile before she looked away once more.

A bright light appeared from behind the wooden pallets before a final loud whimper was heard. They all gazed towards one another and with a small nod of their heads they began to walk closer to where the noises had stopped.

The man, Theo, was laying on the ground, lifeless. "The Alpha's dead." Isabelle gasped the moment she saw him.

"No shit." Elara muttered, her eyes peering around for the other wolf, anxiety was bubbling up within her.

The other wolf suddenly stumbled towards them before a bright green light shined around them, turning the injured wolf back into their human form. The man slowly stood up, turning to face them.

"Oh my Angel." Elara gasped out as she pulled away from Jace "Luke!" she yelled before she began to run towards him, Jace tried to pull her back but she was stubborn enough to move away from his grasp and finally reached the Injured man. Her hand gingerly grasped onto his arm, hoping to keep Luke steady on his feet.

The other Wolves started to howl towards him, all changing one by one into humans once more, crouching down before bowing their heads. "You're the new Alpha." Elara whispered in realisation, turning her head towards the man "Wow, you're getting more cooler, even when I thought you were kinda lame."

"Same old, Elara." Luke chuckled weakly before he groaned in pain, leaning against the girl even more. "Clary." He spoke up again, looking over at the redhead who was advancing slowly towards him. "I promised your mother I'd always protect you."

Both Luke and Clary smiled towards one another before the former started to fall even more, Simon and Clary immediately rushing forwards to help Elara in keeping the man standing, seeming as the girl was also weak herself.

"Luke, are you okay?" Elara asked, feeling the man's head lulling onto her shoulder to rest it, he only groaned in response to her question, and that told her everything she needed to know; why did I even ask that fucking question?

After seeing both Simon and Clary had their grasp on Luke, Jace advanced forwards and gently pulled Elara away from them and towards himself. "His wounds are deep, only a Warlock's magic can cure an Alpha's bite."

"We can get him to Magnus." Elara said confidently, looking over towards the Redhead who nodded her head in agreement. "Please, he's like a father to both Clary and I." The girl almost begged the others, tears forming in her eyes.

"Hey." Jace whispered towards the girl beside him, gently placing his hand onto her cheek. "that's exactly what we're going to do." a smile appeared onto his lips when Elara nodded her head, the both of them gazing into each others eyes before Jace leaned down and placed a quick kiss onto her lips.

Isabelle giggled loudly from her place behind them, clapping her hands slightly which caused both Elara and Jace to pull away, smiling sheepishly.

"No, kissing my sister in front of me, man." Simon groaned, almost wanting to cover his eyes.

"They're allowed to do whatever they want." Clary chuckled over at the boy "But we should really get going now."

"We have to get him to his car." Jace said as he and Elara walked towards Luke. Jace helped Clary walk Luke to the car while Elara and Simon walked ahead. "I'll drive!" The brunette girl yelled as she ran towards the car "I only trust myself driving, anyone else gives me anxiety."

"Hey!" Simon yelled out, slightly offended, running after his sister but he was far to slow as by the time he got to her side she was already in the Drivers seat, peering over at him through the window. "So not fair."

Elara hummed as she looked down and saw the keys already in the car, so she started it up, hearing the engine roar to life as she placed both hands onto the wheel. Behind her Clary climbed in beside Luke while Simon did the same thing.

Jace stood outside the passanger side door for a few seconds before he got in and closed the door behind him. Elara took one hand away from the wheel as she held it out towards him, the angelic boy smiled softly as he placed his larger hand into hers, lacing their fingers together.

"Right, let's go." Elara sighed as she immediately began to pull away from the Jade Wolf and drove towards the last known home of Magnus Bane.


Again another chapter down can we just be proud of me for a few seconds. I'm getting these out everyday as it seems. HECK YES.

So Elara and Jace finally kissed in front of the others and clary actually stood to her word and was happy for them. We love besties tbh.

Again any spelling errors please point them out to me and please give me feedback I absolutely love feedback!


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