My Reincarnation in Classroom...

lavenmoon द्वारा

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What defines a human? Some people are fortunate to get a happy life while some people are not. When you are n... अधिक

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Prologue
Chapter 2 - The little boy
Chapter 3 - Inside the bus
Chapter 4 - Class Introduction
Chapter 5 - Hidden Agenda
Chapter 6 - The Cafeteria
Cast - QnA with our MCs 1
Chapter 7 - Give Me Love
Chapter 8 - The Swimming Class
Chapter 9 - Uncertainty
Chapter 10 - Date?!
Chapter 11 - Distorted Reality
Chapter 12 - Excited Yuri
Chapter 14 - The Match
Chapter 15 - Embarassing Moments :')

Chapter 13 - In the Sunset, You and I

2K 127 29
lavenmoon द्वारा

It was after school and Horikita just dashed out of the class. I was nodding at Kiyo when he looked at me indicating all is alright.

"Kikyo-chan, yesterday Ayanokouji-kun told me Horikita didn't want us to join. But I figured we can take Okitani-kun with us. Have you invited him?"

"Daijoubu~ He agreed. Don't mind."

"Alright let's go to the library."

Kikyo go to Okitani-kun then we walked out of the class. Ike, Yamauchi, and Sudou are waiting in the hallway in front of the class.

"Kushida-chan we've waited for you for a while."

"Sorry, I need to invite Okitani-kun. Let's go."

It will take us around five minutes to arrive at the library. I wonder how Horikita's reaction today seeing me and Kikyo joining today.

"To think Horikita-san wants to teach us. She might be kinder than we thought." Ike opens up the conversation.

"Un! I think so too. Even though Horikita-san looks cold but she is kind enough to care about our grades. I hope we can become good friends." Kikyo agrees with Ike wholeheartedly.

"Is Yuri-chan going to teach us today?" Ike asks me hopefully.

"Un...I don't think so. Horikita is doing the teaching. I'll hover a while to make sure all is alright." Teaching Ike and Yamauchi might lose me a few strands of my hair due to frustration. I'm sure Kikyo would happily take the mantle though.

"Well, the test is not a problem for me. I just sprained my arm so it's hard to write during the test." Yamauchi boasts confidently. Is he not ashamed of his bullshit? Did he think anyone would believe what he said?

"You liar! I remember your arm is good that day!" Ike denies Yamauchi openly. I tried hard not to laugh.

"No! I did, it is you who didn't know because I didn't tell you." 

"Yamauchi-kun, Ike-kun don't fight. Let's be good friends okay?" Kikyo tried to dissuade their fight. Kikyo-chan is such an angel.

It was silent for a while when Ike talks again. "Okitani-kun I remember you pass the test."

"Yes, but just barely. I'm afraid I won't pass the next test. So, I join."

Ike, Yamauchi, Okitani, and Kikyo are walking together while talking. While I walk in the back with Sudou.

"Tch! What a waste of training time. Studying won't make any change." Suddenly Sudou said dissatisfiedly. He thinks basketball training is more important than this studying.

"But you might get expelled if you didn't pass the test. I think the school is seriously expelling the students." Sudou needs to understand how important it is. I don't want Kiyo to spend 50,000 points just to save him.

"The test is really hard. Do you think I can pass if I join this study group?"

"Well... I don't know. But you won't know if you don't try." I know he did have great potential. Especially after the sports festival. He progress a lot.

"As I thought it is useless. Someone as smart as you won't understand."

"Well, I think you will get a better score if you invest some time and effort into studying. You also spent a lot of time training that's why you are that good. I will tell you a secret. Actually, I hate studying too. Hate is a lighter word, detest is closer."

"Really?" Sudou looks doubtful.

"Yes. Do you know I am a violinist?"

"I think I may have heard about that." Sudou pondered.

"Well, I learn violin since I was a child and become a full-fledged violinist when I was seven years old. So, because I am busy I rarely go to school from elementary to middle school. I don't even care to take the test because my career is way much more important." 

I mean studying elementary and middle school again is terrifying and very boring. Skipping is the wisest idea and being a violinist gave me a reason. 

"In middle school a group of girls, Well no offense to Kei-chan but they are a group of gal. I guess they envied my reputation so they try to use my absence as a reason to bully me. It actually cause quite a big commotion that time."

"Woah! Girls can be scary. It is ugly." True. Women can be ugly if they envy others.

"Yea, I think so too." I chuckled. Few of them ended on the hospital though. "Anyway that time I started to study seriously. It feels a little excruciating, because well I hate studying. But at that time I also think of my future. I don't know whether I can stay as Violinist in the future. It is like that for you too don't you think? Even if you become a pro. It is only for a few years when you are young and healthy." And I also need to learn till the university level to keep up with Kiyo. It does feel excruciating, I'm not lying.

"True, unless I'm fortunate enough to avoid injuries and remain at the top of my game, my basketball career might only last until I'm forty" Sudou admitted.

"Yes, indeed. You might consider becoming a coach after you retire. But even a coach is expected to have a high school degree. Otherwise, there's a risk of facing judgment and underestimation based on your educational background."

Sudou rubbed his aching head. "You are right. Well, I suppose I'll at least give studying a serious shot today."

"That's fantastic. Good luck! If you have any difficulties I'll be happy to assist you, Kikyo-chan too." I tried to encourage him. Of course, I didn't forget to advertise Kikyo-chan. She's an ally of justice, right? A really good friend.

"Thanks... I guess." Sudou replied, sounding a bit uncertain but appreciative nonetheless.

We finally arrived at the library. Horikita and Kiyo secured a corner of a long table near the edge of the library. 

"Horikita-san~ Ayanokouji-kun~ We have arrived." Kikyo happily greets them.

"We heard about the study group from Kushida-chan. I don't want to drop out that quickly after school. Please take care of us." Okitani-kun talks to Horikita and Kiyo.

"Okitani, you also got a red mark?"

"Ah, uh, no. I was worried because I was right on the border... am I... not allowed to join? It's a bit difficult to join Hirata-kun's group..." Figures. All girls inside.

"It's fine if Okitani-kun joins, right?"

Kushida asked Horikita. His score was a 39 after all, so it's natural for him to be worried.

"If it's a student worried about getting red marks, then it's fine. But you have to be diligent."

"O-ok" Okitani sat down happily. 

Kikyo tried to sit down when Horikita suddenly spoke up. "Kushida-san, Chitose-san. Did Ayanokouji-kun not tell you? You're—"

"To be honest, I'm also worried about getting bad grades."

"You... you didn't get bad tests on that last test."

"Well, that was luck. There were a lot of multiple choice questions. So for about half of them, I guessed. In truth, I barely passed."

Kikyo scratched her cheek while saying "Ehehe."

She continued "I think I'm about the same level as Okitani-kun, if not worse. So I want to participate in the study group to avoid a bad grade. That's fine, right?"



Horikita didn't have any reason to reject Kikyo anymore. So she turns to me. "Alright, it is somewhat acceptable for Kushida-san to join. You won't say you lucked out this test, don't you?"

"Well, It will be hard to teach five students by yourself. So I think to give you a hand."

"No need, I myself is enough. It might cause confusion to get two people teaching. So you can leave and save your time."

It is confusing. She did say she need my help to reach class A. This is a way for me to help her too. Why did she stubbornly reject my help?

"I feel a little worried... Alright, I'll just read my books in the library. I won't disturb or talk to any of you at all. Is that acceptable?"

 "...Fine. Don't talk to us." Horikita finally accept.

I was sitting on the other corner of the table alone reading a book I take from the shelves. Although the other corner of the table is quite noisy making me hard to concentrate. Luckily there is no one besides us and a librarian in the library.

It is quite chaotic watching them. Horikita has compiled topics on the test. But the trio can't even understand the first question. Horikita's snappy remarks also lit flames between them, getting the atmosphere heated.

"Try using your brain. If you give up from the very beginning, you won't get anywhere"



"Honestly speaking, this problem can be easily solved by first-year and second-year middle school students. If you fail here, you won't be able to do anything."


Kikyo tried to dissolve the heated atmosphere by patiently teaching the trio gently. She wrote down the equation on paper with a mechanical pencil while explaining it in great detail. "So, the answer is 710 yen. Do you get it?"

"... Uh, then can you answer this question? Why?"

"Uu..." Kikyo finally realized. They didn't follow her explanation.

Finally, Horikita spoke again. "I'm not trying to deny you, but you guys are way too stupid and incompetent." as if the first remark is not enough she continues. "I'm scared for the future if you can't solve this problem."

"So what. This has nothing to do with you." Feeling irritated at Horikita's words, Sudou hit the desk.

"It has nothing to do with me. No matter how much you suffer, it doesn't affect me. It's just that I feel pity for you. I guess I've been running away from painful things all my life"

"Say what you say clearly. Studying's useless anyway."

"Studying is useless? An interesting argument. What makes you say that?" 

Sudou is still silent when Horikita still continued to express her thoughts "If you learn how to solve that problem, your whole life will be changed. In other words, if you study, you'll have less trouble. It's the same thing for basketball. I wonder if you've been playing basketball to your own convenient rules. Do you run away from difficult things just like you do while studying? From the looks of it, it doesn't seem like you practice seriously. That's the kind of personality you have. If I was the advisor of the club, I wouldn't let you be a regular."

"Tsu!" Sudou stood up and grabbed Horikita by her collar.

"Sudou-kun!" Before anything can happen Kikyo stood up and grabbed Sudou's arm.

"I have no interest in you, but I can understand what kind of person you are. You want to become a basketball pro? Do you think that kind of childish wish can simply become true in this society? A half-hearted person like you who gives up easily can never become a pro. Furthermore, even if you become a pro, I don't think you'd be able to get a sufficient annual income. You're a fool for setting your sights on such a idealized job"


It's clear that Sudou is on the brink of losing his control.

"Can you just give up on studying, no, school? And then you can give up on your dreams to become a basketball pro and live a pitiful life working a part time job."

"Ha... that's just fine. I'm giving up. It's not because it's too difficult for me. I took a day off from my club activities, but it was a complete waste of time. Bye!"

"You're saying some strange things. Studying is difficult."

Horikita shot him a final blow. I'm sure if Kikyo weren't there, Sudou probably would've hit Horikita. Not hiding his irritation, he stuffed his textbook into his bag. "I thought it was strange for someone like you who has no friends to invite people to a study group. At best, you brought us over here to call us stupid. If you weren't a girl, I'd hit you."

"You just don't have the courage to hit me, right? Don't use my gender as a reason" Shit. Horikita's mouth is really foul. It is good Sudou is cool enough not to hit her. If it was me I would hit her though. Or pay it back at another time.

Ike and Yamauchi also decided to quit because of irritation. Horikita is looking down on them too much and she didn't put any effort to hide her thoughts. Of course, they didn't forget to bring Okitani out of the library.

After that Horikita and Kikyo get into an argument. Horikita have given up on the trio while Kikyo didn't want any of them to get expelled. Of course, Horikita didn't forget to jab at her saying she didn't think Kikyo truly want to help them. 

Kikyo is upset and left the library. Did she forget about me? She didn't even say goodbye to me. Well, maybe she's that mad at Horikita in her mind to care about me right now. I wonder how many profanities slip into her mind in the last few minutes.

Kiyo tried to talk to Horikita about Sudou's point of view, but Horikita is too stubborn and didn't want to give up her pride. In the end, Kiyo leaves the library to chase after them.

I walked to Horikita's table.

"What?" Horikita snappily talks with a cold expression.

"No, I understand why you are so upset."

"They in class D will add more liabilities. If they get expelled it might be the best for the class."

"You might be true. But we don't know anything about this school. But say... What if expulsion causes one to lose the qualification to become class A forever? It not Impossible."

"....I tried. But they didn't have the motivation to study. They are still at the level of elementary students."

"Well, even so, you never know what will happen after you try hard." I sent her a record of their earlier conversation. 

She looked at her phone and ask, "This is?"

"You might need to hear it again and think from their point of view. All we can hear is how you jab them with thorny words. Well, anyone can be social when they try to. The fact you say you don't need it might be because you run away you don't have the mean or ability to make friends."

"You—" Before Horikita continues I immediately leave the library chasing after Kiyo. 

I go to the place I remember Kiyo witnessed Kikyo's dark side. It is on the rooftop.

Gotcha! I see Kiyo's silhouette on the stairs leading to the rooftop. He is eavesdropping on Kikyo's outburst. I waited on the stairs between the third floor and the rooftop, away from Kiyo.

After thirty seconds Kiyo unexpectedly kicked the door when he tried to leave. The sound is not loud but since the school is silent right now, I can hear the sound even from the third floor.

I hurriedly walked back to the third floor. Hiding inside broom locker near the stairs. I also make sure my installed CCTV camera is there. Can it get the angle? I think so.

Kikyo put her left forearm against Kiyo's neck and pushed him against the wall on the stairs between the third floor and the rooftop. I can only see their silhouette from here. But I can hear their conversation.

The conversation is the same as the canon. Kikyo tried to plant false evidence with Kiyo's fingerprint and threatens Kiyo. 

Kiyo asks her which one is the real her to which she snappily replied it got nothing to do with him. She also tells him she hates gloomy and plain boys like him. Poor Kiyo, But she's wrong though, Kiyo may be gloomy but that's one of his charms. Also, Kiyo is not plain, he is one of the hottest boys among first-year students.

Intelligent Kiyo managed to get one score when he ask whether Kikyo and Horikita is an acquaintance. In the end, all is solved with Kiyo promising not to expose her. 

I thought the conversation would end up when Kikyo ask Kiyo to go back. "Shall we go back together?"

But Kiyo didn't go according to the scenario. "You can leave first, I...I want to cool my mind. You know, with the shock."

"Alright. You know the consequences right?"

Kiyo nodded.

"See you tomorrow Ayanokouji-kun" Kikyo sweetly gave him a goodbye.

When Kikyo went down the stairs I held my breath to avoid getting caught. When I am no longer able to hear the sound of her steps I go out of the closet.

Kiyo was waiting at the rooftop, and I decided to join him there.

The dawn had arrived, and the school was now empty of students. Kiyo stood there, gazing at the vibrant red sunset. His hair gently danced in the breeze, adding to the picturesque scene. At that moment, Kiyo and the sunset seemed to merge into one, creating a mesmerizing image in my mind. Captivated by the sight, I took out my phone and discreetly snapped a photo. And of course, I couldn't resist sending it to Kiyo.

I approached him slowly, step by step until I stood by his side. He turned his gaze towards me, his eyes filled with curiosity.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I thought I was being discreet. Ayanokouji-kun is exceptionally perceptive to his surrounding."

"Well, I guess I am a good detector" Never expect he can sense my presence when he was engrossed in Kikyo's outburst. 

"Hmmm. I will be careful next time. But it seems Ayanokouji-kun isn't the best at hiding either." I teased him, unable to hold back a giggle.

"Un...It was an accident. But you don't seem surprised. Did you already know about it?"

I smiled knowingly. "Well, every person has two sides: the mask they wear in front of others and the hidden side concealed behind their eyes. Unmasked yet invisible."

He gazed at me with curiosity, his eyes searching for answers. "But even knowing that, you still chose to be her friend?"

I paused for a moment, contemplating his question. "It doesn't really matter, does it? Let's just say... does Ayanokouji-kun have that side too? A hidden aspect behind the facade?" With a gentle touch, my hand caressed his cheek, savoring the softness of his skin. I might get addiction touching him like this. Our eyes locked, and I could sense the darkness lurking beneath his gaze.

I couldn't help but wonder what he saw when he looked into my eyes. Quickly realizing the prolonged touch, I withdrew my hand but maintained an inquisitive expression.

In response to my question, he returned it with another. "Did you?"

Chuckling softly, I replied, "Well, who knows? But what's important is that I am me. Kikyo-chan may have two sides, but as long as she doesn't harm me, it's perfectly fine.

"You are quite courageous. She's like a double-edged sword. Aren't you afraid of getting hurt?"

"Fu fu fu, Are you concerned about me?"My heart fluttered with the realization that Kiyo cared. "Well, don't worry. I have the evidence recorded. If you ever need it, just ask."

His gaze intensified, and he asked, "Aren't you afraid that I might use it to expel your friend?"

I smiled confidently, meeting his eyes. "Well, Ayanokouji-kun, you're wise. So if you decide it's best to expel her, then it probably is."

"I don't know where you got this confidence from. Alright, thanks for the offer, I'll take it when the time comes. But, what can you get from helping me?"

"A favor from Ayanokouji-kun is enough."

"A favor from me? What would you need it for?"

"Rest assured, it won't be anything difficult, and you can reject it if you don't want to. Maybe something as simple as helping me buy lunch or doing a small favor."

"Alright." He sighed. "What in the world... Girls are scary."

"Hahahahaha" I burst into laughter, tears almost spilling from the corners of my eyes. He did get conned by Horikita's lunch, planted with fake evidence by Kikyo, and teased by me. 

But I am harmless, I swear I have been an angel with Kiyo. "It is a beautiful sunset, isn't it?" We watched the sunset together.

"It is? It reminds me of old memories. Although the sunset I witnessed before is much more beautiful."

Old memories? I was curious but I didn't want to pry. "It is a shame I didn't bring my violin. I love playing the violin during sunsets. It gives me an ethereal aura," I said playfully, sticking out my tongue.

"Pfft!" I heard a sound beside me. I quickly glanced at him with wide eyes. Did he grow another head? Was it my imagination? Did he just snort? But when I looked at him, he had returned to his expressionless face. There was no sign of laughter.

Yeah, I might just be imagining things. It's hard to imagine the emotionless Kiyo laughing, I mused to myself. But I refused to be discouraged. Deep down, I held onto the belief that one day, I would be able to bring a smile and laughter to his face, even if it was just for a fleeting moment.

"Uhh... It's been a long day, and I'm tired. It's been quite hectic today," I said, stretching my body. My shoulders were hurting. "Let's grab a meal together and head back to the dorm."

"Yeah, sounds good. What do you feel like eating? Do you have anything on mind?"

"Let's have okonomiyaki, I hope we won't have to wait in line."

"Alright, Let's go."

 We walked together to the Keyaki Mall, engaging in various conversations about books along the way. As we walked, I noticed our shadows on the road, side by side, blending together in the fading light of dusk. I couldn't help but wish that the next time I saw our shadows, they would be intertwined, symbolizing our growing bond.

A.N: Things are getting heated. Right now it is my holiday time. Hopefully, I can write more chapters in July. Hope you guys an amazing day! <3

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