Lush Corruption | Harry Styl...

By butterflytattoo

4.8M 153K 62.8K

BEST FANFIC SERIES 2018 - @thefanfictionawards Book 2 of the Lush Trilogy (completed ✓) | Continuation of Mou... More

Before You Read (Stories, Trailers & Info)
Lush Corruption | COMPLETED ✓ | Harry Styles AU
AFTER or Lush Corruption??!11?
12 (part one)
12 (part two)
Lush Corruption is
The Fanfiction Awards 2018


102K 3.5K 921
By butterflytattoo

Vicky West 

The second day had arrived, and I gathered the stuff I needed. Today I'd see the girls again, and give them the outfits they were going to wear. According to a text message from Marcel, the clothing would arrive at 10 AM. Since I'd see the girls after 3 PM, I was certain that the clothing was already arranged. 

Getting into my Mini-Cooper, I made it quickly to the Moulin Rouge. The traffic didn't hold me back, luckily, so there was no stress at the beginning of the day. I arrived with a smile plastered on my face to know that this day had started off great after the horrible things I found out yesterday. 

I saw Marcel running around the Moulin Rouge, and he waved at me in a rush. "Good morning, Sugar," he greeted me, and I waved him back. "Lunch together?"

"Absolutely!" I replied from a distance, and I saw him giving me a thumbs-up before disappearing. 

I made myself a cup of coffee, since I didn't drink one back home. I wrote a list down of things I had to do today. I sat on the bar chair, and spun around frequently, just to occupy myself thoroughly. I got disturbed by someone patting me on my shoulder, and I turned around immediately to face the human being who wanted my attention. 

"Vicky West, right?" The woman questioned me. 

I had to blink a few times to find out who was in my presence. 

''Yes, that's me. You are Andrea, right?'' I asked her. She nodded excitingly. ''You have designed some of my costumes.'' 

''Oh, Miss West. I designed all your costumes, because Mr. Styles wanted that.'' Andrea spoke with a Russian accent that influenced her English. ''He informed me that I designed you dress for masked ball.'' It was clear her English wasn't that well, but she was trying her best. 

''Indeed. Do you need me right now?'' I asked her. 

''If that is possible.'' Andrea replied. So I told her I was up for it. 

I followed Andrea to her working room. It was quite huge, because I had expected her working in a smaller area. But it was lovely to see how much room Harry gave his employees. Andrea instructed me that I had to stand in the middle of the room, so that she could have the view of me she needed. 

''Mr. Styles told me to do whatever you pleased,'' Andrea told me in her Russian accent, and I smiled secretly. It was funny to hear. She was holding a book with different fabrics in it. My fingers traced over the beautiful pieces she owned and could offer. 

I closed the book, and handed it back. Andrea stared at me with those eyes which shimmered with excitement to get started with this project. ''That's very charming of him. But I'd love to have your advice, Andrea, instead of picking the fabric myself.'' I aforementioned. 

''Oh, Miss I don't want you feel the need to.'' Andrea muttered quickly. She felt attacked by my kindness, sadly. 

''I want to, Andrea. You have been making so many costumes over the years, I haven't seen you creating something you think is beautiful. I'd love to be the first woman to wear a personalized Andrea dress for the masked ball.'' I said, and smiled gratefully at her. 

The corners of her mouth turned up and I saw a smile crossing her features. I had never seen Andrea smiling like this, but it was wonderful to know I had given her a chance she wholeheartedly would want to accept. 

''Oh, Miss West. That's so kind of you. Thank you so much.'' Andrea slurred in a rush. ''I won't let you down.'' 

''I know that,'' I said convincingly. 


''I told you, woman, I want the tuna salad. No mozzarella.'' Marcel closed the menu, and he handed it back to the waitress. Annoyance was written on his face, and he was certainly moody as hell. Stress and Marcel weren't best friends. 

''But sir, due respect, we don't serve tuna salad,'' the waitress told him politely, unfazed by his rather harsh outburst. 

He sighed, clicked with his tongue and waited for a few seconds to respond to her words. ''Well, from now on you do. Make it happen, lady.'' 

She couldn't deny his offer – since the client was going to be treated as the king – and she nodded hastily. When she moved back to the kitchen, Marcel turned to face us. We looked at him in a judgemental way. 

''You are even scarier than I am,'' Red remarked, and she placed her napkin on her lap. 

''Don't flatter yourself, Red, yesterday you played Satan, not me.'' Marcel raised his hands up in defence. 

I chuckled. But also grew curious about what could've happened yesterday with Marcel and Red. 

''I bumped into Zayn, what did you expect me to do then? Tell him I love him and buy him flowers? That's not on my wish list. The only time I will buy flowers is to put on his fucking gravestone if he ever touches me again.'' Red rolled her eyes, and took a sip from her tea. 

''Look who is still Satan today,'' Marcel pointed out with a huge smile.  

''Let's keep peace between us, guys.'' I suggested, and they just laughed and told me they would shut up. ''So . . . Zayn . . . how was it the sudden encounter?'' I questioned eagerly. I loved juicy information sometimes. I knew that Marcel was even more into the drama. 

''Marcel and I had late lunch yesterday, and I bumped into him. Then he pleaded me to talk to him privately, so we did. But I never told him I'd listen to him. After all, I listened to him for a minute and then crashed his dreams with a rant and my advice for him.'' 

''What kind of advice?'' 

''That he needed to fuck himself, and that he was should turn into a man instead of a pathetic pussy.'' 

''You got some great advice, Red.'' Marcel spoke sarcastically. 

''Don't try me, Marcel. If you behave like that another time, don't think I won't castrate you.'' 

''I don't need children, honey. I won't even get them, because I don't do women. So, get up and castrate me then.'' Marcel replied sassily. Red showed her middle finger proudly, and I assumed she was hopelessly done with Marcel. What, obviously, was something Red couldn't hold on to. Before you knew it, she would be back to Marcel and have a laugh. 

After all, Marcel got his tuna salad. We ate in silence, and sometimes you heard Marcel groaning when a man walked past who would look insanely gorgeous. I didn't blame him, because one guy who walked by had the looks every girl couldn't get enough of. 

At the end of lunch, we were strolling around the city and have an ice-cream. It was very hot outside, and we deserved a delicious ice-cream after all. Marcel dragged us to his favourite spot, and we all ordered different flavours. When we finished paying, we took a seat on a bench outside. 

''The masked ball, ladies. Do you both have dresses?'' Marcel asked us, and he licked his chocolate flavoured ice-cream before it would drip on his kaki's. 

''Got one,'' Red muttered with ice-cream in her mouth. 

''Andrea is making the dress,'' I informed Marcel shortly after Red. 

''Great.'' Marcel said. ''I spoke to Harry on the phone last night, and he informed me about that he wants the invitations out today. I've seen the guest list, and I am overwhelmed by the amount of people who are coming over. So many hot guys.'' 

''Please behave your best. We don't want to scare the men, Marcel.'' Red told him, and she leaned back against the bench. 

''I don't scare them, Red. I offer them more things than women could.'' Marcel pointed out proudly. 

''You get dumber every day.'' Red scoffed. I laughed at her bluntness. 

We had this banter going back and forth, and it was pretty hilarious to have Red and Marcel in your life. They always managed to make the moments more laughable, and make you enjoy the little things in life. This friendship we had built up was the best I could've wished for. 

When we were done with our ice-cream, Red headed home. She was done with her tasks for today, and she left us. I begged her to come with me, but she said her favourite programme was online and couldn't ditch her characters. I understood her. 

My arm was linked with Marcel's as we walked to the Moulin Rouge. We hummed a few songs, but stopped when he asked a question I thought he would ask, but also hoped he didn't. 

''Red told me about you and Harry. What happened in that room is quite crucial.'' Marcel opened up, and I agreed with his words. But I was at the same time a bit annoyed about Red's lack of understanding of my privacy. 

''Lovely. She told you.'' I hummed. 

''Sugar, you cannot hide those happenings from me. Red tells me things, I tell her things, or we hear it both from you. One way or another, we find out.'' Marcel shrugged, normally stating the obvious. ''But I will support your departure to Texas completely. Clear your mind honey, ride some different horses-'' And with that, he moved his eyebrows seductively at me. Showing that he meant I needed to get some action done in my hometown.  

I slapped him harshly against his arm. ''Joking. We don't want to lose Mister Styles, do we? Besides that, Red and I will definitely come by one day. We want to know the amazing parents who raised you, and obviously share embarrassing stories about you.'' 

''Please, stay in Los Angeles.'' I begged immediately. 

''Oh, no, that's not happening.'' Marcel told me while pinching my cheek. I groaned. ''Aren't you afraid?'' 

''Of what?''  

''Harry finding out about you going back to Texas and not informing him,'' Marcel spoke. 

''He will eventually get to know it,'' I shrugged. ''But I prefer to keep it on a low key.''  

We passed a corner, and saw the Moulin Rouge coming closer. 

''Have you ever seen, you know, Keeton and Harry together?'' I wasn't comfortable with asking this question, because the person I loved the most was hanging out with the person I despised the most. It didn't add up to me. 

''Not at all, Sugar. It surprised me too when Red told me.'' Marcel sighed, sounding quite defeated. ''Harry is a man full of surprises. Some bad, some extremely wonderful.'' 

''I've figured that out by now,'' I scoffed. ''Do you know if they still have contact?'' 

''Like I said, Vicks. I don't know. I wish I could answer all your questions. Despite knowing Harry for such a long time, he stays a fucking mystery.'' 


''Congrats with being chosen for the upcoming masked ball at the Moulin Rouge. I will call your name, and inform what is hidden in your bags. Good news, you are allowed to keep all the clothes and jewels afterwards. See it as fifty percent of your pay-check.'' I informed the actresses we had chosen for the big day. They all stood in line, and I grabbed the paper where the names were attached with the names. 

It felt surreal to me that I was powerful at this moment. Harry went through this daily. Obviously, his position in this business was much bigger than mine right now. Compared to what I did today, he owned the world. 

''Klaudia, please come forward and pick up your attire,'' I instructed her, and she did. ''You will be wearing an ocean blue dress, which will be sleeveless. It will suit your wavy blond hair perfectly. With the silver corset decorated with crystals, it's a lovely combination.'' She thanked me softly. ''And you will have the butterfly themed mask.'' 

Next up was Sofia who was getting a dark navy blue dress with a corset with black lining. I gave her the mask with the black lace mask. A few feathers were added on the side. Her black hair would match the outfit completely, and I assured her that smokey eyes would be impeccably wonderful to add. 

I ruffled through the paperwork, there were still eight girls who got to hear what would be given to them. ''Emma, please get your outfit.'' The girl – who I wanted to join me from the moment she stepped on that stage – walked over to me. ''You will go in a simple brown dress. That sounds plain boring, but it will suit you so amazingly. You most definitely will pull it off.'' I complimented her, truthfully. 

''Amber!'' I yelled, and she stepped forward. ''I have picked the tight fit black dress with a high split on the side. You have alluring legs, so I selected you for this attire. To make it not too nude, it has long sleeves made out of lace. You are the first one who doesn't have to hold their mask but tie it around your head.'' I instructed her, and she nodded in agreement. 

''Kyra, love, come over.'' I encouraged her. She was the most innocent of them all, but secretly she carried a sort of Devil within her. ''You've got a ruby dress fully covered with Swarovski crystals. Please put your blonde hair in an up-do. See you soon.'' And she bid me goodbye. 

The bag I picked out then was for Sailor, a lovely girl who made us laugh a lot. Red pushed me to pick her, since she told an embarrassing story and Red seemed to have done the exact same thing when she was younger. So I was basically demanded to pick her, not that I minded. 

''Hey Sailor,'' I greeted her, and she held this huge grin on her face. 

''Hey Vicky,'' She responded. ''It's quite a task, isn't it?''  

''Yeah, but we manage to get everything settled before the big day. How are you?'' I questioned her this time, showing the interest she absolutely deserved. 

''Good,'' She grinned. ''I am so excited for this!'' Sailor tried to hold her excitement to herself a bit, but it wasn't working out. She chuckled, so did I.  

''Here you go,'' I told her, and she reached out for the bag I held. ''You have a red mermaid dress. It's lacy at the front but open at the back. The designer went for a sweetheart neckline, which will suit you outstandingly well. You have the perfect figure for this, holy shit.'' I muttered as I read the description of the clothing.  

''Thank you,'' Sailor muttered. 

''Just complete honesty that sometimes gets the best of me,'' I waved her off. ''Moving on. You have black stilettos, so your body gets lifted enough to make sure the dress is off the floor. Your mask will be black with tiny jewels to give you the extra sparkle.'' Sailor thanked me genuinely, and I told her I was looking forward to seeing her again. I knew Red wanted to hand her out the clothing today, but unfortunately she couldn't make it, due her bigger interest in the programme she enjoyed. 

''Simi and Nathalie, twins,'' They both made their way over to me. ''You both will be wearing royal deep blue dress. Nathalie, you will get the one with the small belt in the colour silver. Simi, you get the gold one. Like Emma, you both have quite a simple dress. But it will be elegant and it matches so well with you. I am highly sure of that.''  

''Anna, you have a purple royal long dress, sweetheart neckline, and a chiffon top to bottom. A tiny waist belt with diamond around it. Your mask will be glittery which you need to hold in your hand.'' I dismissed her quickly, since I had one more girl to go and wanted to go home after this long day. 

''Thanks, Vicky.'' Anna spoke. 

''No worries, Anna.'' I waved her off. 

Finally, I took the last bag. 

''Blair!'' I cheered cheerfully, and she walked over to me. ''Love the blouse you are wearing right now.'' I complimented her, and she thanked me happily. ''So for you I have a red dress. It will be strapless and tight until the waist. From that point on, it will flown down. They have added matte red heels. You have a mask that only covers the eyes, it's black lace.'' 

''Thanks, Vicky.'' Blair said meaningfully. ''Can I ask you a question?'' 

''Yeah sure,'' I encouraged her quickly.  

''What will you be wearing, or aren't you attending the masked ball?'' She asked me politely, trying not to sound too pushy. 

''About what I am wearing... I don't know yet, actually,'' I chuckled, and she relaxed on her spot. ''But I will definitely attend the masked ball.'' 

''That's wonderful. I bet you will look terrific. See you then.'' Blair told me, and we waved each other goodbye. 


''Hey mom,'' I spoke into the receiver, only to hear her wonderful voice again. A smile appeared onto my face at the instant happiness she carried with her when she greeted me. I hadn't heard her voice in a very long time, so this was absolutely amazing to me. The last time I talked to my mother was when I talked with her about Harry. Crazy times.  

''I missed your voice so much, Vicky.'' She told me, and I almost wanted to cry because she was definitely the sweetest. 

''I missed yours, too, mom.'' I told her honestly. I jumped on the kitchen counter and moved my legs like a little child. Back in the days – when I lived in Texas – and I did this, my mother would always demand me to get my ass off the kitchen counter. ''How is everything? How are you? How is dad? I have so many questions.'' I mumbled, and she chuckled softly. 

''I am doing well, my dear. Your dad is renovating the bathroom, and it looks wonderful. I always wanted to change the bathroom, remember?'' I said I did. ''Well, it's finally happening!'' I was smiling continuously at the way my mother informed me about how everything was in Texas. Her happiness was contagious. ''You've no idea how amazing I am feeling lately, Vicks. I just wished you could witness it too.''  Her tone of speaking had changed. She sounded sadder. That always happened when she brought up the distance between us. 

''Mom, that's the reason why I am actually calling you.'' I hopped off the counter to get myself a glass of warm milk with anise. ''These months I've been living in Los Angeles have been mind-blowing.'' I confessed, but little did she know what had happened to me. ''I made the decision to give up my apartment and head to Texas for a few weeks. I miss my roots.'' I chuckled, and felt tears brimming in the back of my eyes. 

''Honey! That's fantastic to hear, that you are coming back. However, it saddens me too you need to leave Los Angeles because it's too hectic. Haven't you dreamt about living there for the rest of your life?'' My mother recalled my biggest wish, and I told her she was right. I couldn't bear the thought of staying my whole life in Texas. After all, I felt homesick whenever I thought more and more about embracing my parents and staying there for a while. 

''We all need an escape from our dreams and come back to reality once in a while, mother.'' I said into the phone, and I was totally agreeing with the statement I just made. ''I will return back to Los Angeles afterwards. Just, at this moment, I really want to come around.''  

''I understand, Vicks. When do you want to come around?''  

I told my mother I was coming around a few days after I had my show at the Moulin Rouge. I didn't tell her that this was a masked ball, and I was going to manipulate some bitches. But I just told her I'd do what I did every Friday evening at the club. We talked about family and also about the fact I was coming around again after my previous visit in December. 

We said our goodbyes, and I continued doing what I loved to do sometimes; pampering myself. I took my box with nail polish with me to the living room, and settled myself down on the couch. My feet were resting on the salon table – even though I never accepted people doing this, because I often found it downright nasty – but this evening I didn't care.  

I was having fun on my own. I enjoyed this relaxing time, and I ended up walking around the house weirdly. That was because my nails hadn't dried yet, and I couldn't bump into something before it all would be ruined. I managed to connect my phone with my speakers, and turned on some music. I sang along, getting really excited when the song Beautiful Soul by Jessy McCartney was making its way out of the equipment. 

I was singing along with a lot of sass. Now and then it was quite funny to overreact when I was singing along to songs. These sort of moods were my favourite ones. I loved everything that was happening, and would lose track of time. I lowered the volume of the music when I heard the doorbell ringing. I wondered who was willing to disturb my moment of chirpiness at this time of the evening. 

As I opened the front door, I was baffled it wasn't Miss Berch, but someone I never thought I would personally meet like this. 



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