Day Cycle (FNAF SB)

By mosswuzhere

4 0 0

When a sudden influx of children now attending the superstar daycare causes Sun and Moon to be deemed unable... More

Authors note/disclaimer

Reverse Suprise Adoption

2 0 0
By mosswuzhere

(Authors note: some parts of this chapter are being rewritten, so scenes may change patagraps with "||" at the begining and end are the ones being rewritten)

|| Moon said goodbye to the children as another successful day for the daycare had come to an end. He wished the children a good night and returned to his rocking chair for some well-earned rest. Everything had gone the same as usual: Sun played with the children, making sure they all had fun and no child felt left out, Eclipse took care of the toddlers and infants, making sure that all of them were fed and safe, and Moon read to the children who preferred calmer activities. Most of Moon's work was done during Naptime, where he would place all of the children to sleep so they would get some rest.  ||

 Moon sat down on his rocking chair relaxing for a moment before he connected to his charger and began to doze off into sleep mode. This moment of peace was interrupted when he felt someone gaze upon him. He tried to ignore it and relish in his moment of peace, but it just wouldn't stop. He opened his eyes to see the night time security guard Y/N standing there. They rocked back and forth on their feet while swimming in excitement with a large grin on their face. It was clear that they had some sort of news, what else could have exited them this much? 

"Well someone is excited. Is there something that you want to tell me Y/N," Moon asked as he disconnected from his charger before standing up from his chair. 

"Well, it's more of a show than a tell, but I promise that you are going to love it!" 

"Then, by all means, go ahead." 

"Great, follow me!"

|| Y/N led to a small fenced-in section of the daycare designated for children put in timeout. Inside the fences were four children, but not human ones. These were animatronic children in the shape of anthropomorphic ferrets. Y/N introduced Moon to each of the children one by one. First was Mallet, who had messy hair, a bandage wrapped around his tail, and was chasing one of the other children with a mallet (which was clearly where he got his name). Second was Captain, the one being chased by Mallet; his hair was much neater and curlier. Third, there was Bow. She had curled hair reaching down to her shoulders and a bow, keeping it out of her face. She was holding a tea party with the last child, Circuit. Circuits' hair was less curly and longer than Bows. She opted to pull it back into a ponytail as a means to keep it out of her face. The two girls picked up and moved items as the boys would run through as if this was something that had been happening for years and they were used to it.  ||

"There has been a huge increase in the amount of children in the daycare, so it would be almost impossible for you and Sun to keep watch of and play with all of them," Y/N explained, "so instead of hiring daycare staff, Fazbear entertainment commissioned for some more daycare bots to be made. The quadruplets will play with children and keep them out of trouble. Like you, Sun, and Eclipse, they have the names and faces of all the children programmed into them so that they can recognize each child and create a more personalized play experience for the children. In addition to that," Y/N was interrupted by Moon before they could finish their sentence. 

"This is great, Y/N, but who is going to take care of them? I already have to take care of all of the other children in the daycare and make sure Sun doesn't act out on his batty ideas after hours." 

"Please, Moon, I'm sure that you will love them!," Y/N begged. 

As if they had paid attention to the whole conversation even in their play, the quadruplets had stood by Y/N's side silently. 

"No, don't give me the puppy-dog eyes," Moon tried his best to resist, but eventually gave in. It wasn't just the puppy dog eyes that caused Moon to cave in. The major contributing factor to this decision was that he knew that if no one was there to care for these robotic children, they would all meet the same fate, decommissioning. As soon as the words of agreement left his mouth, he was practically buried in the five of them for a group hug. 

The hug lasted for a while until Moon gave them a gentle push to signal that he was done with the hug. The five of them had gotten the message by then and stood up a short distance from Moon while giving him enough space to get up himself. 

"This is great! You can introduce the quadruplets to Sun and Eclipse while I go tell Vanessa the news!"

And with that Y/N was off, leaving Moon to introduce the quadruplets to his siblings. 

Moon cleared his throat,  "Alright children, line up now and I will take you to be introduced to Sun and Eclipse." 

The children did not line up as Moon told, in fact, they had done quite the opposite. They played tag if they had not heard a word Moon said. Circuit climbed up the play structure as a strategy of not getting caught leaving those on the ground to get tagged, or slammed for better words, by Mallet. Bow also seemed to use a similar strategy by going inside the structures, leaving Captain who chose to dodge Mallet’s hammer instead of running away.

“This is unfair! You can’t use your hammer to tag people!” Captain complained. Mallet’s swings grew closer and closer to his brother as Captain struggled to continue dodging. 

“Yes I can, I’m doing it right now!” 

Mallet rose his hammer to ‘tag’ Captain but was interrupted by the sound of bells. Moon had frantically rang the bell on his hat to get their attention before anything went wrong and let out a sigh of relief when all four froze and stared at him. Mallet seemed especially entranced by the sound of the bells.  

"Now children, before we can continue playing there are two people I must introduce to you to. We will be able to get it done in a quick manner, after all, you four are quite the speedsters! Who would the four off you like to meet first, Sun or Eclipse?"

The children debated amongst themselves on who they wanted to meet, but soon enough they came to a unanimous decision that they wanted to meet Sun first. With that Moon led the children to find Sun, while also keeping an eye on them to make sure that they didn't get distracted from the task at hand with play. Moon hoped that when the five of them did find Sun he wasn't doing something that would set a bad example for these children, all of whom already seemed to be the rambunctious type themselves, as he usually did when the daycare was closed. He did appreciate that Sun waited till there were no children to watch to act upon his impulsive thoughts, but they were things that could potentially get him sent to parts and services. Moon didn't know how Sun managed to complete these feats without getting a scratch on himself.

Moon stood confused for a moment, he couldn’t find Sun anywhere within the daycare. He couldn’t possibly be outside of the daycare, he wouldn’t be allowed to do that for another two hours because the daycare closes earlier than the rest of the pizzaplex. Moon grew worried for a moment until he remembered one place in the daycare that he was yet to check. The room in behind the balcony that Sun would dive off of into the ballpit to greet the children each morning. Sun was the only daycare attendant who was capable of going up there as he was able to attach himself to a chord that could elevate him high enough (Sun was also able to climb the fake bricks up the wall to get up there, but was told not to after scaring too many security guards). 

Moon called out to Sun, telling him to come down and in an instant Sun had dove off of the balcony into the ballpit as he did every morning. The colorful balls shuffled for a moment before Sun popped out of them and landed on his feet next to moon.  

“Sun I would like to introduce you to-” Moon began to introduce Sun to the children, but was quickly interrupted by Sun excitement. 

“The quadruplets! I’ve heard soooooooo much about you four from Y/N!”

Sun performed cartwheels around the children as he spoke. If his voice was any more excited he might explode!  

“You must be Bow, that dress of yours is absolutely adorable! I’ve always loved dresses with volume, they’re so much fun! I have a few petticoats myself -all colorful of course.” 

Sun bent to her level and spoke with his hands. His hand gestures and talking speed were equally fast. He seemingly cannot stay still for even a second.  

“And you’re Circuit! Love the ponytail but didn’t you have a wonderful colorful hat?”

Circuit didn’t seem to share the same opinion as Sun. “It’s so stupid! They may as well have just written ‘dunce’ in capital letters!” 

“Let’s agree to disagree.” Sun skipped over to the next of the four siblings. “If you’re not Mallet I don’t know who you must be! That hammer must pack quite a punch!” 

“Wanna put that to the test?” Mallet seemingly joked.  But his stance conveyed the opposite - he was clearly ready and excited for a chance to hit someone with the cartoonishly large wooden mallet. 

Sun smiled nervously.“How about we save the whacking for someone who really  needs it.” Sun ruffled Mallet’s already messy hair before moving on to the last of the siblings. This one seemed to be running out of patience, judging by his crossed arms and tapping foot. 

“Last but certainly not least, you’re Captain! I'm sure you have plenty of plans for mischief up your sleeve! If you ever need an inside man to distract mister no-fun-Moon here just give me the wor-” 

Moon cut Sun off. “Now that all of you are properly introduced, how about we introduce the kids to Eclipse before you give them any ideas? Do you know where we may find her?” Sun huffed despite having done the same thing  to Moon a few moments ago. 

“She’s in the nursery relaxing with her anime,” Sun answered.  Patting each of the children’s heads,  he attached to the cord and lifted straight up into the air with a backflip no less.  Settling on the  balcony, Sun waved and disappeared behind the crimson curtains. 

Leading the children to the nursery, Moon sighed as he spotted Eclipse further in. She sat on the carpet watching a CRT TV - it was probably one of those obscure animes she liked to fixate on.The nursery itself was about half the size of the daycare). Twenty-five cradles lined the walls with none in use at the moment. The nursery was usually reserved for the children of employees; customers bringing children under the age of five to the pizzaplex was strongly unadvised  for safety related reasons. The bottom half of the walls were padded while the top half had a variety of painted illustrations like ducks, boats, and cats. 

Moon entered the nursery and cleared his throat. She scrambled to turn off the TV, eject the tape, and hide it behind her back before spinning around to face Moon. 

“I wasn’t using the nursery television to watch- oh hello Moon! I thought you were Vanessa but with a much deeper voice and in hindsight I should’ve recognized your voice. ” Eclipse spoke fast, but not in the same excited way that Sun did. Her voice was more as if her thoughts went a mile a minute and her voice struggled to keep up. She placed the tape in its cover and placed it in a large box in the corner that looked like a birthday gift where she stowed away all of the items that she was not supposed to have, but had anyways. 


Moon took a short breath, recovering from the short secondhand embarrassment of watching his sibling. “Eclipse, I would like to introduce you to-” 

“The quadruplets: Circuit, Mallet, Bow, and Captain? Yeah Y/N told me about them yesterday; they even showed me pictures,” Eclipse interrupted. Something hot wormed in his gut.

Moon blinked. Was he the last person to know about the four despite being their primary caretaker? He took a few deep breaths; maybe it was just Sun and Eclipse who knew about it before him. When he introduces the quadruplets to the rest of the Pizzaplex animatronics tonight, and they all recognize the quadruplets too?? Y/N would be dealing with glitter in their work uniforms for the next month.

“Is there anything else you need?” Eclipse asked, opening the box again and reaching for one of her mangas. The one she grabbed seemed to be about magical girls.

“Well you still have to introduce yourself to the quadruplets,” Moon answered. 

“Oh right, where are my manners?” Eclipse bowed. “ I am Eclipse. If you need anything from me, then please don’t.” And with that, she sat down to read her manga. 

Moon led the children out of the nursery and checked the time. It was 11:03, still one hour before the rest of the Pizzaplex would close. Checking his percentage (28%), Moon winced and debated on what to do. He needed to charge and, since he didn’t know the last time the quadruplets had done so, it seems safe to assume charging for an hour wouldn’t hurt them. 

“Well children, it’s still an hour before we can leave the daycare. Why don’t we all get charged in the meantime so we have energy for the rest of the night,” Moon announced. 

“But we don’t want to charge! we want to play!” Captain exclaimed.

“Yeah! We’re only at about 90 percent charge!” Circuit commented. 

“There are still so many games we can play in here!” Mallet chipped in.

“We could also have a tea party!” Bow rounded out the group’s complaints.

Moon knelt at the children's level. “Well if we charge now then you will have plenty of time to play after the rest of the introductions.”

The quadruplets looked at each other for a moment or two - Moon smirked as he recognized the siblings’ calculated stares. It’s like looking in a mirror of him, Sun, and Eclipse years ago. It only took the quadruplets a minute to agree. Moon sighed but smiled thankfully. His percentage was lowering dangerously towards 20%.    

After getting the children settled in their charging tubes he sat down, connected to his charging cord, and went into sleep mode. 

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