The Cardinal Hero of Magic

By Lady_Umbra

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In order to save the world from apocalyptic catastrophe, four heroes will be summoned from another world, The... More

The Wave Of Castastrophe
The Capital City of Melromarc
My Little Brother
The Slaver and A Choice
Crashing The Party
Chaos Requirements Met
The Time Of Mourning
The Hero Of Another World, The Dagger Hero
The Filolial Queen
The Kitsune Queen
Accused, Battle With Spear Hero
The Apostle of God
Dragon's Havoc
New threads and New Threats
Heroes Gather
Dragon's Apathy
The Dragonoid's Turmoil
The Cal Mira Archipelago
Strength Redefined

Justice Served

655 20 7
By Lady_Umbra

The following morning, Balthasar stood in Yōsaiya's shop before a magnificent full-length mirror, his gaze fixed upon his reflection. Every meticulous adjustment of his attire was executed with precision and care.

He gracefully draped himself in a long, exquisitely tailored trench coat, its rich ebony hue enveloping him like a billowing cloak of darkness. The fabric cascaded in fluid waves, exuding an air of mystique and allure. Adorning this remarkable garment were silver buttons, intricately etched with enigmatic patterns, their gentle glimmer casting an ethereal glow in the subdued light. As each button was fastened, a profound sense of purpose and authority descended upon him, permeating the very essence of his being.

Beneath the resplendent coat, Balthasar sported a sleek black shirt, its fabric possessing a hint of subtle texture that bestowed a captivating depth upon his ensemble. The shirt, snugly tailored to his form, accentuated his regal bearing, while the high collar added an aura of dignified elegance. Concealed within the shirt's immaculate design, the hidden button placket ensured the coat's clean, uninterrupted lines remained unblemished.

His black trousers, tailored to perfection, hugged his form with a subtle taper. The fabric allowed for effortless movement, a necessity for a hero of his caliber. With each step, the trousers whispered of elegance and power.

Completing the ensemble were knee-high black leather boots, their sleek surface mirroring the gentle morning sun's rays. These boots formed a steadfast foundation, simultaneously embodying practicality and style, poised to crush any ignorant insect beneath their formidable soles with effortless grace.

Standing before the mirror, Balthasar was adorned with a silver pendant, an exquisite embellishment that added a touch of mystique to his ensemble. Suspended delicately from its chain, a dark red gemstone emanated an ethereal luminosity, hinting at a realm beyond mortal comprehension. The pendant bore a unique, intricately crafted Dragon-like emblem, a testament to his formidable magical prowess and a profound homage to his ancestral heritage.

Draped gracefully over his shoulder, a meticulously crafted leather satchel exuded an air of sophistication, its intricate stitching speaking volumes of the artisan's skill. Within its depths, nestled the cherished treasures that held immeasurable worth to him-a spellbook brimming with the wisdom of ages, its pages whispering secrets long forgotten, alongside a curated assortment of enchanted artifacts, each bearing the indelible mark of the revered Magic Hero's craftsmanship. As he bore the weight of the satchel, it served as a constant testament to the weighty responsibility he willingly shouldered-a steadfast guardian, tirelessly protecting the very village he had founded with unwavering dedication.

With a final adjustment and a determined gaze, Balthasar carefully assessed his reflection. Every element of his attire exuded an air of mystery, power, and a touch of danger. The combination of black and dark red hues, the flowing trench coat, and the thoughtfully chosen accessories embodied his unique style as an intrepid adventurer.

Balthasar gazed in awe at Yōsaiya's extraordinary craftsmanship. "Yōsaiya, your work is absolutely incredible," he praised the gifted seamstress. "This ensemble surpasses the previous set of clothes you created for me by a long shot."

Emiko's excitement was palpable as she exclaimed, "Master, you look incredibly cool!" Her eyes sparkled with admiration as she beheld the Magic Hero. "No one else could ever rival your level of coolness."

Yōsaiya's smile grew wider, although signs of fatigue were evident in the dark circles under her eyes. "I hope it was worth the sleepless night," she quipped. "By the way, I took the liberty of adding the pendant and satchel to complete your outfit."

Balthasar's grin grew wider as he admired the meticulously crafted jewelry. "The pendant is absolutely perfect," he exclaimed, clearly pleased. "It reflects the immense pride I have in my ancestors." The Magic Hero then opened the satchel, revealing the items he had already packed inside. "And having everything conveniently stored in one pack is a relief. No more rummaging through my belongings to find my grimoires and artifacts."

"I'm delighted to hear that," Yōsaiya responded with a warm smile, before turning her attention to the young wolf. "Gray, how do you like your new attire?'"

Gray admired his clothes as he was clad in an outfit that mirrored his brother's, Gray prepared himself for another thrilling quest.

He donned a fitted, long-sleeved shirt in a pale shade of gray, its fabric light and breathable against his skin. The color accentuated his unique white hair, which shimmered like moonlight. The shirt's sleeves hugged his arms, revealing the faint scars earned from countless battles.

Gray's pants were solid and practical. The dark fabric, a steadfast black, provided a sharp contrast to his hair and shirt. The pants were tailored to allow for ease of movement, essential for a nimble adventurer like him. Pockets adorned the sides, capable of holding small trinkets or tools he might need on his journey.

Completing his ensemble, Gray slipped into a rugged jacket. Its neutral hue, a blend of black and gray, added depth and mystery to his appearance. The jacket was lightweight yet resilient, ideal for the unpredictable nature of his adventures. Multiple pockets adorned the front, each one a testament to his preparedness.

With one last adjustment to his belt, secured tightly around his waist, Gray fastened the silver buckle before lacing up his dark boots. Crafted from sturdy leather, they provided the necessary protection and support for his demanding expeditions. The soles were rugged, designed to grip the treacherous terrain he often encountered.

Gray's voice resonated with heartfelt appreciation as he directed his praise toward Yōsaiya. "Yōsaiya, you have truly exceeded all expectations," he commended, a touch of awe in his tone. Her impeccable work left him thoroughly impressed.

Turning his gaze towards Lily, Gray eagerly sought her opinion. "And what do you think, Lily?" he inquired, a hint of anticipation lacing his words.

Lily, however, found herself at a loss for words, her cheeks flushing with a constant blush. She managed to mutter under her breath, her voice barely audible, "You... look... handsome..."

Caught off guard by her response, Gray leaned closer, his curiosity piqued. "Pardon me?" he asked, not quite catching her words.

Collecting herself, Lily quickly averted her gaze, her voice slightly hurried. "You look absolutely amazing, Gray," she replied, a touch of shyness evident in her tone.

Witnessing this charming exchange, both Balthasar and Yōsaiya exchanged amused glances, their laughter bubbling forth.

As Gray stood before the mirror, a surge of satisfaction washed over Balthasar. He knew that he was impeccably dressed, fully prepared to rendezvous with the heroes as instructed by the queen the previous night. 

Leading the way, Balthasar and his companions proceeded toward the grand castle. However, they soon encountered a sizable crowd, with knights and individuals clutching crystal balls obstructing their path.

Amidst the commotion, a man at the forefront of the crowd erupted in frustration. "This is utter nonsense!" he bellowed indignantly. "As a member of the Bow Hero's party, I should be granted entry! Why are the Shield Hero's allies allowed inside while I am not?"

Attempting to diffuse the situation, a young woman with flowing green hair implored, "Please, Sir Mald, you must calm yourself."

Mald, filled with rage, lashed out at the woman. The crowd fell silent, startled by his aggression. However, Mald's arm was swiftly intercepted by the charismatic Magic Hero, who sported a cunning grin.

"Sir Mald," he addressed Mald with a sly smile, "did your mother not teach you to never raise your hand against a woman?" With a firm push, Balthasar moved the enraged knight aside, clearing a path for his party as they advanced towards the castle, followed closely by their companions.

"Why is that man and his party granted entry!" Mald's voice reverberated with outrage as he pointed accusingly at Balthasar and his companions. "That man carries the blood of countless noble lives on his hands!"

Undeterred by Mald's outburst, the knights paid no heed to his words and allowed the Hero and his entourage to proceed. Balthasar strode into the castle, his destination set on the throne room. As he entered, the gaze of the Four Heroes and the Queen fell upon him. With utmost grace, Balthasar took a step forward, bowing deeply as a gesture of respect and offering his sincere apologies to the Queen.

"Your majesty, I humbly request your forgiveness for my delayed arrival," Balthasar spoke with genuine contrition, his party mirroring his gesture of deference. "I believed that my humble attire as a commoner would be inadequate to stand in the presence of someone as esteemed as yourself."

"He actually has some manners, huh!" Motoyasu whispered to his fellow Heroes, clearly taken aback. "I thought he was just a total jerk, spewing curse words left and right."

The Queen smiled warmly, gesturing towards the other Heroes. "Balthasar, I'm pleased that you could join us," she said graciously. "I kindly ask that you take your place alongside the other Heroes."

"Of course, your majesty," Balthasar replied before he and his crew joined the rest of the Heroes.

Then, Balthasar turned towards the Spear Hero, giving him a sly look. "You're not entirely off the mark," he said casually. "I say whatever the fuck I want, whenever the fuck I want. And if you've got a problem with that, well, you can go suck the back of my dick twice on a Tuesday."

Queen Mirellia declared, her voice resonating through the grandeur of the throne room, as she acknowledged the presence of the esteemed Cardinal Heroes. "With the arrival of all five Cardinal Heroes, the time has come to commence," she proclaimed, capturing the attention of both the Heroes and the entirety of the audience. "Let the trial commence!'"

The statement elicited varied reactions from the Heroes, with one notable exception—the Shield Hero. As the Heroes turned their attention, a hushed anticipation filled the air as the doors of the throne room swung open, revealing the King and the first princess, both in chains. Balthasar couldn't help but sport a mischievous grin, silently expressing his gratitude to every deity he could recall for being present at this moment. Motoyasu, on the other hand, appeared more shocked than the rest as he urgently called out to his fellow party member.


"Sir Motoyasu, please help me," the Princess pleaded, her voice filled with desperation, yet she remained restrained by the palace knights.

As Balthasar observed the unfolding events, a fleeting thought crossed his mind. "Heh... I do wish Rino could have witnessed this," he mused silently, as the King and his daughter were led to the stand, ready to face judgment.

"I don't understand what's happening," Itsuki confessed, his voice laced with bewilderment.

"Something good, that's what," Balthasar exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across his face.

"They are being tried as criminals," the queen said with a serious expression. "The trial of the Foolish King Consort and the First Princess shall now begin."

A weighty silence enveloped the majestic throne room, broken only by the courageous plea of the First Princess.

"Mama, I beg of you, I am innocent!" Malty's voice rang out, provoking an involuntary cough from the Magic Hero.

"*Bullshit!*, *Bullshit!*," Balthasar sputtered, struggling to regain composure after a fit of coughing. "My apologies, coughing fit."

"My queen, what grounds do you have for taking such action?" King Aultcray inquired, attempting to approach his queen, only to be halted by the knight's spears.

"With the presence of the five Cardinal Heroes, this trial aims to bring justice upon those who have deeply unsettled our nation," Queen Mirellia stated, her gaze hardened as she locked eyes with her husband and daughter. "As the Queen of Melromarc, I shall preside as the judge."

"No... Don't tell me the Devil of the Shield has brainwashed you as we..."

With a swift wave of her hand, the queen cast a minor ice spell, striking the king. "The Shield Hero possesses no such power, and you are well aware of it!" Queen Mirellia exclaimed, her voice filled with frustration. "I can't believe I have to say that."

A man approached the queen, carrying a tray containing a knife, a brush, and a small bowl of ink. "What's that?" Malty asked, her face filled with confusion.

"To ensure a fair trial," the queen began, using the blade to make a small cut on her finger and allowing a drop of blood to fall into the bowl of ink. "You shall be bestowed with a temporary slave crest for the duration of this trial."

Princess Malty was compelled to kneel as the man dipped the brush into the ink.

"With all due respect, Your Majesty," Balthasar interjected, addressing the queen. "I believe it should be my duty to apply the crest on her."

"And why is that, Magic Hero?" Queen Mirellia inquired, her interest piqued as she turned her gaze toward the Magic Hero.

"Because, if you appraise that ink, you will discover that it is of inferior quality," Balthasar revealed, causing the queen to employ an appraisal skill and confirm the Hero's assertion. "I suspect that someone within the castle attempted to protect the royal family by replacing the ink with a substandard quality that would enable falsehoods."

The Dragonoid withdrew his staff, swiftly transforming it into his Slaver Magic Staff. "With this Slaver staff, I shall extract a droplet of your blood and affix a crest upon your daughter, making you the contract holder," he proclaimed.

The Queen extended her bleeding finger, giving her consent. "Thank you, Your Majesty," the Magic Hero expressed his gratitude, presenting his staff as a single drop of the queen's blood fell onto the jewel.

"How could you do that to your own daughter?!" Motoyasu shouted, his voice filled with disbelief, as he turned to face the Queen.

"Because my precious daughter is a pathological liar," The Queen said with a sneer, her words dripping with scorn, as the magic Hero walked towards the accused.

"I'm not," the Princess argued, her voice brimming with false innocence. "You know I'm a good girl, an honest girl."

Balthasar, rolling his eyes and adjusting the grip on his staff, chimed in, "Oh, absolutely," his voice heavily laced with sarcasm. "And would you believe it? I'm the glorious, magnificent king of KissMyAss." 

Balthasar approached the Princess, who hesitated as he lowered her breastplate. The Dragonoid aimed the tip of his staff toward her chest and imprinted the slave crest, despite her evident resistance. The Princess let out a cry as the brand took hold, and the knights gently helped her back to her feet.

Balthasar leaned closer, wearing a satisfied smile, and whispered to the princess, "Just to let you know, I made this crest are ten times stronger than a normal crest. They'll ensure your words remain truthful." The Magic Hero let out a light chuckle. "So go ahead, try to lie. I must admit, I'll find it quite entertaining to witness your every false word ."

Balthasar casually walked away from the Princess, rejoining the other heroes. Meanwhile, Lily approached the Magic Hero from behind.

"Knowing you," Lily whispered into the Magic Hero's ear, her voice dripping with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. "You probably made that spell stronger than usual. I'm not sure whether I'll enjoy this or hate it."

Balthasar, joining in on the conversation, leaned in and whispered, "Well, let's just sit back, relax, and have some popcorn. After all, it's going to be quite the show."

"Let the Trial officially commence," Queen Mirellia commanded, her voice resolute. "Be duly warned that your crimes shall be unveiled for all to witness," she declared, a hint of scorn permeating her words. "Neither of you shall be able to worm your way out."

"You cannot pass judgment upon them without providing an explanation," Motoyasu countered, his voice filled with growing anger as he addressed the queen. "Furthermore, what alleged crimes are you accusing them of committing?"

"Damn... Do we really have to begin with that?" Naofumi muttered silently to himself.

"Let us begin with recent events," the Queen stated, her voice steady as she addressed the assembled individuals. "The Pope of the Three Heroes, armed with a fabricated holy weapon, attempted to murder the Cardinal Heroes and falsely implicate the Shield and Magic Hero," she continued, her tone recounting the gravity of the situation. "However, he met his demise, and we are currently apprehending his disciples."

"What does that have to do with anything?" questioned one of the Spear Hero, seeking clarification.

"Shockingly, the king and the first princess were colluding with the church all along," the Queen revealed, casting a sidelong glance at the Spear Hero.

"No... that... that cannot be true," Motoyasu exclaimed, his disbelief palpable.

"Daughter, do you dare refute these claims?" Queen Mirellia inquired, directing her question to a specific individual.

With a hint of indignation, Malty began to respond, "What reason would I have for colluding..." Her words were abruptly cut off as a surge of purple lightning erupted from her slave crest.

The Princess let out a pained cry as she instinctively clutched the podium to steady herself, while Balthasar reveled in her suffering.

"Oh, yes... I am going to relish every moment of this," Balthasar muttered to himself, but his words were interrupted as Naofumi nudged him with an elbow.

"It is truly appalling to consider that my own daughter would attempt to overthrow the state," the Queen shook her head in dismay.

"No, I would never!" Malty vehemently denied it, her voice rising almost to a shout as she confronted her mother. "Forget about the Shield; they tried to assassinate the other Three Heroes as well. They even targeted the royal family," the Princess pointed out, her words filled with conviction. "I swear I would never involve myself in such a heinous plot."

To Motoyasu's delight, the Slave Crest remained unresponsive to her words.

"The Leviathan..." Balthasar stated coldly, causing the Princess to shift her gaze toward the Magic Hero.

"What?" she inquired, her tone tinged with confusion.

Balthasar chewed on his finger, intentionally causing a droplet of blood to fall onto his staff of enslavement, thereby willingly adding himself to the princess' contract. "Did you hire the Three Heroes church to lure me and my companions to the very location where the Leviathan was sealed away by the previous Heroes?"

"I would never..." the Princess started to object, but her words were abruptly cut short by her crest. 

"M-Myne..." Motoyasu whispered, his voice filled with disbelief.

"And now we come to the accusation of your attempted murder of Your Sister," the Queen declared, her gaze narrowing as she fixed it upon the princess. "You orchestrated a scheme to assassinate Princess Melty, the Heir to the throne, and then falsely implicate the Shield Hero in her murder."

"I didn't do anything..." the Princess attempted to protest, but her words were abruptly silenced by the activation of the Slave curse.

"No, Malty," the King exclaimed, shocked by the revelation. "Please tell me you didn't."

"No, Papa, I did..." The Princess fell to her knees under the weight of her curse, blood starting to trickle from her nose.

"Myne... You're bleeding," Motoyasu said with concern.

"It's the penalty for lying," Balthasar interjected without sparing a glance at the Hero. "The more she lies, the more damage is inflicted, and if she continues to lie, the crest will ultimately kill her."

"You conspired with the Three Heroes Church and conspired to employ their assistance in assassinating your sister, to secure your own path to the throne," the Queen declared, her voice firm and accusatory. "Moreover, when your initial plan failed, you resorted to falsely accusing the Shield Hero of kidnapping her and deliberately setting fire to the forest where she escaped into. Do you dare to deny these grievous allegations?"

Inside the grand Throne room, a subtle exchange of glances between two knights revealed the gravity of the situation, as one of them couldn't conceal a nervous expression. The Princess, deeply hurt by the Queen's words, stared at her mother as though she had just been dealt a personal insult.

"Melty is my own flesh and blood, my sister! Of course, I deny it!" the Princess vehemently proclaimed, her voice filled with a mixture of anguish and determination. However, her outburst was abruptly cut short as another wave of pain surged through her body, causing her to let out a pained scream, a consequence of the backlash from her Slave crest

"It's true," Ren spoke up, his words causing Motoyasu, the Sword Hero, to wear a shattered expression. "It did appear as though she had intentions of killing her."

"Yeah, we were there. We saw the entire incident," Itsuku affirmed, lending support to Ren's statement.

"No... She... She couldn't have done that," Motoyasu desperately attempted to defend the princess, his voice filled with disbelief.

"Malty, how could you commit such an act..." the king began to speak, but his words were swiftly interrupted by the Queen.

"King Aultcray!" the Queen's voice boomed, capturing her husband's attention. "You, too, conspired with the church. You collaborated with them to summon all four of the Cardinal Heroes while I was absent from the kingdom."

"I summoned them solely to protect us from the Waves of catastrophe!" King Aultcray passionately defended himself, raising his voice in the presence of his queen. "And on the first night, the Shield Hero committed an unforgivable act against our daughter!"

"That's correct!" Motoyasu interjected, his voice filled with anger. "Naofumi assaulted Myne!"

"No, that's not true," Balthasar spoke loudly, ensuring everyone could hear him. "The princess fabricated the accusation to tarnish the reputation of the Shield Hero."

"I refuse to believe you!" Motoyasu shouted at the Dragonoid.

"Believe it, Spear Hero," Balthasar declared, taking a step forward and swapping his slaver's staff for his Crystal Ball Magic Staff. "With the Queen's permission, I possess evidence implicating the Princess in this matter."

"You may proceed, Sir Balthasar."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Bathatar expressed his gratitude as he began projecting the memories of that fateful night. "Allow me to present my memory of the night when the Princess orchestrated the plot to frame the Shield Hero."

"Are you sure this plan of yours will work, my Princess?" The Church Member asked "We have too much riding on this for it to fail," 

"'Princess?'" Balthasar thought to himself, silently moving closer to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"I'm positive it'll work. In fact, I can guarantee he won't see it coming until it's too late. After all, he's already gone to bed, and by the time he wakes up in the morning guards will have his room surrounded," the Princess confidently declared to the member of the Three Heroes Church

"Princess Malty, the Church of the Three Heroes has many resources at its disposal. Why not use some of them to eliminate the Shield Hero from this world?" the Church Member asked directing his question to the princess.

Princess Malty rolled her eyes and retorted, "Because if we were to kill the Shield Hero outright, Father would become suspicious. Despite his existing disdain for the Shield Hero, any sudden demise would undoubtedly raise red flags. Such suspicion could potentially expose both the Church and me, jeopardizing my ascension to the throne. Therefore, we must dispose of him discreetly, and the opportune moment to do so is while my mother is away." Her voice dripped with haughtiness as she spoke.

The Church Member opposite her questioned, "And how do you propose to execute your plan?'

"Accusations of this kind against an innocent princess cannot be ignored," Malty began, her tone dripping with malice. "My father, the king, will be absolutely furious when I tell him of the Shield Hero's transgressions against me, his beloved daughter. However, as a hero, my father cannot harm him without risking the wrath of other kingdoms. So instead, he will spread the news of this scandal throughout the land, tarnishing the Shield Hero's reputation before he even leaves the castle walls."

"Oh, I see now why the Church decided to send agents out to spread rumors of this sort then," he mused. "A hero accused of something like this would have no one but the worst riffraff vouching to work for him. He would be unable to kill monsters by himself due to his low attack stat, and he would trust no one who would support him to help him out. By the time the next wave hits Melromarc, he will be so weak that he won't stand a chance of survival."

Malty's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as she contemplated the downfall of the Shield Hero. "Meaning his death at the hands of monsters with no one the wiser about his innocence," she added, relishing the thought.

The revelation left everyone in a state of shock. "If you indeed witnessed this," Ren inquired, turning to the Magic Hero as the projection concluded, "why didn't you warn anyone?"

"Because I was discovered and nearly killed by that man," the Dragonoid before he pointed accusingly at the Princess. "Furthermore, I later discovered that the Princess had sold my companion into slavery, which shifted my priorities."

"I refuse to believe you!" Motoyasu shouted in anger. "What evidence do we have that this is even the truth?" The Spear Hero challenged. "For all we know, this could be a spell-induced fabrication!"

"You demand proof!" Balthasar raised his voice, striding towards the Hero and firmly gripping his hand while switching back to his Slavers Magic Staff. "Very well, I shall provide you with proof!"

Without any warning, Balthasar bit into the Spear Hero's finger and held it over the jewel. As a drop of blood fell onto the staff, the Spear Hero's name was added as an owner to Princess Melry's Slave contract.

"Ask her yourself!" Balthasar declared as he stood by Naofumi's side.

To disprove the Magic Hero's claims, Motoyasu approached the princess. "Myne, please be honest with me," the Spear Hero pleaded. "The night you were assaulted by Naofumi, you escaped and sought my help, didn't you?"

"That's right, Sir Motoyasu. The Devil of the Shield nearly raped me, and you were the only one..." The Princess's words were abruptly cut off as she let out a piercing scream filled with agony, collapsing to the ground and coughing up blood.


"I strongly advise against any further questions," Balthasar coldly warned. "Another lie from her, and her crest will end her life.

"Very well," Queen Mirellia nodded in agreement. "Perhaps now you comprehend the gravity of your actions, despite your royal status," she said with contempt. "You resorted to deceitful tactics, seeking to eliminate those who opposed you, solely driven by a desire for more power."

"There wasn't a hint of consideration for the nation you were meant to serve," the Queen continued, as Malty attempted to defend herself.

"Mama, I..."

"Silence, daughter!" the Queen barked, silencing the first princess.

"I admit that my actions were unbecoming of royalty," the King acknowledged, his anger surging within him. "But I swear, I did it all for the sake of my beloved country and my family!" The King glared at the Shield Hero. "That is the sole reason I sought to eliminate the Shield."

"The Shield Hero is the Devil, and it will bring the calamity of the past to my family once again," the King exclaimed, slamming his fist onto the podium. "I refuse to let that happen. Never!"

"How pitiful," Balthasar spoke aloud, shocking the King. "You cannot hold the crimes of the father against the son," Balthasar said, looking at the King with pity. "In my world, there is a motto to live by: If you punish a criminal, does that mean you punish their child for their father's sins as well?"

"No, because the child is innocent," Balthasar continued, walking up to the King. "The same principle applies to the heroes. If a previous hero commits a crime, does that give you the right to accuse the next hero of the same crime?"

"Enough, Magic Hero!" Queen Mirellia commanded as she rose to her feet. "I have reached a verdict."

Balthasar moved back to the Shield Hero's side as the Queen prepared to speak again.

"I hereby find Aultcray Melromarc XXXII and Malty Melromarc guilty of High Treason and conspiracy," the Queen announced solemnly. "They shall be stripped of their status and sentenced to death."

The room fell into a deafening silence, broken only by the piercing scream of the princess.

"Mother, that's too harsh!" The Second Princess pleaded with the Queen, but her words were met with indifference.

"Your duty was to protect our people and our kingdom," the Queen reprimanded them without mercy in her voice. "Instead, you wasted your time in a power struggle. Even during the wave, you neglected your subjects. Who knows how many innocent lives were lost or harmed due to your actions? Such transgressions cannot be forgiven."

The Queen turned her gaze toward her youngest daughter. "You have witnessed it yourself, haven't you, Melty?" Queen Mirellia inquired, her voice filled with sadness. "The loss, the pain, and the suffering that could have been prevented."

Melty nodded, her heart burdened by the truth. "Yes, Mother," she confessed softly.

"The execution shall begin immediately!" the Queen declared, her voice firm as the knights moved forward to apprehend the king and the princess. "Let these sinners face their punishment in front of all the people they have wronged."

The King and Princess were forcefully dragged out of the throne room, their cries echoing throughout the throne room as everyone hurriedly exited. As the commotion unfolded, Balthasar remained rooted in place, Balthasar stood still for a moment before turning to his companions. The expression in their eyes conveyed a single message, one of conflict and uncertainty.

"You want me to stop it?" Balthasar asked, his voice laced with both anger and confusion. "After everything they have done?"

"This isn't the right path, brother," Gray responded, shaking his head. "I understand your desire for justice, but there are better ways to achieve it."

"Take Emiko back to the inn and rent a room," Balthasar commanded his party as he prepared to attend the execution. "I don't want her anywhere near this.

With those words, he departed for the execution, determined to confront the unfolding events.

[End of Chapter]

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