
By Elijahtheshagger

668K 15.1K 6.5K

From the outside Juliet Kingston seems to have the perfect life. She has popularity, beauty and a famous dad... More

Characters <3
Devine intervention
The calm before the storm
Like father like daughter
Lamb to the slaughter
Red handed
Deja vu
Comfort zone
The promise
Breaking point
Close quarters
Four down
Last friday night
Pulling back the curtain
Time's up


17.3K 444 88
By Elijahtheshagger

"Ugh," I groan, annoyed at the harsh rays of sunlight beaming through the window and shining directly on my face.

I go to rub the tiredness out of my eyes but I immediately retract my hand and hiss when a searing pain shoots through my aching face. I squint them open, only to be met with the sight of an unfamiliar room.

I don't know who's room this is or how I got here but it doesn't take a genius to realise that it's a dorm room, the gloomy grey walls and lack of decor giving it away.

I pull myself up, flinging my bruise covered legs over the edge of the bed before gritting my teeth and standing up. Putting all my weight on my injured legs causes me to curse and dig my nails into my palms as an attempt to distract myself from the pain.

I stand still for a few moments, my feet firmly rooted to the scratchy carpet as I take a few deep inhales. 

As I shuffle across the room my eyes are immediately drawn to the mirror hanging on the hall. I stare at my reflection, the state of bruised face sending a wave of anxiety through me. Who's ever room I'm in must have seen me and I can't remember what I said to them or how I explain this away.

I sigh before opening the door and heading down the hall, the huge unfamiliar hoodie I'm wearing drowning me as I do so.

The sound of hushed chattering intensifies as I approach the end of the hall and inch into a small living room with nothing but a beige sofa and a small tv in the corner. As I enter the room the chattering stops and all four heads snap towards me, revealing Carter, Dex, Sy and Jayden.

I feel nothing but relief when I see their faces, now knowing that I didn't just barge into some random dorm. That feeling of relief is soon replaced with utter worry as I realise that I have no idea what they know.

Within a second Carter is by my side, holding me as he helps me to the sofa. I hold onto him tightly, my aching body thankful for his support. "Careful," He mutters as he lowers me down, placing me in between Dex and Jayden who promptly scoot over to give me space.

"How are you feeling?" Sy asks as I lean back against the comfortable cushions. "How do you think she's feeling idiot," Carter seethes from across the kitchen.

"I'm fine thanks," I try to sound as convincing as possible, sending a tight lipped smile to Sy. I roll my eyes at the audible scoff that comes out of Carter.

"Here," Carter says bluntly, having returned from the kitchen with a glass of water and some painkillers. "Thank you," I croak, taking them from his hands.

I swallow them as we all sit in silence, the tension in the air being almost unbearable. "I think I'm just going to go home," I decide before proceeding to attempt to stand up.

"You're not going anywhere," Carter states, gently pulling me back down. I'm not one to just follow any man's order but Carter is different. He's portrays an image of utter confidence like he's sure of everything he does so when he tells me to do something I trust his judgement.

"I know it's hard Kingston but you need to write a police statement," He reasons. My breathing quickens at the thought, I couldn't imagine ever turning my dad in because I just know it wouldn't go well.

"Yeah you can't just let some prick jump you and get away with it," Dex adds, the anger radiating off him. 

Jumped? Ohhh.

I let out a quiet sigh of relief, thankful that even while I was drifting in and out of conscious I had enough foresight to conceal the truth.

"Right," I nod, needing a moment to adjust to this new piece of information. "I don't want to get this involved with the police, they always leak stuff to the press and I really don't want to be dealing with that right now," I explain, trying to ignore the twinge of guilt I feel for lying to them.

"But you-" Sy tries to argue but I interrupt him. "Seriously guys thanks for letting me crash here but I should go," I rush out, not wanting to continue lying to their faces anymore.

"Juliet," Carter says sternly as I get up. "At least call your dad and see if he's back from his trip," He adds.  


"I don't have a phone it was stolen at the waterpark remember?" I remind him, trying to catch up with this new part of the lie. He lets out a heavy sigh, reaching over to role a blunt as he thinks. "Well I'll drive you home and we can see if the door is open," He decides.

"Okay can I take a shower first?," I rush out, trying to disguise my panic. "Down the hall," He instructs bluntly, inhaling a deep drag from his blunt.

I quickly get up, ignoring the pain shooting through my body. I don't make it to the bathroom, instead choosing to go into the bedroom I woke up in.

I sit on the bed, gripping my hair in frustration as tears drip down my eyes. I barely ever cry but the stress of this situation is getting to me. 

I can't go home because it's too soon and I know dad will still be just as angry as he was the last time I saw him. I also can't stay here because I have no reason to tell Carter why I can't go home.

The tears are coming out full force now and a panic attack rises in my chest as I realise that I have nowhere to go.

"Ssh it's alright," A voice hushes me as a pair of big arms wrap around me. The sudden contact almost makes me jump because I was so in my own head that I didn't even hear anyone come in.

I look up at the person whose chest I'm cradled into, surprised to see that Carter is the one comforting me. I nestle into his strong arms, too distraught to think twice about my actions.

I find comfort in the soothing motion of him stoking my hair as my erratic breathing eventually calms. "I'm trying to figure you out but I can't," He mumbles, still running his fingers through my hair. 

"Tell me what you're thinking Kingston," He practically pleads, displaying the first slither of vulnerability I've ever seen from him.

I don't reply, the only sound in the room coming from my occasional sniffling. Feeling as if I have no other option, I tell the truth.

"Carter?" I hiccup, looking up at him through teary eyes. 

"I don't want to go home."

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