I love him (Obi-Wan x Luna Sk...

By LuvKenobi

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Luna Skywalker is the older sibling (13) of Anakin Skywalker (9). The siblings lived a normal life as slaves... More

Chapter 1: Phantom Menace
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapters 10
Chapter 11: Attack of The Clones
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21: Revenge of The Sith
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26

Chapter 25

704 12 0
By LuvKenobi

The next morning they were in a meeting with the Jedi Council. About General Grievous. And how to find him.

"Palpatine thinks General Grievous is on Utapau?" Ki-Adi-Mundi stated.

"A partial message was intercepted in a diplomatic packet." Anakin spoke. "From the chairman of Otapau."

"Act on this we must." Yoda said. "The capture of General Grievous will end this war. Quickly and decisively we should proceed."

"The chancellor has requested... that I lead the campaign."

"The council will make up it's own mind who is to go." Windu stepping in. "Not the chancellor."

"A master is needed, with more experience." Yoda said.

"I concur. Master Kenobi should go."

Obi-Wan nodded his head then looked over to Luna, who had a look like she didn't want him to go.

'I agree."


"Aye." Windu spoke. "Very well. Council adjourned."

After the council meeting Luna and Anakin followed Obi-Wan down to the hanger where all the ships are.

"You're gonna need us on this one, Master."

"Oh, I agree. However, it may turn out just to be a wild bantha chase." Obi-Wan said then grabbing Luna's hand.

As Anakin continued making Obi-Wan stopped in front of him. "I've disappointed you. Uh, I haven't been very appreciative of your training. I've been arrogant, and I apologize. I've just been so frustrated with the council."

"You are strong and wise, Anakin, and I am very proud of you. I have trained you since you were a small boy. I have taught you everything I know. And you have become a far greater Jedi than I could ever hope to be. But be patient, Anakin. It will not be long before the council makes you a Jedi master."

Obi-Wan and Anakin smiled at each other, then Obi-Wan had to let go of Luna's hand to leave.

As Obi-Wan was heading down the stairs Anakin got his attention one last time.

"Obi-Wan. May the Force be with."

"Goodbye, old friend. May the Force be with you. And with you Luna."

"May the Force be with you too, Obi-Wan." Luna said.

Obi-Wan continued on his way to the ship.
Luna wish she could him but also knew Obi-Wan could take down Grievous.

She sighed then looking over to Anakin.
"Well, what now?"

"I don't know..."

"I think I'm going to stop by Padmé's real quick, I'll see you later Ani."

"Ok, bye."


Luna went up the elevator and waited patiently for the elevator get to the right floor.

Elevator dinged meaning it was at the right floor. The doors opened an Luna headed out of the elevator. She stopped at the large entrance and knocked on the wall.

Padmé came around the corner where her bedroom is. And when she saw who it was a big grin came to her face.

"Hey!" Padmé said with excitement.

"Hello." Luna also said with a smile.

Padmé came closer a gave Luna a hug.
The girls wrapped their arms arms one another.

"How have you been? I haven't seen you in a long time."

"I'm good you?" Luna answered pulling away from the hug.

"Good, and really busy."

"Yeah, tell me about it."

"Come in, do you want something to drink?"

"No thanks, I'm good."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." Luna smiled.

Padmé and Luna headed in the living room and sat on the couch.

"I came here to talk to you about important."

"Alright, what's it about?"

"Promise you can't tell anyone ok."

"I promise I won't." Padmé promised.

"Ok so firstly. I do know about you and Anakin. And I'm super happy you guys. An the other thing is me and Obi-Wan have been together for about three years now.

"I thought so."


"I mean it's no surprise. You and Obi-Wan are never apart from each other. And Anakin does tell me about you two all the time."

"He does?"

"Mm hm."

"And the other thing is.. I'm pregnant. And your the second person to know."


"Yeah. I told Obi-Wan two day's ago he was really happy."

"That's great, I'm so happy for you guys." Padmé said with excitement and hugging Luna.
"So, what are you guys gonna do once it's time."

"Well, Obi-Wan said that we are gonna leave the order after the war and live our lives on Naboo. I actually suggested the Naboo part."

"Obi-Wan? Wanting to leave the order for you? That's some true love right there."

"Yeah, he's really great." Luna smiled to herself.

"And um, I'm pregnant as well."

"Oh my Force. You are!"

Padmé nodded her head.
"I was uh, talking with Anakin the other night and we're going back to Naboo before the baby comes."

"That's great! We'll still all be together."

"I know!"

"Well thank you for letting talk with you. I should get going now."

"Anytime, Luna. Come back again."

"I will." Luna responded then giving her a goodbye hug.

Luna was back in the Temple. And was with Master Windu and Anakin talking other Jedi master's over a hologram.
Then Commander Cody appeared on the Holo table.

"Master Windu, may I interrupt?" Cody asked. "General Kenobi has made contact with General Grievous, and we have began out attack."

"Thank you, Commander." Mace thanked Cody. Then Cody's hologram disappeared.
"Anakin, deliver this report to the Chancellor. His reaction give us a clue to his intentions.'

"Yes, Master." Anakin responded. Then walking out of the room.

"I sense a plot to destroy the Jedi. The dark side of the Force surrounds the chancellor."

"I sense it to, Master." Luna spoke.

"If he does not give up his emergency powers after the destruction of Grievous." Ki-Adi-Mundi began. "Then he should be removed from office."

"The Jedi Council would have to take control if the senate. In order to secure a peaceful transition." Mace stated.

"To a dark place this line of thought will carry us." Yoda started. "Hmm. Great care we must take."

A little bit later Anakin came back an found Luna and Master Windu.

"Master Windu, I must talk to you."

"Skywalker, we just received word that Obi-Wan has destroyed General Grievous. We're on our way to make sure the chancellor returns emergency power back to the senate."

Anakin sighed.
"He won't give up his power. I've just learned a terrible truth. I think Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith lord."

Luna's stomach dropped she knew from the beginning Palpatine was up to no good.

"A Sith lord?"

"Yes. The one we've been looking for."

"How do you know this?" Luna questioned.

"He knows the ways of the Force." Looming over to her. "He's been trained to use the dark side."

"Are you sure?" Windu asked.

Anakin looked back at Master Windu.

"Then our worst fears have been realized. Then we must move quickly if the Jedi order is to survive."

"Master, the chancellor is very powerful. You'll need our help if you're going to arrest him."

"For both of your owns goods, stay out of this affair. I sense a great deal of confusion in you, young Skywalker's. There is much fear that could your judgement."

"We must go, Master."

"No. If what you've told me is true, you will have gained my trust. But for now remain here." Windu looked at Anakin as he entered a gunship. "Wait in the council chambers until we return."

"Yes, Master."

Luna sighed.
"You should go, Anakin. I'll be in my quarters if you need anything."


Luna opened the door to her quarters and headed in. She turned around closing the door.
Luna sat on her bed a little then sensing something bad is happening. She heard voices in her head

"It's not the Jedi way. He must live."

"Please don't."

Another voice said.

"I need him."

"Please don't!"


A lightsaber active and a sound of it clashing onto something. Then she heard screaming.

"What have I done?"

The last bit echoed. She knew something was up. But didn't know what happened or what to do.

As she sat there and processed what she just heard.
Outside of the wall was many lightsabers being igniting and blasters being shot.

She stood up from her bed and opened the door and saw thousands of clone troopers attacking the Jedi.
Her eyes widen at the sight of many Jedi being killed. Then she looked at one of the stairs and saw Anakin going up them. His hood was up he had is lightsaber hilt in his had.

"Why is he going up to the younglings dormitory?" Luna thought to herself.

"Hey, there's General Skywalker." A clone troop said.

They shot at her but missed. She closed the door, and backed away from the door.
She unhooked her lightsaber from her belt and igniting.

The clones busted opened the door a started shooting at her.
She blocked all them, she managed to get closer and killed the clones.
Luna took a breath then headed out the door seeing so many dead Jedi, younglings, Padawan's, and a little bit of clone troopers.

Ran out of her quarters and fought off the clones.
Before killing off the last clone trooper. One came up behind her a shot at her. A bullet skinned her upper arm. And shot in the leg.
Luna yelped and fell to the ground. She stood up and used Force pull and made the clone by her and killed the clone.

She unignited her saber and fell to the ground.
Laying on her back she scented Anakin near.

"Anakin... Anakin..." Luna couldn't get any louder then passed out.

She woke back up in more pain then ever seeing it was morning. There was faint talking in the Temple. Familiar ones.
She grunted as she should up. Luna limped as she walked.

She headed up some stairs where the voices were coming from.
Once she turned the corner, she grunted and fell to the floor again.

"Did you hear that?" The voice said.

Luna heard a voice said then some steps echoing in the empty Temple.
The steps got louder and louder till they turned the corner and it was Obi-Wan.

"Obi.." Luna said faintly.

With out hesitation Obi-Wan ran Luna and got down on his knees and put his hands on Luna's face.

"Master, Luna was in the Temple during the attack! She's very injured! Are you and the baby ok?" Obi-Wan asked in his most worried voice Luna had ever heard from Obi-Wan.

"We're fine."

"You don't look fine."

Obi-Wan moved his face over to Luna then kissed her. Pulling away, he stood up then then gently picked up Luna in his arms.

Yoda came waddling in. He looked up to Obi-Wan who had a very worried look on his face.

"Luna, do you have any wraps we can put on your wounds?" Obi-Wan questioned.

Luna just nodded yes to Obi-Wan.

He went down the stairs and headed for Luna's quarters.
Luckily the door was still opened so he didn't have to struggle trying to opened it.

He laid Luna down on her bed and went into the bath room to get some wraps to hold up until they could get actual medical care.
Obi-Wan came back with wraps and scissors.

"I'm gonna move your injured arms out of the sleeve of the cloak, ok."

Luna nodded her head once more.
She grunted as Obi-Wan moved her injured arm out of the sleeve.
Once he got her arm out, he carefully rolled the shirt sleeve and grabbed the wraps and wrapped them around Luna's upper arm.

Luna closed her eyes tightly as Obi-Wan out the wraps on.
Once he was done he grabbed the scissors and cut the wrap off the roll. And stuck it to her arm.

"Ok, now I'm gonna put your arm back in the sleeve of you cloak ok. Then I'll take care of your leg."

"Ok." Luna finally spoke.

He first unrolled the shirt sleeve then put her arm back in the cloak sleeve.
Then he took off her boot and rolled up her pant leg up to her knee. He grabs the wrap again and lifts up Luna's leg. He saw the wound then put the wrap up to hit then started wrapping the wrap around her leg a few times. The he grabbed the scissors again and snipped the wrap and stuck it to her leg.
He rolled the pants leg down again then put her boot back on.

"Thank you, Obi-Wan

"You're welcome."

Luna stood up and grunted from the pain in her leg.
Obi-Wan grabbed one of Luna's arms and put it on his shoulders. He put his arm on Luna's and helped he walk down to the archive room.

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