Total Drama: Lindsay X Male R...

By SkyZJ99

20.4K 465 254

You are a famous teenage actor who received an offer from Chris McLean to be apart of a new reality show call... More

Prologue: Island
Not So Happy Campers- Part 1
Not So Happy Campers- Part 2
The Big Sleep
Not Quite Famous
New Deal
The Sucky Outdoors
Phobia Factor
Up The Creek
Paintball Deer Hunter
If You Can't Take The Heat...
Who Can You Trust?
Basic Straining
X-Treme Torture
Brunch Of Disgustingness
Bros Unite
No Pain, No Game


1.1K 27 11
By SkyZJ99

(A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates, my parents and I went on vacation.)

Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island. The Screaming Gophers kicked butt in the Awake-A-Thon, when Duncan took a snooze on the can, and the Killer Bass took their second loss in a row... harsh. Heather orchestrated the first Total Drama Island alliance by convincing Lindsay and Beth to join forces with her, then pocketed Eva's MP3 player and sat back to watch the fireworks. Nicely played, Heather, nicely played. Even though Eva could've pretty much kicked anyone's butt here, in the end, it was her temper that got her kicked off. She became the second camper to rock the boat of losers. Who will break the rules of their new alliance? Will Gwen be able to stay awake until the end of the episode? How many angry letters from Y/N L/N's fan girls will we get after seeing Y/N and Lindsay cuddling? And who will take the next humiliating walk down the dock of shame? Stay tuned for the most dramatic campfire ceremony yet on Total. Drama. Island.

It's been a day since the Awake-A-Thon ended, aside from Gwen, the Gophers got their well deserved sleep. Unfortunately for the Bass, they didn't because of Harold's snoring. Speaking of Harold, as everyone eats breakfast in the main lodge, Harold walks in with a drawn mustache on his face. Everyone gasps at the sight and giggles. Harold sits down at the table and all of the Bass except for Duncan, who is passed out on the table, laugh at him.

Harold: Ok, what?

Geoff: Someone messed with your face, dude.

Harold picks up the spoon and uses its reflection to see his face. Instead of being angry, he admires his look.

Harold: Hey, sweet stache.

Chris: Hey, everyone, it's Gwen!

The Gophers clap and cheer as an exhausted Gwen walks in.

Lindsay: Yay! (looks at Y/N) Why are we clapping?

Y/N: Gwen won the challenge.

Lindsay: Ohhh, right.

Gwen sits down at the table.

Gwen: I'm so tired. I can't feel my face.

Gwen's face slams on the table due to her exhaustion.

Y/N: Yeah. She deserves some rest.

Heather: (to Beth and Lindsay) So let's go over the rules one more time.

Before Y/N can hear what Heather has to say to Beth and Lindsay, Katie and Sadie grab the young actor's attention.

Katie: Excuse us, Y/N. Can we talk to you?

Y/N: Uh, sure, what's up?

Sadie: Oh my gosh, Katie! Y/N L/N is talking to us! EEE!

Y/N: Yes, yes I am. Is there something you girls need?

Sadie: Oh, yeah, we never got the chance to meet you because Katie and I were on separate teams.

Katie: Yeah, we were, like, so sad that we weren't together that we forgot you were on the show.

Y/N: I could tell.

Sadie: We just want to say that we are HUGE fans.

Katie: Yeah! We loved you as Johnny Anderson.

Sadie: Speaking of Johnny Anderson, back at the cliff side challenge when you were being all scary at Chris, were you acting like Johnny when he was in his psycho phase in season 3 episode 16?

Y/N: I'd say more like a mental breakdown, but yes I was.

Katie: Oh my gosh, I knew it! When that happened, I was like, "Oh my gosh! It's like Johnny Anderson was really there!"

Sadie: I thought the same thing! I thought I peed myself.

Gwen: (muttering) Ugh. Make it stop.

Y/N: Ok look, you both seem like nice girls and I appreciate the praise. But, I'm kind of hungry right now.

Katie: Oh, right, sorry.

Katie and Sadie chuckle nervously.

Sadie: We should get back to the Killer Bass, we're not exactly supposed to be here.

Katie and Sadie: Byeeee!

The "twins" rush back to their table. Y/N rubs his left temple in exhaustion.

Y/N: Oy vey.

Heather stands up from the table and shouts at the Bass.

Heather: Hey, fish-heads! Way to kick out your strongest player! Why don't you just give up now?

Infuriated, Courtney throws the food slop at Heather, but the rude Asian girl dodges the slop and hits Gwen's face.

Heather: Missed me.

Chris: Ok, campers, listen up! Your next challenge begins in 10 minutes, and be prepared to bring it!

Later, almost all of the campers arrive at a dodgeball court with glass surrounding the area. As they are standing around waiting for Duncan to arrive, Y/N decides to chat with Lindsay for a bit.

Y/N: So, what were you, Beth, and Heather talking about?

Lindsay: We were talking about the rules for-

Heather: We were talking about girl stuff. You wouldn't understand.

Lindsay: We were? I thought-

Heather narrows her eyes at Lindsay

Heather: We were talking about girl stuff.

Lindsay grow nervous.

Lindsay: Right, we were. We weren't talking about anything else.

Y/N raises his eyebrow in confusion. Duncan finally arrives and collapses on the bench.

Duncan: Wake me up, and it'll be the last thing you do.

Duncan rest his head on the bench and sleeps.

Chef, now in a referee outfit blows his whistle. Chris holds out a dodgeball.

Chris: Today's challenge is the classic game of dodgeball. The first rule of dodgeball is-

Noah: Do not talk about dodgeball?

Owen and Y/N chuckle at Noah's joke.

Chris: As I was saying, if you get hit by the ball...

Chris throws the ball and hits Courtney.

Courtney: Ow!

Chris: ...You're out.

Courtney: You can't do that!

Courtney throws the ball at Chris but he catches it.

Chris: If you can catch the ball, the thrower gets sent out and the catcher gets to bring in another team member out on the court.

Noah: (sarcastically) Throwing balls, gee, another mentality challenging tests.

Lindsay: I know, right?

Noah and Owen look at each other confusedly. Y/N knows that Lindsay was unaware of Noah's sarcasm, he opens his mouth to tell her that Noah was being sarcastic, but chooses not to, because it felt pointless.

Chris: Ok, now, Geoff, try to hit me.

Chris throws the ball to Geoff and Chef hands another ball to Chris.

Chris: If you're holding a ball, you can use it to defect a ball.

Chris drops his ball.

Chris: But, if it knocks the ball out of your hands, you're out.

Lindsay: So what do I do again when the ball comes at me?

Geoff chucks that ball at Chris, he uses his ball to deflect it.

Chris: You dodge!

The ball hits Lindsay in the face knocking her off, the campers gasp.

Chris: Ooooh! You were supposed to dodge!

Lindsay's hand is on her head as Y/N helps helps her up.

Lindsay: Ow... right.

(A/N: Ignore Justin in the picture.)

Y/N: Are you ok?

Lindsay: I think so.

Lindsay moves her hand away and reveals a bump on her head. Y/N's eyes widen.

Lindsay: Is there something on my face?

Y/N: Uh, no. You look perfectly fine as always.

Lindsay smiles at Y/N.

Chris: You have one minute until game time. Gophers, you'll have to sit one person out each game.

Both teams spit up to plan their strategy.

Heather: Ok, we can't get lazy. The Killer Bass are gonna be trying extra hard to catch up. (points to Gwen) Who wants to sit the first one out with Sleeping Beauty here?

Noah: All right, I'll volunteer. (walks over to the bench) Now let's see all you keeners got on out there and dodge.

Heather: Ok, Y/N, Lindsay, Owen, Leshawna, and Cody. You five go first.

Owen, Leshawna, Cody, and Lindsay walk out to the court while Y/N stays behind and asks Heather a question.

Y/N: Are you sure Lindsay should be out there?

Heather: Hey, what I say goes. Now get out there and don't screw this up.

Y/N: ...Ok then.

Y/N rushes out to the court and catches up to his team. The first round is Y/N's team vs. D.J., Courtney, Katie, Tyler, and Harold.

Y/N: All right, Bass. Take your best shot!

Tyler: Oh, you're going down! We're gonna bring the dinner to the table, and then we're gonna eat it!

Courtney facepalms as the rest of the team rolls their eyes.

Chris: Both teams ready? Best of five games wins. Now let's dodge some ball!

Chef blows his whistle as both the Gophers and Bass cheer for their teams. Both teams grab their balls (Don't even think about it!) as they both wait for the other to make their move. Cody goes first by throwing his ball at Tyler. The clumsy athlete dodges and glares at Cody, the "ladies man" smiles sheepishly. Tyler spins and throws the ball at the wrong direction and accidentally hits Sadie.

Chris: That'll smear the makeup.

Courtney: Nice job. Now let's see if you can hit someone on their team!

Owen runs in roaring and throws the ball at Tyler. The force of the ball slams him to the glass wall.

Tyler: Ow! Darn it!

Chef blows the whistle signaling Tyler that he's out. The Bass now have 4 points left while the Gophers cheer for Owen. Y/N and the big blonde guy hive five.

Y/N: Nice one, The Incredible Owen.

Owen: Thanks, (flexes his muscles) these muscles aren't all fat.

The game continues as Harold steps forward with a ball in his hands.

Harold: Time to unleash my wicked skills.

Leshawna: Yeah? Then bring it, string bean! Let's see what you got!

Harold does a karate move and bounces the ball up, it lands on the ground and rolls in Leshawna's direction.

Y/N: Something tells me that this wasn't how Harold wanted it to go.

Leshawna pick up the ball and give an evil grin at Harold. The nerd runs away and screams like a girl but the ball hits him, he slides to the glass wall and hits his head. The Bass now have 3 points left.

Leshawna: And that's how we roll!

Leshawna gives Owen a high five and Y/N and Cody give her thumbs up. Lindsay walks up with a ball in her hands.

Lindsay: Can someone remind me what I'm supposed to do with this again?

Before Y/N can answer her question, Lindsay gets hit in the face again by the ball from Katie. D.J. and Courtney high five Kate as the Gophers now have 4 points left. Y/N helps Lindsay onto her feet. She now has another bump on her left cheek.

Lindsay: Ow. Why do balls hurt so much?

Y/N: It happens in the world of sports. Are you ok?

Lindsay: A bit dizzy. I don't think sports are for me.

Y/N: It's ok. Some things aren't meant for some people. You tried something you never did before and it didn't work out for you, but that's ok. It doesn't mean I think less of you.

Lindsay gives Y/N a warm smile.

Lindsay: Thanks, Y/N.

Y/N: No problem, Lindsay.

Y/N and Lindsay share a smile and they head in the opposite direction of each other, Y/N heads back to the court while Lindsay heads back to the bench. Unbeknownst to either of them, Heather glares daggers at Lindsay as the blonde sits down at the bench.

Heather: What did I say about distractions?

Lindsay: What?

Heather: I said, what did I say about distractions?

Lindsay opens her mouth to answer but her words don't come out. (She's choking how?) She places the tip of her finger on her chin to think.

Heather: Ugh! I said, "We can't afford distractions!"

Lindsay: But I'm not distracted. Well, sometimes.

Heather: Because of Y/N L/N?

Lindsay: Oh yeah, him too. But in a good way.~ *gasps* Is Y/N a distraction?

Heather: Yes! The less you go all googly eyes at him, the smoother our alliance will be, got it?

Lindsay looks down in sadness.

Lindsay: Ok. Got it.

The game continues as Courtney throws the ball first at Y/N. Before the it can hit the young actor, Owen catches the ball. Chef blows his whistle, Courtney is out and the Bass have 2 points left. The C.I.T. sits at the bench while Gwen heads out to the court, albeit really tired.

Y/N: Thanks for the save, Owen.

Owen: Anything for my best bud.

Owen throws the ball at D.J., but the gentle giant dodges and throws his ball at Owen. But, Owen ducks and the ball hits Gwen.

D.J.: Oh, sorry.

Owen helps Gwen up.

Gwen: Oh, it's cool. Trust me.

Chef blows his whistle. It's now Cody, Leshawna, and Y/N vs. D.J. and Katie. D.J. and Katie throw their balls at Leshawna, she deflects one with her ball but the second one hits her stomach. It's now 2 vs. 2.

Y/N: We've got this, Cody.

Cody: Uhhh. I hope so.

Y/N steps up with his ball, he pulls his arm back, ready to throw the ball at D.J. The young actor moves his arm forward quickly as D.J. dodges, little did he know that Y/N did a fake out and throws the ball at D.J. for real this time. The ball hits D.J. and now the Bass have 1 point left.

Courtney: He can't do that!

Chris: Actually, he can. Fake outs aren't against the rules.

Y/N and Cody high five. Chef blows his whistle and Lindsay stands up from the bench and cheers.

Lindsay: Yay! Go Y/N!

Y/N looks over at the blonde and smiles. Unfortunately, Katie takes the opportunity to hit Y/N on his right ear with her ball. A small ringing goes off in his right ear.

Y/N: Ow!

Katie: Sorry, Y/N!

Courtney: Don't apologize to the enemy team!

Katie: But I hit Y/N L/N! THE Y/N L/N!

Y/N: It's ok, Katie.

The Gophers glare at Lindsay. The blonde shrinks to avoid eye contact. Y/N cups his hand on his right ear as he walks past Cody and gives him a fist bump.

Y/N: You can do this, man.

Cody gulps.

Cody: I REALLY hope so.

Y/N sits on the bench next to Lindsay, she opens her mouth to apologize but closes her mouth as she fears that Y/N would also glare at her.

Katie throws her ball at Cody but he ducks. The "ladies man" gets an idea, he rubs the ball on his stomach and said ball starts to spark. Cody throws the ball at Katie, she runs away from the ball, but no matter fast she runs, the ball still follows her. Katie slams on the glass wall and the ball hits her. The Screaming Gophers win the first round. The Gophers cheer as Cody and Y/N high five.

Y/N: Nice one, man. Keep this up, and the ladies'll be all over you.

Cody: Thanks.

Both teams begin preparing for the second round. While some players stay on the bench and others head out to the court, Noah is the only one who hasn't played yet, he's just sitting on the bench reading a book.

Heather: All right, Noah, you're up.

Noah: You know, you guys did such an awesome job on the last game that I don't wanna mess up your mojo.

Heather glares at Noah.

Heather: Fine.

Beth raises her hand to volunteer. Heather nods and she runs out to the court.

Heather: Let's go, guys.

It's now Lindsay, Beth, Owen, Trent, and Izzy vs. Katie, Sadie, Tyler, Bridgette, and Geoff. Tyler is holding all the balls as the opposing team look confused. Tyler spins once again, he fails his big move by throwing the balls anywhere except for the opposing team. One ball hits Chef on the gut, another almost hits Chris' face.


Another ball zooms towards the Gopher's bench, they see the ball coming and they all jump out of the way. The final ball hits Lindsay's face for the third time. Yikes. Y/N sees Lindsay on the ground, he gets up and runs to her.


Courtney: Finally!

Y/N reaches to Lindsay to see if she's not terribly hurt. Lindsay regains consciousness.

Lindsay: Uhh... Hmmm... Y/N?

Y/N: Oh, thank God.

Y/N gives Lindsay a hand and sees her face.

Lindsay: Oh my gosh, my face. How's my face?

Y/N: It's...

Y/N: ...still pretty.

Lindsay starts to feel hopeful as she holds
Y/N's hand.

Lindsay: Really?

Y/N: Yep, 100% the truth.

Y/N and Lindsay smile at each other.

Y/N: But just to be safe, let's go get you an ice pack.

Lindsay: (thoughts) Have to say no. Have to say no. (speaking) Ok!

Y/N: Hey, Chef, where do you keep the ice packs?

Chef: The fridge; in the kitchen.

Y/N: Got it.

Y/N and Lindsay walk out of the court while holding each other's hands. Heather is shocked.

Heather: Hey! Hey, you two, get back here! You are so close to being out of the alliance, Lindsay!

Y/N: Alliance?

Lindsay: Don't worry about that.

The couple exit the dodgeball court and walk to the main lodge. Later, we see Y/N and Lindsay, sitting under the dock. Lindsay is now holding the ice pack on her face.

Y/N: How are you feeling?

Lindsay removes the ice pack and reveals her beautiful face with no more bumps.

Lindsay: Better now, thanks to you. My face is a bit sore. I'm so glad my face didn't look worse, if I was, i don't think I could ever look at myself ever again.

Y/N: Honestly, whether you have bumps or not, you still look pretty.

Lindsay blushes and giggles.

Lindsay: Oh, Y/N.

Y/N smiles, but he rubs the area on his right ear.

Lindsay: What's wrong?

Y/N: It's nothing, just a little something bothering my ear. Don't worry it's not fatal.

Lindsay then remembers the ball hitting his ear because she unintentionally diverted his attention.

Lindsay: Y/N, I'm so sorry about your ear. I was so excited about you winning that I distracted you.

Y/N: Hey, it's ok, you were just cheering for me and it didn't go exactly as planned. Honestly, I'm happy that you cheered for me.

Lindsay: So, you're not mad at me?

Y/N: Of course not, I'd never be mad at such a nice pretty girl like you.

Lindsay smiles at Y/N.


Lindsay: Y/N is like, the cutest and kindest guy I've ever met! He's so nice to me, he helped me jump off the tall cliff, he's so comfy when I was so tired, and he's SO hot.

*Confessional end*

Lindsay: Hey, Y/N, Beth told me you cuddled me after that awake-a-thing.

Y/N blushes.

Y/N: W-well, you looked so comfortable and I didn't want to disturb you. Besides, I was still tired so I thought I should get comfortable too. N-not like in a creepy way but-

Lindsay: I didn't say I didn't like it.

Y/N: Oh. Right.

Lindsay giggles.

Lindsay: You're cute when you blush.

Y/N: Well, I can say the same to you.

Both Y/N and Lindsay laugh.

Heather: This is so against the rules!

The couple's eyes shrink as they look up and see Heather with an angry look on her face.

Lindsay: I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!

Y/N: Wait, what rules?

Heather holds a canoe over her head.

Heather: Why don't you mind your own business!?

She throws the canoe down and it hits Y/N.

Y/N: Ow!

Later, Heather brings Lindsay back to the dodgeball court.

Heather: Sit down and stay there!

Lindsay: Ok.

Y/N walks in next and sits next to Owen.

Owen: Hey, man. Did your date with Lindsay go well?

Y/N chuckles.

Y/N: It wasn't a date.

Owen: Sure it wasn't.

Y/N rolls his eyes.

Heather: How are we doing?

On the court, the Gophers were getting annihilated by the Bass due to Duncan's leadership.

Noah: Sports, not my forte, remember?

Noah continues to read his book as Heater stares daggers at him.

Heather: You know you could actually give it a shot and pretend to care.

Leshawna gets hit with the balls and the Bass win the round.


Chris: Ok, this is it, the final tie-breaking game.

Noah: (sarcastically) Go team, go.

Both teams send their players out to the court for the final round.

Chris: Gophers, Bass, let's send this sample to the lab and see what you're made of!

Chef blows his whistle and the final round begins. The match is down to the wire as both teams manage to switch their players out without losing points. As some players sits out of the game, Noah is still reading his book not caring about the game at all.

Noah: (sarcastically) Knock 'em out. Throw 'em out. Rah, rah.

A ball hits Noah in the face.

Heather: You're right. Sports aren't your forte.

Y/N: (to whoever threw to ball) Thank you.

Another ball hits Y/N in the face.

Duncan: You're welcome.

Later, the only players left are Owen vs. Harold. The Gophers cheer as they know they'll win this easily.

Owen: Sorry, dude. But you gotta go down.

Harold gets in a stance, ready to face the big guy. Owen throws three balls at the nerd, but what surprises everyone is that Harold jumps and dodges the balls like a figure skater. Owen throws the last ball and Harold dodges it like something out of The Matrix. The Gophers freeze at what just happened, even Noah is surprised.

Noah: Woah.

Courtney: Timeout! Timeout!

Chef blows the whistle. Harold sits with his team to discuss their strategy. After that, the nerd walks back onto the court as the Gophers cheer for Owen to win.


The big guy throws the ball at the speed of a bullet, metaphorically, the force of the ball pushes Harold to the glass wall. As the Bass gasp at what happened, Harold holds the ball up, which means he caught the ball and his team wins.

Chris: The Killer Bass win!

The Bass cheer as Owen collapses into his knees.

Owen: It's Impossible! WHYYYYY?!

(A/N: Poor king.)

Chris: Gophers, what happened?

Noah: What can I say? Weak effort.

The Gophers glare at Noah.

Gwen: Oh, shut it, Noah.

Heather: You know, for once I agree with her.

The rest of the Gophers leave the court.

Noah: Touchy.

Y/N, Trent, and Owen glare at Noah.

Noah: What? I'll tell you, the team spirit here is severely lacking lately.

Y/N: (sarcastically) Gee, I wonder why?

Noah: Was that sarcasm?

Y/N: (sarcastically) No.

Later at night, the Gophers sit at the campfire pit. Chris is holding a plate for marshmallows.

Chris: Campers, you've already placed your votes and made your decision. One of you will be going home and you can't come back... ever. When you hear me call out your name, come pick up a marshmallow. Owen, Gwen, Cody, Trent,...

Trent and Y/N exchange high fives.

Chris: ...Heather, Beth, Y/N,...

Y/N stands up, he and Lindsay briefly holds hands reassuring her. He walks up to Chris to get his marshmallow.

Chris: ...Leshawna, Izzy.

It is now Noah or Lindsay, you can take a wild guess who'll get the last one.

Chris: The final marshmallow goes to... Lindsay.

Lindsay: Woo-hoo! Yeah!

Noah: What?! Are you kidding me?!

Lindsay grabs the last marshmallow and kisses it.

Noah: Why does SHE get to stay?! We lost a point because of HER, remember?!

Y/N: At least she participated in the game.

Lindsay smiles at Y/N for standing up for her.

Noah: All right, see if I care? Good luck because you just voted out the only one with any brains on this team!

The Gophers throw their marshmallows at Noah.

Noah: Ow!

Leshawna: You need to learn a little thing called respect, turkey.

The Gophers laugh.

Noah: Whatever, I'm outta here.


Chris: All right, so it wasn't the most dramatic campfire ceremony ever. But I still got paid. Haha! Bonus!

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