By allthevibez

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{Cassidy Gilmore Book 2} Cassidy Gilmore is changing. The cute small town girl is slowly beginning to disappe... More

01: top three percent
02: homemade twinkie
03: rebuild together
04: wilderness skills
05: jello shots
06: come back
07: only tonight
08: fuzzy certs
09: Harvard
10: Luke's nephew
11. Neil Young
12: the fan dance
13: eye candy
14: friendly towns
15: barely awake
16: kind of love
17: ugly babies
18: saying silent grace
19: mr. peanut pajamas
20: termite attack
21: worth the risk
22: Sherry
23: all my fault
24: missing bracelet
25: Plantonic Smiles
26: fast food gospel
27: lusty eyes
28: post breakup shit
29: special omelet
30: StyleAid Corporation
31: rory's accident
33: pity invite
34: Sookie's wedding

32: runaway Gilmore

3.8K 166 98
By allthevibez

"You aren't second best."

When Lorelai woke up the morning after the accident the only thing on her mind was Rory. She immediately got up and checked on her daughter's arm. Rory woke up to not just her mom but also her dad fussing over her.

"When did you get here?" Rory asked, looking over at her dad who was bringing her a cup of coffee.

"Last night," Chris answered as put the mug in Rory's hand. "So how's the arm?"

Rory looked down at the blue cast on her arm before shrugging her shoulders. "Not bad."

From the kitchen Lorelai looked in at Chris and Rory. She smiled at the two of them, the vision of a happy family appearing in her mind. That's when she remembered what Cassie said to her the night before. Lorelai never thought of herself as the kind of mom who played favorites. That possibility never even crossed her mind.

Lorelai filled another mug with coffee, hoping that she could use it as a peace offering. As she walked up the stairs Lorelai was trying to think of the right thing to say to her daughter. Except words suddenly seemed to have no meaning and Lorelai had no idea what to say.

She knocked quietly on Cassie's door, waiting patiently for Cassie to either open the door or say come in. But she did neither. Lorelai knocked again, this time a little bit louder. Once again, there was no response. Lorelai opened the door, expecting to find her daughter asleep in her bed, but she wasn't.

Cassie's blankets were pushed to the side revealing an empty mattress. Her window was still cracked open. Lorelai set the coffee down as she walked into the room. A look of disbelief appeared on her face as she moved over to the window.

"Chris!" Lorelai yelled but he didn't respond. "Chris!"

The sound of footsteps running up the stairs could be heard throughout the house. He ran all the way to Cassie's room, stopping by the door. "What? Lor?"

"She's gone," Lorelai put her hand over her heart, realizing she had no clue where Cassie was.
"What do you mean she's gone?"

"Cassie snuck out the window and she's gone!" Lorelai pointed to the open window.

Chris ran a stressed hand through his hair. He realized he had absolutely no idea what to do, he's never had to deal with something like this before. "Okay, okay. Let's think. Where would she go?"

"I... don't know," Lorelai shook her head, a panicked feeling in her chest. "I don't know."

"How about a friend's?" Chris suggested.

Lorelai nodded before walking past Chris to go back downstairs. She headed straight towards the phone, dialing the number to the Dugray house. Lorelai felt nothing but fear as the phone rang once, twice, three-

"Hello?" Mrs. Dugray, Sophie's mom, answered the phone.

"Hi, Mrs. Dugray, this is Lorelai Gilmore, Cassie's mom," Lorelai spoke nervously. "Is Cassie there by any chance?"

"Oh I'm not sure, one second," Mrs. Dugray lowered the phone but Lorelai could still hear her calling for Sophie. Seconds felt like hours as she waited for Sophie's mom to finally say something. "Lorelai?"

"Still here."

"Sophie says that Cassie isn't here," Mrs. Dugray informed her.
Lorelai looked over at Chris, shaking her head as if to say that she didn't find Cassie. "Um... are you sure?"

"Positive, here, let me pass you over to Sophie."

"Okay..." Lorelai let out a short breath.


"Sophie, is Cassie there?" Lorelai asked her.

"Uh, no," Sophie answered but she sounded a little unsure about her answer.

Lorelai was beginning to grow a little impatient. "Do you know where she is?"

"No, sorry," Sophie replied. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, honey," Lorelai cleared her throat nervously, "just, uh, would you please call if you hear from her?"

"Sure," Sophie responded

"Okay, thank you," Lorelai said before hanging up the phone. "She's not with Sophie."

"Mom?" Rory stepped out of her room, a confused look appearing on her face when she saw the nervous expression on both her parents' faces. "Mom, what's going on?"

"We can't find Cassie," Lorelai informed her. "She isn't in her room and she isn't with Sophie. Do you know who she might be with?"

Rory walked towards her, trying to think of who her sister might be with. The answer formed in her mind right away but she knew Lorelai wouldn't exactly be happy about it. Rory looked down before saying, "Jess..."

"What?" Chris looked over at Rory in disbelief. "You think she's with Jess, the guy who crashed your car?"

"They're really close," Rory told him.

"Yeah," Lorelai nodded her head, wishing her daughter's words weren't true.

"I don't know. You can call Luke," Rory suggested.

Lorelai looked down at the phone, realizing she didn't know if she could do that. She remembered the fight she and Luke had the night before. Her blaming him for what happened to Rory.

"Screw this," Chris walked over to the couch, picking up his jacket and car keys. "I'm gonna drive around, see if I find her."

"Okay. I'll call around," Lorelai responded right before Chris walked out the front door.


While her family was in distress trying to find her Cassie was living her absolute best life. After walking out of her house the night before she realized she had no idea where to go. Her first instinct was to go to Sophie's but she knew that'd be the first place Lorelai would look. Luke's was her second option, but when she got there the door was locked and she couldn't get in. Which is how she ended up in Madeline's castle of a house.

She called Louise from the pay phone and half an hour later she and Madeline were picking her up. The three girls spent the night at Madeline's house talking about all the events that led up to Cassie calling them. A joint was split between the three of them leading to midnight munchies in Madeline's pantry. Now they're all relaxing in Madeline's hot tub, none of them giving a care in the world.

In all honesty, Cassie hadn't even stopped to think about her mom's reaction to her leaving. She didn't even care. Cassie didn't want to put up with being second best anymore and she really had no intention of going home.

"So tell us more about this Jess," Louise said flashing her mischievous smile in Cassie's direction.

Cassie laughed, shaking her head, "There's not much to tell."

"Well is he hot?" Madeline asked her. Cassie looked down, a small smile appearing on her face. She knew Jess was attractive but she never thought about him like that, until now. "He is!" Madeline pointed over to Cassie. "You're blushing!"

"I'm not!" Cassie claimed.

"Oh, you so are," Louise laughed at her. "You should go get him, if you like him."

"It's not that simple."

"How so?"

"I'm pretty sure he likes Rory, and after last night Lorelai wouldn't let me anywhere near him," Cassie reminded them.

"I don't see Lorelai anywhere, do you?" Louise asked her.


"Out here!" Louise called out.

A few seconds later a nervous looking Sophie walked onto the patio. She looked at the three girls in the hot tub, shaking her head before she walked over to them. "Where have you been?" Sophie asked Cassie.

"Here, why?"

"Your mom called," Sophie informed her.

"Oh," Cassie leaned back in the water. "She doesn't know I'm here right?"

"No, she has no clue where you are," Sophie told her, confused by the cold expression on her best friend's face. "What the hell happened?"

For the next twenty minutes Cassie told Sophie everything that happened the day before. Starting with Jess almost failing 11th grade and ending with her calling Louise on the payphone.

"Wow," Sophie leaned back, letting everything settle in.

"Yeah," Cassie nodded.

"So are you going back?" Sophie asked her.

"No, she's gonna stay with me," Louise answered for Cassie.
A confused expression appeared on Sophie's face as she looked from Louise then to Cassie. "Okay, I get being mad but Lorelai has no clue where you are. She's worried sick."

"Is she really?" Cassie scoffed, genuinely surprised that Lorelai even noticed she was gone. Cassie thought she'd be too busy with Cris and Rory to notice.

"Yeah, she is," Sophie told her. "Even your dad is out looking for you."

"I'm not going back," Cassie told her.

"At least call her," Sophie reached into her pocket pulling out her cell phone. Cassie looked down at the phone, she didn't want to take it, but she did. "Thank you."

"I'm not calling Lorelai," Cassie said as she began typing a number into the phone. She lifted the phone to ear, it only rang once before the person on the other side answered.


"Dad," Cassie spoke calmly.

"Oh thank god," Chris let out a sigh of relief when he heard his daughter's voice. "Cassie, where are you? I'll come get you."
"I don't want to go home," Cassie told him.

"What are you talking about? You have to go home," Chris told her.

"I have been second best in that family since I was born. I can't do it anymore. I can't watch as everyone congratulates Rory for wiping her ass while I'm barely acknowledged," Cassie said to him, knowing that everyone around her was listening. "I'm done. So no, I won't be going home."

"Cassie, that's not true. You aren't second best," Chris replied.

"You said it last night, I heard you. You said Rory comes first," Cassie reminded him.

"Oh Cassie," Chris shook his head, not really knowing what to say. "I just meant-"

"You meant Rory comes first. Rory is the priority, she always is," Cassie responded. "You don't have to keep looking for me. I'm fine, I'm safe."

"Cassie just listen-"

"Bye dad," Cassie hung up the phone before handing it back over to Sophie. "I called."

"Yeah," Sophie nodded as she took the phone back from Cassie.
"So what're you gonna do about your clothes?" Madeline asked.
"There's this town movie thing tonight," Cassie told them. "We can sneak in while no one's there."

"Oo, A little sneaking around," Louise smiled. "I like it."

So that's exactly what they did. As soon as the town gathered for the movie the four girls, dressed in black, drove into the town. They headed straight towards the Gilmore house, taking the key out of the turtle and broke in.

With suitcases in hand Louise and Madeline headed up to Cassie's room, ready to grab only her acceptable clothing. Cassie and Sophie stayed downstairs, gathering Cassie's school supplies.
"Are you sure this is what you want?" Sophie asked her for the millionth time.

Cassie nodded her head, "I can't be second best anymore Soph. I just can't."

"Okay," Sophie accepted her answer and helped her grab books that were scattered around the house.

Cassie walked into the kitchen, pulling a letter out of her sweater pockets. She opened it up, seeing the words she had written to her mom, hoping she would understand why Cassie is leaving. She folded up the piece of paper and set it down on the table. Next to the mallomars so she knew Lorelai would find it.

Louise and Madeline walked into the kitchen, Sophie right behind her. Cassie turned around looking at the girls that were now her best friends. She smiled, not knowing what she'd do without them.

"Let's get outta here," Madeline told them.

"Yes, I just perfected the margarita and that's exactly what we need tonight," Louise said proudly

"Let me just make one call then we can go," Cassie said with a smile on her face.

"We'll put this stuff in the car," Sophie told her, then the three girls walked out of the house, giving Cassie some privacy.

Cassie picked up the phone dialing the familiar number. It rang twice before a gruffly hello came through the phone.

"Luke, it's me," She said into the phone.

"Cassie, are you okay?" Luke asked her

"Yeah," she nodded her head forgetting that Luke couldn't see her, "Uh, is Jess there?"

"He didn't..." Luke got quiet for a moment not knowing what to say. "Cassie, Jess went back to New York. He's not here anymore."

"Oh," Cassie let out a sigh of disappointment. Jess was honestly the only person Cassie wanted right now, she didn't even realize it until Luke said he wasn't here. "Oh, I didn't know."

Neither of them said anything for a few seconds. They didn't try to talk or make an attempt to hang up the phone. It was just quiet.
"Hey, Luke."


Even though she wanted to tell him that she was leaving home she didn't know if she should. Luke was going through enough with Jess as is, she didn't want to become a burden to him. "Thanks for always being there for me," She said to him.

Her words made him smile, not that she could see it. "Always kid."



Cassie hung up the phone, setting it down on the counter where she had picked it up. She looked around at the house one more time then walked out the front door.


Nothing made sense anymore. Cassie hadn't been home in a week. Rory had a cast on her arm. Jess went back to New York. Luke went fishing and closed the diner for two days. Lorelai had to explain to Emily why Cassie wasn't with them at Richard's business party. Everything was different, and not in a good way.

On the outside Cassie looked fine, like nothing happened. She walked around Chilton with a smile on her face, looking like she didn't care about anything or anyone. She talked to Rory, of course she did. Rory told her about Luke's fishing trip and the fight she and Lorelai had at Richard's party. Everytime they talked Rory asked her to come home and everytime Cassie would say she'd come back when she's ready.

Of course neither of them knew when that would be.

But Cassie carried on her days like she normally would, except she'd sleep and wake up at Louise's house instead of her own. Instead of going to Luke's for breakfast she would get a very overpriced cup of coffee with Louise and Madeline. And for the first time in her life Cassie didn't feel like second best.

"So I'm thinking we go out for dinner tonight," Louise suggested as Cassie continued putting her books into her locker.

"We went out last night," Cassie reminded her.

"Yeah, to Madeline's house," Louise said.

"That's still going out," Cassie replied as she put her last book into her locker.

"Not really."

"Hey," the sound of Rory's voice made both Louise and Cassie turn their heads. Rory walked over to them with determination in her step, Cassie could recognize it from a mile away. Without even saying a word to her sister, Cassie already knew Rory had a plan up her sleeve.

"I'll see you in class," Louise told her before walking down the hall.

"Hey," Cassie smiled at her sister, trying her best to feel no bad blood towards her.

"Okay, so I know you said you'll come home when you're ready-"
"But," Cassie interrupted her, already knowing where this was going.

"But mom is graduating and there's going to be a ceremony on Thursday and I really really think you should be there," Rory told her and a surprised look appeared on Cassie's face.
"Mom is graduating?" Cassie asked her.

"Yes. I know you guys aren't exactly talking right now but I think this is something you shouldn't miss out on."

Cassie was proud of her mom, of course she was. She knew how hard Lorelai has worked to get to where she is right now. Cassie watched her work day and night just so she and Rory would have a good life. Of course Cassie wanted to go, but she was scared that Lorelai wouldn't want her there after what she did.

"Does Mom even want me there?" Cassie asked, a hint of genuine nervousness in her voice.

"Of course she wants you there," Rory replied. "It was one fight Cassie."

"It wasn't," Cassie shook her head at her sister. Rory still didn't know what caused the fight between her mom and her sister. She didn't know about Cassie feeling like she was second best. Cassie didn't want her to know, she didn't want Rory to feel bad about it. "It wasn't just one fight."

"She'd want you there, you know she would," Rory insisted but Cassie still wasn't sure.

"It's on Thursday?" Cassie asked her.

Rory smiled as she nodded her head. She pulled her back to the side, pulling out a piece of paper. "Here's the ticket. I'll see you on Thursday!" Rory called out before she quickly ran away.

"No promises!" Cassie called after her. She let out a long sigh as she looked down at the invitation.

"What's that?" Sophie asked as she appeared by Cassie's side.
"An invitation to my mom's graduation," Cassie answered as she handed Sophie the invitation.

Sophie looked down at it, a smile appearing on her face. "This is great. What're you gonna wear?" She asked her, only then did Sophie notice the look on Cassie's face. "You are going... right? Cassie?"


It was safe to say that Cassie wasn't completely sold on the idea of going to her mom's graduation. She hadn't talked to Lorelai since the night of the accident. She hadn't even gone back to Stars Hollow since then. Cassie was worried it would be weird if she went to the graduation, especially if Lorelai didn't know if she'd be there.

Cassie wanted to go to the graduation, she wanted to support her mom. That wasn't even a question in her mind. The only fear she had was that Lorelai wouldn't want her there.

Which is why Cassie ended up here, outside her own house too afraid to knock on the door. She could hear the music playing inside, the sound of Lorelai laughing. Cassie came hoping to smooth things over with her family, but when she saw how happy they were she couldn't bring herself to open the door. She convinced herself that they were fine, even better without her there.

So instead of knocking on the door Cassie turned around and walked away from her house. It was a quiet night in Stars Hollow. There were a few people out but most of them seemed to be heading home.

Cassie walked past the high school heading towards the pay phone so she could call Louise to come get her. She picked up the phone, she even started punching in Louise's number but before the phone could start dialing she set it down.

A groan of annoyance left Cassie's mouth as she looked at the phone. The part of her that missed her family was keeping her from picking it up again. But at the same time the part of her that felt second best wished she never came back to Stars Hollow at all. All the frustration built up and Cassie hit the side of the box, hurting her hand and ego more than the pay phone

"What'd the phone do to you?" Cassie turned at the sound of the amused voice, surprised to see Ethan Sawyer looking at her with a smile on his face.

Her eyes widened, a feeling of embarrassment forming after realizing he just saw her hit a pay phone. "It just needed to be put in its place," she said now standing awkwardly by the phone.
"Yes, well that phone is known for its temperamental attitude," He joked.

"Yeah," Cassie nodded her head, "yeah."

Ethan stepped towards her, only now noticing that sad expression that rested on Cassie's face. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" He dropped his bag on the ground before walking towards her.

"I'm fine. Just weird family shit," She shrugged her shoulders dismissively even though all she wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry. "I just gotta accept the way things are."

"The way things are?" Ethan looked confused.

"Nothing, I'm sorry, you don't care," Cassie said more to herself than to Ethan. She looked up at him smiling awkwardly when she saw the confused look on his face. "I just have to call my friend and have her pick me up."


"Yeah, so I'm gonna do that," Cassie picked up the phone again but this time she didn't even try punching in the number.

"Are you hungry?" Ethan asked her after seeing her hesitation. "We can eat something then hopefully the phone will feel better after?"

A smile formed on Cassie's face when she realized he wasn't talking about the phone. She nodded her head, "Yeah, I could eat," she shrugged her shoulders before setting the phone back down.

"Do you like ice cream?" He asked as Cassie moved to his side.
"Love it," she replied.

"Good," Ethan smiled and the two of them began walking towards the best ice cream place in town.

For the entire walk Cassie could feel eyes lingering on her. She knew how nosy the people of Stars Hollow are, and she knew they probably figured out that Cassie wasn't currently living at home. She was just glad that none of them actually came up to her.

"What flavor do you want?" Ethan asked as he held the door open for her to walk through.

"Any kind," she shrugged her shoulders. "Except pistachio, I don't get it."

"No pistachio then," Ethan nodded before walking over to the counter. Cassie stood beside him as he ordered himself a rocky road and Cassie got a mint chocolate chip . Then when she tried to pay for it he quickly declined her money.

"At least let me pay for mine," Cassie replied still trying to give him her money.

"Absolutely not," He shook his head as the two of them waited for the ice cream to be put into cones. "My mom raised me to be a gentleman."

"Well my mom raised me to be obnoxiously stubborn," Cassie continued to hold out the money. She smiled at him but they both knew it was anything but sweet. "Take the money."

Ethan shook his head at her, "Nope. I can be stubborn too."

"Fine," Cassie let out a sigh as she put her money back into her pocket. "But I'm paying next time."

Her words brought a smile to his face, "So there's gonna be a next time?"

"If you're lucky," Cassie answered with a smile before she walked up to the counter and grabbed her ice cream cone.

The two of them walked back outside with the cones in hand. They ended up by the park, deciding the bench was the perfect place to eat their ice cream.

Cassie sat down on one side of the bench, Ethan on the other. The two of them were clearly content with their ice cream choices as it was now the only thing on either of their minds. They didn't say anything, they just enjoyed their treat.

"Mm," Cassie nodded her head, glad that she stuck around for some Stars Hollow ice cream. "This is exactly what I needed."

"I'm glad," Ethan said, also enjoying the ice cream. He looked over at Cassie, smiling when he saw the look on her face. "So can I ask you something?"


"Who were you trying to call?"

"Oh," Cassie nodded her head, secretly glad that the question wasn't hard to answer. "My friend Louise, I've been staying with her for a little while. I was gonna see if she could come get me."
"You haven't been at home?"

"No. No, my mom and I kinda had a fight. It was a..." she laughed awkwardly "it was a bad one."

"Sorry. I won't make you talk if you don't wanna," He smiled at her reassuringly and somehow it actually made Cassie feel better. "But if you do wanna talk, I'm listening."

Cassie turned her head away, now looking at her melting ice cream instead of Ethan. He didn't really know what to do. It's not like he and Cassie were close, hell they barely knew each other anymore. Ethan didn't want to say the wrong thing, so instead of saying anything he reached his hand forward putting it on her knee.

At first he was worried she'd think he was trying a lame attempt of flirting with her but judging by the smile on her face that's not what she thought. She looked up at him, and Ethan was glad to see that smile did in fact reach her eyes and it wasn't just her trying to be polite.

"How's the ice cream?" He asked her, hoping to distract her from the things that were bothering her.

She smiled, nodding her head, "Good. Yours?"

"Good, yeah," He nodded only then moving his hand back to his side.

Cassie looked up at him, the pretty boy that was trying to make her feel better. He was paying attention to her, making her feel like she was the only one that mattered in that moment. The only other person who made her feel like this was Jess.

That realization was honestly terrifying to Cassie. She realized then Jess wasn't just some random guy she liked hanging out with, there was more there. But he was already gone, and she didn't know when she'd see him again.

"Here," he reached forward, taking the trash from her hand.
Cassie watched as he walked over to the trash cans throwing their dirty napkins into the bin. When Ethan turned back around Cassie was giving him a look that no one's ever given him before. He wasn't sure if it was good thing or a really bad thing.

There was a confused expression on his face as he was led back over to her, "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked her, looking a little nervous.

"You're just... you're a nice guy," Cassie told him.

"Uh, thanks," He smiled awkwardly. "So, is the phone still moody?"

Cassie laughed softly as she shook her head, "No. I think the phone's ready now."


He walked her back over to the pay phone, standing by her as she finally picked up the phone. She called Louise, asking for her to pick her up and Louise agreed immediately.

Ethan stood with her for the half an hour it took Louise to get there, even though Cassie told him half a dozen times that she'd be okay on her own. They just talked. Ethan filled Cassie in on all the drama she had missed last year, and it actually managed to make Cassie forget about her problems with Lorelai.

"You know I kinda miss it," Cassie admitted to him.

"Stars Hollow High?"

"Yeah. The only reason I went to Chilton was Rory. She refused to turn in the application if I didn't turn one in too," She confessed to him, something she hadn't told anyone else, not even Josh. "I almost didn't. Part of me wishes I went through with my plan to put an empty envelope into the mail."

"Don't do that. Don't beat yourself like that. You are smart Cassie, you deserve to go to a school like Chilton. You don't need to compete with Rory."

"I have been my entire life."

"As far as I'm concerned, you're the Gilmore to watch out for," He told her, giving her a a reassuring smile.

"Cass!" Sophie called out from the passenger seat causing both Ethan and Cassie to turn their heads. The two didn't even notice when Louise's car arrived in Stars Hollow.

"Be right there," Cassie called back to them pretending she didn't hear the cheers from Louise and Madeleine. "Thanks for this," she said, now looking only at Ethan.

"Anytime." He smiled again and Cassie swore that smile was contagious. He smiled and somehow everything felt good again.

She slowly stepped away from him, still smiling up at him. "Bye."

"Bye," he watched her get into the car and the second she closed the door Louise was driving back to Hartford.


Cassie wasn't exactly sure how she ended up here. All she knew was one minute she was at school and the other she was standing outside of Hartford community college.

Currently she was standing outside the auditorium looking into all the families and graduates as a speech went on.

She was scanning the room looking for her sister, who she haven't seen since before school that morning. Cassie scan the crowd once, twice but didn't see her sister. Finding Emily and Richard was easy though, since Emily kept pointing to a man with a giant camera.

That's how she found Lorelai. She was sitting near the aisle, dressed in a cap and gown. Cassie had always been proud of her mother's accomplishments but this one took the cake. Doing her best not to disturb the others, as she walked to the back of the auditorium.

Lorelai hadn't spotted either of her daughters, meaning she didn't know that while Rory wasn't there, Cassie was. She was just looking around while the President of the school said the names of each of the graduates.

"Victor David Fuller, Nancy Brenda Gatson," He carried on as Lorelai continued searching the room.

"Making sure the camera's getting your best side, princess?" Zach, one of the graduates, taunted Lorelai.

She ignored him and turned back around in her seat, watching as her fellow classmates stood up to walk across the stage. The camera was shoved in her face again, making Lorelai cringe.
"Oh jeez. Oh-" awkwardly she stood up as the rest of the students in her row did, "it's our turn?"

Cassie smiled from the back when she saw her mom nervously walking towards the stage. Lorelai stood in the line, taking one step forward whenever a name was called.

"John Lawrence Gilfer," the speaker said as John walked across the stage. "Lorelai Victoria Gilmore."

Lorelai moved forward, shaking hands with the professors of her school. She smiled seeing the proud looks on her parents faces. But it was the cheering from her youngest daughter that made Lorelai feel proud of herself.

Cassie was clapping her hands loudly, cheering her mother on. Lorelai accepted her diploma and with a tear in her eye she moved the tassel to the other side of the cap.

The ceremony finished quickly after that. Once all the names had been called Cassie was able to find Sookie and Jackson, the three of them standing to the side as Lorelai talked to her parents.
Cassie still had that proud look on her face as she watched Lorelai stand between her parents for a photo. It's the photo that should've happened when Lorelai finished high school.

As soon as Emily and Richard were leaving, Cassie ran straight to her mom. Lorelai was caught off guard when Cassie ran into her arms. She recovered quickly though, moving her arms to squeeze her daughter tightly.

"I'm so proud of you mom," Cassie told her, the words bringing a tear to Lorelai's eye.

"I'm just glad you came," Lorelai told her.

"Me too," Cassie replied.

Lorelai pulled away from the hug, looking at her daughter for the first time since the night of the accident. Since then Lorelai has been thinking of all the things she should've said to Cassie that night. All the ways she could've made her feel better instead of driving her away.

"I'm so sorry, honey. I hate that you felt like you had to compete for my attention and I hate that you felt like second best. I never ever want you to feel that way again," Lorelai said to her and Cassie just smiled at her.

"It's okay, mom. I'm okay."

Lorelai hugged her again and that's when Sookie and Jackson walked over to them. "Hey, we're so proud of you!"

"Yeah, you were great up there," Jackson added.

"Thanks you guys," Lorelai smiled at them, only then noticing that Rory still wasn't there. "No Rory?"

Sookie shook her head, "She called your cell and I answered, she got hung up on something and she'll see you at home."

"Oh," the disappointment on Lorelai's face was obvious.

"She said she's fine. She's sorry, but fine," Sookie added.

"As long as she's okay, I guess. At least one of my girls is here," Lorelai put her arm around Cassie. Even though Cassie was worried about where her sister was, she wasn't going to lie that she was kind of glad she and Lorelai had this moment, just the two of them.

"You girls wanna go out to eat? Celebrate a little?"

"We should probably check on Rory," Cassie suggested, knowing it's what Lorelai wants to do. Cassie's not crazy, she isn't going to try and keep her mom from her sister.

"I thought so. See you guys tomorrow."

"Bye Sook," Lorelai smiled at her before taking the cap off her head. "You sure it's okay to go find Rory?"

"Of course," Cassie smiled at her. "as long as I don't have to drive."

Lorelai nodded keeping her arm around Cassie as they walked out of the auditorium, "Deal."

The entire drive home Cassie told Lorelai 'almost' everything she did while in Hartford and once she was done they sang loudly to every song that come on the radio. Cassie was glad that Lorelai's dampened mood seemed to lift, at least until they pulled up into the driveway.

Rory was waiting for them by the front porch. She looked like she had walked to hell and back. When Cassie and Lorelai got out of the car Rory stood up and immediately walked over to them. "I'm so, so sorry."

"You're okay, right?" Lorelai asked her, the bad mood coming back.


"Everything's working? Your wrist is okay, nothing new is broken?" Lorelai asked.

"I'm fine."

"You don't look it," Cassie said, only after realizing she probably should've kept that to herself.

Lorelai nodded slowly, the nod she only did when she was upset. "Okay, good. Then I can get  past worry and move onto other things."

"I know you're hurt," Rory started to say.

"Yeah, you bet I'm hurt. Rory, I really wanted you there today," Lorelai told her and Cassie had to remind herself to not feel jealous. "You're why I did this stupid thing in the first place."
Rory looked down, "I know."

"You should've been there. Whatever it was that kept you, you should've gotten out of it, at least this once," Lorelai told her.

"Was it school?"

"It wasn't school," Rory answered.

"Was it Paris?"


Lorelai tossed her purse onto the stairs, her frustration growing. "Well, what was it?"

"It was so stupid."

"Just tell me where you were."

"I cut school!" Rory finally snapped.

"What?" Cassie laughed despite the clear tension between her mom and sister. "You cut school?"

"Yes! I cut school and I got on a bus and I don't even know why I did it. I... I have not excuse," Rory admitted to them/ "I just got on a bus and I went to New york. And that's it! I'm grounded for six months. Make it seven, actually, with no tv, no stereo, and no books. Just take them away from me."

"Hold on here. You went to New York?"

"By yourself?" Cassie added with equal confusion.

"No magazines either. And I'm going to do all the housework. Laundry, I'll even clean out Cassie's closet."

"Hey now."

"And dishes, in fact we're going to eat at home so we have dishes," Rory continued to rant on.

"Rory, stop. Why did you go to New York?"

"To see Jess."

"What?" Cassie's jaw dropped. Just hearing his name made her stomach drop.

Ever since her realization the night before Cassie had been thinking about her and Jess' friendship differently. She was beginning to wonder if there was more there than just a platonic relationship.

"Boy, do you know how to bury the lead," Lorelai scoffed. "So you went to New York to see Jess."

"I'm a horrible person."

"No," Lorelai shook her head, hating how stressed Rory was becoming. "You're not a horrible person."

"I am sick, I'm ill, I'm cracked. This is not who I am. If I were to write this down in my diary and I would read it, I would be like, Who is this freak? This isn't me," as Rory continued her rant she began pacing around, suddenly not able to meet her mother or sister's gaze. "This isn't my diary. I wouldn't do this. I wouldn't skip school when I have finals coming up to go see a guy that isn't even my guy and end up missing my mother's graduation, which I wanted to be at so badly. That's someone else. That's someone flighty and stupid and dumb and girly. And, I mean, I missed your graduation, which is the worst thing I could have possibly done. I mean, I hurt you and I had to spend hours on a stinky bus next to a guy that was spitting into a can, just thinking about all of the minutes that were going by that I wasn't at your graduation and they were hurting you, and they should have been hurting you because it was so selfish of this person who wasn't me to do what she did."

"Oh my god, Rory, breathe," Cassie told her.

"No," Rory shook her head. "I don't deserve a breath. No breaths. Add that to the list."

Lorelai shook her head, "Okay, look, nobody wants to say this any less than me, but I - maybe you don't have a medical condition or a mental problem. Maybe, honey, you are falling for Jess."

"Falling for Jess?" Cassie repeated her mom's words slowly as she looked over at her sister. "Are you?"

"No," Rory answered too quickly.


"No, I love Dean. Dean is my boyfriend. He will always be my boyfriend. That's it. Forever."

Cassie scoffed this time, "You are not going to love Dean forever."

"Yes, forever. I love Dean and Jess is gone now and everything's going to be good again. Everything's going to be all right.l"

"Rory, you cut school," Lorelai reminded her.

"Yeah, I know."

"You got on a bus and went to a strange city in your uniform to see Jess," Cassie added to her mom's point.

"I know."

"Well, that doesn't mean nothing. That means something. I mean–"

"No! I don't want to talk about this anymore. The only thing I want to talk about is the list I made on the bus of all the ways I'm gonna make this up to you. You get total control over the remote and the stereo for as long as you want. Total control over takeout food choices and a special surprise present every day for a month and -- oh my God!" Rory looked away shaking her head angrily. "I left your present on the bus."

"What present?"

"We were supposed to get presents?" Cassie asked sheepishly.

"It was a vinyl copy of The Go-Gos original album and it was signed by Belinda, but it's not the only copy and I'm gonna find another copy. That's going on the list, too," Rory looked back down at the list in her hand, writing yet another task for her to do.

Lorelai began shaking her head. Even if she was upset she didn't want to stress Rory out like this. "Okay, honey, please. Forget about the list until tomorrow."

"Okay," Rory inhaled slowly, "I'll just go to bed then and...I'll go to my room."

"Aren't we going to celebrate?" Cassie asked, looking between her mom and sister.

"I don't deserve it."

"No, but mom does," Cassie smiled at Lorelai.

Rory nodded her head, knowing that Cassie was right. In all the drama Rory had forgotten about Cassie and Lorelai's fight. She realized then that even with her gone the two of them managed to reunite on their own.

"Okay. Just let me shower and wash this horrible day off then we can go, and I'm paying."

Lorelai smiled at her, "Sounds great."

Rory turned to go up the stairs, "I'm so sorry."

"I know."

They watched as Rory went back inside then Lorelai walked over to Cassie, putting her arm around her shoulder. "At least you aren't running after Jess."

Cassie smiled, laughing kind of awkwardly, "Couldn't be me."

guys i'm so sorry this took me an actual decade to publish. In all honesty I'm still unsure about this chapter but guys have been so patient with me already. I hope you enjoyed the longer chapters, I think I'll be continuing with those. Also next chapter will be the last chapter for season 2! I am beyond excited to be moving onto a new season and I hope you guys are too.
There have been a few things I've been contemplating that's Id love your guys' opinions on. First being Ethan, originally I was gave him be a new love interest for Cassie but it seems like more people would prefer their relationship stay platonic. So I'd love input on that, also a few of you have mentioned the idea of Cassie and Jess getting together, and to be honest I kind of love that idea but maybe as a slow burn. Just so you guys know Cassie won't be getting back with Josh (at least not right now). And I'd be beyond excited to hear all the other amazing ideas you guys come up with!
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed!!

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