This Little Light of Mine, Sh...

By LexiGreyAG

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Sometimes being an adult is just too much. It's ok to long for soft hugs and gentle kisses. It's ok to like t... More

Chapter 1: Happy Days
Chapter 2: Too Much, Not Enough
Chapter 3: Too Little Feelings
Chapter 4: Scary Dreams
Chapter 5: 'Please slow down?'
Chapter 6: Warmth
Chapter 7: Assassination Number....?
Chapter 8: 'It hurts, but it'll be ok'
Chapter 9: My Little Star
Chapter 10: Small Morning
Chapter 11: Sun Kissed
Chapter 12: Safety in Numbers
Chapter 13: It's Lovely to be Heard
Chapter 14: It's Lovely to be Seen
Chapter 15: Learning Can be Fun
Chapter 16: Fluffy Filled Morning
Chapter 17: Baby Steps
Chapter 18: Bliss
Chapter 19: NERVES
Chapter 20: Radio Silent
Chapter 21: Bleeding Heart
Chapter 22: 'It doesn't even hurt.'
Chapter 23: 'I will check more.'
Chapter 24: Blue Sparkles
Chapter 25: Tiny Itty Bitty
Chapter 26: G6-084
Chapter 27: Into the future! Well, what's in between it.... I think?
Chapter 28: "You can't promise if you don't think you're gonna keep it!"
Chapter 29: Day in The Life
Chapter 30: Wide Eyed
Chapter 31: A Storm is Coming
Chapter 32: You're My Home, and I Am Yours Too.
Chapter 33: Fight On
Chapter 34: Disillusioned
Chapter 35: The Littlest of Minds
Chapter 36: No love loss for someone who never really loved you
Chapter 37: Changes are Coming
Chapter 38: A Little Sickness Can't Hurt....? (½)
Chapter 39: A Little Sickness Can't Hurt....? (2/2)
Chapter 40: Blue Snot and Getting Shot
Chapter 41: Recovery
Chapter 42: It's All Fun and Games
Chapter 43: The Freedom of Comfort
Chapter 44: Fishies
Chapter 45: When Sharks Attack
Chapter 46: Taken With You and Loved With Everything.
Chapter 48: Justice Smells Like Revenge, There is Nothing More Satisfying
Chapter 49: Have Mercy, Please Don't Let Me Go
Chapter 50: Category 5 Hurricane: Shelter and Stay in Place - Godspeed
Chapter 51: Eureka?
Chapter 52: Happy Happy Birthday!
Chapter 53: And Pop Goes the Weasel
Chapter 54: "I wanna go home!"
Chapter 55: Comfort in the Simple Things
Chapter 56: Loving Argo
Chapter 57: Ring Around the Rosie <Epilogue>
Chapter 58: Authors Note

Chapter 47: Little Lena Luthor

231 9 3
By LexiGreyAG

Kara wakes up groggily with a weight on top of her. The shorter girl is sprawled on top of the reporter. Her right arm secured around Kara's waist. Dark hair everywhere and it tickles the edges of Kara's eyes. The blonde doesn't move it though, she is happy to lay here till she can sense Lena fighting between wakefulness and the peaceful sleep she was able to slip into that night.

It's almost ten minutes of Kara laying still when she hears her little one's heart quicken and she can feel the weight on top of her shift.

Kara shifts herself, hand clutching onto the smaller woman. She props them both a bit upright, trying to help the girl adjust to being awake. The reporter finally gets to brush away the tickling strands from her face. She kisses at the bridge of Lena's nose and that gets the girl to slowly open her eyes.

"Mm" Lena shuffled just a bit closer to Kara. She takes shelter in the croak of her neck, leaving just enough space for her to breathe.

To Kara's surprise, she takes her right hand and quickly shoves her two fingers into her mouth.

Kara smiles at the girl who decides to close her eyes again. She kisses her forehead, "Oh, I still have my little star this morning?"

All Lena can do is grunt in confirmation. Kara rolls her eyes at the lack of a verbal answer, "I should have realised you can't speak before a shower." Kara slowly floats them both up and into the bathroom."Well, and coffee but none for you today."

Kara starts the bath, the tiny CEO still in her arms. "Hope, the time?" The A.I pings and dims the light without prompting.

"10:24 in the morning Ms. Danvers."

That has Lena jumping, but Kara quickly calms her. "You won't be going into work today. You finished all you needed for a couple days yesterday, I want you to relax."

She checks the temperature of the now-filling tub with her hand and then seats the girl on the closed toilet lid. With little help from the sleepy girl, Kara takes both of their clothes off and then floats them both inside the bath. Kara sits just behind Lena so she takes advantage of the backrest and closes her eyes once again.

The washing was tame. Kara thought it would have gotten the girl talking but it didn't. Kara didn't mind though, she filled the silence with singing, which Lena enjoyed greatly and Kara did talk to herself.

Kara was upset that she did not bring any of Lena's toys for the girl to play with but she figures that she wouldn't have played with them anyways. This Lena seems like a more cuddly clingy girl today and the Kryptonian doesn't mind that at all.

Once they are washed and dried, they brush their teeth and wash their face, along with using the bathroom which Kara neglected to do before the bath. This is a learning process. Kara dresses in joggers and a tee shirt. Lena picks out one of Kara's hoodies and shorts.

"Come now, let's have breakfast." The reporter stretches out her hand for her girl to take but all Lena does is pout and crosses her arms in protest.

Kara fake pouts, "Aw, am I gonna have a difficult day today? I would really love my good girl Lena" Lena blushes and looks at her sock-covered feet, "She can use her words?" Kara was hoping to get a verbal response. Lena shakes her head instead and outstretches her arms to signal she wants to get picked up.

Kara recalls her conversation with Alex and Sam about when Maggie would get nonverbal at times so Kara does not push anymore since it does seem that today rather than definitely being quiet, Lena just doesn't speak.

"Alright, I can deal with a non-talking baby," Kara bops the girl on the nose, "But I would like it if you did your best so we can have a good day, but don't force your mood, ok?"

Lena smiles at her big and wide, a rarity that Kara wishes she can get more of. Lena leans in on Kara and kisses her on the mouth with much pazazz. It makes both of them giggle.

They have breakfast that consists of a fruit bowl, french toast, and scrambled eggs. The kitchen counters were covered in ingredients. It probably would have been better for the reporter to leave the little girl to her own devices than have her help in the kitchen. Kara did end up snapping at least fifty pictures of a very smiley Lena while they made breakfast, also a couple during the eating.

"How the heck did you manage to get even dirtier?" Kara is holding three now cold wet wipes scrubbing at the sugar-covered lips and fingers.

The girl tried to lick at her lips but the taste of the wipes residue leaves her with a pout on her face. "I like french toast." The girl says simply.

Kara snorts, "Yeah, I can tell." The girl ate two servings of the toasts and only half of an egg. It's better than no egg. "I shouldn't have fed you so much sugar, no french toast and fruit at the same time anymore."

Lena raises her clothed arm to scrub at her face instead, "But-" Kara quickly snatches the offending arm away and finishes her duty at getting the girl clean.

"No buts, and breakfast is now before you shower, it'll be easier that way yeah?" Kara walks away to throw the trash away, catching a slight nod of Lena's head in answer.

Kara grabs the girl's hand and takes her into the room and sets out three outfits for her to pick. "Pick one out, I wanna take you to the park and we can feed the ducks."

The tot's eyes go wide, "Duckies Mama?" Lena points to the black leggings and short sleeve dark blue shirt.

"Yes kir zehdh,(Literal: Little home, Context: Little one) we will see the ducks and you'll get to feed them." Kara puts a little sweater on the girl knowing that the forecast calls for a bit of windiness and Lena seems to get chilly in seventy-degree weather, better be safe than sorry.

The two make it to the park about thirty minutes later. They decided it would be nice for them to take a walk. To fill the time Lena talked about her new lab projects. She used filler words, instead of her usual vocabulary. She was happiest to talk about the new robotics program she is heading for National City school and she is most excited about going to the children's competitions.

Lena practically skipped to the park feeling carefree in her own little bubble with Kara. The reporter was elated to have her little girl for the rest of the day. She did have to stop her from having her fingers out. She would be fine with it but she knows that Lena would be mortified if anything like this were to get out. She doesn't want this to ruin Lena's reputation and then have the girl spiral into self-hatred.

"Feed now?" Lena untangles her hand from Kara's hold and reaches for the bag on the reporter's back.

Kara smiles at the eager girl, "Let me get it for you Lee." Kara reaches round and takes out the contents.

Kara has brought enough for them to stay for an hour or two along with a blanket so they can sit in the grass a little away from the water. She's brought plenty of snacks and lunch for her and Lena. She made sure to pack enough so that they (i.e Kara), didn't have to go back and grab food to eat to satiate her growing hunger.

The reporter takes the girl's hand, making sure to have a good grip on it while they walk closer to the river. It would be a very sad day if Lena ended up taking a tumble into the water, it would spoil what she wants to be a good and happy day today.

"You are gonna hold my hand the whole time. I don't want you falling into the water, ok?" Kara makes sure to look into Lena's eyes to convey her seriousness. The stare makes Lena squirm but she quickly nods her head in understanding and then gets distracted by a persistent quack of one of the younger ducks.

"Feed now?" Lena points to the small duck waddling closer, but not too close.

"He looks kinda scared, put some on the grass here." Kara grabs a bit herself and scatters it, Lena does the same. "Come, let's leave him and put some in the pond."

Kara scatters a small handful in one end of the pond but leaves the rest of the feeding to Lena. She held her hand most of the time but Lena was very persistent in trying to let go. Kara does what her little girl desires but is close by if something were to go array.

For a while both girls would have a laugh. One of the ducks would fight the other and Lena takes it upon herself to try and separate them. Her actions didn't work and just made the ducks upset with having to run away from a woman waving her hands at them. Kara instead sends over a slight gust of wind, disguised as a cough, their way.

It's been about an hour and Lena has run out of feed.

"It's done!" Lena turns the bag upside down in disbelief. She tried to 'empty' the bag, as if it would magically pour out another helping of food for the ducks. She almost shoves her head in the bag when Kara quickly takes the sack away.

Kara tries not to smile as she tucks the sack in her bag, "Lena, you were supposed to only use half."

"Oops." Lena looks down at the ground sad that she has done something wrong.

Kara grabs the girl's clean hand and kisses her knuckles. "It's ok little star, I should have reminded you. Next time we will be more careful yea?"

Lena smiles and nods her head. They both take seats on the blanket they had set up earlier. Kara unpacks her bag giving Lena half a sandwich and a small juice box.

The two women are located at a more secluded part of the park/pond area. They sit under a very large evergreen. Kara gives the girl a colouring book. Lena looks at it sceptically. Kara pulls the girl on her lap and the CEO rests her head on Kara's shoulder. The reporter hands her the book and an assortment of crayons and coloured pencils.

Lena colours with the pencils while taking sips of her third juice box here and there. After two whole pages coloured to perfection, except for Mickey's ears being purple, the girl in the Kryptonians lap starts to squirm.

She knows the girl won't be using any of the public restrooms in this park because of the disaster three years ago. Kara can't help but laugh at the memory.

"Come on star, let's clean up and get back home." Kara picks the girl up, making sure to keep her strength in check.

Kara and Lena (Mostly Kara), cleaned up their area. It took a bit longer for them to get back home than it was for them to get to the park in the first place. Her little girl was walking slower than usual and that's probably due to her bladder.

Kara quickly ushers her into the home and then scoops the girl up and sits her on the toilet.

"Ah, we barely made it mm?"

Lena's cheeks flush much like they always do and she grumbles under her breath.

Kara softly pinches at the girl's cheek. "Don't be like that. I think I might have to put you in pull-ups again, we make too many close calls."

The little Luthor's eyes go wide at that being said. Kara chuckles slightly at the pointed look being thrown her way.

"I won't if you're seriously are against it but I think we should."

We we we we. The Luthor can hardly grasp at the idea of wearing that in her adult body but she knows the comfort it brought her in her physically little state. She wonders if Maggie still wears them.

"Come, let's get cleaned up and we can have a snack and you can finish your drawing and read while I start dinner."

Kara goes to clean the girl, hesitation a little but ultimately does it anyway seeing as the girl didn't reach to do it herself.

Kara seats the girl in the couch in their living room with her coloured pencils sans the crayons this time. She gives her a sippy cup filled with water and a splash of flavouring with a side of chips, grapes, and cheese. Kara quickly switches the tv on to Arthur, knowing Lena rather the older less colour-packed kids shows.

While Kara just finishes chopping at the onions to put in the stew she gets a call from Alex.

"Hey Al what's up?" Kara says while tenderising the meat.

"Just wanted to see how you two were." Kara can hear shuffling in the background and giggles spilling from a detective's mouth.

"I-" The redhead gets interrupted by a little too loud giggle along with half-started hellos to Kara over the phone. Kara laughs, she can imagine what Sam is doing to make the little girl laugh so much. "Well Maggie is trying to say hello."

Kara smiles, "Tell her I said hello back."

Alex snorts and then it turns into a pained gasp, "I think I'm gonna go to a more quiet and less accident-prone environment." Kara hears her sister shuffle around again and then a squeaky door close, probably the bathroom because of the echo.

"I wanted to know how your conversion with Lena went, if you too are ok. Sam had said she was acting a bit off but she thought it was because of the whole James thing. She wasn't at work today and didn't really answer any texts."

Kara doesn't even wanna discuss the James thing. "Yea, sorry about that. I had Lena stay home for the day. We had our talk yesterday night." Kara puts pepper and mixture of greens in a steaming pot and sets it to medium, "She was scared of regressing. She didn't think she should because she's all better now and doesn't think she needs help. It's along with some other stuff but that's more private."

Kara sets a timer for forty-five minutes and gets to making some lemonade.

"When we got back from the aquarium Sam had off-handily said something about Lena being jealous. We don't want her to feel like that so do you want us to back off for a bit?"

Kara can sense the underlying meaning to what Alex is saying. No little Maggie around Lena for the time being. The reporter knows that that is not what she wants, and she knows that's not what Lena wants either. They both love little Maggie and having the two girls together would be awesome for both of them expressing themselves with others like themselves.

"No no, we definitely don't want you guys to hide yourselves like that. Lena is happy with Maggie, she was just jealous 'cause it seemed like it was so easy for her and Lee was frustrated with herself 'cause it doesn't feel as easy as it looks." Kara tastes the stew to make sure it was seasoned properly, she promptly adds a bit of salt to the mixture. "She was actually little last night and all day today."

Alex clicks her tongue, "Ah that makes sense. You know I do hope that she and Maggie would talk about it over lunch or something. I know Maggie has been itching to spend some time with her and this would be a good time for questions to be answered."

Kara faintly smiles and puts the finished jug of lemonade in the refrigerator. "Yea I hope they do end up talking, maybe it will put more ease in Lee's mind." Kara looks over to the couch where she sees Lena scribbling on pages and getting it more on the couch than anything. Good thing they are coloured pencils. Kara looks at the timer and it has about ten minutes to go.

"Mama I'm hungry." The girl mumbles through two fingers in her mouth. Kara cringes at the sight of her dirty hands.

"Alright Lex, I gotta go and get Lena ready for dinner. Can you send me the website where you get Maggie's supplies?"

"Yes yes of course, give Lena a kiss for me."

"I will. Bye Alex"

"Bye sis."

Kara turns the television off and ushers the girl to help her clean up the papers and pencils, but not before giving her Alex's kiss on the head. Kara leaves the couch to get cleaned another day. Once they are done with that she guides the girl to the sink to wash her hands clean. The Kryptonian sits the girl down at the dining room table while she herself shares out the veggies and main course. She makes sure to cut up everything in palatable bites and puts the lemonade in a sippy cup with a rubber end.

Most of the dinner is spent with Kara feeding the girl. Lena ends up just getting up out of her own seat to sit in Kara's lap and pick at her food till her mama can feed it to her. Food still ends up on both of their laps and somehow in Kara's own hair.


The baby CEO finishes off her juice and tries to shake Kara down for more.

"Only water from now on, it's bedtime and you had enough juice for today." Kara wipes off the extra juices and gravy from Lena's hands and face and shoos her to their bedroom to pick out a nighttime outfit and book.

After they both have a bath and a hair wash (Kara makes a mental note to do those in the morning rather than at night now) she dresses Lena in the outfit she has picked. Purple shorts and one of Kara's old tops that are no longer suitable for wearing outside.

Later on in the week she is gonna have Lena sit and pick out some stuff online that she might want. This thought makes the Kryptonian excited for what's in store in their future.

Kara settles the girl in bed with Oliver and an extra blanket.

"Harry Potter, again?" Kara says in an exasperated but playful tone.

Lena giggles and further shoves the book at Kara to read, "Read Mama."

It's the third time Lena has said that to her today. Kara can count on one hand how many times Lena has actually said those words to her consciously. It makes the Supers heart warm and the trust her little girl is giving her.

"Alright little star, let me settle in."

By the second chapter Lena's eyes start to droop. Kara turns the lights off and reaches into her bottom chest to retrieve her girl's paci that she saved from the Blue Sparkles case.

Kara replaces the Luthors fingers with the object and gets no further protest from the girl other than a stirring form. In seconds she settles and Kara does the same beside her. The reporter makes sure to have the girl securely by her side. Once her own eyes start to droop and sleep begins to take her, she can faintly feel a slight nuzzle to her neck and even warm breaths hitting her stray hair.

.... Next morning in Metropolis....

James gets to Clark's apartment door and hesitantly knocks on it.

The door swings open, the rush of air hits James in the face in an uncomfortable way.

"Jimmy?" Clark looks at him inquisitively. "What are you doing here, how come I can't hear you?" Clark is getting irritated. Hating having been slightly duped with what seems like anti-Kryptonian tech.

James shakes his head, "So-sorry, it's just, some other aliens found out where I was, and I needed this tech. I didn't know it was anti-Kryptonian." James shakes his head hoping the lie comes through. "I should have realised that it might work on you, they have superhearing too. Sorry I should have had more foresight." James raises his hand to his face and wipes at his eyes in fake frustration, "I'll- I'll just go, sorry for this."

James goes to shut off the tech and leave but Clark stops him with an arm on the shoulder.

Clark quickly ushered him inside.

"What do you mean? What happened to Kara, she couldn't help you?" Clark offers him a cup of water.

James internally scowls but he takes water it gratefully, "No she couldn't. You know I trust you with my life, more than her." Clark's eyebrows furrow but he doesn't push.

James hears a clutter in one of the back rooms and it makes him jump. "Who's here?"

Clark puts up his hands in peace, "James you're safe here, it's just me and Lois." Clark has a second thought, "Oh and Lu-"

A glass shatters behind Clark, his head whipping to the culprit.

Lois is holding close a shivering Lucy. Both their eyes brim with tears and Lois has a furious scowl etched on her face.

James looks like a deer in headlights. "Lu-Lucy!?"

Lucy can't do anything but stand there, frozen in her spot, waiting for hell to swallow her whole, can hell get even deeper than it already is?

A/N: We love a littles day with Lena as the centre. She is so precious

So shit is about to go down with James and the Fam, as you can see, I love cliff hangers!!

~ Alex <<33

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