Detective Arose

By arosefromthedead

141 18 1

A young detective that is on a mission to the Dimension of Doom with her friend Marth. She realises that the... More

Portal to Doom
Get undercover
Sneaking into the Palace


21 3 0
By arosefromthedead

Marth looked at her in shock, then he picked her up from the ground of the elevator. The elevator door had just opened, Marth stepped out of the elevator holding Arose. He looked around him and saw a normal metro station but the people he saw looked beyond normal, they looked abnormal. He looked behind him to see the elevator disappearing slowly, he looked around for anyone who was selling water bottles. He found a little boy that was a bit far, he left Arose on the ground beside a wall and went to the boy running. He told him he wanted a water bottle. The boy seemed to not understand Marth, so Marth used sign language and the boy understood so he gave him a water bottle. Marth thanked him and ran back to Arose, she was still there on the floor. Marth splashed the water on Aroses face, and she woke up but she seemed a bit startled. Marth explained " you were unconscious so I went and got water for you" he gave her the water bottle and Arose drank it all. He then said" it seems like the citizens of doom only understand sign language" she was surprised, very surprised. She said "so, now my clothes are wet and so is my hair" he understood what she meant and said "so, you want me to buy you a new suit?" she nodded excitedly. He then said "alright then". They left the metro station and saw the buildings that looked like they were floating and the people looked strange, their skin color was maroonish brown and their hair was floating like there was no gravity at all. their eyes looked like a snakes eyes but even scarier, their mouthes were on their foreheads and they didn't have ears. Marth said "so do they hear from their eyes or something?" Arose laughed and then said "yea, I guess you're right" they started walking in the streets. Many people looked at them and stared, Marth and Arose didn't care because it was a normal thing to them. Arose had found a store that sold suits and they entered it. The suits looked quite normal, Marth expected that they'd look strange and ridiculous but they didn't. Marth talked to the man that owned the store and explained "we are here by the kings order" and he showed him the famous badge of honour that every detective that had visited more than 2000 dimensions would get. It was called "The Badge Of Palairre"  the owner of the store said in sign language that the suits they buy are free of charge and that it's an honour that they are buying from his shop. Marth smiled at the man and turned around to see Arose staring at a white suit with a golden flower in the suits pocket. He went over to her and said "if we killed someone their blood will ruin your suit permanently" she said "I'll wear it when we get back to earth" Marth looked around the store and saw a maroon suit that had a black tie and a white rose in it's pocket. He was mesmerised by the suit's beauty, so he bought it. Arose bought two suits, the white one and a black suit that complemented her looks, she looked like a goddess but in human form. She went into the changing room and wore the black suit while Marth waited for her outside. She finished changing and got out of the changing room. She went to the man so that he can give them useful information about the murder case, and the traditions of the citizens of doom. Marth was stunned by Arose, she looked absolutely beautiful and elegant. He has never seen such a beautiful sight, Arose noticed him staring at her so she smirked and said "you like the suit, don't you" he then said "yes, yes I do" he smiled. Suddenly, Arose heard screaming, so she got out off the store and saw a woman that was screaming, she was saying something but Arose didn't understand the meaning. Marth and the store owner ran after Arose, Marth asked the store owner what she was screaming, he said that she was saying "help help! my son is lost!" Arose went to the woman and asked her to calm down, the store owner translated what Arose was saying to the woman. She told the store owner that her son was right beside her a few minutes ago, he was right beside her then she turned around and saw that he wasn't there! she was very upset. Arose looked around to see a man dragging a boy, she had to run as fast as she can to get to them. As you know she is a vampire so she is capable of telekinesis, so she can use her powers on the kidnapper. She said "Marth, I found them! follow me!" Marth signalled to the store owner that they found them, and he told the woman, she smiled happily. Arose ran after the man while Marth was behind her, she saw a bike on the street so she took it and got on while Marth sat behind her on the bike. Arose used her telekinesis powers on the man and he couldn't run away anymore. Arose and Marth got off the bike, Marth took the boy back to his mother while Arose tied up the man. She took out her translator and talked to the tied up man, she asked him "who do you work for?" he said "Ascendos" she asked him another question "why do you want to take this boy?" he answers "blackmail". The doom police arrived and took the man, Arose went back to Marth and told him that she got the name of the person he's working with pretty easily. He was pretty confused of why the man told her this information so easily, he said "it might be fake information because it's impossible to get information from a person this easily" she said "I think that his boss knows that we're here" Marth didn't think that what Arose was saying could be true, but she did have a point there. Arose and Marth got on the bike and went to their personal apartment in the City Of Doom, they are detectives so it's pretty normal for them to get used to a different bed, different room and different apartments. Arose opened the door to the apartment to find-

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