Unpopular {lrh}

By tumblrneymar

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When the most popular guy at school falls for the least popular girl at school but he treats her like trash... More

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twenty one
twenty two
twenty three


981 14 6
By tumblrneymar

Before Michelle's party, me and Cierra went shopping for outfits to wear. I had never owned a dress or bought a dress. Cierra was the queen of style. Her outfits were always on point. We went to all the department stores because they were the only places we could afford.

We were shopping for about 2 hours and we got extremely frustrated because we couldn't find anything to wear. The last shop we went into was by far the most expensive.

Me and Cierra started spraying all the perfume on ourselves and trying to figure out which one we liked best.

While we were giggling and spraying perfume everywhere, I noticed Luke trying on cologne. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Kim! It's the guy from Maths", announced Cierra.

"Cierra do you have to be any louder?!"

"Sorry Kim, but he just looks so hot."

The truth was, he was too hot for me.

Maybe Luke smiled at me but he had mistaken me for Cierra as me and her both had long black hair.

That idea kept on going round and round inside my head until I literally bumped into him again in the clothing department.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry", Luke gasped.

"No, no it's fine seriously. Hi", I giggled.

"Hey. Are you going to the party tonight?" He asked.

"Erm yeah, I'm shopping for an outfit to wear. I can't find any! Are you going?"

"I have nothing else better to do so I thought why not."

Cierra walked over.

"Hey Kim, the store closes in 30 minutes. We need to hurry up!"

"I'll catch you at the party then?" Luke said in a slightly louder voice.

"Yeah, see you tonight Luke", I said as he started to walk away.


We walked towards the till with a tight black dress and a orange play suit.

I obviously opted for the black dress as I hate playsuits. Normally Cierra has amazing style but for some reason, today she didn't.

We walked out of the shop and jumped in Cierra's black corsa, drove all the way to my house and got ready.

Before we knew it we only had 20 minutes before the party started and we had only started our makeup!

We were both rushing around my house trying to get ready in time.

To be honest I don't know why we got so dolled up because it was only a house party.

In a way I wanted to impress Luke since he had never seen me dress up.

My phone started to vibrate. It was a text from my mom.

"Won't be home until tomorrow. Flight got canceled. Love you. Mom xxx"

I should really be disappointed since my mom was stuck in another country but really, I wasn't. We could get drunk and Cierra could stay at mine so her parents wouldn't find out.

My mom worked in the beauty business. She was always leaving the country and trying to sell her companies products all over the world.

My dad had left when I was a baby. Him and my mom had me at 19. He now has his own family. A wife, kids, a dog. It really bothers me because Cierra has both her parents in her life and two brothers. She lives such a perfect and stress free life, while I don't. It's only been up till recently that we haven't had any money worries. Before my mom got a job in the beauty industry she was working in a supermarket stacking shelves. We barely had any money after we paid the bills.

My grandparents lived in Italy, as my mom came to the UK when she was 18 to study at university. My mom is Italian so that makes me half Italian. Her English is very good and she now teaches me Italian. My dad is from Scotland and lived there all his life until he left my mom and started a new life in Spain.

I hated him for that. He left my mom a single parent and penniless. She had only been in the country 2 years before he left us. He doesn't give my mom any money or me any money.

"We only have 5 minutes before we HAVE to leave. Hurry up!", Cierra shouted at me as I started to tie my black and white converse.

"Okay I'm ready. Let's go".

Before we headed towards the car I picked up a bottle of vodka and a bottle of coke cola.

I knew that Michelle banned alcohol from the party but if I put the vodka in the coke she will never know.

A/N {thank you for reading up to this chapter! I'm so blessed to have people actually read my book. Please comment what you think about my book and what I can improve. Thank you all again. -Amy xoxo}

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