after potter's death - cedric...

By hermy_reads

555 4 0

People are talking about what seems to be the only thing people talk about these days. The tragic death of Ha... More

chapter 1: introduction
chapter 2: crushes
chapter 3: quidditch
chapter 4: secrets
chapter 5: lovebirds
chapter 6: hiding
chapter 7: lying
chapter 8: unbearable
chapter 9: goodbye
chapter 11: truth
chapter 12: apologies
chapter 13: christmas
chapter 14: hollow silence
chapter 15: confessions
chapter 16: accusations
chapter 17: romcom
chapter 18: puzzle pieces
chapter 19: voldemort

chapter 10: miss mopey

13 0 0
By hermy_reads

That evening Sarah sat down on the floor in the corridor. And she just sat. For what felt like an eternity, she stayed there. She felt like she was waiting, not sure of what was to come. And not til early in the morning when somebody walked past her, she got up and went back to her dormitory.

The following days, even weeks Sarah mostly just sat, or later in bed. Waiting. Not knowing what was to come, but hoping for better times. Her mood was a crashing carousel, and Eve still not talking to her did not help her case.

One afternoon, she sat in the common room, she had her nose in a book, trying to focus. Just when she had lost interest in it and was about to fall asleep, somebody sat down in front of her. She did not look up, and instead silently sighed.

"Hello miss Mopey." the individual said, but Sarah still did not look up from her defence against the dark arts book.
"You'd rather study than get distracted by an incredibly hot and stunning guy?" he then asked, and finally, Sarah looked up at Draco Malfoy.

"I find you neither. Leave me alone." she muttered, and returned to her page. Draco leaned closer, and whispered in her ear.
"Stop it I said." Sarah hissed annoyed, and threw the book at him.
"Hey!" he shouted, quite loudly so that everyone else in the common room looked over to their corner.

"Fuck off Prat." was the last thing she said, before standing up and walking out of the room, knowing that students from ever year in their house was watching her storming out. She did not know where her angry footsteps was heading, and eventually ended up going outside.

She sat down at the stairs in front of the great entrance to the castle. And not long after, Draco sat down beside her.
"You're not very bright then? I said leave me alone, not to stalk me." she sighed.
"Are you really pissed at me? It's not like you found your book very interesting." Draco smiled.

"I'd rather read that book than talk to you." Sarah mutters.
"Why do you hate me?" he asks.
"What's wrong with you?" she spits out. "Why can't you just leave people who makes it clear they're not interested alone! You treated Potter the exact same way!"

Sarah directly regretted the words she had spoken and she looked up at Draco.
"Sorry, sorry! Merlin I'm sorry! That was too far, I did not intend to go that far, sorry sorry Draco I really really-"
"Peters, it's fine." he interrupted. "You're not wrong."

"Oh Draco... No, I am. I did not mean it, I just wanted you to stop bugging me."
"No you're not wrong, I... I loved Potter. But all I did was make him hate me, until his very last moment in life, he hated me."
"He hated me, I loved him and now he's gone."

"Draco! You couldn't help-"
"I'll get out of your hair. I'm sorry for all this, I really am. And you don't need to apologise, I'm the idiot, okay?" Draco says, stands up and begins walking down the path, away from the castle. Sarah shakes her head and stands up, to follow him.

"Wait for me!" she shouts, and he turns around in surprise.
"Malfoy, come here." she sighs and wraps him up in a hug.
"What are you doing?" he asks.
"You need this. I need this. Okay?" she says. Draco smiles to himself, and eventually hugs her back.
"Okay." he replies.

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