Fallout: Fury Blood

By StoriesNotHere

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Rumbles from beneath, whispers from beyond, power from the sky, fury from the blood. Her world shattered, Kel... More

Chapter 1: Back To Reality
Chapter 2: Long Days Of Steel
Chapter 3: Raider Troubles
Chapter 5: No Man Left Behind
Chapter 6: Sapphires And Shadows
Chapter 7: Orange Colored Sky
Chapter 8: Clay-Crawler
Chapter 9: War Of Wills
Chapter 10: Paradise Lost
Chapter 11: Home Sweet Home, Never Trip Alone
Chapter 12: In This Together
Chapter 13: Prydwen Heist
Chapter 14: Fight-Or-Flight
Chapter 15: Broken Steel
Chapter 16: It's All Over But The Crying
Chapter 17: Combat Ready
Chapter 18: The Rail
Chapter 19: United We Stand
Chapter 20: Interlude
Chapter 21: Raiding The Raiders
Chapter 22: Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On
Chapter 23: Lost Soul
Chapter 24: Rubble Of The Forgotten
Chapter 25: Think Fast, Shoot Faster
Chapter 26: Doom-Guy
Chapter 27: Echoes Of The Dead
Chapter 28: Bloody Mess
Chapter 29: The Liberation Of Dunwich
Chapter 30: Damaged Soldiers
Chapter 31: Birds Of A Feather
Chapter 32: Elder, General And... Mediator?
Chapter 33: Aba Daba Honeymoon
Chapter 34: Gathering Storms
Chapter 35: Crazy He Calls Me
Chapter 36: Woman's Best Friend
Chapter 37: Game Of Thrones
Chapter 38: With Fire We Play
Chapter 39: Come Fly With Me
Chapter 40: Something's Gotta Give
Chapter 41: Superior Firepower
Chapter 42: Blind Betrayal
Chapter 43: Dead Steel
Chapter 44: Meet Me On The Battlefield
Chapter 45: Standoff
Chapter 46: Blood War
Chapter 47: Phantom
Chapter 48: Emotions, Dreams
Chapter 49: Idiot Savant
Chapter 50: Alive
Chapter 51: Hope Remains
Chapter 52: It's A Sin To Tell A Lie
Chapter 53: Hell Hath No Fury
Chapter 54: Like A Woman Scorned
Chapter 55: A Rag-Tag Road-Trip
Chapter 56: You And What Army?
Chapter 57: Highway To Hell
Chapter 58: He's A Demon, He's A Devil, He's A Doll
Chapter 59: Nightfall
Chapter 60: Steelfall
Chapter 61: Warfall
Chapter 62: Castle Of Glass
Chapter 63: Fire And Fury
Chapter 64: Freedom Fighters
Chapter 65: Right Behind You Baby
Chapter 66: Deadskull
Chapter 67: Perfect Chaos
Chapter 68: Heathens
Chapter 69: Wicked Game
Chapter 70: Sound Of Silence
Chapter 71: By A Camfire On The Trail
Chapter 72: Sucker For Pain
Chapter 73: This Desert Ain't Big Enough...
Chapter 74: Let's Ride Into The Sunset Together
Chapter 75: Let Me Be Your Teddy Bear
Chapter 76: Red Awakening
Chapter 77: Sins And Secrets
Chapter 78: Someone To Watch Over Me
Chapter 79: War Pigs
Chapter 80: Wang Dang Atomic Tango
Chapter 81: Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing
Chapter 82: Fury Blood
Chapter 83: Zombie
Chapter 84: Deadlands
Chapter 85: Blood Rock
Chapter 86: Following In Her Footsteps
Chapter 87: The Whole Gang's Here
Chapter 88: A Woman, A Wanderer, A Weapon
Chapter 89: Metal Man
Chapter 90: Flags Of Our Foul-Ups
Chapter 91: Bleeding Abyssal
Chapter 92: Breath
Chapter 93: Delta Dune
Chapter 94: Operation Purity
Chapter 95: I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire
Chapter 96: Woes Of War
Chapter 97: Strangers In A Strange Land
Chapter 98: No Man's Delta
Chapter 99: A Light Shining In Darkness
Chapter 100: Get In, Get Jumped, Get Dead
Chapter 101: Here There Be Monsters
Chapter 102: Heaven In Hell
Chapter 103: Ain't That A Kick In The Head?
Chapter 104: One-Armed Bandit
Chapter 105: Sex Machine
Chapter 106: Tunnel Snakes
Chapter 107: Unwelcome Guests
Chapter 108: Prisoners Of War
Chapter 109: Blood Of The Demon
Chapter 110: The Cruel Throttle
Chapter 111: Strangers In Arms
Chapter 112: Darkness Falls
Chapter 113: Deeper And Darker
Chapter 114: Eye For An Eye
Chapter 115: My Little Deathclaw
Chapter 116: Metal On Metal
Chapter 117: Dragon Rider
Chapter 118: No Rest For These Bones
Chapter 119: The Stars My Solace
Chapter 120: Hardship On The Horizon
Chapter 121: Stuck On You
Chapter 122: A Manhandled Manservent
Chapter 123: Black Widow
Chapter 124: Wear My Ring Around Your Neck
Chapter 125: The Velvet Curtain
Chapter 126: Are You Lonesome Tonight?
Chapter 127: A Bit Of Slap And Tickle

Chapter 4: Rad Land

53 3 0
By StoriesNotHere

Setting off the vertibird signal smoke well away from Sanctuary prevented the Brotherhood from marking the place as her homebase, which sat well with her. She didn't want them arriving in squadrons of vertibirds in the middle of the night to drag her off because Cade wanted to check her blood pressure.

Kelly shaded her eyes from the sun as she looked skyward and waited for a pickup, Dogmeat sitting happily at her side. She had packed lightly, bringing only her most favored weapons, her armor pieces, and a bottle of water with stims and Jet for good luck. What Deacon didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

She waved the pilot in as the vertibird appeared within minutes, waiting for it to touchdown before she climbed aboard and took charge of the minigun on it's flank. Dogmeat hopped up and seemed to know that sitting on the passenger seats was the second best place to be.

"Glad to see you safely back from the Institute, ma'am," the pilot relayed through the microphone system, her voice ripe with relief. "Elder Maxson will be eager to hear what you've learned."

This was it, Kelly thought as the vertibird gained lift. She had reached the point of no return, and handing in the holotape meant backstabbing her own son. She ground her jaw throughout the entire flight to the Prydwen, and by the time the docking sequence was complete, her jaw was mildly throbbing, and she turned instead to clenching her fists repeatedly.

Lancer-Captain Kells was waiting on the Flight Deck for an initial word before she reported to Maxson. He wore his usual sour face, and Kelly braced herself to nod and apply yes, sir to every single sentence. That was the first thing they taught in boot camp back in her day. How to be a good drone.

"Knight Harper," Kells addressed once she reached a certain point on the railings. "It's good to see you returned to us unscathed. I'm sure you have a lot to tell, but first I have to have you searched before you can present your findings to the Elder. Necessary precautions, I hope you understand."

Kelly suppressed a sigh and nodded. "Yes, sir."

"Oh, and I'm afraid your dog will have to remain outside. Scribe Neriah was lucky enough to be allowed her molerats aboard, but a free roaming canine is out of the question."

Looking down at Dogmeat, Kelly gave him a penitent pat. "Stay out here, boy. I won't be long. And don't bite anyone."

Dogmeat cocked his head, seeming to absorb that, then he whined softly and lowered his tail between his legs, sulking.


After the pleasantries were out of the way, Kells led her into the Command Deck without a word. She scanned the area for any sign of Danse, but he was nowhere in sight. Her heart dropped with disappointment, and she knew the next task was going to be a notch harder without his reassuring presence by her side.

Maxson stood with his back to her, hands resting at the small of his back, regarding the Commonwealth outside with a stern air.

Maybe it was the sound of her incoming gait, or the stench of the Wastes she carried, or he had merely been forewarned of her approach, but he knew it was her. "Welcome back, Knight Harper. I admit I had my concerns having made contact with Dr. Li but not yet with you." His voice belied any truth to that claim of concern, but he did present her with an inkling of a smile as he turned to acknowledge her, which seemed out of place amongst his forlorn features. "I presume the Institute had a great deal of things to discuss with you, rather than showing you hostility, as you're clearly still in one piece. I'm curious to know how they handled the situation."

Kelly pushed back her hood and pulled off the grey knit cap she had worn underneath, combing back her ratty hair with a rough swipe. She had prepared for this moment throughout most of the airlift. Revealing the Institute's Director as her son would no doubt backfire and highlight her as a security risk. She had no choice but to play Maxson like a harp, not that she took pleasure from it. "They knew who I was, and that I was there for my son. They were impressed by how determined I was to find him, but more than that, I think they pitied me." That last part was true, she thought. "So they took me on a tour, of sorts. Practically welcomed me with open arms and proposed I join them."

His brow canted high. "Really? I find that... suspicious."

Kelly kept her cool. "Believe me, so did I, but it turns out they needed an agent on the outside to replace Kellogg. I already knew too much, so it was either they killed me, or won me over."

"And I'm guessing you accepted their offer?" Maxson was eager to know.

"Yes, Elder," Kelly replied, only now realizing that she had forgotten the proper formalities. He didn't seem to mind, however. "I thought it the best course of action in order to keep an eye on their activities and report back to you."

The man seemed pleased to hear that, as he straightened his already rigid stance. "Excellent work, Knight. I'm impressed by the outcome of this. I wasn't expecting much more than a reconnaissance, but you managed not only to recruit Dr. Li and avoid hostile engagement, but insert yourself right within the Institute ranks, and out again. I assume you also managed to procure that intel we needed."

Willing the quiver in her hands to still, Kelly turned over the holotape, blocking the pang that went with it. "Yes, sir."

"Good. I'll get this to Proctor Quinlan straight away," Maxson praised as he turned the object over in his hand as if he could decode it's contents himself. His dark features then lifted back to her as if nothing about this pleased him at all. "I expect a full report by tomorrow morning, and you'll have that entire day for some downtime, unless you're eager for your next assignment?"

"Depends on the assignment, sir," Kelly responded, an impish grin automatically working itself on her lips. Maxson's face didn't so much as twitch in amusement, however, and she quickly schooled her features, taking note for the future to never do that again. "May I ask if I'll still be assigned under Paladin Danse, sir?" she dared to query.

Maxson gave a knowing nod. "You two have proven to be quite the pair, possibly my most effective. Separating you would be counterproductive. Unfortunately, however, Paladin Danse is away on his own assignment right now, and won't be expected back for at least a day or two. Which brings me to your next assignment, should you wish to assist him."

Of course, Kelly was more than curious to know what Danse was up to, and her gut yearned to agree, but the main reason she had come up here was stomping down her selfish wants and needs. Those raiders would only establish themselves deeper in the region the longer she waited to act, and the settlers needed to be pulled out as soon as possible. Besides, Danse could handle himself.

"Actually, Elder," Kelly began, almost hesitantly. How to put this into words. "I have... a request." By the raised brows on Maxson's face, Kelly knew request hadn't been the right word to use. Nonetheless, she powered through. "A favor to ask. And I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important, or if I thought I hadn't earned it."

For an uncomfortable few seconds, Maxson only eyed her, calculating and cold. When he spoke, it was with a tangible note of irritation. "Danse said you were bold, on several accounts. Now I've seen it for myself, and I'm not sure I like it." A warning prickled her skin that she had pushed him too far, but she refused to waver under his eye. That tenacity had gotten her through the Glowing Sea and back.

"But I'm inclined to agree that after risking your life entering the Institute, the Brotherhood of Steel does owe you a favor, but that all depends on how much of a favour." She watched him, a certain weight lifting the slack from her shoulders, as he relented his glare and softened, somewhat. "Go ahead, Harper."

Enlivened, but careful to keep a cautious approach, Kelly updated what intel Maxson already had on the Minutemen, but neglected to mention her status with them, other than being an active member. Giving him more reason to question her allegiance would only wound her chances of a possible alliance between the two factions, plus, having him think her just an agent negotiating to save civilians of the Commonwealth out of the goodness of her heart made her look innocent. Upon explaining the rising situation with the raiders and the hostages, Maxson began to nod briskly to her words before he interrupted her.

"We're quite aware of the situation. In fact, it's the reason for Danse's assignment. Assuming he can capture and bring back one of these specimens, we'll know a lot more about them very shortly. Then, we can make a move on driving them out of the region."

"Capture, sir?" Kelly echoed, trying but failing to stop the concern from showing. "Was he briefed on how dangerous these things could be?"

Maxson's gaze sharpened with chagrin. "You think we would send one of our best out there blind and unprepared, Knight? I know you haven't been with us long, but don't be so quick to underestimate our proficiency."

Why shouldn't I underestimate you? Kelly thought. You missed the part where I lead the Minutemen.

"Danse was given the best intel and equipment available to him, along with a fully capable squad, and air support should his situation change. I'd have thought you would know by now how capable he is," Maxson added.

Her nerve endings cringed at the thought of things going tits up out there, but she managed to block any further gnarly images and kept focus on dealing with Maxson, who was currently burning a hole through her skull.

"Sorry, Elder," she forced out. "I don't doubt him at all, I've just been hearing a lot of bad things out there. But if Danse's mission will make things easier moving forward, then I'm mission ready. What have you got for me, sir?"

Looking a little suspicious, Maxson could only sigh quietly and gesture for her to fall into step beside him. "This won't be critical to mission success, but having a reinforced fallback point for Danse and his team would be an extra safeguard in case of unexpected retaliation. If these raiders are even more organised than our intel suggests, then pulling out with one of their people could spark..."

Kelly watched as Maxson seemed to be lost for the right choice of words. "A chase, sir?"

He cast a look before ascending the ladder for the main deck. "A chase," he repeated, satisfied. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that."

He led Kelly through the Prydwen's halls, explaining much of the same details he had given Danse, along with updating her Pip-Boy map to compensate for the added region. "Scribes have dubbed the region 'Rad Land.' Of course, I thought it was absolutely ridiculous, but they insisted it would remind the soldiers of it's dangers, and that the name was... catchy. I regret letting it slide."

Kelly smothered her smirk. The man was far too serious for his own good, and she had to remind herself that he was ten years her junior. Glancing at his profile as he walked beside her, she came to wonder what he had endured throughout his life to get to where he was now, with the visage of someone twice his age.

Eventually, after scaring half the crew with his presence alone, Maxson stopped at the armory and addressed Proctor Teagan, who also looked stunned to see the Elder. "That prototype I had you working on, Proctor Teagan? I think it's time for a field test."

Kelly took a few steps in behind Maxson, blood hastening through her veins at the possibilities of the next few moments. She watched as Teagan looked from Maxson to her with wide eyes that quickly burned with pride, before he bent to access something below his bench.

Maxson regarded her from over his shoulder. "I hope you're efficient with long-range munitions. This assignment will be ideal for field testing this prototype I had a hand in designing."

Having never received training in sniper detail throughout her military career, Kelly of course replied, "Yes, sir. Even Danse is jealous of my long-range tally, which is probably why he's never mentioned my expertise to you."

That made Maxson turn slightly with a half grin. "That so? I'll have to chase him up on that, then."

Kelly bit her lip and gawked as Teagan heaved up the magnificent specimen and placed it on the bench before them. She immediately identified it in the genre of gauss rifles, but more streamlined, and higher tech. Its material reflected the surrounding light with a high polish, and it was adorned with a night-vision recon scope of high powered magnification, but the barrel wasn't as long as she would have expected for a sniper rifle. Another curious thing was some sort of extension protruding from the stock.

Teagan noticed her frown. "What you have here is a thrice powered, finely calibrated 'gauss-sniper' of extreme proportions. It's parallel electromagnetic conductors are boosted in charge due to the upgraded capacitor coils, giving the kinetic release one mighty heck of a kick. And fitted with this magnetic harness from the stock, it's capable of integrating with your suit's systems for targeting assistance and ease of access."

Kelly was still taking in the sheer size of the thing. "Wait, what? This thing looks about as heavy as a Fatman."

"I'll take it from here, thank you, Teagan," Maxson cut in, grasping the beast to present it to Kelly. "This is designed as a power armor shoulder-mounted sniper unit. It can be utilised as both a combat sniper for closer range, or deep range." As he said that, he flicked something on and the barrel folded out to extend to twice it's length. His gaze never left Kelly, and as a slow smile spread on her face, so did his. "I'll show you. Where's your armor?"

"Over here." Kelly waved him over to her personal suit of armor as it hung lifeless by it's station. She folded her arms and watched intently as Maxson went about attaching the sniper unit to her armor's right shoulder and setting up it's automated systems. Most of the Scribes in the maintenance bay were crowding behind her or inconspicuously watching while pretending to be on duty.

Once he was satisfied, Maxson stood and gave his design the once over, clearly having relished the chance to get his hands dirty for a change. Beneath that mask of austerity, Kelly realized he was just like any other of the boys with their toys. "I hope it serves you well, Knight," he eventually spoke, though he spared her no glance. She wondered if he would prefer to test it for himself, or if he simply longed to be out in the field again, free of all his responsibilities here.

Kelly was starting to see why Danse had so much respect for the Elder. Part of the reason why she refused to be labelled as the General of the Minutemen was because she didn't want to be tied down by the title. Maxson hadn't allowed the same selfishness to prevent him from doing his duty. She actually pitied him a little, too.

"I'm sure it will, Elder," she smiled, genuinely, before opening her power armor up and climbing within-a well practiced manoeuvre. "I'll tell you all about it when we get back." But before she could stomp her way out of the bay, she was stopped.

"Harper," Maxson called, and when she twisted, he was approaching, probably to get out of earshot from the others. He lowered his voice once he was near, and a faint tone of compassion escaped. "You never did say whether you found your son."

Kelly pondered for words for a moment, surprised that he would even care to ask. "He's dead." As Maxson nodded his condolences and took his leave, she wondered if that had been the right decision.


Dogmeat's ears flapped in the wind as the vertibird motored across the Commonwealth skies. Kelly admired the look of utter wonder in his young eyes, the way he saw the world so simply and with never-ending enthusiasm, tongue lolling out one side. She wished she could be the same. The pull of bliss brought her thoughts to the Jet, waiting in her pocket for it's chance. She squashed the thought; she would need to exit her armor to get to her pocket, anyway.

To keep her mind off the chems, she allowed it to wander to Danse. Those eyes, brown and warm, and surprisingly emotive, but shadowed by depths even he couldn't understand. The creases that so often formed on his forehead. His lips... and that voice... Kelly's skin flushed with gooseflesh beneath her armor, and when she remembered what it felt like when he would stand close, too close, somehow unaware of what it did to her body, her lips parted to sigh out a heated breath. Or maybe he was aware...

The murk of the Glowing Sea was suddenly swamping her, bringing with it a tang to the air and revving up her suit's Geiger counter. Dogmeat just cocked his head at the crackle. Luckily, dogs were immune to the effects of radiation.

"It's okay, boy," Kelly reassured, trying to quell the pace of her heart and pull herself back to the present. "Just a little treble to get the party started."

Dogmeat gave a playful bark in reply.

Thunder and lightning soon joined in with the radiation, spurring each other into a recreation of hell itself. Kelly sighted many hellspawns below as they soared overhead, from radscorpions to deathclaws, but stayed her hand from opening fire. No need to waste the ammo.

"Rad Land," the pilot announced over the comms after roughly an hour of flight. Kelly sat up from her slouch and clutched the overhead handle to lean out the side. The distinction between the two lands was clear, where ahead, the green haze was broken by a red menace of air. On closer approach, she realized why. Old pre-war oil wells in the land had been dredged up from deep in the earth's crust and set fire to, spewing black smoke at the heights of towers in the Commonwealth. She had seen such things in wars of the old world, in the middle east and elsewhere. In her timeline, almost everything was powered by nuclear energy, eliminating most needs for oil.

"The storms set fire to the oil wells," the pilot explained. "This area was a hotspot for nuclear detonations, and the radiation levels here skyrocket and cause severe storm systems. But the fires don't last. Someone keeps putting them out."

The pilot's last sentence was suggestive, Kelly knew. That 'someone' had to be these raiders. They must have a shitload of manpower to be able to douse the fires. Or, failing that, a Prydwen-sized extinguisher.

"The fallback point is just ahead, I'll set her down and then hightail it. If they haven't needed the air support, then there should still be a vertibird at the LZ. It'll get you back home. If you lose that, well, then you're on your own," the pilot shouted.

"Great," Kelly quipped. "Note to self: don't lose the vertibird."

"Sorry. Elder Maxson's orders. We just can't spare another vertibird."

Upon touchdown, both Kelly and Dogmeat dismounted into a scantily constructed outpost. It was defensible enough, built atop a rocky outcropping to give the advantage of height, with sandbags and barricades around the perimeter, but it was nothing compared to the Brotherhood's usual standard.

She slid her gaze down to Dogmeat and shrugged. "Well this blows."

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