what happened after the dexer...

By gayshenanigans

1.3K 31 90

we dont get to see what happened between episodes 98 and 99 so i made it up 😀👍 (jackson's diary) please ign... More

pride flag emojai

pride flag emojai pt. 2

560 15 69
By gayshenanigans

Exer's eyes blink open.

His head slipped from his pillow as he slept, resulting in a horrible headache since he passed out on the floor.

"Ugh..." He sits up and goes to rub his temples but there's something stopping Exer's right hand from lifting. He looks to see what it is, and sure enough, it's David's own hand.

Exer's eyes widen at the sight as he blushes. He doesn't even remember intertwining hands with David before his insomnia lost the battle against unconsciousness.

He looks up to David, who is still fast asleep on his bed, snoring, limbs flailed, and covers thrown. He chuckles at the sight of how ridiculous his boyfriend sleeps.

Wait... What?

Exer has to do a double check to make sure David was actually his boyfriend now and the events of last night weren't just a dream.

He blushes and he smiles all giddy as he comes to the conclusion that it was all real. Yes, he did confess to David. Yes, he did kiss him. Yes, they are dating now.

As much as he'd love to lie here all day and night hand-in-hand with his best friend-turned boyfriend, Exer has to get up and start his day.

He very carefully removes his hand from David's clutches so he doesn't wake him. Not like he would anyway, considering how David seems to be six feet under by how deep of a sleep he's in.

Exer yawns as he finally musters up the willpower to stand. He wobbles, then realizes his whole entire body is in immense pain. He rubs the sleep from his eyes and makes a mental note to never sleep on hardwood again, no matter the circumstances.

He sighs as he opens his bedroom door and heads for the stairs. Not paying attention due to his drowsy state, he accidentally steps on Lucy-furr's tail.

She jumps and arches her back as her tail becomes puffy. She hisses at Exer and, suddenly, there's a book flying right at his head.

"Ah!" Exer makes a last minute effort to duck, with no luck. He falls to the floor with an even worse headache than he already had.

"Really, Lucy?" He exclaims as he rubs his head, knowing Lucy was the one who caused this with her... Powers that she... Somehow has.

He decides to shrug it off, apologizing to his cat. She still sports an offended expression though.

· • -- ٠ ✤ ٠ -- • ·

"Mornin', Dad," Exer greets his father as he enters the kitchen, where Harry is having his morning coffee at the kitchen table.

"Good morning, Exer. How're you doing?" Worry laces Harry's voice.

Exer had to admit, he wasn't doing the greatest. The whole earthquake ordeal really messed him up, but David being there for him reduced the pain of it.

For some reason, David just made Exer feel thousands of times better.

"Fine," He replies.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," Exer puts on a grin, not sure if it's false or genuine.

"If you say so. How did you sleep?"

Exer dramatically groans. "Fine. Until I woke up.."

Harry chuckles. "And why is that?"

"My whole entire body is in horrific pain. My head has never ached this stupendously before in my entire-"

"Oh, shut it Exer. You drama king," A voice from behind him laughs. Exer's face reddens as he recognizes the voice as his boyfriend's.

He turns, and there he is. Blond hair wild and knotted, and blue eyes droopy and half-lidded. David.

Exer fakes an expression of offense. He rolls his eyes sarcastically and says, "Oh, you shut it, David. I've never seen anyone with a worse bed head than you!"

"Hey, leave my hair out of this!" David argues back.

"Well," Exer giggles, "Only if you leave my dramatic-ness out of this!"

"Ugh," David rolls his eyes. "Whatever," He can't stop the grin that sneaks its way onto his face.

Harry opens a cabinet, searching for cereal. "Are you boys hungry?"

"Yeah," David replies, "Are you, Exer?"

Exer really wasn't. He doesn't know why, though. The last thing he ate was a bowl of popcorn, and that was hours ago. Maybe it's a result of all the stress he's been under lately.

"Nah, I'll be fine." Exer still joins David at the table, though.

David looks at him with concern spread across his features. He takes Exer's hand under the table, which causes Exer to blush. "Are you sure?" He asks.

"U-uh... Yeah," Exer smiles at the taller boy."

David's own cheeks become rosy at seeing Exer's smile. "If you say so..."

"Alright then. Is cereal alright, David?" Harry asks.


"Fruity pebbles?"

"Yeah, those are my favorite!"

Harry pulls out the selected cereal but he then does a double take back to the cabinet before closing the doors. "Oh! I forgot I had this," Harry pulls out a cake mix and shows it to the boys. "We should make this before it goes bad."

· • -- ٠ ✤ ٠ -- • ·

"Damn, Lucy can do that?" David exclaims in awe as Lucy-furr cracks an egg into the bowl of cake mixture.

Lucy was helping them bake the cake with her magic. David had declared that the cake was a "feel-better cake" for Exer.

Exer had to admit, he wasn't all that hyped for making the cake. He was never that crazy about sweets, or just baking in general. But if it makes his Day happy, it makes him happy.

"She does it better than me," Exer says, actually pretty impressed with Lucy's egg cracking skills.

David and Harry chuckle, but Lucy shoots Exer a death glare. She seems to still be upset about earlier this morning. A bit later, the cake batter is finished and in the oven.

David and Exer are now on the couch, watching some stupid soap opera to pass time while the cake bakes.

David is going on a rant about how he can't decide whether they should decorate the cake with vanilla or chocolate icing. But Exer, however, is staring blankly at the televison, obviously in another world.

"Uhh... Earth to Exer?" David waves his hands in front of Exer's face. Exer is knocked out of his trace, flinching slightly.

"You okay, man?" David asks.

"U-uh, yeah. I'm... Fine."

He isn't.

Exer doesn't even know what's wrong himself, he just feels... Rather... Empty.

"No you're not. I can tell, Exer."

"How?" Exer laughs, trying to make fun out of the situation and draw attention further from himself.

"Because I've known you for so long. I can tell when you're upset."

"Ugh." Exer sits back and pouts with his arms crossed. "Its nothing, Day. Really," He fakes a smile, refusing to look at David, afraid that he may burst into tears if he does so.

"Hey, look at me," David says with a soft, sweet voice as he caresses Exer's face, turning it to face his own. The kind that makes Exer's heart melt and cry at the same time.

Melting for David's mannerisms, his personality, his face, his heart, just- David.

And crying for the thoughts he puts in his own head. That he doesn't deserve to be spoken to this way, that he doesn't deserve for his heart to flutter the way it does, that he doesn't deserve to be loved, that he doesn't deserve David.

The tears are spilling down Exer's cheeks before he even knew they were forming.

It's embarrassing, he thinks, to cry in front of someone he's only ever shown support and stability to. But he knows David will understand, he always has, and always will.

Exer sobs, clutching onto David's shirt as said boy holds him in a tight embrace. David is not too sure what to say, as he has never been all that great with words.

In a matter of seconds, Harry and Lucy-furr (who was probably only there to follow Harry around) are there by Exer's side on the couch.

Exer doesn't even realize this until he feels Harry's hand on his shoulder.

It's only when his father starts making reassuring comments to hopefully help his son with his sudden outburst, Exer feels stupid for crying.

Why was he even like this right now in the first place? Why was he even this upset?

He sighs, and places his head in his hands. "I'm sorry, guys. I don't know why I-"

"Exer! You have nothing to be sorry for!" David raises his voice a bit too much to be comforting. He tried though.

"David, why don't we approach this with a more... Calm manner," Harry suggests. He loves David, he's like his second kid almost. But sometimes... Well, David can be... David.

Exer chuckles, genuinely amused. "I-it's alright. I think I'm fine now. It's just... Stress, I guess. From everything that's been going on lately."

Harry starts suggesting some methods to Exer that help with topics such as stress and anxiety until the phone starts ringing. He goes to answer it.

"David, it's your mom!" Harry calls from the kitchen a bit later.

David's eyes lose a bit of their light as he stands to go answer the phone. Exer guesses that it's probably because he thinks she wants David home. His eyes lose a lot of their light as he comes up with that conclusion.

Exer stays on the couch as David chats with his mother. But he turns the channel because he just simply couldn't stand the stupid show that was on before.

"Okay! Thanks, Mom. Bye!" David hangs the phone back onto its holder on the wall.

David hurries into the living room where Exer sits, a big grin spread across his lips.


"What'd she say?"

"That I can stay all weekend!"

· • -- ٠ ✤ ٠ -- • ·

"'I'm shaking like milk'? What does that even mean?" David laughs.

David and Exer are laying on Exer's floor in the same place they were when they almost kissed for the first time. (With pillows.)

Exer put a vinyl by The Cure into his record player. Their song "Let's Go To Bed" echoes through his bedroom.

Exer laughs as well. "No clue. Maybe it's referring to... A milkshake?"

David cackles at that. "That makes sense, but it makes none in the context of the song."

"True, true. But does it make any more sense than 'fires outside in the sky look as perfect as cats'?"

"Pfft! No! And why are they 'laughing at the Christmas lights'?"

The boys continue their hysterics and picking at the lyrics of the song. High off serotonin. You could use that phrase to refer to what they're both feeling at the moment. Laughing for no reason, when nothing is funny but everything is at the same time.

The laughter calms down as the song comes to an end. David has the idea to steal a glance at Exer, because there's just something about the way the moonlight reflects off his, in David's opinion, perfect features that makes Exer even more captivating and attractive than he already is.

It seems Exer had the same idea.

Their eyes meet, and they both giggle and blush in a fit of bliss.

David facepalms. "Why are we like this?" He laughs.

Exer chortles. "I dont know..." He says as he intertwines fingers with his boyfriend.

David smiles as he stares into Exer's golden eyes. "Well now we can finish the moment I ruined, eh?"

Exer stares back into David's ocean eyes and his grip on David's hand enhances. "I guess so," He grins back.

The space between them becomes smaller and smaller and their eyes flutter shut simultaneously. Their lips connect like two puzzle pieces, made for each other. Exer doesn't know if the spark he felt was his magic or his heart skipping a beat.

Exer disconnects their intertwined hands to move a hand to David's neck, and he uses this change of position to bring David closer to him, thus deepening the kiss.

David grabs Exer's arm and brings him to sitting position, sitting up himself. He cups his cheeks, and goes to-


Both of the boys' heads shoot in the direction of the door; where the noise came from, immediately stopping everything they were doing at once.


Exer and David both let out dramatic sighs.

"Really, Lucy-furr? Was that necessary?"

Lucy hisses at Exer.

What's she got against me? She really had to ruin my moment with David? Just because I accidentally stepped on her tail hours ago?

But, Exer's glad it was Lucy and not his father at the door. Not that his father wouldn't react well, he would. Just because he doesn't feel like explaining anything right now.

Lucy prances away, and David giggles.

"I guess that moment's just never supposed to go uninterrupted."

Exer chuckles, "I guess."

He then realizes he was pretty hungry, after not eating anything the whole day but a slice or two of cake.

"Day, I'm gonna go get something to eat. Could you put a movie on for when I get back?"

"Sure, man! Sounds good."

Exer comes back with a bowl of cereal (fruity pebbles to be exact) in a matter of minutes.

David found some dumb, sappy, school life movie to put on. He knew they wouldn't even watch it anyway and would probably make out or just go to sleep.

Turns out, Exer was too tired for any shenanigans, and fell asleep on David almost as soon as the movie started.

David smiles warmly as he looks down at Exer who is clutching his arm and snoring. He leans to Exer's level and places a kiss on the top of his head.

He can't believe that after all that time of repressed feelings, crushing, and denial, he can finally call Exer his boyfriend. He can finally be true to himself, love who he does, and be who he is.

And he wouldn't want it any other way.

· • -- ٠ ✤ ٠ -- • ·

as u can see, this is a lot longer than the first part

see what i did there 😜




would my lovely readers read it if i made a dexer oneshot story??? tysm for reading btw !!!!! i appreciate u all smm!! :DDDD <3333333

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