Unexpected Love

Von aloeveraforever

1.5K 44 6

Lena Andrews and Alex Thames like each other, but they can't seem to admit it. Despite their unexpected attra... Mehr

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Von aloeveraforever

It's the morning of the wedding.

I'm sitting in my sisters suite, waiting for her to get ready.

My mother was getting ready in another room and had asked me to accompany Jenna. Against my wishes, I was here, adjusting Jenna's bouquet that was sitting on the coffee table.

"I think you overdid my makeup," I hear Jenna say to the lady next to her. As she walks in and notices me sitting on the couch, a sinister glint in her eyes appears.

She enters the room wearing a luxurious wedding gown while I'm sitting here in a simple floral floor length dress.

"Good morning Jenna. You look stunning in that dress," I say trying to sound cheerful.

Jenna merely sends me a smirks and turns to look at herself at a nearby mirror. "Of course I do. It's my big day after all. Can't have anyone stealing my spotlight."

I couldn't tell if she was saying that to get on my nerves.

She was right though. It was her big day and I would try everything in my power to stay on her good side.

I force a smile on my face without letting her know of my discomfort. "I wouldn't dream of it Jenna. Everything's ready for the wedding. The guests should be arriving soon."

She swiftly turns around and tells the lady beside her to leave the room. She walks over to me, eyeing me with disdain.

"You better not mess anything up Lena. This day is all about me, and I won't tolerate any mistakes," she snarls. "Remember, I didn't want you here. So after you leave this room, stay out of my sight or I'll have you kicked out,"

Seriously, what does Asher see in her?

I simply nodded my head and swallowed hard, trying to keep my composure.

"Jenna, I've done everything you asked. Can't we just have a peaceful day for once?", I said in a calm tone.

Jenna laughs mockingly. "Peaceful? Oh, Lena, you're so naive. Life isn't about peace; it's about power. And today, the power is all mine."

I clenched my fists and tightened my jaw. "Why do you have to be like this, Jenna? Can't you see how much I've tried to be civil with you? I've never said anything back to you and this is how you treat me?"

I was letting my emotions get to me again. I needed to control myself.

Jenna suddenly leans in close to my ear.

"You're always the victim, Lena. It's sickening. Just remember your place and do what you're told. After today, you can go back to being the insignificant little sister. I pity you," she whispers venomously.

I fight back tears as she leans away and sends me a fake smile. "I leave for Paris tonight. I hope you can stay out of my sight for the next eight hours. After that, we'll never have to see each other again."

Before I can reply, she walks away, leaving me alone in the room.

Jenna's cruelty had shattered me so much over the years. But now that she was leaving, I couldn't help but feel a little at peace. With her out of the picture, my mother would be at ease and treat me a little better.

The bouquet on the table glimmered as the suns reflection hit it.

A small tear left my eye as a large knock resonated through the room.

I quickly wiped the tear away and took a deep breath before standing up to open the door.

I opened the door to find all the bridesmaids waiting impatiently outside.

"Finally," one of them muttered as she shoved me to the side and walked in.

Without acknowledging me, the rest walked in and left me standing by the door.

"Oh you all are here!" I heard Jenna say cheerfully from a distance. "The dresses look so nice on all of you."

Fits of laughter erupted as they all said their greetings to Jenna and complimented her.

This was my cue to leave.

I didn't belong here. No matter how hard I tried, those girls would never accept me.

Grabbing the clutch I had left on the table by the door, I quietly left.

No more tears. She can't know how much she affected me.

I took a deep sigh and made my way to the elevator.

I might as well sit with the guests until the ceremony starts.

I pressed the button to go down.

My phone chimed as I waited for the elevator to arrive.

I opened my clutch and grabbed my phone to to see that Jacob had texted. He had arrived and was waiting in the lobby.

I frowned as I saw his message.

Great. Now I had to deal with him and my step-father.

"Are you getting in?" a male voice said out of nowhere.

I looked up to see the elevator doors had opened.

And the voice belonged to none other than Alexander Thames.

The look of shock must have amused him because he chuckled and motioned for me to come in.

I awkwardly cleared my throat and stepped in. I pocked my phone and pressed the button for the lobby.

Why is he here?

"It's been a while," he said in a calm tone.

I nodded my head and watched the elevator numbers decrease.

"It has. You here for the wedding?" I asked, my curiosity getting the best of me.

"No. I'm here to meet my business partner."

"Oh, what a coincidence. It would be strange for you to be attending your ex's wedding."

"Yes, it would. Except Jenna was never my ex."

"Says you," I muttered.

"I don't know what your family told you but I've only talked to Jenna once after that encounter at your house."

"I find that a little hard to believe," I said in irritation. I turned my head to face him. "For a long time, I thought you two were getting married. So imagine my surprise when I find out that she's actually getting married to Asher."

He looks me in the eyes and tightens his jaw. "Wait, are you mad at me or something?"

Mad doesn't begin to cover it.

"No, I'm not mad. I'm just annoyed by this whole situation."

"Why?" he demanded, looking deep into my eyes.

Just when I was about to answer, the elevator stopped at the second floor.

Without warning, Alex grabbed my hand dragged me out.

"What the heck Alex? Let me go!" I ordered, trying to pry his hand off of mine.

"Give me ten minutes. I just want to talk," he replied, stopping at a door.

"I have someone waiting for me downstairs," I pleaded, looking around the hallway with anxiety.

If my father catches me talking to Alex, he'll lose it.

He opened the door with a key card and pulled me in.

"Jacob can wait a few minutes," he said in a dull tone.

He closed the door and led me to the small living area.

The room was a hotel suite but much tinier than the one Jenna was staying in.

"Why are we here? And how did you know I was meeting with Jacob?" I asked, folding my arms in front of my chest.

He sighed and took a seat on the couch.

"We're here to talk," he muttered as he placed his phone on the coffee table in front of him. "And Jacob is my business partner. We're meeting after the ceremony."

I slowly nodded my head. "Alright but that doesn't explain how you knew I was meeting him."

He let out an exasperated sigh. "Seriously Lena? I'm not stupid. Did you forget I saw you two the other night?"

I bit my lip and shrugged my shoulders. "So what? Just because you saw us doesn't mean anything."

"Are you dating him?" he asked impatiently.

I opened my mouth to reply but nothing came out.

I wasn't dating him. Or wait. Did Jacob tell him we were dating?

I scrunched my nose and frowned. "Did Jacob tell you we were dating?"

He shook his head. "No, but he did indicate that he had that intention."

For some reason, that sentence didn't sit well with me.

Shouldn't I be excited knowing Jacob thinks of me that way?

But all I feel is emptiness.

I don't feel that way about Jacob.

Because I unfortunately have feelings for the man sitting in front of me.

"Lena?" he questioned, snapping me out of my daze. "Did you hear what I said?"

"Sorry what?" I asked, shaking my head.

"I'm going to say something but please don't think too much on it."

I shrugged my shoulders and nodded my head. "Okay what is it?"

He cleared his throat. He looked reluctant to open his mouth. "It's about Jacob."

I arched a brow. "What about him?"

Alex crossed his leg on the couch and took a deep breath. "Lena, I haven't known Jacob for a long time and it might inappropriate to say this. But I don't think he's the right man for you. He's not a good person."

My jaw dropped to the floor.

Is he being serious right now?

"Excuse me?" I questioned in disbelief. "Who gave you the right to judge him like that?"

"Lena, I've heard so many stories about him. And they're not good. I don't want you to get hurt."

He said that with such a straight face.

"Listen Alex, frankly, this is none of your business. Whether he is a good or bad person is up for me to decide."

"Lena, just please listen to me," he pleaded but I cut him off.

"Alex, why on earth would I listen to you? You are no one to me. You always have been and always will be," I seethed in anger.

How dare he drag me here and tell me a bunch of crap!

"I'm telling you this as your friend!" he said with a serious expression.

My eyes widened. "You stopped being my friend that day you left my office. You left as quickly as you came. You disappeared, you didn't even try to contact me. So no, we are not friends," I spat.

He quickly stood up and frowned. "I'm telling you all of this to protect you!"

"Well I don't need your protection! I can protect myself Alex," I declared.

He suddenly walked up to me, his face so close I could feel his breath on my nose.

"Lena, please don't play games. I see the way you look at me when you think no one is watching. And I know you're using Jacob as an excuse to get back at me."

I stared at him in shock. "Alex, have you gone mad?"

He gently lifted my chin, making me meet his gaze.

"If you're with Jacob because you're trying to keep your distance from me, just be honest."

"So what if I am using Jacob as an excuse? What's it to you?" I scoffed.

"I still have feelings for you," he slowly said.

I stared up at him in surprise.

So it wasn't all in my head. The way he was watching me the other night. It was real.

"Okay. And so what now? You don't want me to date him cause you still like me? Is that what you're trying to say?" I questioned.

He shook his head. "Not entirely. I have feelings for you but I can't be with you right now."

What the hell?

"And if I told you I have feelings for you? Would that change your answer?" I asked bravely.

I can't believe I just said that.

He shook his head. "It's complicated."

I scoffed and roughly shoved him away from me. "Of course. Everything is complicated for you right?"

He looked a little hurt by my response but I didn't care. How dare he lead me on and then say it's complicated.

"Can I ask what's so complicated about being with me? Because you were willingly conversing with my sister. Why can't you be the same with me?" I demanded, anger rising in my chest.

"Listen, there's a lot of things going on in my life right now. I don't want to drag you into unnecessary drama."

I laughed in disbelief. "Drama? Seriously Alex, that's the reason?"

"I don't want to hurt you!" he reasoned.

I shook my head and pursed my lips. "Too late. You already did."

"Lena, if you could just listen," he pleaded but I grabbed my clutch and headed for the door.

I heard his footsteps behind me.

"Lena, I'm leaving tomorrow. I'll be gone for five months. I know it's selfish to ask, but could you wait for me?"

I stopped in my tracks and turned around. "Selfish? You tell me its complicated and then tell me to wait for five months without giving me a reason or telling where and why you're leaving. I think we're done here," I declared.

"Lena please, I can explain everything once I come back," he stated.

I looked at him once more and scoffed. "I don't think that's necessary. Please don't contact me ever again."

Before he could reply, I opened the door and left.

He didn't follow but I heard him pleading for me to come back.

I was furious. Now I really wanted to cry. Why couldn't he just tell me? Does he not trust me enough to let me in his life?

Does he pity me? Ugh I'm so confused.

He wants me to wait five months with no explanation. And there's no guarantee he'll want to be with me when he returns.

I'm not a toy he can play with whenever he wants to. And I'm going to make sure he understands that.

From this day on, I'm done with Alexander Thames.

Five months is a long time for me to lose feelings. Hopefully he does the same.

I took the emergency stairs behind the elevator and jogged down to the lobby. 

I completely forgot about the wedding. 

I checked the time on my phone and saw the ceremony would start in thirty minutes. There were also two missed calls from Jacob.


I entered the lobby and saw guests shuffling in towards the banquet hall.

There was an orchestra playing by the doors with my mother welcoming everyone in. 

"Lena, I've been looking everywhere for you," someone said from behind me in a cheery voice. 

I turned around to find Julia with her daughter, Vivi, in her arms.

"So nice to see you Julia," I said with a smile. "I was helping Jenna upstairs."

Technically I'm not lying because I was helping her.

"Gotcha. I heard the ceremony is going to start soon. How about we go take a seat inside," she said as she pinched her babies cheek. "Unless you're sitting with your family."

I took a glance at my mother smiling at everyone entering.

I don't think she even remembered I was here. 

"No I'm not. I'll sit with you if you'll have me," I replied. 

"I'd be delighted. Jared is one of the groomsmen so I'm glad I won't have to sit alone with all these prickly British people," she muttered as she looked around the room.

I laughed and intertwined our arms together. 

Me and Julia were not close in the least. But she was someone I felt I could trust.

We both walked towards the entrance.

My mother made eye contact with me and shot me a fake smile. 

"Oh darling, welcome," she screeched and dragged me into a hug. 

"Don't cause any drama," she harshly whispered into my ear and then let me go, her smile still on her face. 

I retracted back and fought the urge to roll my eyes. 

"And you must be Julia Hart," my mother said with a smile, sticking out her hand for a handshake.

"Its Julia Cunning," she corrected and ignored her handshake. "We'll be going in now."

My mothers face turned sour but she didn't say anything as we walked past her. 

"I don't like your mother Lena," Julia whispered to me as we entered and found a seat in the back.

"A lot of people don't," I whispered back. 

We sat side by side and took turns holding Vivi.

"So, what's going on with you and Jacob Knight?" Julia suddenly asked with a smirk.

My cheeks flushed and I looked away from her. 

Does everyone know about me and Jacob?

"Nothing," I cooly said, looking everywhere but her. 

"I saw the pictures of you two at a party. It didn't look like nothing to me," she said, wiggling her eyebrows.

I finally turned to face her in confusion. "Where did you see those pictures? I'd like to see them too."

She chuckled and pulled out her phone. Then she showed me a news headline with a picture of me and Jacob entering the event from a few days ago. There were also pictures of us dancing.

"Oh my god, this is so embarrassing. I had no idea they were taking pictures," I said in shock, grabbing the phone and reading the article. 

"Lena, I don't think you realize how high profile of a guy Jacob Knight is," she said as she played with her daughter. "I'm impressed he's taken a liking to you. That's very unusual." 

There it is! That statement again.

"Why is it unusual?" I asked with a frown. "Am I ugly or something? Is it my personality?"

"Oh dear that's what I meant. Don't take that the wrong way. I meant that he doesn't really publicly date anyone. I've never seen him pictured with anyone. That's why I found it unusual."

"So he's never dated anyone?" I questioned. 

"Not publicly. He's kept his life pretty private. And he's never pictured with a girl. Like ever," she said excitedly. "I think he's serious about you."

"Really?" I questioned again. "I don't know how to feel about this."

She smiled and shook her head. "Don't think too much about it. Jared was also the same, even when we were in high school. I had never seen him with a girl either and he turned out fine."

I slowly nodded my head. "I guess I'll go with the flow."

"Is he here?" Julia asked as we looked up to see more guests enter. 

"He texted me earlier saying that he was in the lobby. I don't know where he is right now," I replied looking around the room. 

"He's probably sitting with his friends."

I nodded my head and looked around again. But to my dismay, I found him sitting next to my step-father in the front.

They were deep in conversation and Jacob kept nodding to whatever my step-father was saying. 

I rubbed my forehead in frustration. Allen wasn't playing around. He was serious about setting me up with Jacob. 

With a deep sigh, I leaned back in my seat and watched everyone take their seats. 

The ceremony started and ended after two hours. 

The reception party took place right after. 

This is when I left Julia and made my way towards Jacob.

He was still talking with Allen when I got to him. 

"Jacob," I announced.

He turned to look at me and smiled. 

"Lena! I've been looking for you. You didn't answer my texts," he stated, showing me his phone. 

I nervously laughed as I watched my step-father watching our interaction. "Sorry about that. I was busy helping my sister get ready."

"Of course that makes sense," he said. "I actually have to leave right now. My business partner is waiting for me but I'll keep in touch."

"Why don't you stay a little longer Jacob," my father pleaded. "Lena might be upset that you left without giving her a dance."

This man knows how to play this game well.

I didn't say anything as I watched both of them skeptically.

"My apologies Mr. Kensington. I really have to go. Here's my number so we can keep in touch," Jacob said, handing him his business card.

"Oh son, call me Allen. And how about we have you over for dinner? So we can discuss the contract a little more," Allen said with a smile. 


Jacob slowly nodded his head. "I'd like that. Just tell me when and I'll be there."

"Of course. Lena, why don't you escort Jacob out," Allen politely ordered.

"Alright," was all I said.

Jacob and Allen bid each other farewell and then my father walked away to speak to one of the guests. 

"What contract is he talking about?" I asked with a brow raised as we walked side by side out of the banquet hall.

Jacob avoided the question and sent me a smirk. "Nothing you should concern yourself with."

What kind of response is that?

"Who are you meeting right now? Why are you leaving early?" I questioned.

Jacob shook his head and scoffed at my questions. "Is everything okay? What's with the interrogation?"

My jaw tightened but I nonchalantly shrugged my shoulders. "I'm just curious. Why were you speaking with my step-father?"

Now he shrugged his shoulders. "I didn't realize it was a crime to speak to your dad."

"You could have talked to me first," I stated harshly.

He was taken aback by my response but didn't address it. "Are you implying I should have asked for your permission before speaking to your father?"

"That's not what I'm saying!" 

"Then what are you saying?" he demanded in an irritated tone.

"I'm saying you have no business talking to him! You should have let me know first before--" 

"This conversation is a waste of time. Someone is waiting for me," he said impatiently. "We'll talk about this later."

"Will we?" I asked in disbelief.

"Listen Lena, you're being very childish right now. You're a lawyer for gods sake. This is not what I was expecting from you."

"What does that mean?" I asked, anger evident in my voice.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Let's talk later."

Without even waiting for my reply, he abruptly left and got in the elevator. 

"I see you're chasing away men an always," came Jenna's voice from behind me. 

"Jenna, that's a mean thing to say," Asher said from beside her.

"Whatever," she muttered.

I just want to go home.

"Thank you for coming to the wedding," said Asher as he awkwardly looked between me and Jenna. 

"Thank you for the invite," I said with clenched teeth. "The wedding was beautiful. I wish you both a happy life together."

"Thanks Lena," said Asher sympathetically. "I wanted to say that because I'm leaving now, Luis Knight will be taking over as managing director of the law firm. Just let me know if you need anything."

"I will. Thanks again for everything."

"This conversation has bored me. Let's go Asher," said Jenna with a frown. 

Asher looked reluctant to leave but he waved goodbye and left towards the direction of the patio.

After today, I know for sure I don't want to be with Jacob. 

But with him meeting my step-father, I know there would be trouble with him if I continued seeing him. 

I had to end this casual relationship soon.


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