Risen from dust

By Aakasha1996

16.5K 906 203

A story of how a possessive alpha man meets an innocent girl. Noor, an ordinary girl on an ordinary journey... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty one
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five

Thirty Five

97 7 1
By Aakasha1996

Noor felt the sting of Zaviyaar's harsh words pierce through her heart. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself amidst the storm of emotions. Her gaze met Zaviyaar's, a glimmer of sadness mixed with unwavering determination in her eyes.

"Zaviyaar, you're blinded by your own frustrations and disappointments," Noor replied, her voice steady yet filled with empathy. "You're mistaking the trials and hardships of life for a lack of blessings from Allah. It's not about the position or treatment we receive in this world. It's about how we carry ourselves and find strength in our faith. Allah's blessings are not always tangible or immediate, but they exist in the form of guidance, patience, and inner peace."

Zaviyaar's anger wavered slightly as he absorbed Noor's words. He realized that his bitterness had clouded his judgment, causing him to overlook the intangible gifts bestowed upon him. Yet, a part of him still resisted, his pride refusing to yield.

"But what about happiness and fulfillment, Noor?" Zaviyaar questioned, his voice tinged with doubt. "Can you honestly say that you're truly content with the life you lead? Aren't you yearning for something more?"

"No, Zaviyaar," Noor replied firmly, her gaze unwavering. "Happiness and contentment are not determined by worldly desires or external circumstances. It comes from finding peace within oneself, from connecting with Allah and living a life that aligns with His teachings. It may be a different path than yours, but it brings a profound sense of purpose and tranquility."

The room fell into a heavy silence as the weight of their differing perspectives lingered. Noor and Zaviyaar stood there, facing each other, their hearts and minds locked in a battle of beliefs. Despite the divide between them, Noor maintained her resilience and compassion, hoping that her words would eventually find a place in Zaviyaar's heart.

"I have to go," Noor finally said, her voice tinged with sadness. "Daadi needs me. We may not see eye to eye on everything, Zaviyaar, but I hope you can respect my choices and understand the importance of staying true to oneself."

Zaviyaar watched as Noor walked away, a mix of emotions churning within him. He realized that perhaps he had allowed his own desires and frustrations to cloud his judgment. As he reflected on their conversation, a seed of introspection took root in his heart, urging him to reevaluate his priorities and the significance of faith in one's life.

Daniyal was thrilled to find an apartment that he could already imagine sharing with Rabail and creating beautiful memories together. However, his excitement was dampened by his growing worry about Khalifa. He had been trying to call him repeatedly, but Khalifa wasn't picking up. Daniyal realized that Harris bhai was right, he had trusted too quickly and made a mistake by giving Khalifa the money in advance.

Getting frustrated, Daniyal called Khalifa one more time, hoping for a response. "Khalifa, where are you, bhai? I've been trying to reach you for an hour!"

Khalifa apologized, "I'm sorry, Sahib jee. I didn't have a place to stay last night, so I ended up sleeping outside. It wasn't comfortable at all."

Daniyal was annoyed but tried to explain, "I didn't give you the money to hold onto. Use it to find a motel where you can stay temporarily until you find a more permanent place. On second hand, come here, I can help you find a place to stay. I'll send you my location. Hurry up and come!"

Khalifa rushed to Daniyal's location, a cunning smile playing on his lips. He knew he had deliberately ignored Daniyal's calls, and now he had to come up with a convincing excuse. As he arrived, he put on a facade of innocence, trying to conceal his true intentions.

"Sahib jee, I'm really sorry for not answering your calls," Khalifa said, feigning concern. "I had some urgent matters to attend to, and my phone was on silent mode. Please forgive me."

Daniyal's annoyance was evident, but he decided to give Khalifa the benefit of the doubt for now. "Alright, but remember, I expect reliability and honesty from you," he warned.

Khalifa's eyes gleamed with mischief as he nodded in agreement. He had already devised a plan to take advantage of Daniyal's trust and kindness.

As they continued their search for Khalifa's accommodation, Khalifa pretended to be appreciative of Daniyal's efforts. Deep down, he was calculating his moves, looking for an opportunity to exploit Daniyal's generosity.

Finally, they found an apartment that seemed suitable, and Khalifa expressed his gratitude once again, this time with an ulterior motive. "Sahib jee, thank you so much for your kindness. I promise I won't let you down. I will prove myself worthy of your trust."

Daniyal, unaware of Khalifa's true nature, smiled and patted him on the back. "I hope you're sincere, Khalifa. Let's see how things unfold."

"You will accompany me everywhere I go and do all my little chores for me. No excuses or blunders will be tolerated. Right now I am going back home. So you can stay back. Here's the address. As soon as I call you, reach there within 10 minutes or you're fired. Understood?" Daniyal was stern.

"Yes, Sahib." Khalifa said.

Daniyal headed towards the Chaudhary house, his heart brimming with anticipation and excitement. He was determined to have a conversation with Harris bhai about a marriage proposal for Rabail. After achieving success and amassing wealth beyond measure, Daniyal felt a deep longing for a loving family and a warm, welcoming home. The Chaudhary household had already given him a taste of that, but now he wanted Rabail to be a part of his life forever.

As he dialed Rabail's number, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "Hey Rabi, how are you?" he said, using the affectionate nickname he had given her.

Rabail's voice echoed through the phone, her tone filled with warmth. "Daniyal, I'm doing well. What's the good news you wanted to share?"

Daniyal couldn't contain his excitement any longer. "Rabi, I've found the perfect apartment for us. It's a beautiful place where we can build our future together. I want us to create a home filled with love and happiness."

Rabail's voice was tinged with joy as she responded, "Oh Daniyal, that sounds wonderful! I can't wait to see it. Our own little haven where we can make countless memories together."

Their conversation was filled with laughter and dreams of a blissful future. Daniyal knew deep in his heart that Rabail was the missing piece in his life.

They said their goodbyes, and Daniyal went to speak to Harris. Daniyal felt a sense of relief as he prepared to discuss his heartfelt intentions with Harris.

"Harris bhai, I have something really important to discuss with you," Daniyal began, his voice filled with anticipation.

Harris nodded attentively, his eyes reflecting genuine interest. "Yes, Daniyal, speak. I'm all ears."

Taking a deep breath, Daniyal expressed his feelings with sincerity, "I like a woman, her  name is Rabail. She comes from a respected family, and her character is truly commendable. Both Sairah and Waliya Aunty have had the pleasure of meeting her, and I believe she would be a wonderful life partner for me. I kindly request your support in approaching Amma and Mama to ask for my hand in marriage."

Harris's face lit up with genuine happiness, and he clasped his hands together. "That's wonderful news, Daniyal! I can see the sincerity in your words, and I'm genuinely thrilled for you. Rest assured, I will have a heartfelt conversation with Amma and Mama right away. May Allah bless this union and bring happiness to both of your lives."

Daniyal felt a sense of gratitude wash over him as he thanked Harris for his support. Daniyal rushed to call Rabail and tell her the good news.

"Hey Rabi, how are you?" Daniyal greeted her affectionately, his voice brimming with excitement.

Rabail's voice, filled with curiosity, responded, "I'm good, Daniyal. What's the excitement all about? You sound thrilled."

Daniyal took a deep breath, unable to contain his joy any longer. "Rabi, listen carefully. I've spoken to Harris bhai, and he's fully supportive. I've asked him and aunty to approach your family for my hand in marriage. Rabail, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

There was a momentary pause on the other end of the line, followed by a gentle gasp. Rabail's voice trembled with emotion as she finally spoke, "Oh, Daniyal! This is the best news I could ever receive. Yes, a thousand times yes! I've been waiting for this moment, and my heart is overflowing with happiness. I can't wait to be your wife and create a beautiful future together. But I must warn you, Mama won't make it easy for us. She's going to be a major obstacle in our path."

"Don't worry, Rabail. Aunty Mehnaz will come around eventually," Daniyal reassured her.

Rabail's laughter carried through the phone. "That woman is obsessed with wealth and status. Once she finds out about your immense wealth, she'll be all over you, I'm sure of it."

Daniyal chuckled, knowing all too well about Mehnaz's controlling nature. "Yes, she does have a weakness for wealth and status, but our love will prevail, Rabi."

Rabail sighed. "I hope so, Daniyal."

Noor rushed upstairs, her frustration evident in her tone as she addressed Daadi. "I'm sorry for being late, Daadi. Zaviyaar, your grandson, really knows how to test my patience."

Daadi chuckled softly, accustomed to the dynamic between Noor and Zaviyaar. "Oh, what has he done this time, Noor?"

"He's absolutely infuriating, Daadi. His beliefs are so skewed, and whenever I try to correct him, he becomes defensive and angry instead of being open to learning."

Daadi placed a comforting hand on Noor's shoulder. "My dear Noor, remember that not everyone shares the same values and perspectives. It's important to treat others based on who they are, regardless of their beliefs. However, it's wise to maintain your distance from him. Being seen alone with him can have serious consequences, especially if Mehnaz ever finds out."

Noor nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "You're right, Daadi. I will do my best to avoid any private interactions with him. It's for the best."

Daadi smiled warmly at Noor. "You're a smart girl, Noor. Focus on what's important and don't let Zaviyaar's behavior distract you. Stay true to yourself and your values, and everything will fall into place."

"Now go and get my breakfast. I'm famished," Daadi exclaimed. "I must apologize for what happened with Mehnaz yesterday. Zaviyaar and I decided it was best to ensure your safety by keeping you at the Chaudhary house instead of being left out all night."

Noor nodded gratefully. "Thank you, Daadi, for your kind gesture. I'll go and attend to your breakfast right away."

As Noor hurried downstairs, she noticed Mehnaz's stern gaze fixated on her. Mehnaz called out, summoning her attention. "I hope your punishment served as a lesson about not interfering in the affairs of my children," Mehnaz scowled.

"Yes, Madam. I understand. I will make every effort to try and avoid any unnecessary interactions," Noor replied meekly, her voice tinged with timidity.

Meznaz's expression hardened. "Not just try, but you WILL avoid them," she stated firmly, her words laced with a stern warning.

Noor nodded, her heart sinking as she realized the extent of Mehnaz's control and authority. She entered the kitchen and busied herself with preparing Daadi's breakfast, trying to shake off the unsettling encounter with Mehnaz. She focused on the comforting routine of cooking, finding solace in the familiar smells, and the rhythmic motions of chopping vegetables.
As she worked, her mind wandered to the warmth and kindness she had experienced at the Chaudhary house. The genuine care shown by Harris, Sairah, Waliya, and even Daniyal had touched her deeply. They had accepted her as part of their family, offering her the love and support she had always longed for. Noor couldn't help but contrast this with the oppressive atmosphere at Mehnaz's house, where fear and control ruled over compassion and understanding. She knew she had to be cautious, avoiding any conflicts that could further jeopardize her position. Yet, a small spark of determination ignited within her. She refused to let Mehnaz's manipulation define her worth or crush her spirit. As Noor plated Daadi's breakfast and carried it to her room, she found solace in the genuine smile that graced Daadi's face upon seeing her. It was a reminder that amidst the darkness, there were still pockets of light and goodness to be found.

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