Bride Of War - Kumudini

By Ankita18499

69.5K 3.1K 124

Looking at herself in mirror a lone tear fall from her eyes now she is a bride, a wife to a king, war bride w... More

kumudini princess of Mahisar
kumud return Mahisar
Omkar is king
He steal glances at me
princess is a traitor
princess get harassed
He agreed to help her
King's pet
Family reunion
He threatened her
His gift to her
Their first kiss
The Marraige proposal
Naina and omkar getting married
Their special Moments
Disguise as princess
The king was attacked
His change behaviour
She felt insulted
His true face
War arises
she asked to dance like courtesian
Treaty that made her war bride
The king is raged
princess got injured
Kumud meet her father
The harsh reality
She became a war bride
Their first night
Naina is poisoned
kumud felt guilty
Their Argument
You're my Queen
Ranimas weird demand
His second marriage
Their crazy Romance
Confused Thoughts
His Engagment
The truth reveal
Raaz Revealed

King Thrown Out

760 75 8
By Ankita18499

Kumud was laid on her bed after changing clothes, she ask dhami to braid her hair while she remove all her jwellery and makeup. Dhami was looking at her friend worriedly she didn't utter a wors since dhami come to her.

"Kumud you should talk it out you will feel releif "dhami persuaded her she don't want her friend to close herself.

"There is nothing left to talk dhami, no hope, no dreams nothing now its race of survival"kumud spoke she was zoned out from real world.

"You're strong, you will handle everything gracefully i know you don't let others walk on you gather your courage and ask your right".

Kumud laugh out loud "My right which right should i ask to be the Queen of mahaisar which i already demanded or right of a wife which will be insult for me if my husband is going to marry another girl and i am asking him to love me ". She spoke hurt evident in her voice.

"Then what have you decided "dhami asked.

"One big decision living in ashram i have learn how important is life for us for others our every action is valuable so don't want waste my life if i can't help others, i can only help them when i am capable of helping myself ".

"I am not understanding what are you implying kumud".

"Kumud nhi Ranisa, Rani Kumud Of Mahisar the position which will make me capable enough to fight with those societal norm and reach to people".

"What about Maharaj, you're angry right now but if you decided to be a Queen and stay here you will have to forgive him".

"No, that won't happen i cant let that man get into my skin he once enter my heart but he won't be able to eneter my life and my space"kumud spoke determined.

"You know what biggest insult woman can face she face the insult thrown by her husband when he make her unwanted wife bringing other woman in their life and my husband insulted me enough to let him go". She was speaking her voice dangerous but her hand tremble while tears spread out of her eyes.

"I don't know what you're gonna do but take care of yourself in all this don't let yourself torment, look how red your eyes became they will be swollen in the morning"dhami said eyeing her as she massage kumud's feet gently to relax her nerves.

Kumud place her hand on forhead as she felt pain shooting through veins.Omkar's words roam in her mind how gently he ask her to take care of herself, if he had care for her then he never had played this game of betrayal with her.

Dhami look at kumud's hand moving on gorhead she stopped her "You should rest for sometime, nap will help you relieve your nerves"dhami said.

Kumud laid on bed wraping blanket till her chest and she close her eyes the image of omkar and naina together slide infront of her and she open her eyes instantly.

"What happened try sleeping you will feel better"dhami said massaging her hair.

Kumud gulp lump form in her throat and nodded at dhami again closing her eyes after half and hour she felt asleep and dhami decided to get her some light food.

As dhami left chamber omkar enter inside he look at kumud's pale face and his heart grip with guilt of hurting her making her cry.

He seat on bed beside her and caress her face looking at beauty infront of him still looking enchantress even in this simple lehenga without any makeup she was indeed beautiful, his love and respect increase every day when he witness her stand on her ground for herself no matter how much it hurt her.

He plant a kiss on her forhead and slide towards footside of bed he hold her feet on his lap and started massaging it.

He heard moan left her mouth that made his eyes darkned he wonder she had such effect on him, she toss around and sleep on her stomach keeping pillow close to her heart.

He now feels jealous of that pillow, how he wanted to be in that place to cuddle her, he was longing for her, the hate he saw in her eyes today was tormenting him.

He wanted piece and only she can give him without thinking any further he move upwards and embrace her in his arms sleeping beside her.

She wrap her arms around his neck in sleep and put her head on his chest, his heartbeat race with their proximity.

He started kissing her all over the face and caress her waist with thumb.

After sometime omkar feel her breathinh getting higher she was having nightmare, he saw she was speaking when he heard carefully she was chanting his name "omkar don't do this, no no you can't let our love down please"he felt his heart broken in thousand piece.

"No naina he will not marry you, do you hear me why are you laughing he wont leave me i know him"she said and lone tear drop his eyes seeing the love of his life suffering all because of him.

For kumud she did loved him immensely even if she shows the facade of strong women in her mind and heart she is still a small girl who yearn for love.

Subconciously she was not ready to let him go, she wanted him to his only but she knows that if he choose someone else she can never beg that man for love.

Omkar was patting her head trying to make her sleep but she woke up opening the eyes she saw him infront of her in an instant she push him away.

Her eyes red and pain surface her heart "What are you doing here go spend time with your new bride "she said omkar tried to speak when she stopped him showing her palm.

"This is my chamber Maharaj and now when you decided to let someone else in your  life you have no right to come in this chamber "she spoke making him still on his place.

"What are you saying, you're not going to leave me right"he ask in vulnerable voice making her curse for caring for him.

"Where will i go anyway i am going to be the Queen and when Maharaj will have his wife to fulfill him i won't make you suffer to come to your unwanted, unloved wife you can leave now". She said still looking in his eyes.

"Listen kumud don't do this please try to understand.."he started to spoke but she interuppted.

"If you reqlly want me to live in piece then leave Maharaj "she said both of their eyes brimming with tears they felt the last string is breaking.

He wonder if he did a grave mistake unintentionally but he had bring them to this stage but nothing can be done or said till he expose Naina and her father.

He will not let them go so easily now they will bear the loss they done with their cunning planning and plotting.

Yes omkar has got some clues that implicate even naina is envolved in all this he got the news that naina's attempt and her amnesia all was a lie a big drama to distract them, to broke them apart.

On other side naina was on cloud nine after hearing omkar she started preparing for marraige.

Even Rajmata was so happy she gave naina her bangles and started making arrangement for marraige.

Naina decided to talk with omkar she wore his favourite color lehenga, got ready like a bride and roam around whole palace chirping and giggling sometimes showing off to people.

The Dasis were not happy so they didn't entertain naina so she slap one of the dasi for insulting her and gave them overwork.

Omkar has his eyes on every action of her and he felt disgusted seeing how dounle faced she has became.

Omkar was in his study after throwing out by his wife when naina enter she tries to talk to him when he ask her to live.

Not giving any attention to his command she throw herself in his arm to balance himself he held her shoulder and before he distance himself door of his study open his eyes widened kumud was standing there.

He has called her to talk about some matter related to kingdom he wanted her advice as princess of Mahisar but when kumud saw them naina was smirking at her,she walk out closing door with thud.

Not wasting his time he throw naina away and she fall on the ground on her bum and he run in the direction kumud went, his heart beating faster.

Kumud run away as far as she can wanting to disappear in air, she felt that heavy weight on her chest, she was suffocated in that palace.

She run towards the garden away from all the chaos she sit under the tree and close her eyes tears running through them.

"It was not what you're thinking"omkar spoke as he sat beside her.

"I don't want any explaination you both are going to get married and love eachother its normal "she said.

"How many times i tell you i don't love her "he said irritated by the situation.

"Then why are you marrying her hmm tell me why?".

"Ohh i know so that people wont badmouth her, disrespect her  right".

"Then what about my respect, what about my pain that didn't bother you right "she mocked him but calming herself she spoke.

"Look i know its normal for you guys but i will need some time to accept that it will get better if i see you less i don't want to get mingle with you now ".

"You don't need to accept anything that hurt you kumud and you cant go away from me "he said making her angry.

"How about we stay like a stranger that would not hurt anyone right and palace would be in peace." She said and walk away living omkar stilled in his place.

That was our new chapter guys comment me if you like it or not and vote and share if you like the story.

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