Welcome to the New Age

Por ApollyonShirayuki

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The world is now overrun by Zombies and some Zombies has it's own ability. One can jump from rooftops to roof... Más

Chapter 01: Another Survivors
Chapter 02: Find a way out
Chapter 03: Regroup
Chapter 04: Joy Ride
Chapter 06: The Concert
Chapter 07: Bloody Swamp

Chapter 05: Whispering Oaks

660 34 6
Por ApollyonShirayuki

Author's POV

Y/n and the survivors continue to ride down the road, while bumping away abandon cars on the road.

Jeff: "Do you think there's still people out there?"

Annie: "Can't say. If they are, they'd probably turned or eaten."

Jeff: "Hey, Louis. When you guys were heading to that farm house, did you pass-by other survivors?"

Louis: "We did. But all of them just turned into zombies."

Francis: "And Zoey likes shooting Helicopter pilots, crashing us down on the ground."

Zoey: "He turned into a ZOMBIE, Francis. He wasn't going to it anyway."

Annie: "How many people did you guys encounter?"

Zoey: "About 4. But all of them turned into zombies before we can even reach that farm house."

Jeff: "How come they all turned into zombies?"

Y/n: "That's because they're not immune like us."

Francis: "Immune?"

Y/n: "Everyone that's still alive out here are now immune. We can't turn into zombies, but that doesn't mean we're still safe."

Jeff: "Because of those special infected."

Y/n: "Not just them. Other survivors out there won't hesitate to shoot us, even if we're not infected."

Louis: "In this situation they're still not trusting the others?"

Y/n: "You can't easily reason with them. If they want to be left alone, then we'll do that. If they want to come with us, then we'll let them. But you mustn't put your whole trust to them. You'll never know that they might kill you in your sleep or take all your equipment, leaving you in the middle of the apocalypse without any weapon to defend yourself."

Francis: "But what about that jackass in a suit? How did he trust you?"

Y/n: "At first he didn't. I just prove myself to be trustworthy, by taking them the New Orleans."

Annie: "Sir, we got a Witch ahead."

Y/n: "I see her."

He hit the gas and ran the Witch over, killing it by squishing her head by the tire.

Annie: "What the hell is that?"

She look up front and saw a zombie walking in the middle of the road, wearing a straightjacket.

Y/n: "Screamer."

Zoey: "Screamer?"

Y/n: "A new type of Special Infected that will scream, calling the hordes."

The Screamer spotted the Humvee and starts screaming.


Francis: "KILL IT! RUN IT OVER!"

The Humvee accelerated and run pass the Screamer. As soon as the two cars pass by, the Screamer didn't scream anymore, because there's a grenade plugging it's mouth.

The grenade exploded, killing the  Screamer.

Y/n: "It's getting dark out."

Francis: "Uh-oh. Louis is scared of the dark."

Louis: "No I'm not."

Y/n: "We may have a problem, people."

Zoey: "Ah shit."

The Humvee stop as well as the Jimmy Gibbs Jr. behind them. The survivors gets out of their vehicles and saw many cars blocking the highway.

Jeff: "Well shit."

Annie: "The abandon cars looks like it reach from miles away."

Coach: "Great. In the middle of highway."

Rochelle: "Can't your truck drag them out of the way?"

Y/n: "It can, but the problem is that these abandon cars are miles away. And some of these cars are alarm that might call the horde."

Zoey: "Guess no choice but to walk huh?"

Ellis: "Ah man, I'm really going to miss Jimmy Gibbs Jr."

He starts hugging the car.

Ellis: "I'm sorry darling. But we can't take you with us now. Your free to go now."

Y/n: "Grab some supplies you can carry. The sooner we get moving, the better."

Nick: "Your not afraid of the dark, are you?'

Y/n: "No. The infected are more dangerous in the dark. Because we don't know what kind of infected we'll be dealing until they got closer. And besides, they're more active in the dark than the day."

After everyone gets the supply, they start walking down the highway.

Y/n: "Jeff, Annie, watch our six."

Annie/Jeff: "Roger that."

The two of them went to the back of the group.

Louis: "Did the owner of these cars just run all the way to the next town?"

Coach: "I wonder if some of them made it."

Nick: "If they all ran to the next town, then I'm jealous of their cardio."

Ellis: "What's Cardio? That sound's like a food word."

Rochelle: "It's not."

Y/n: "Shh."

They stop on their tracks when Y/n hush them.

Y/n: "We got a Witch, 12 o'clock."

They look in front of them and saw a Witch, sitting on top of a car.

Nick: "Your not planning on shooting her, do you?"

Y/n: "No. We go around her, and leave her be.  Because the car she's on top on is an alarm car. If she stands up, it'll alert the horde."

They sneakily walk around the Witch to avoid her. Once they pass the Witch, they continue on walking down the long highway.

Francis: "I spy with my little eye, that has wheels."

Louis: "A car."

Francis: "That's right! Your really good at this!"

Louis: "That's always the answer for the past 20 minutes. And there's car all around us."

Ellis: "Well, that's not true. There's a truck over there."

Francis: "See. There's even a bike over there."

Nick: "God damn it! Can't I just get some peace and quiet for an hour? It's like I'm surrounded with a bunch of kids inside of an adult!"

Y/n: "Hey, keep it down. The last thing we want is a bunch of Tanks heading towards us. So until we find a safe area, try controlling your voice. And Ellis, Francis. Instead of playing eye spy on cars, why don't you keep an eye out on the infected on our sides? And don't shoot so casually."

Ellis: "Alright."

Francis: "Roger that, good buddy!"

Nick: "Finally."

They kept walking until they reach a billboard.

Coach: "Hey. Whispering Oaks! Shit, I use to go there when I was a kid!"

Nick: "Oh good. Now we can die there as adults."

Louis: "That's the best carnival I've been when I was a kid too!"

Francis: "Carnival huh? Last time I was there, I broke many games there."

Zoey: "You basically turned all games into 'Whack-a-mole', didn't you?"

Francis: "Yup. And no one's going to beat my high score."

Jeff: "Spotlight, 9 o'clock."

They look to the left and saw a spotlight there.

Y/n: "Let's head there. There's a chance that we might find some survivors there or call some choppers."

They went down the highway and headed to the spotlights direction.

Rochelle: "Hey, there's a motel over there."

Y/n: "Let's search these rooms. Might be something we can use."

Nick: "We can stay here for a little while. So you and your girl can have some private time together."

Zoey: "What?!"

Nick: *Chuckles*"What? Don't tell me you two haven't done it before."

Zoey: "No. We haven't, yet."

Nick: "Yeah, nice try."

Zoey: "We really haven't done it!"

Nick: "What can you say about that, Commander?"

Y/n: "No, we haven't."

Nick: "What about some other chicks out there?"

Y/n: "......"

Zoey look at Y/n and saw him scratching the back of his head.

Zoey: "Y/n...."

Y/n: "....Yeah?"

Zoey: "Have you done it with anyone?"

Y/n: "........."

Nick: "I think I heard Coach calling me."

With that, he left the two in a hurry.

Zoey: "Y/n."

Y/n: "Yes."

Zoey: "With who?"

Y/n: "Uh..... With Ashley..."

Zoey: "The President's daughter?!"

Y/n: "Y-Yeah..."

Zoey: "When!?"

Y/n: "After me and Leon finished the mission on saving her, she invited me for some 'Overtime'."

Zoey: "And by overtime, you mean-"

Y/n: "Yeah..... That."

Zoey: "....Is there anyone else?"

Y/n: "There is."

Zoey: "Just how many women did you slept with?!"

Y/n: "Their names are Clair Redfield and Rebecca Chambers."

Zoey: "So three women?"

Y/n: "Yeah."

Zoey just closed her eyes and takes a deep breath.

Zoey: ".... Did you use protection?"

Y/n: "Yeah."

Zoey: "Good. Let's go. The others might be waiting."

They went to the others and saw them waiting by the stairs.

Rochelle: "Nothing on the first floor."

Coach: "Looks like someone already looted this place."

Ellis: "So where too now?"

Jeff: "We can't go back to the road. There's a bus blocking it."

Annie: "I would suggest of blowing it apart, if it weren't going to attract those running bastards."

Francis: "I think I saw a way behind the motel."

Rochelle: "That should take us to that search lights."

Y/n: "Let's go upstairs. They barricade all the other entry."

They went up the stairs and saw each room a corpses on it. Then they saw one room that has a giant hole on the wall, connected to the other room.

Once they pass the other room, they headed downstairs and went to the back of the motel.

Rochelle: "There's no way we're going down there."

Annie: "Even if we go back, there's no other way."

Louis: "Can we at least, find a rope to-"

He was cut off when Y/n was first to slide down the cliff.

Nick: "He's literally, insane."

Then they heard gun shots coming from down the cliff.

Jeff: "Looks like there's infected there."

Coach: "Let's go."

He slides down the cliff and Ellis follows him.

Rochelle: "Please let there be a pillow when I land."

She slides down the cliff and Zoey follows her.

Francis: "Well, what are you waiting for, suit? Scared of height?"

Nick: "Fuck you."

He slides down the cliff.

Francis: "What about you two?"

Jeff: "We're guarding the rear. You two head down and we'll follow."

Francis: "Alrighty then."

He helps Louis and slides him down the cliff and he follows him. When they arrived down, they saw the others are shooting the incoming horde.

Francis: "Holy shit, here they come!"

He pumps up his shotgun and starts shooting. Jeff and Annie were the last to arrive and they helped clear the wave.

Y/n: "Clear."

They reload their weapons and made their way down the canal.

Nick: "At least this water isn't smell like shit."

Jeff: "You might wanna change your mind with that outhouse over there."

He pointed at the outhouse on the side of the canal.

Nick: "Fuck."

Louis: "Hey, there's a way back up there."

Y/n: "Let's go."

They climb back up and they arrive to the carnival's parking lot.

Coach: "Whispering Oaks! This place brings back memories!"

Zoey: "Let's keep moving. The faster we find that spotlight, the faster we can signal some help."

Rochelle: "Girl's right."

Y/n: "Then let's get going."

They headed to the entrance of the Carnival, and Y/n kick the gate open. While they were walking, Francis saw a baseball bat on the ground and picks it up.

Francis: "This brings back some good memories. Smashing mailbox while riding my bike."

Louis: "Heads up!"

He pointed a zombie charging towards Francis.

Francis: "Batter up!"

He swings his bat, hitting the Zombie's head off, and blasting it away.

Francis: "And the crowd goes wild!"

Coach: "Nice."

Louis: "Is that a clown zombie?"

He pointed at the clown zombie in front of them. When the clown spotted them, it starts to run towards them. Unfortunately for them, the clown was wearing a squeaking shoes, alerting the others.

Y/n: "Kill the clown! It's attracting the horde!"

Zoey shoots the clown in the head, killing it.

Annie: "We got incoming from behind!"

She and Jeff starts shooting the zombies coming from behind while the others are on the side and Y/n and Zoey are in the front.

As they keep shooting, a Smoker tongue was wrapped around Rochelle and pulling her away.

Rochelle: "Oh shit! I'm being drag!"

Francis: "Rochelle!"

He went after Rochelle while smacking some zombies along the way. He then grabs Rochelle's hand, stopping the Smoker from pulling her.

Francis: "Hold on!"

Zoey spotted the Smoker, and shoots it in the head, freeing Rochelle.

Rochelle: "Thanks!"

After they kill the zombies, they continue walking into the carnival.

Jeff: "How big is this place?"

Coach: "Not exactly sure how big this place is, but I'm sure that it has all the rides ever known."

Rochelle: "Uh, can we go find the restrooms first? I've been holding this since the car ride."

Y/n: "Alright."

Coach: "If I remember, there should be a restroom just behind that building."

They went to the building that Coach was talking about, and there is some restrooms.

Y/n: "Clear the restrooms first before using."

Annie, Rochelle and Zoey went inside the Female restroom and kill some zombies inside.

Ellis: "I think I need to take a leak too."

He went inside the Male restroom and kill some zombies using it.

Y/n: "Anyone else need to go, now's the time. We still got a long way."

Then the rest of them went inside the male restroom and take a leak, while Y/n waits outside to stand guard.

While waiting, Y/n heard a Charger noise somewhere. He puts his gun down on the ground and walk into an open area.

Then a Charger drop down from the second floor and starts charging towards him. Y/n didn't dodge the Charger and just stood his ground.

Once the Charger was close, Y/n's eyes instantly turned red and everything seemed to slow down for him. He then punch the Charger into the chest, piercing his fist right through it. Unfortunately, it didn't kill the Charger yet, as it use its big arm to swat Y/n away.

But Y/n easily caught it with his other hand and rip it apart. He then pulled his hand out and kick the Charger down. The Charger tried to get up, but it can't use his other arm as it slowly died due to the giant hole on it's chest and missing limb.

Once the Charger was dead, Y/n throw the Charger's arm away, hitting some random zombie in the head.

Coach: "Hey, everything good? We heard a Char- Oh..."

He look at the dead Charger on the ground with a hole on it's chest and a missing arm.

Francis: "Whoa. I wish I could've seen it happened."

Ellis: "I think you drop this."

He handed Y/n his gun back, and everyone else finished they're bathroom break.

Zoey: "You alright, Y/n? You have blood on your arm."

Y/n: "It's not mine. And I'm fine. Are you all set?"

Rochelle: "Yup."

Louis: "We're ready to go."

They continue making their way into the fairground.

Ellis: "Holy shit! KIDDIE LAND!"

He said excitingly as they arrived to Kiddie Land.

Nick: "You can't be serious, Ellis."

Ellis: "Hey, these are the only rides I ever rode when I was just a kid."

Louis: "You haven't ride any roller coasters before?"

Ellis: "Of course I did. That one over there."

He pointed at the smaller version of a regular roller coaster.

Zoey: "That type of roller coasters are for kids."

Nick: "Oh my god, can we just keep going?"

Ellis: "Can we at least just try some ride? Just one?"

Nick: "Nope."

Francis: "Aw.... I also wanted to ride one too."

Louis: "You can't fit into the rides, Francis. Those are kids size."

Jeff: "Shit, exit's block."

Zoey: "Let's go down this alley."

They went down the  alley and Coach saw a chainsaw on the back of the truck.

Coach: "Oh yeah! Try coming at me now."

He grabs the chainsaw, open the gas tank and it shows that it's still full.

Annie: "Truck's blocking the exit. Now what?"

Nick: "Let's go through that door."

They walk into the warehouse and climb up the ladder until they reach the roof.

Louis: "Is that a Water slide?"

They went towards there and it is a Water slide.

Ellis: "WOO! A water slide! Can we slide down there?!"

Nick: "If you want, then go ahead."

Rochelle: "Don't!"

Zoey: "First of all, there's no water. So instead of sliding, you'll be rolling down."

Y/n: "And secondly, there's a Tank at the bottom."

Louis: "WHAT?!"

They look down to the bottom of the slide and saw a Tank wandering around.

Coach: "Ah shit."

Nick: "Does anyone have a plan?"

Rochelle: "Let's try avoiding it and move quietly as possib-"

She was cut off with a gun fire. They look to where that come from and saw it was Y/n, already shooting the Tank while sliding down.

Nick: "You've got to be kidding me!"

Zoey: "We need to help him!"

She starts shooting at the Tank with her sniper rifle, along with Louis and Annie. The others were about to slide down to help Y/n, but he stops them.

Y/n: "Don't! Keep your distance! I'll distract him! Just shoot it from there!"

They did what he said and shoots the Tank from above while he distracts it. The Tank tried to slam Y/n with it's giant arm, but Y/n crossed his hands on top of him to block it.

The Tank keeps hitting him down, while the ground Y/n is standing on is getting cratered.

Zoey: "Y/n! Get out of there now!"

Y/n saw an opening and kick the Tank in the crotch. The Tank didn't move for a few seconds, giving Y/n time to escape. Annie and Jeff throws a mortar shell towards the Tank. Y/n grabs his pistol and shoots the shell, blowing the Tank up into bits.

Unfortunately for them, the explosion was so loud, it alerted the horde.

Rochelle: "Oh shit."

Nick: "That's our cue to move!"

Ellis: "Can I at least try the slide?!"

The others ignore them as they went down the stairs. Ellis eventually went to the slide while his hands are up in the air.

Ellis: "WOO! That was fun! Alright, let's go!"

He followed the others on the next ride attraction.

Jeff: "Ellis, behind you!"

He starts to shoot the zombies behind Ellis. He turns around and starts shooting them as well. In front of the group, they arrive by the Merry-go-round.

Nick: "Shit. Blocked. Now what?"

Zoey: "There's a panel over there. We could turn this thing on to open the gate."

Y/n: "But the noise will attract the horde. So get ready."

He walks into the panel and turns it on. The Merry-go-round activates and the gate starts to open. As Y/n said, the noise alerted the horde.

Francis: "Here they come!"

Y/n: "Move! Move! Move!"

Once the gate is fully opened, they run pass it and they were greeted by many zombies from front and back.

Coach: "We need to turn off the ride!"

Louis: "The control panel should be around here!"

Nick: "Then let's find it and turn this thing off."

Rochelle: "Over there- oh shit."

They found the control panel for the Merry-go-round, but unfortunately, there's a Witch crying near it.

Nick: "Alright, I can fight a Tank, but not that bitch."

Y/n: "Francis, I need to borrow your bat."

Francis: "Sure."

He handed his to Y/n as he makes hi way to the Witch. The Witch spotted him and slowing stands up while growling.

Before the Witch would even full stands up, Y/n throw the bat to the Witch's face and it ricochet back to his hand. The Witch screams and run towards Y/n with her claws ready.

Y/n then swings the bat to the Witch's head, turning her head into 180 degrees.

Nick: "At this point, I'm not even surprise anymore."

Y/n: "Let's get moving."

Coach turns off the switch for the ride, stopping the noise.

Jeff: "Sir, there's a safe room over there."

He pointed to where the safe room is and it's located in a Tunnel of Love.

Y/n: "Let's go."

They went to follow him and they saw a first-aid-kit on the way.

Annie: "Don't mind if I do."

She takes the first-aid-kit. Once everyone was inside the safe room, Jeff closed the door behind them and he and Annie barricade it.

Louis: "Hey, can we rest here for few minutes? We've been walking for miles."

Y/n: "Alright. Let's take an hour break."

Coach: "Finally. I can sit down."

He sits down on the floor while leaning his back to the wall. Then Zoey sits beside him and lean her head on hi shoulder.

Time Skip brought to you by


Inside the Yggdrasil Base, Many personnel are moving around, doing their work. One man is standing in front of a giant screen, watching all the status of Infected around the world.

Staff: "Sir. We've received a distress code proximately 12 hours ago."

???: "From where?"

Staff: "Rayford, Georgia. It's your son, sir."

The man turn around and faces the staff behind him. The man is Y/n Crownguard's Father. General John Mike Crownguard.

Mike: "What's the code said?"

Staff: "He said that he encounters some survivors and will be heading here."

Mike: "Have you told them what would happened next week?"

Staff: "Yes sir."

Mike: "Good."

Staff: ".....  Your... Not worried about him sir?"

Mike: "He's not a kid anymore. He got himself out of any situation. And I'm sure that he'll arrive before the plan commence."

Staff: "Understood, sir."

The Staff walks away as a woman walk towards John Mike.

???: "You should've sent Y/n into Millhaven, Mike."

Mike: "The reason why Millhaven has fallen, is because there's been an act of treason. Report said that Mora is the one who activated the alarm, calling all the infected. Y/n isn't a child anymore, Martha."

Martha: "Ever since you sent Y/n on that mission to rescue President Graham's daughter, he isn't normal anymore."

Mike: "I know. I should've been the one who was on that mission. Not Y/n and Leon."

Martha: "...... Just call me if you have a news on our son."

With that, Martha walk away. While walking down the hallway, she stops on her tracks when she saw someone.

???: "Is there any news on him?"

Martha: "What the staff said that Y/n's last known location was in Rayford along with some survivors. I don't know how long they will arrive here."

???: "I'm glad that Y/n's safe. I was scared that his chopper was knocked down."

Martha: "Y/n is strong. He'll walk it off."

???: "I just hope he gets here soon."

Martha: "Don't worry. He will be. Now let's get out of here. Many people are busy here, Ashley."

Ashley: "Yes, Auntie."

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