Undying Devotion|| A Wangxian...


475 14 2

What if ChangSe SanRen and Wei ChangZe never went on that night hunt, what if they gave in to Wei WuXian, wha... More

Author's Notes/Character Introduction

63 3 1

"Han Guang-Jun!" 


"Lan Er Gong-Zi..!"


"Lan WangJi..?"


"Lan Zhan!"

Lan WangJi's golden eyes looked up, sending Wei Ying glares. "Aiya, don't look at me like that! I called you your names but you didn't respond. I had no choice.."

"Boring." Lan WangJi turned back to his book, reading attentively. "Yes, I agree! It's so boring here, let's go behind the mountains to play okay?" Wei Ying replied with a wide grin.

Lan WangJi looked at him, eyebrows slightly furrowed. "Have you finished copying?" he asked, though, his face didn't show the slightest bit if curiosity. 

"Well, no... B-but! That's because my hands are tired from copying all day long. Lan Er-Gege, play with me, won't you?" Wei Ying asked, smirking.

Lan WangJi's ears burned up, making them appear with a tinge of pink. "Finish copying."

"Aiya, you fuddy-duddy, you're so boring, I'm dying with boredom! Tell me, Lan Zhan, how do you live in this place, everyone looks so depressed, except of Ze Wu-Jun, of course, but you, your uncle and your fellow disciples all look so depressed! No one ever looks so depressed in Yunmeng, everyone is happy and talkative, this place is so quiet! Like its haunted or something and mmmn--- mn?... mnmmnnnnnm! MNMNMNMNNNNM!!" 

"Finish punishment." Lan WangJi said coldly, turning away.


Lan WangJi placed a silencing spell on Wei Ying, making the boy unable to talk or retaliate. While Wei Ying was whining, Lan WangJi only read, not giving the boy any attention.

Seeing that he was being ignored, Wei Ying walked back to his desk across Lan WangJi's with a huff, continuing his punishment. 

~+*That Night*+~

Lan WangJi could not sleep, despite the sect rules, no mater how hard he tried he could not fall asleep. His temperament was good, he was patient and never lost his cool but as of right now, he had to resist the urge to bang his head against the wall. 

An image of the head disciple of Yunmeng Jiang had kept on appearing in his head. The way his name rolled off the boys tongue already made him all hot and flustered.  Lan WangJi had no idea why. He had no idea why he felt such a strong desire to hold the head disciple of Yunmeng in his arms and protect him. 

And the way the boy asked if Lan WangJi would play with him. Oh the way he said those words made thousands of butterflies lose in his stomach. When the boy said that, Lan WangJi felt to burning need to kiss those lips. 

Only god knows how hard Lan WangJi suppressed the smile that was about to bloom when the head disciple of Yunmeng talked about how quiet Cloud Recesses was compared to Yunmeng so casually. 

He felt out of control when near the boy. Even the name of that boy was sweet when he said it. 

"Wei WuXian, Wei Ying..." Lan WangJi whispered to himself, his ears a deep color of red. Lan WangJi couldn't help but bite his lip. 

He didn't know what was happening to him and to be frank, Lan WangJi was afraid. Afraid of what Wei WuXian could make him do. His whole body felt hot. It was a bit too hot, not comfortable at all. 

'Wei Ying, just what did you do to me...'


Short chapter for now, next chapter might be longerr


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