Driving Blind- Layla Gray

By kaywrites12

149 8 5

*DISCLAIMER* This idea is not mine. The original story that inspired this one is called "Driving Blind" by @A... More

Chapter 1

149 8 5
By kaywrites12

Go read "Driving Blind* on Archive of Our Own by @avenged_tenfold before you read this. It's a continuation of that story so reading that first will give you context, and it's just an amazing plot line and very well written overall so go give the author some love!

(There will be at least 2 parts to this story)

POV Tony

The sun was still high in the sky as Tony Toretto pulled out of the agency's headquarters to head home for the day. Miss Nowhere had called him in early that morning to go over some details for a small mission he was supposed to go on next week and he had not appreciated the 6am wake up call. But, at least he was done with meetings by noon and had the rest of the day off to work on his car and chill out.

While at a stoplight, Tony noticed he was right by a grocery store. He remembered his mom had said she was having some work friends over for dinner tonight, so he figured he'd stop and pick up some food and drinks on his way home to help her out. As he headed inside, he got a text from Layla.

L- when are you getting home tonight?

Layla had been staying with Tony's family ever since she'd gone blind after getting caught in a fire while saving someone on a mission. She wasn't allowed to live alone in her apartment anymore, and the other option was to stay with someone assigned by the agency, so Layla had gladly accepted Mrs. Toretto's offer of taking the guest room.

Rather than texting back, Tony decided to just call Layla and tell her he was already heading back home.

"Hey, Toretto."

"Hey. I'm actually on my way home now but I'm stopping at the grocery store first. You want anything?"

"Oh, okay...and thanks, but I'm good."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, see you soon."

"Okay...bye, Lay."

Tony sighed as he ended the call. From the sound of her voice and responses, he was pretty sure Layla had been crying again.

It had been about a little over a month since the accident. The first couple weeks had been spent at the hospital, with doctors making sure Layla was stable while also trying to save her vision and help her adjust. Then, her first week back home had been full of meetings and questions and people doting on her. Layla had been distraught over losing her sight, of course, but there hadn't been time for her to fully process the new reality and all the feelings that came with it until now, as the shock of it all finally calmed down.

She'd done a decent job of hiding it from most people, but since Layla was living with his family now, they'd been spending even more time together and Tony could tell that she was starting to fall into a dark place. Not that he could blame her. If their roles were reversed and he was the one no longer able to race or even just drive in general, he would feel pretty hopeless too. Tony had been trying to distract Layla with everything he could think of, and Frostee gave them updates everyday on the special vision device he was working on, but deep down Tony knew there was only one way to start getting Layla out of her funk.

He had the plan mostly worked out by the time he arrived back home with the groceries. His mom was in the kitchen when he walked in, surprised to see the paper bags filled with fresh food and drinks.

"Oh, Tony, thank you!" She said, hugging him before beginning to unload the bags. "I was just about to go out and get some things, so you saved me a trip!"

"Sure. I pass right by the store on my way home, and it gave me a chance to buy these-" Tony held up a box of maple-cinnamon flavored cookies. "Layla's favorite."

Mrs. Toretto smiled sadly and glanced over her shoulder towards the hall that led to the guest bedroom.

"That was sweet of you," she said softly. "I think she's having another rough day. She didn't come out for breakfast, and I even made cinnamon rolls today."

"Yeah, I called her a little while ago and she didn't sound too good. But I have a plan to cheer her up."

"Alright...as long as it doesn't make a mess in my kitchen- remember when you tried to help her make brownies?"

"Okay, yeah, that was bad...but it was a good distraction."

"I suppose," Mrs. Toretto said, shaking her head. "Well, have fun. I'll just be making dinner for the party if you need anything."

Tony nodded and then headed down the hall towards Layla's room, the box of cookies in hand. He knocked quietly, and after a moment heard her say to come in. Tony opened the door to find Layla curled up on the bed with the new service dog the agency had gotten her. She'd specifically asked for a lab, since that was the breed of her childhood dog, and she'd named it Blue. Blue perked up as soon Tony walked in- though he wished he could've said the same about Layla.

"Hey, Lay."

She almost jumped off the bed in surprise and then immediately tried to sink down into the covers.

"Oh...I thought it was your mom coming in."

"And you seem really disappointed that it's me instead," Tony teased, feigning hurt.

"Whatever, Toretto," Layla replied, finally giving him a half-hearted smile. "I just- I couldn't sleep last night, and I haven't eaten anything today- I probably look so terrible right now I'd make a freight train hit a dirt road."

Tony bit back a laugh.

"Okay, gonna have to add that one to my list of 'weird southern slang,'" he said, causing Layla to throw a pillow at him before he could continue. "But seriously, even if you didn't sleep for weeks, you could never look terrible."

"Thanks...but I think I'd be dead at that point," Layla smirked, turning away from him slightly. Maybe he was imagining it, but Tony was pretty sure she was blushing.

"So," Layla continued, stroking Blue's fur. "Any updates from Frostee?"

Tony hesitated.

"Miss Nowhere's still working to get him clearance from the agency to work on your case with the other scientists. They're just...not the most cooperative bunch. But-" Tony continued quickly, seeing Layla's hopeful expression fall. "Frostee did say he finished a pretty good digital prototype for a synthetic vision device. He just can't start working on it because he needs technology from the agency, and, um...yeah. I'm sorry- I wish I had better news."

Layla sat up and blew out a breath.

"No, it's fine. I'm used to it now, anyways. I just keep hoping the agency will start showing some decency to their employees. I mean, come on! Frostee has all these great ideas and they won't even give him a chance to help me? What the hell?"

"I know," Tony said, resting his hand on hers. "Even Miss Nowhere is pissed at how they're handling things. After I talked to Frostee today, I thought about sneaking into headquarters and just stealing the tech he needs, but...probably not the best idea."

"Aw, you would become a criminal for me?"

It was nice to hear Layla joking again, but the moment was short-lived. Tony's heart sank as he watched her smile fade and her brow furrowed again in frustration. It was time for his first distraction.

"So you know how you said you didn't want anything from the grocery store?"


"Well I knew better than to believe that, so I got you these," Tony opened the box of maple-cinnamon cookies and placed one in Layla's hand. Her face lit up as she took a bite.

"My cookies!" She exclaimed, holding out her hands for the rest of the box.

Tony laughed as he passed it to her.

"I think you get more excited about these cookies than literally anything else."

"Duh- they're amazing. Thanks, Toretto," Layla said, giving Tony a genuine, heartwarming smile that made his stomach do a cartwheel.

"Anytime," Tony replied, scratching the back of his neck. "So, listen, I had this idea..."


"I wanna help you drive again."

Layla dropped the cookie she was holding back into the box tray.


"I mean, why wait until the agency gives you a way to get your vision back?" Tony started, getting up from the bed and standing in front of Layla. "You're Layla freaking Gray- if anyone can drive blind, it's you."

Layla looked touched at the compliment, but still very wary of Tony's proposal.

"I dunno, Tony..."

"Come on, Lay, I know you miss it! And I'll be right there with you, there's nothing to worry about."

"Mmh, because all of your plans go off without a hitch."

"Ha-ha," Tony rolled his eyes at the comment, but took her teasing grin as a sign that she was ready to at least give driving a chance. "So...you coming or what?"

He reached for Layla's hand and she took his, allowing Tony to pull her up off the bed.

"This might be the best bad idea you've had in awhile," Layla told him as he led her out the door. "But if you let me crash, you're dead."

"Then you'd have no one to make fun of," Tony quipped, nudging her teasingly. "But, seriously, don't worry. We're starting out in a parking lot."

"Not much faith in my skills, then, huh?"

"Nah, I just don't trust myself to give good directions."

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