Child of Project Apple

By How_Ambergreen

50.7K 1.8K 485

Spyxfamily Genius reader insert DemetriusοΏΌ Desmond x reader On Hiatus (returns August 2024) (Y/n) (L/n) a... More

🩡Love Samuel🩡


2.4K 85 22
By How_Ambergreen

"I don't want this mama," Anya announce pointing at the frizzy haired informant that stood in our living room. His face poorly covered in makeup with a dark purple coat reaching below his knees. Twilight stood to the side observing his work as he held a makeup brush "ya this isn't going to work," he hummed. I on the other hand was leaned over the side of the couch laughing my ass off.

How couldn't I? For the past hour and a half I had watched as Twilight convinced this man to dress up as our mother then epically fail at looking anything like a woman. Franky looked at me with squinted eyes that were covered in a heavy blue eyeshadow "what are you laughing at punk?" I whipped a tear from my eye and smiled up at the man. "Your the worst looking woman I have ever seen, no wonder your single,"

He gasped and looked offended as he backed up. He was being dramatic as he pointed at me and turned to Twilight "How is this dumpster rat your ace?!? Their so rude, I came all this way to help you guys, not to be called out by some teenager," he then stomped towards the door. Twilight glared at me for a moment "He's not wrong (Y/n), your going to have to act like a high member of society with proper manners once you get into Eden," he nagged.

I flipped onto my back and laid across the couch, even if he's not my actual father he's better at it then him already. "Ya I get it don't worry, just go find a wife or something," he sighed and stood up walking away.


"I need something to do before I die of boredom," I complained, my body was draped over the arm of the couch as I stared at Twilight's back. Franky had gone home hours ago and it was dark outside meaning it was about time for Anya's cartoon 'Spy wars' and I was left to watch it.

Twilight who was cooking in the kitchen gave me a are you serious look before continuing to cut something. "I only agreed to this because I was told this would be interesting not some domestic carefree bullshit," this made Twilight frown and glare at me, I some how had a way of pissing the spy off one way or another.

"Language, but if your that bored then come help me with dinner maybe I could teach you something new," this made me scoff but I still strolled over to him and waited to be instructed on what needed to be done.

Honestly it was quit easy and took no time to catch on as I cut vegetables and seasoned ingredients. As I placed a honey glazed pork chop into the pan and covered it Twilight turned to me eyes questioning "have you done this before?" I shrugged my shoulders with little effort. "Cooking? Nothing this complex, just cereal and quick meals," I studied the patterns of precipitation on the glass lid.

I could feel his eyes on me, studying my profile before supposedly coming to a conclusion and turning back to the seasoned vegetables on a backing pan ready for the oven. "Would it be crossing a line if I asked about your parents? All that I was able to gather about them were about their experiments," my eyes never left the lid as silents filled the space between us.

I could tell he thought he crossed a line as he began to panic, sure Twilight the spy seemed not to have any emotions to cloud his judgement but once you've been around him enough tells on how he's feeling start to become easy to read. Such as the way he made his hands busy, he was sprinkling more seasoning on the vegetables as the silence stretched.

"Honestly, I can't tell you more then you already know. If you thought they were different at home then in the labs, they weren't because they were almost never home sorry I got nothing," I turned my head to look up at him with a smirk. The timer for the pork chops went off and I uncover it and smiled "this is done what's next?"

The rest of the night there seemed to be an unbreaking silence between me and Twilight and I could tell he felt like he fucked up witch I couldn't diss agree with seen as if I actually cared about my parents I would probably be upset, he was lucky I don't care about them. Dinner soon came leaving Anya nervously looked between us as if feeling the tension.

"Sib, it's okay if you miss your old mama and papa but our papa is here now and you guys should make up and stop fighting," Twilight who was about to take a bite from his plate froze and looked at Anya then me. I was taken aback by what she had said, there was no why she could have heard me and Twilight's conversation in the kitchen.

I didn't let my shock show as I chuckled "it's nothing like that short stack just a little awkward right now," I leaned over to her and ruffled her hair a bit before shooting Twilight a smile of reassurance. He returned it.


I rolled out of my twin sized bed blankets still curled around me like a cocoon as I sluncked through the dark room to the door. Light burned my eyes as I groaned moving forward through the apartment.
"I was starting to think you died in there," Loid said not looking up from his paper. "Morning," I murmured in a gruff sleep deprived voice moving to find some coffee.

"It's way past that, I left a cup on the counter," he yelled from the living room. There it was in a purple mug, I made my way to a chair and crashed down in it coffee in hand and blanket wrapped around me. Anya ran up to the side of my chair holding the arm and looked at Loid almost hopefully.

"Did you find a Mama?" I snorted at the question and how ridicules this whole situation was. "It's not that simple," He lectured giving me a side glance at the sound I made but nothing more as Anya looked disgruntled "dose that mean we're stuck with Scruffy head?" As if she had summoned him the door was kicked open to reveal Franky.

"So I hear you need a woman of high enough class for Eden Academy and willing or desperate enough to over look being divorced with kids not to mention marriage in less then 48 hours, well I'm just the guy to find her," he's entrance was grand even though we couldn't see his face over the stacks of papers in his hands. He stumbled through the house before setting them on the coffee table and smirked over them to look at Loid "though if such a goddess exists I would love to meet her," he smirked.

"doubt she'd want to meet you," I said sinking back into my blankets as I took a sip of me coffee. Franky only shot me a glare and looked back at Loid "I copied all the records at City hall of unmarried women, somewhere in here there has to be a good match," I rolled me eyes "that's creepy," Franky pretended not to hear me as he talked to Loid "meanwhile I have no standers and can't find a single date," Loid looked up from the files he was looking up to meet Franky's eyes "that's pathetic," Franky groaned dramatically and looked at Loid offered "not you too!"

Anya grabbed the edge of the sofa that Loid was siting on and looked over it "is having kids bad? Are we keeping the mamas away?" Loid only placed a hand on her head and smiled down at her "no it's not bad, this is so we can get you guys in school, go watch your cartoons okay," Anya nodded and ran off to violently watch her 'Spy wars' cartoon.

While Loid and Franky talked and Anya was distracted I moved back to my room and changed dropping off my blanket before coming back at the end of their conversation.

I picked up a file and looked over it, "it's hard to imagine a bigger complication then that," Franky pointed to Anya as she shook and banged on the Tv stomping around in a ragged dress "no way dose she look like the Scion of a privileged family," Franky then looked me up and down now that I was fully dressed. I stuck my tongue out at him he knit his eyebrows "and this one sure has the audited of some snobby rich family," Loid ignored Franky's comment about me as he looked at Anaya.

"Your right, I can at least try and fix her appearance,"

(AN: I just want to specify that I am following the Manga and that I may go beyond the Anime. Don't worry if I do I'll put a warning at the beginning. Thank you for reading ^^)

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