Mha react to The Scp Foundati...

By Gachamason682

190K 2.8K 787

The MHA universe is in for a real shock when they find out about a universe that has real God's, Monster's an... More

Superstitious foundation.
Scp 173.
Scp 096.
Scp 035.
Scp 049.
Scp 106.
Scp 682.
Scp 999.
My Scp Au explained.
Scp 131.
Scp The Little Misters.
Scp 058.
Boiled scrambled and fried. (Scp Tale).
Scp 208.
Scp 5031.
Scp 294.
Scp 1765.
Scp 811.
Scp 4715.
Scp 049 vs Scp 096.
Scp 053.
Scp 054 and Scp 457.
Christmas Chapter, Scp 4666.
Scp 2912.
Scp 3036.
to all the People who keep making Requests.
SCP O5 council, The Administrator, MTF's, Doctor's.
more about my SCP AU. (The O5 Council.)
Scp 001 The Prototype (Dr. Gears Proposal).
Scp 978.
Scp 914.

Scp 2295.

7.2K 102 11
By Gachamason682

"Alright, it's all ready" Zero said as The file finished Uploading.



OPENING FILE SCP-2295 The Bear with a Patchwork Heart.

"A patchwork heart?." Uraraka asked Wondering they Decided to give it such an odd name.

"Yes, just Watch the video and you'll see." Zero replied which everyone did.

"Item #: SCP-2295

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2295 is to be kept in a standard containment locker within Storage Wing-25 in Site-37.

Personnel with Level 3 or higher security clearance are authorized to perform tests on SCP-2295 after filling out the appropriate paperwork. Please contact Dr. Gergis if required access to SCP-2295 is expected to exceed twenty-four (24) hours.

Description: SCP-2295 is a patchwork stuffed bear, approximately 0.46m from 'head' to 'foot,' and stuffed with synthetic fiber and cotton. SCP-2295 has a small, anatomically correct pin of a heart on the left side of its thorax, and a bow wrapped around its neck. The fabric and color of SCP-2295's patches vary. Tests confirm that no components of SCP-2295 contain any anomalous chemical properties."

The picture showed a Patchwork looking teddy bear Made out of various fabrics. It had two button eyes. A cute little smile. and an Adorable little bow tie. But the strangest part That made everyone a little uneasy is that it had a Pen of a realistic human heart. But even with this The Girls From Class 1-A and Class 1-B still found the little plush bear adorable. "Aww! so cute! I just want to snuggling and cuddle with it!"  Mina said.

"SCP-2295 enters an active state when within two (2) meters of a human sustaining major trauma to an organ. When in the proximity of two or more possible subjects, SCP-2295 will invariably choose the youngest subject. SCP-2295 will anomalously produce scissors, white thread, and either sewing needles or a crocheting hook from its mouth and use any fabric and stuffing in close proximity to fashion an instance of SCP-2295-1, a patchwork imitation of the subject's organ. SCP-2295-1 vanishes from sight and the subject falls into a state of unconsciousness. SCP-2295-1 instances then replace the subject's damaged organ via anomalous means. The whereabouts of organs replaced this way are undetermined."

Everyone was a Little taken aback from this Information. And many found it creepy. "So it makes Human organs out of fabric?." Nezu asked.

"Yes." Zero said. "Scp 2295 has the ability to create human organs out of fabric. And it replaces The damage organ of the subject with it."
Zero Explained. "It'll make more sense later right now, let's continue."

Everyone Nodded and returned to the Screen.

"If there is no usable material in close proximity, SCP-2295 will use fabric and stuffing from itself. SCP-2295 regenerates one (1) gram of stuffing every day until completely replacing any lost or used stuffing. Note that fabric used this way does not regenerate, and additional fabric must be placed near SCP-2295 for the purpose of self-mending.

Instances of SCP-2295-1 successfully carry out their respective functions despite the numerous expected biological, chemical, and medical incompatibilities. Once within the subject, adjacent tissues and veins attach to the imitated organ without observable complications. There have been no cases of rejected SCP-2295-1 instances, and all subjects recorded at the time of writing made full recoveries."

Everyone was definitely surprised that this ability 2295 had. "So it can replace damaged organs with fake ones..." Deku thought as he wrote that down. "Fascinating what an incredible ability." Nezu said Fascinated with 2295's abilitys.ability.

"Test Log-2295

Testing approved to test the limitations of SCP-2295. Materials provided within testing chamber.

-Test Log
Subject: D-2353, 38 years old
Diagnosis: Lungs heavily damaged as a result of twenty-five (25) years of smoking
Notes: SCP-2295 creates SCP-2295-1 using one (1) black textile swatch and one (1) red textile swatch. New 'lungs' act at a capacity similar to those of healthy adult lungs."

The Pro heroes were impressed by this, and who it was Able to create Lungs that Work just like the real Thing. "Huh impressive."
Midnight said.

"Subject: D-3452, 50 years old
Diagnosis: Frequent heart palpitations and severe atherosclerosis
Notes: SCP-2295 crochets SCP-2295-1 using various surrounding yarns. SCP-2295-1 observed to have a heartbeat before vanishing. Transfer successful - how SCP-2295-1 manages to perform function despite absorbent properties of material and multiple gaps in design is unknown. Symptoms no longer present in subject."

The pro heroes were definitely impressed that it managed to create a working heart with just Fabric And stuffing. "Dang, that bear is good."
Mt lady said.

"Subject: D-7894, 24 years old
Diagnosis: First and second degree burns ranging throughout upper torso, left lateral, and right leg. D-7894 sedated during testing.
Notes: SCP-2295 sews two (2) 5m x 5m sections of patchwork fabric. SCP-2295 cuts appropriately sized swatches and manually places one layer onto subject's affected areas, creating multiple instances of SCP-2295-1, and then repeats this process. The created SCP-2295-1 layers act as dermis and epidermis and, upon recovery, D-7894 claims to have retained feeling in replaced 'skin'. Subject makes a full recovery."

"Huh this Stuffed Bear is Surprisingly really good at This." Aizawa said. "Agreed." Said the pro heroes.

"Subject: D-2723, 18 years old
Diagnosis: Cerebral hemorrhaging
Notes: SCP-2295 grasps various materials in its proximity in a distressed state for approximately one (1) minute. SCP-2295 then anomalously produces a ███████'s Dove Milk Chocolate King Size Candy Bar and offers it to subject. SCP-2295 spends rest of test embracing subject's lower right leg while anomalously producing a saline solution from its 'eyes'.

Note: It seems like the human brain is the only organ that 2295 Simply can't recreate."

Everyone was Shocked at this. "So it Can't recreated the Brain? Why?" Momo asked.

"Unfortunately we don't know The reason." Zero said. "And sadly, that d-class had to learn that the hard way..." Zero said sadly.

Everyone (Especially the girls.) Were sad at this. And how that little bear couldn't Saved that person. "Geez now that's just sad." Denki said.

"Yeah it is..." Zeto said. "But Hey, you can't be sad forever, can you?." Zero said, which everyone agreed as There eyes turned back to the TV.

"Addendum-2295: Document 2295 was recovered taped to SCP-2295 inside the site of a crashed mail delivery vehicle. Document-2295 is a red "Get Well" card with the text "KAIROS THE BEAR" written on the front cover."

"Kairos the bear? Is that its name?" Deku asked Confused.

"Yes, that's its name, kairos the bear." Zero confirmed.

"Aww, that's such an adorable name!" The girls said.

Deku started writing that down. "So it's name is Kairos the bear..." He thought.

"-Recovered Document 2295
Contents of Document 2295

To Tommy,

Because only time can mend all wounds.


Everyone was surprised at this. "So that bear was meant to be a gift?." Kendo asked.

"Yes." Zero confirmed. "It was Meant to be a gift from a loving grandmother to her ill grandson. But unfortunately It never got to him..."

Everyone was sad to hear that a grandmother's gift never got to her ill grandson. "Geez, now that's just sad." Denki said.

"Yeah, it's sad to hear that bear Never got to her grandson. I bet it would have helped him a lot."
Momo said sadly.

The video then Ended and Zero again turns to the audience and says.
"So what do you all think?."

"Well, i'd say it was a bitter sweet story." Iida said.

"Yeah, it was nice to hear that the bear was helping people. But It was also sad that I couldn't help that 18 year old d-class. And the fact that it was meant to be a gift for a grandmother's grandson. But it never got to the person that it was meant to be given." Said Kendo.

"I'm just Wondering how that teddy bear is even Alive." Endeavor said.

"Well, currently we don't know the reason for that yet. We have no idea how it even came to life in the first place. And since we don't know the whereabouts of the Person that made it. we might never know." Zero said. "But still, it's good to know that all that bear wants to do is help others. Especially children in need, since it was made for a child."

Everyone then Nodded at this. "I have to say, This Scp Along with 999, have some very Fascinating abilities. They must be very valuable to your foundation." Nezu said.

"Indeed they are." Zero said. "Scp 2295 and 999 Have some very fascinating and remarkable abilities that The foundation has used to their advantage of containing dangerous Anomalies, Along with other Scp's. And they also Make the job much Easier."

"However, there are other people who want to use these kinds of anomalies for completely different reasons..." Zero said Ominously.

"What do you mean by that?."
Nezu asked.

"(Sigh) You see... The SCP foundation, isn't the only organization that knows about anomalies And tries to contain them." Zero replied.

Everyone was shocked And taken aback by this. "What?! What do you mean?!" Deku asked shocked.

"You see, just because we're a secret organization. Doesn't mean we don't have rivals. the SCP foundation has many rival organizations that have completely different views on how to contain anomalies like the GOC or the chaos insurgency." Zero Explained.

"Wait, who are those guys?."
Mic asked.

"Like I said, they're rival organization's They have completely different views on anomalies. One wants to destroy them all with fire power. And the other wants to use them for their own sick purposes.
The first Is the GOC." Zero said While showing the GOC logo. "And let me tell you all, the GOC...Oh my God...Those guys are a bunch of Weapon-headed idiots That half of the time just kill anomaly's for the sake of it. Even when that Anomaly is completely harmless. There the Shoot first, ask questions later, type of group. And Even when that anomaly is a Helpful sentient chair or a little girl Whose only anomalous Properties is Manifesting flowers and Ice cream. They have only one response. kill it, destroy it, Burn it, crush it, and Shoot it in the face with extreme Prejudice. And they Always have to butt into everything, And make everything so much worse with just plain ignorance...(sigh) Those guys are Pain in the A**..."

Everyone was Shocked at this. Somehow that organization makes the SCP foundation look sane.
"Geez, those guys Really do sound like a pain in the A**...Reminds me of the league of villains..." Aizawa said.

"Yeah I bet." Zero agreed. "But despite our differences, we have worked with each other multiple times to To stop greater threats to the world."

Everyone was Shocked by this. "What?!, Why team up with those a**holes?!" Bakugo yelled.

Zero just sighed. "Look even if we don't get along, we have to admit. They are very good at making all sorts of weaponry. So We kinda have a brawn and brains kind of Partnership. And at least those Guys are smart Enough to know that We need to Team up in order to stop Greater threats."

Everyone felt unsure about the Partnership Between SCP foundation and the GOC but they continued Listening.

"Anyways as for the Chaos insurgency. they started out as a splinter group of a few members of the red right hand, the 05 council's personal task Force. They were called the insurgency, and were a Black Ops team covertly completing missions with unethical and politically unsavory methods, the council's worst fears were realized though when the group went awol, the insurgency evacuated dozens of defecting personnel, stole Scp objects, and rated several Scp sites. Given their alpha one clearance, it was easy to pull off the chaos insurgency of today, authoritarian regimes in poor and developing countries To gether intelligence, experiment with Anomalous objects, and consolidate their world power. They are also directly antagonistic to the SCP foundation. Either by directly assaulting or covertly infiltrating foundation matters. Steel Anomalous objects and put pressure on foundation affairs. So in a nutshell they're Members of the SCP foundation that went rogue."

Everyone was more shocked at this.
"Geez those guys have to be Bigger pain in the A** Then The GOC." Mic said.

"Well, you are right about that."
Zero said. "Cause at least we have some Kind of good partnership with the GOC. But with them, we can't really say the same."

"But there is one group that really peaks the foundation's interest. And one that stands out of all the rest." Zero said.

"Really? And what group would that Be?." Asked Nezu.

"They're called...the Dr Wondertainment Toy Company." Zero said.

The room was silent for awhile. "...What?" Bakugou said Breaking the silence.

"Why yes, the Dr Wondertainment Toy Company." Zero said again.

"Are you kidding me?!." Bakugo yelled. "How can a Toy company stand out of all Those other groups?!."

"Oh, you all would be surprised. Because They're not making any ordinary toys. There making THE toys. And Dr wondertainment isn't An ordinary Toy Maker. He is THE Toy Maker." Zero Explained.

Everyone was confused. "Wait, Dr wondertainment is a real person?." Deku asked Confused.

"Well maybe, you see, We simply don't know who Dr wondertainment. He could just be the name of the company, or maybe hes a real person. We simply do not know. because hes a rather...mysterious being. But since we don't really know his whereabouts. The foundation's main objective is to find his products, rather than finding him." Zero Explained again.

Everyone was confused again. "Why his products? What's wrong with them?." Tsuyu asked Curiously.

"Well, like I said, hes not just making any ordinary Toys he's making THE Toys." Zero replied. "Because his products are anomalous, a little dangerous, and even sometimes...Alive."

Everyone was a Little taken aback by This. "Really?, he makes Toys that are alive and dangerous?." Nezu asked.

"Exactly!" Zero said. "That's why we make it our Mission to Contain his creations, So that they can't hurt anyone else."

"He's also a really Big pain in the A** too, Like the GOC and the chaos insurgency. Because he makes his creations known, And that obviously Makes the SCP foundation's job harder of keeping everything they held in contain it a secret."
Zero continued sounding annoyed.

"Yeah, I bet." Aizawa said.

"But even with that, not all of his creations are bad, some of them are actually pretty useful. So it's not so bad." Zero said. "However, there are some that are Actually very interesting. And the ones that Stand out above the Rest are a certain Series of Toys that he has Made."

"Oh really?." Nezu Ask curiously.
"And what Series of Toys would that be?"

"Oh, you All will find out Right now." Zero said as he Uploaded the next File.

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