Half Girlfriend

By KingMoha

34K 5.6K 250

Minal is a very shy girl in her early twenties, she's known for her friendliness. Her dream is to obtain her... More

Chapter 1 - Minal
Chapter 2 - Imran
Chapter 3 - Minal
Chapter 4 - Imran
Chapter 5 - Minal
Chapter 6 - Imran
Chapter 7 - Minal
Chapter 8 - Imran
Chapter 9 - Minal
Chapter 10 - Imran
Chapter 11 - Minal
Chapter 12 - Imran
Chapter 13 - Minal
Chapter 14 - Imran
Chapter 15 - Minal
Chapter 16 - Imran
Chapter 17 - Minal
Chapter 18 - Imran
Chapter 19 - Minal
Chapter 20 - Imran
Chapter 21 - Minal
Chapter 22 - Imran
Chapter 23 - Minal
Chapter 24 - Imran
Chapter 25 - Minal
Chapter 26 - Imran
Chapter 27 - Minal
Chapter 28 - Imran
Chapter 29 - Minal
Chapter 30 - Imran
Chapter 31 - Minal
Chapter 32 - Imran
Chapter 33 - Minal
Chapter 34 - Imran
Chapter 35 - Minal
Chapter 36 - Imran
Chapter 37 - Minal
Chapter 38 - Imran
Chapter 39 - Minal
Chapter 40 - Imran
Chapter 41 - Minal
Chapter 42 - Imran
Chapter 43 - Minal
Chapter 44 - Imran
Chapter 45 - Minal
Chapter 47 - Minal
Chapter 48 - Imran
Chapter 49 - Minal
Chapter 50 - Imran

Chapter 46 - Imran

489 66 1
By KingMoha

Days chameleon into weeks, and weeks into months!

I could remember when Minal kept having miscarriage, it was as if all hope was lost. But then we consulted Sayyada's father and everything changed.

At first I was skeptical about consulting him, but Minal and Sayyada convinced me. Anyways, I was glad I agreed to it because right now Minal was six months pregnant already.

None of her pregnancies had ever reach that stage before, they usually fail around two to three months. But now, things were starting to look good.

We followed all the advice given to us by Sayyada's father. We did what he asked us to do and avoided what he warned us not to do...

"Sir!" Someone bellowed, pulling me out of my trance. "Sir!" – It was a waiter. I was actually in one of Lexux Hotel's finest halls. I was invited there for a business summit by the CEO of Yargote Group, Malika Yargote.

"Yes, is everything okay?" I glared at the waiter, he had been shouting at me since as if I was five miles away from him.

"I am so sorry sir," he uttered seeing how upset I was, "it's that woman over there that asked me to..." he paused the moment he turned and probably couldn't find the said woman. "Sorry sir, but... where is she?" he wondered, looking around.

"What's going on here?" A waitress came and chimed in, she looked older and more superior to the waiter.

"Nothing serious, ma. I am only looking for one fair lady like that, she was sitting right over there..." he pointed at the direction, "She sent me to call him but now I couldn't find her"

"A slim half-caste like that, right?" The waitress wrinkled a brow at him, trying to render help. She must have seen where the strange woman vanished to.

"Yes, exactly!" The waiter nodded in acknowledgement. Her description matched the strange woman's characteristics.

"Well, I saw her entering the washroom over there" The waitress pointed at the direction and then left.

"Thank you, ma" The waiter said in appreciation before turning to me, "Sir, let me go and check the restroom and see if..."

"Don't worry," I cut in, "I will do that myself. You can go now" I stood to my feet.

"Thank you, sir" The waiter bowed a little for me before taking his leave.

A half-caste? Calling me? I wondered while heading towards the rest room. I knew no half-caste, not as far as I could remember.

Unless if it is... noway! I was baffled the moment I bumped into someone coming out of the restroom. It was Rahina, the Russian ambassador's daughter.

"Rahina?" I wrinkled my brows with my jaw dropped in bewilderment while staring at her, "Am I... dreaming?"

"No, you are not!" she said, smiling with her attractive dimples catching my attention. 

"Wow," I huffed, not even knowing what else to say. I could only smile and imagine how erotic she had become, more beautiful than she used to be.

"WOW is right, I know I have changed and you've also changed. You look more... handsome" she lowered her gaze as if she was shy.

Just then, she held my hand and told me to follow her outside. The hall was actually becoming full and she didn't want all attention to be on us.

While holding me, we walked outside the hall and then headed straight to the rest area just after the garden.

"This place is nice" I commented the moment we settled down in one of the tables there. "It's really nice" I added.

"Yes it is" she huffed, staring at me. I also did the same. Thus, silence crept upon us until finally she decided to break the silence by clearing her throat.

"Hmm, so have you met your soulmate already? Or you are still holding on to your past?" I decided to ask even though something was telling me she was taken.

"Well," she smirked, "I don't know what to say but..." she huffed, "I met this one guy in Moscow and thought everything was going to workout but it didn't. Since then, I had been thinking about you"

"Really? That's unbelievable considering the fact you wasn't interested in any relationship with me back then" I blatantly uttered, recalling the humiliation my dad and I suffered in her parents' hands.

"Yes, maybe. And I think I gave you my reasons, right? I was still hurt by my past and needed some time to recover, that was why" she explained again.

"Hmm, okay. Anyways, I am married now. I don't know if you are aware of that" I said, beaming at her.

"Married?" she was kind of shocked, "Wow, nice. I never knew!" she faked a smile.

I could actually tell the smile was fake because it didn't look genuine, but why that? Was she jealous or something? I wondered.

"Is she beautiful?" she asked, referring to my wife.

"Of course she is!" I said as I quickly unlocked my phone and swiped to the gallery. "Here is one of her pictures," I gave her the phone to look at it.

"Awwwn, I am happy for you" she handed over the phone back to me without even looking at the picture properly.

"Thank you" I locked back the phone.

"My pleasure" she said in what seemed like a whisper. Her mood had totally changed now.

"Is everything okay?" I asked even though I had a hunch and it was obvious.

"Yes, everything is fine. It's just that," she paused and continued, "I never wanted to come to this business summit but my mom forced me to"

"Why would your mom do that?" I was curious.

"Because the person hosting the event is her friend" she responded.

"Wow, Malika Yargote is your mother's friend?" I uttered and continued the moment she nodded her head in affirmative, "She's my dad's friend too"

"Wow, that's great!" she said.

Just then, a man in back armani suit – probably a messenger – came and announced to us that the event had just started and we and all other VIPs were needed back in the hall. 


Hmm, thanks for reading!

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