Azur Lane: The Other Worlder...

By FWZ2404

4K 175 68

Three people, friends with each other, died. They, later on, woke up as a Shipgirl. They have made a terrible... More

Protagonists Ship (Bio)
Ch. 1: Skirmish
Ch. 2: Back Home
Ch. 3: Discovery
Ch. 5: The Weight of Secrets

Ch. 4: Alius Mundi

519 26 10
By FWZ2404

Yamato forcefully dragged Tachibana into the room, her grip firm yet gentle as she maneuvered her friend through the doorway. Alaska followed closely behind, her expression filled with concern for her unconscious companion.

"What happened to her?" Alaska inquired, her voice laced with worry. "Why did she faint? And what on earth are these bodies doing here?"

Yamato sighed, the putrid stench of decay assaulting her senses. "I'm not entirely sure. The smell in this place is unbearable. It seems that someone has left these corpses here, but the question remains as to why."

Alaska nodded in agreement, her gaze fixated on Tachibana. "We need to get her away from this gruesome sight. Let's move her to a safer place."

Together, they carefully transported Tachibana to the farthest corner of the cafeteria, away from the haunting presence of death. Gently laying her down, they ensured her comfort, their concern evident in their actions.

"I'm starting to grow accustomed to the smell," Yamato remarked, her voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and dark humor. "It seems that our bodies have adapted surprisingly well to this unpleasant environment."

A worried frown creased Alaska's forehead. "Despite that, I don't think it's good to move Tachibana from here just yet. Her reaction to the scene was quite severe. We should allow her some time to recover before attempting to relocate her."

Yamato nodded in agreement, her expression mirroring Alaska's concern. "You're right. We must prioritize her well-being above all else. It's best to wait until she regains consciousness and check her condition before making any decisions."

A sigh escaped Alaska's lips as she glanced around the room, her nose wrinkling at the putrid odor. "This smell is unbearable. Let's hope it doesn't have any long-lasting effects on our health."

Yamato nodded in agreement, her eyes scanning the room filled with lifeless bodies. "Agreed. The last thing we need is to meet our demise just because of the foul stench of rotting corpses. It's a chilling thought."

Alaska's voice wavered with a mix of fear and anger. "Who could be responsible for such a horrifying sight? It must be the work of those Sirens, those beings that have invaded this world."

"Yes, it's highly likely," Yamato replied, her voice filled with determination. "The Sirens have always been a threat, but this takes their depravity to a whole new level. We must uncover the truth and put an end to their schemes."

A sudden glimmer of curiosity flickered in Alaska's eyes. "Since we're stuck here waiting for Tachibana to wake up, I feel compelled to explore this place further. Would you like to accompany me?"

Yamato hesitated, her unease evident. "As much as I trust you, I don't feel comfortable wandering around in this smelly place. I'll stay here with Tachibana, but I will find a place to let her sleep. You go ahead, but please be careful."

Alaska nodded, her determination unwavering. "I understand. I'll proceed cautiously and keep an eye out for any danger. I won't be long."
Tachibana opened her eyes, greeted by the sight of a white ceiling with dangling lights. As she attempted to stand, a wave of pain surged through her head, prompting her to lie back down.

Confused and disoriented, she murmured, "Huh? Where am I?" Casting her gaze to the left, she noticed a table, and then to her right, where Yamato sat, still asleep on the bed beside her.

"This must be a bedroom," Tachibana deduced. However, she quickly realized that something important was missing. "Huh, where is my katana?"

Searching the room, Tachibana spotted her weapon resting on the table to her left. Relieved, she muttered, "Good. It's still there. Wait, how long was I sleeping?"

Glancing at the clock, she saw it was 6:28. Puzzled, she questioned, "Wait a minute... that's AM, not PM, right? Ugh... My head..."

Yamato began to stir and stretched her arms as she woke up. Tachibana greeted her, "Good morning, Yamato."

"Ah, good morning. How are you feeling?" Yamato responded.

"Besides the headache, I'm fine," Tachibana replied. Yamato then asked if she remembered anything from the incident.

"The incident?" Tachibana pondered, her memory returning. "You mean the metal door and the keypads?"

"Yes, exactly," Yamato confirmed. "That room behind the door... you were screaming, and the next thing I knew, you were lying unconscious."

Curiosity piqued, Tachibana inquired, "Where's Alaska? And what about... the room?"

"Alaska? Oh, she's in the other room. She's searching for a medical kit or something to clean the wound," Yamato explained. "And about the room, we cleaned and bury them the way it should be. That's the least we could do."

Curious about their injuries, Tachibana asked, "How did you guys treat the wounds? Did you find anything in this building?"

"After the incident, Alaska and I managed to find some medical kits in the basement, although we could only find three. We used one for your wound, and the remaining two for ours," Yamato responded.

Tachibana expressed concern, "Did the treatment heal the wounds completely?"

"I'm not sure, I'm not a ship doctor," Yamato admitted. "But they seem to be healing at a fairly fast rate. I can move my leg and foot again, so they must have healed enough. Maybe."

Reassuring Tachibana, Yamato said, "Don't worry, we will be able to recover. We just need time."

Speaking of recovery, Yamato offered to prepare food and drinks for Tachibana. Tachibana agreed, mentioning that she hadn't eaten since the previous week.

Yamato left the room to make the meal, while Tachibana lay on her bed, reflecting on the recent incident. She couldn't help but contemplate the gruesome scene she had witnessed in the room, with decomposing bodies and worms devouring flesh. Tachibana wondered who could be responsible for such horrors.

After a few seconds, Tachibana heard a knock on the door. "Come in," she called out.

Yamato entered the room, announcing, "Tachibana, the food is ready."

Surprised, Tachibana questioned, "Wait, what? You just went out the door, how on earth did you already prepare the food?"

Yamato chuckled and explained, "Well, outside the door, on a table, there's already a hot meal waiting. Maybe Alaska made it? Although, I've never seen Alaska cook before."

Tachibana acknowledged, "Well, we should thank Alaska for cooking for us."

"Definitely. Let's eat on the bed. It's comfy," Yamato suggested.

Placing the plate of food on Tachibana's lap and her own lap, Yamato sat on the edge of the bed. They both admired the spread, which included rice, grilled fish, eggs, and seaweed.

"This looks delicious," Tachibana remarked. "Let's eat."

Yamato agreed, "Oh yeah, it does look delicious. Let's dig in."

The two enjoyed their meal together, savoring the flavors. When they finished, Tachibana noticed something missing. "The food was great. Thanks for the meal. But where are the chopsticks?"

Yamato admitted, "I don't know. I rarely use chopsticks. We just ate the food with our hands or a spoon if needed."

"Ah, okay then. Let's wash the plates in the kitchen or any sink," Tachibana suggested.

"I'll take care of the plates," Yamato offered, taking them and leaving the room.


Meanwhile, Alaska sat on the floor in a fetal position, consumed by depression. She replayed the incident in her mind, overwhelmed by guilt and regret.

"I... I shouldn't have attacked them. Why did I... Why did I kill them? I don't want this. I want to go back and not attack them," Alaska lamented to herself.

Lost in her thoughts, Alaska was startled when the door suddenly opened. It was Yamato.

"Oh, Alaska, are you okay there?" Yamato asked, concerned.

"Huh, Yamato... Uh, yeah, I was just sitting here," Alaska replied, attempting to conceal her distress.

Yamato noticed her sadness and pressed further, "Are you sure? You look... sad."

"No, no, it's fine. Just... don't worry about me. So, how is Tachibana doing?"

"Well, she's recovering pretty well," Yamato reassured her. "Her head still hurts a bit, and she can't move much, but I'm confident she'll regain her move soon. She just needs rest."

Relieved to hear the positive update about Tachibana, Alaska replied, "Okay, then I'll be here if she needs any help."

Yamato nodded and said, "Well then, I'm going to take a bath and change my clothes since the ones I'm wearing now got burned to a crisp."

Alaska responded, "Yeah, sure, go ahead."

With that, Yamato left the room, closing the door.


Outside, the sun bathed the port and naval base in its warm glow. Yamato was on the dock, washing her ship with a hose, diligently removing dirt and rust.

As she hummed a tune, Tachibana approached her, holding her katana with a serious expression on her face.

"Um, hey, Tachibana, what are you doing?" Yamato asked, ceasing her humming.

Tachibana hesitated for a moment before posing her question, "Well... Do you... Do you think the Sirens are the ones who created us ship girls?"

Confused, Yamato responded, "What do you mean?"

"Think about it. They have the technological superiority to control all of us. They could easily manipulate our minds, making us kill our friends or even altering our memories. We don't know the full extent of their capabilities or what they plan to do," Tachibana explained, her voice filled with uncertainty.

Yamato acknowledged the possibility but questioned Tachibana's timing. "Yes, that could be true, but why are you asking me this now?"

Tachibana revealed her fears, saying, "I... I'm scared. I don't want them to control us or sink us. I want to find a way to protect our minds and prevent them from seizing control."

"But we don't have such power. How can we block their mind control?" Yamato wondered.

"I'm not sure. Maybe there are secret codes or something that can stop them. But first, I want to discuss this with Alaska," Tachibana replied.

Yamato cautioned her, "Alaska? Wait, don't go now. I'll call her."

However, Tachibana persisted, "No, it's okay, I'll just call her."

Ignoring Yamato's advice, Tachibana went into the building and knocked on the door. There was no answer.

Tachibana waited for a minute but received no response. Worry began to set in as she pondered what might have happened to her friend.

"Should I enter the room?" Tachibana thought to herself, unsure whether or not it would be appropriate.

After a few moments of deliberation, she decided to enter. Slowly opening the door, she entered the room and found Alaska lying on the bed, motionless.

"Alaska, are you awake? Can you hear me?" Tachibana called out, her voice laced with concern.

There was no response. Tachibana moved closer and saw that Alaska's eyes were open, staring blankly at the ceiling.

"Alaska, can you hear me?" Tachibana repeated, gently shaking her shoulder.

Again, there was no response. Frightened by the lack of movement or reaction, Tachibana hurriedly called out, "YAMATO! Please help!"

Hearing the urgency in Tachibana's voice, Yamato rushed inside the room. "What happened?" she asked, seeing Alaska lying on the bed.

"Alaska, wake up! Are you okay?" Tachibana pleaded, attempting to shake Alaska awake.

Yamato quickly intervened, pushing Tachibana aside. She placed her hand on Alaska's neck, searching for a pulse.

After a few moments, Yamato breathed a sigh of relief. "It seems that she is merely unconscious. The stress of the past events may have taken a toll on her. Let's let her rest."

Tachibana was relieved to hear the news but continued to worry about her friend's condition. "Shouldn't we try to wake her up?" she suggested.

Yamato replied, "I think it's best to let her rest. She's been through a lot, and we need to give her time to recover. Once she wakes up, we can talk to her."

"Yes, you're right," Tachibana agreed.

With that, the two exited the room, leaving Alaska to rest. As they stepped outside, the sun's rays cast a warm glow on the naval base, providing a sense of comfort and hope.

Tachibana turned to Yamato and said, "Well, thanks for checking on her. I'll be in my room if you need me."

"Alright, I'll check on her later," Yamato replied.

As the two separated, Yamato wondered what caused Alaska to collapse. She knew that her friend was dealing with guilt and regret over what happened, but hadn't expected her to be so emotionally overwhelmed.

"Maybe she just needs some time to process everything," Yamato thought to herself, her heart filled with compassion and concern for her friend.

She continued cleaning her ship, humming a tune while lost in her thoughts.


It was late afternoon when Yamato went to the kitchen to prepare a meal for her friend. She had decided to make some sashimi and miso soup for her, hoping the food would cheer her up.

As she cooked, she hummed a cheerful tune. Soon, the smell of food filled the air, and the sashimi was ready to be eaten.

With a smile on her face, Yamato carried the tray of food and headed toward her friend's room.

As she reached the door, she hesitated for a moment, not knowing what kind of reaction she would get. However, her determination to help her friend won out, and she knocked on the door.

"Alaska, are you awake? I brought you some food."

After a few seconds of silence, the door slowly opened, revealing a disheveled and exhausted-looking Alaska.

"Alaska, are you okay?" Yamato asked, surprised by her appearance.

"Huh, Yamato? Oh... I'm just feeling a little under the weather, that's all. Sorry for worrying you," Alaska replied.

"That's not true, I can tell you're feeling worse. I know you're going through a tough time, but I want to help you. You've helped me, so it's my turn to help you," Yamato stated.

"You've done so much for me already. I can't ask for more," Alaska said, her voice laced with guilt.

"Don't worry about it. It's no trouble at all," Yamato insisted.

"Well... if you insist, then I'll gladly accept your offer," Alaska conceded.

Yamato smiled and handed her the tray of food. "Here, eat this and you'll feel better. I made the sashimi and miso soup for you."

"Thank you. I'll eat it now," Alaska replied, accepting the tray.

As she ate the food, Alaska couldn't help but be grateful for her friend's support. She knew that her situation was complicated and that she would need to deal with her emotions, but Yamato's kindness gave her hope that things would eventually improve.


After a hearty meal, the two decided to go for a walk around the silent port. As they walked, Yamato noticed that Alaska seemed to be in a better mood, despite her earlier gloominess.

"Alaska, are you feeling better now?" Yamato inquired, curious about her friend's state of mind.

"Yes, thank you. The food you made was delicious. It really helped," Alaska responded.

"I'm glad. I'm always here if you need me," Yamato assured her.

"Thank you. Your support means a lot to me," Alaska expressed her gratitude.

As they continued their stroll, they encountered Tachibana. She seemed to be in a hurry and greeted them quickly.

"Sorry, I have to go somewhere. See you later!" Tachibana said as she rushed past them.

"Wait, where are you going?" Yamato called out.

"I'm just going to search the buildings. Don't worry, I won't go to the basement. That place gives me the creeps. Anyway, see ya later," Tachibana replied, quickly disappearing from sight.

Alaska was about to ask about her condition, but she already left.

Yamato was left perplexed, wondering what could have motivated Tachibana to suddenly leave.

"Do you know why she's so eager to go to those buildings?" Yamato asked, curious.

"I'm not sure. Maybe she just wants to explore the area," Alaska answered.

"Hmm, that's true. Well, I guess we can let her go for now. Shall we continue our walk?" Yamato suggested.

"Yes, let's do that," Alaska agreed.

As they resumed their walk, Alaska felt relieved and grateful for Yamato's companionship. Despite her earlier gloom, she couldn't help but be thankful for her friend's presence.

"Thanks again for everything," Alaska told her.

"It's no problem at all," Yamato responded.

And with that, they continued their stroll, enjoying the warm sun and the calming breeze.


Tachibana wandered the hallways of the buildings, searching for anything that might help them against the Sirens. As she scoured the various rooms, she came across a locked door.

"Huh? What's this?" she wondered, examining the keyhole.

Deciding to attempt to open the door, Tachibana pulled out her katana and attempted to pick the lock. After a few tries, the lock clicked, and the door opened.

"Heh, my learning on the internet has come to fruition. "

Stepping inside the room, Tachibana's eyes widened as she saw an array of monitors and equipment.

"This must be a control room," Tachibana guessed, inspecting the machines.

Noticing a chair in the center of the room, Tachibana sat down and tried to figure out how to operate the devices.

"Let's see... If I push this button, maybe..." Tachibana murmured, pressing a button on the control panel.

Suddenly, the monitors turned on, revealing an image of the port and naval base.

"Wow, this is amazing! This must be a security camera," Tachibana exclaimed, excited to find a way to observe the area.

However, her excitement was short-lived as she realized that there was nothing unusual about the scene.

"Oh, wait... I have to look at the cameras from the past. That might help me understand the situation here," Tachibana deduced.

Turning her attention to the controls, Tachibana tried to figure out how to access the cameras from the past. After a few attempts, she managed to locate the recordings.

Scrolling through the files, she noticed that they were all dated several years ago.

"Let's see... 1942... 1943... 1944... Huh, these dates go all the way back to the beginning of World War II." Tachibana is curious about the files' contents.

She selected a random file and played it. Immediately, the screen displayed a view of the port, with a ship docked in the harbor.

"Is that the USS Lexington?" Tachibana questioned, recognizing the ship.

Suddenly, a loud explosion sounded, and the ship began to sink.

"What's happening? A bomb?" Tachibana thought to herself, shocked by the scene.

As the ship sank, Tachibana could see various ships and planes attacking the port.

"The Sirens... They're sinking the ships of the USS Lexington and the American fleet," Tachibana gasped, horrified by the sight.

As the battle raged on, Tachibana could see the bodies of Sailors being flung into the air, their blood splattering the deck.

"I... I can't watch this," Tachibana lamented, turning away from the screen.

Shaken by the gruesome footage, she decided to search the other rooms for clues.

In one room, she discovered a large book containing detailed plans for the port's defenses.

"These look like... defense plans," Tachibana muttered, leafing through the pages.

"If we use these, we could protect ourselves against the Sirens," she realized, determined to find a way to defend themselves.

"But... Where's the map on this place..." she questioned, glancing around the room.

Her gaze landed on a map on the wall, and she approached it. Examining the map, she saw that it was a diagram of the port and naval base.

"This map might help us," Tachibana thought to herself, determined to protect her friends and the base.

With newfound hope, she gathered the documents and equipment and left the room.


Meanwhile, back at the dormitory, Alaska and Yamato were enjoying a cup of tea, conversing about the recent events.

"Do you think the Sirens will come here again?" Alaska asked, concerned.

"I'm not sure," Yamato responded. "But I have a feeling they will return. We need to be prepared."

"You're right. I wonder if there are any secret weapons or something like that," Alaska wondered.

"Hmm, I don't know, but we can try to search for them," Yamato suggested.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. Maybe we can find a way to stop the Sirens," Alaska agreed.

"But first, let's finish our tea. The night is still young, and the moon is bright. We can search the building tomorrow," Yamato said.

"Okay, that sounds good," Alaska agreed, taking another sip of tea.

As they drank their tea, the moonlight cast a serene glow on the port and naval base, providing a sense of tranquility.


Alaska and Yamato strolled along the port, enjoying the cool morning breeze.

As they reached the central area of the naval base, their eyes were drawn to the flagpole, where a different flag fluttered in the wind. Alaska and Yamato strolled along the port, enjoying the cool morning breeze.

As they reached the central area of the naval base, their eyes were drawn to the flagpole, where a different flag fluttered in the wind.

Alaska furrowed her brow, puzzled by the unfamiliar flag. "Yamato, do you see that? What is that flag?"

Yamato squinted, trying to make out the details. "Hmm, it looks like a blue background with some squares on it. One, two, three squares."

"Three squares? That's interesting. I've never seen a flag like that before," Alaska mused, her curiosity piqued.

They approached the flagpole, examining the flag up close. The blue background was vibrant, and the three squares were arranged like The Valknut, the interconnected triangle.

"Who could have put this flag here?" Yamato wondered aloud.

"It's definitely not the flag of this naval base or any nation I'm familiar with." Alaska nodded in agreement.

"I have no idea. Maybe it's a symbol of a group or organization that operates in this area."

Yamato speculated, "Perhaps it's a signal of some sort, like a message to other ships or a sign of allegiance. "

Before they could speculate further, Tachibana called out to them.

"Hey! You two!" she yelled.

"Oh hey Tachibana," they responded.

Tachibana ran up to them. "Did you notice the new flag I hung up?" she said proudly.

Alaska and Yamato were surprised.

Alaska asked, "You put up that flag?"

"Yup! I made it myself using supplies from the other buildings," Tachibana explained. "Do you like it?"

"It's... unique," Alaska commented.

Yamato questioned, "Where did you get the design for this flag?"

"Well, it's the Valknut symbol, but the Square version. I thought it was a fitting design for our new group," Tachibana explained.

"Group?" Alaska questioned, confused.

"Yes, group! Since the three of us are the only ones left in this port, we should form a group," Tachibana replied.

"What kind of group?" Yamato asked.

"A group of other world-ship girls dedicated to fighting the Sirens and protecting the naval base. We can't let those creatures destroy our place and harm innocent people. That's why we need to take a stand against them," Tachibana said, her voice filled with determination.

"I see," Yamato nodded, understanding her resolve.

"That's a great idea," Alaska agreed. "We need to fight against the Sirens and protect this place."

Tachibana was overjoyed to hear their support. "Yes, exactly. So, are you two ready to join our new group?"

"Of course," Yamato replied.

"Definitely," Alaska added.

"Thank you. Now, we're officially a group!" Tachibana declared, waving her hands excitedly.

"Wait, what about the name?" Yamato asked.

"Oh yeah, the name. Let's think of a new name," Tachibana offered.

"How about 'Alius Mundi?' It means 'Other World' in Latin," Alaska suggested.

"Wow, that's a perfect name, how did you know the meaning?" Tachibana said.

"Well, I like to learn languages, and Latin is one of them. Though I knew that word because of looking on the internet..."

"I like it. Let's go with that," Yamato approved.

"It's decided then. Welcome to Alius Mundi," Tachibana stated, her voice filled with pride and excitement.

Alaska and Yamato exchanged a smile, both feeling a sense of camaraderie and determination to defend their home.

With a newfound sense of purpose and resolve, the members of the newly-formed Alius Mundi vowed to work together to combat the threat posed by the Sirens.

"No matter what, we'll fight until the end," Alaska stated, her voice filled with conviction.

"Yes, we will," Yamato agreed, her eyes shining with determination.

Tachibana added, "We may be the only 'Other World' ship girls, but we can make a difference. Together, we can fight against the Sirens."

As they stood beneath the flag fluttering in the breeze, the three ship girls felt a sense of unity and strength. With their resolve firm, they would fight against the Sirens and protect their home.


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