Golden Mafia

By OfficialLittleOne

279 4 0

I decided to redo this story because the last time I did this story was back in June 2023. A woman named Jad... More

Warm Words
New Faces
Boiling Blood
Hidden Purpose
Restless Night
Frustrated Family
City Rivals
Family Doesn't Feel Real
Wrong Type of Famous
Deju vu
Action Means More
Tricky Business
Invisible Ammo
Difficult Timezones, Different childhoods - Memory
Go The Extra Mile
A Whore's Nightmare
Not My Place To Say
Don't be late. - Memory
Needy and Paranoid
Secrets Nobody Will Remember
You Weren't There
Job Completed
Something We've seen before - Memory
Becoming Attached **
Empty Threats - Memory
Deadly Deals (Empty Threats pt 2) - Memory
Trained Thieves - Memory

Forgiven Actions

16 2 0
By OfficialLittleOne

It has been two months since the incident with Astarte. She is fully recovered and happy.

"This is Thorin. Your bodyguard." Zack introduced him to Astarte. They shook hands, and Astarte walked off, showing him a tour. Jaycee was sitting on the couch, playing on her phone near Jade. Zack walked back over to the door and let in another person. A tall blonde women. She reminded Jade of Martha, Astartes, and Jaycee's mother. Jade has seen her around the office plenty of times. Usually up Derek's ass begging for things. Zack led her over, and Jaycee put away her phone and greeted the women.

"This is Jaycee-one of my daughters. Astarte will be around here somewhere," he said, looking for her.

"This is Jade." Jade stood and shook her hand, pretending she'd never met her.

"Jaycee, will you show her around?" Zach asked, handing the woman over to Jaycee.

"Her name is Roxanne," Zach said before taking a phone call. Jade watched as Jaycee walked off with Roxanne and toured the area. Astarte was heard greeting Roxanne and returned to the room.

"And last. This is my room. You don't even need to go in here. If anything, stand outside or by the door. And this is Jade. She's a good person. If she needs inside my room, let her without a question, okay?" Thorin shook his head before shaking Jade's hand.

Thorin looked like a man with money. Athletic, a good size for a bodyguard.

"If you feel like I'm in danger. Do whatever you need. Don't baby me, though. I know how to protect myself." Astarte set the rules clear.

"Gotcha, boss." Thorin was much taller than Astarte. Thorin patted Astarte's shoulder, watching her roll her eyes. He stared at her momentarily before letting his hand fall to his side. Jaycee walked up to them with Roxanne.

"Alright, Roxi knows the building now. Go ahead and sit down. Make yourself at home."

Roxanne sat next to Jade, attempting to give her a clue as to why she was there. At this point, Jade is utterly loyal to the mafia and hopes the mission won't return to haunt her.

Jade scooted herself away from Roxanne and a bit closer toward Astarte, grabbing her sleeve. Astarte looked up from her phone and grabbed Jade's hand, looking towards Roxanne and watching Jade nod. Astarte stood from the couch, stretching before speaking to Jade, "Hey Jade, I need you real quick." Astarte grabbed Jade's shoulder, pushing her in front, signaling her to leave the room.

Roxanna spoke, "Where are you going?"

Astarte turned before rolling her eyes. "I want a second opinion on a tattoo I should get." Astarte turned around, pushing Jade in front of her and into a different part of the penthouse.

"Are you being serious?" Jade asked watching Astarte laugh.

"Hell no, I'm covered in tattoos. What was that little thing you did when Roxanna sat down."

"I just don't feel safe around her. She gives me an uneasy feeling." Astarte hugged Jade before attempting to let go and then pushing Jade off. "Listen, You don't even have to say anything. I know I smell good. Everyone reminds me constantly." Astarte said before walking into the kitchen. "I can have Neorch order some food or cook. Up to you." Astarte said, searching in the cabinets

Jade smiled before answering, "Have Neorch go get food."

Jade felt so safe and had grown closer to Astarte. Treating her like an older sister that she never had. Jade was always the oldest and grew tired of it.

"If I see you being uncomfortable, I'll take you away again in a situation like this, and we can do something else. I want to protect you. She just got here. She can fucking cry for all I care." Astarte said before leaving the kitchen and standing before Jade on her phone, texting Neorch.

"I'd appreciate that," Jade said, hugging Astarte. Astarte stopped texting for a moment to hug her back. Jade was addicted to that sweet vanilla scent. She didn't want to leave her arms.

"I know I smell good, but I gotta handle things. Hang out with Jaycee or watch a movie. If Roxanne starts shit, here's my number" Jade watched as Astarte reached into her pocket and grabbed her phone for her. Tabbing on the screen a few times before pausing, "I thought I already had your number?"

"I got a new one since that incident. I had to get a new phone. I still have my old one. I use it as a burner phone now for deals."

"Do you need my password?" Jade said, attempting to peek at her screen, but Astarte moved away.

"No. I'm already on your phone." Jade paused, shocked for a moment.


"Secrets." Astarte closed her phone before she put it back in her pocket and walked away.

What else can this woman do?

Jade decided to tour the penthouse, seeing what else Astarte or Jaycee forgot to show in the tour. She crossed paths with Roxanne. Roxanne quickly pushed her into a side room, slamming her against the wall and watching Jade grab the back of her head before sliding down the wall to the floor. "Ow! What the fuck-" Jade yelled before Roxanne punched her across the face.

"Don't you dare rat me out. This is the only warning." Roxanne said before punching Jade, unconscious

Jade was unsure how long she was unconscious. She woke up in a dark, cold bedroom. She lifted herself to a sitting position before seeing the door open. She heard Neorch talking to someone in the hallway but was unaware of who. Jade took a breath of relief. She had flashbacks of what happened to Astarte months ago and thought she was next. Unaware of what exactly happened when she got kidnapped. She didn't have much time to think about it before Neorch popped himself in the doorway. Pain shot through Jade's body as she remembers the last thing she saw or remembers was her ass getting handed to her by Roxanne.

"Astarte, your girl is awake," Neorch said

"Good. Tell her to roll back over and try to get more sleep. I'll be there in a minute."

Jade nodded before lying back down on the bed facing away from Neorch.

"She heard you." Neorch walked back into the living room, sitting beside Astarte as she was concentrating on the TV. Neorch wrapped his arm around Astarte. "I have to go deal with her love. Hold that thought," Astarte said, standing from the couch. Neorch pouted, watching Astarte turn around. "Hold on, hun. Jesus Christ"

Jade felt the bed sink as Astarte sat next to Jade. Astarte watched Jade turn herself to face Astarte before sitting up.

"Talk to me. Why did I find you unconscious with your shit kicked in?"

"Roxanne is evil.." Jade said, looking down and picking at her hands

"She brought you into my father's office and beat the fuck out of you," Astarte said.

"I'm going to let you stay in here for a while. Tonight, I will let you sleep in here so you are protected. Neorch can sleep in the spare bedroom." Jade giggled at how serious she was.

"Go back to sleep. Neorch will make food here soon." Astarte got off the bed. Jade decided to roll over and drift off to sleep.

The best sleep she's ever gotten in her life.

Jade opened her eyes, hearing what she assumed was a fan. Unaware that they never woke her up to eat. Astarte placed the blanket on her when she finally went to sleep. Jade rolled over, facing Astarte. Or at least the back of her. Her hair was down and messy, with a slight hint of vanilla. Jade saw that she was in her usual sleep attire: bra and sweatpants.

Jade tugged on the blanket, curling up into a ball due to the cold room. It felt like a freezer. Jade woke up Astarte by accident. "Blanket whore" Astarte slurred before tugging the blanket back, almost leaving her with nothing. Astarte snapped back asleep. Jade was unsure why Neorch wasn't sleeping with her and why Astarte went to this extent over a simple lesson handed to her.

Has anyone got this close?

Should I finish the job right here?


I can't.

She trusts me.

Astarte turned on her back, waking up once more and throwing some of the blanket over towards Jade before rubbing her eyes. "Come here," Astarte said, opening her arms.

"Are you sure?" Jade says pausing

"If I weren't seven shots in, I would say no." Astarte signaled towards Jade. Jade scooted towards Astarte, laying her head on her chest. Astarte wrapped her arm around Jade's waist as she lay almost on top of Astarte. Astarte laughed to herself for a moment at how comfortable Jade got. Astarte fell asleep but woke up quickly to Jade moving.

"Get comfortable, babe; you act like I'm not a bottom." Astarte felt Jade push herself up.

"Not that I'm not enjoying this, but could you move your hands," Astarte said, watching what she said go ignored. Jade grinned before Astarte lost patience from the pain.

"Woman, I have tits. That hurts," Astarte slurred, taking her hands off Jade's waist and watching her adjust herself and pointing to Astarte's revolver, which was on her bedside table. Astarte adjusted her bra before turning her head to see what she was looking at.

"You have a revolver inches away from your face."

"You think I'm going to shoot you when you are lying on top of me?" Astarte opened her arms. Jade laid back down on her chest and got comfortable quickly.

"Don't you get all flirty when you're drunk?" Jade mentioned. Astarte laughed a little

"Yes, but I know how to control myself,"

"Neorch threw a fit. Consider yourself lucky." Astarte said, changing the subject before grabbing the blanket and covering her and Jade. Jade smiled as she was practically in heaven. Jade nuzzled against Astarte's neck, trying to figure out where the vanilla scent was coming from.

"When my sister is scared, or a dream makes her uncomfortable, she always comes to me, and we do this all the time. She says it makes her forget because she feels safe. Sometimes, she wants to be near somebody. She says it also feels best when I'm drunk, so I decided to try it out with you, and well, here you are.." Astarte slurred her words. "She says when I drunk, I'm like a caring mother, which makes no sense."

"What about her boyfriend?" Jade mentioned

"Her boyfriend doesn't cuddle with her. She doesn't get the satisfaction of being held and cared for. He hits her and argues,"

"How often does that happen?"

"All the time. A couple of nights ago, her dumbass boyfriend was making her have a panic attack."

"Hmm," Jade said before drifting off to sleep.

"Trust me. If I wanted to do any harm, I would have a long time ago."

Astarte felt Jade's body relax, meaning that she was falling asleep.

"Goodnight, sweetheart. I'll see you in 5 hours." Astarte closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Astarte decided that she didn't want to get out of bed. Per usual when she is hungover. Unaware that Jade was listening to the whole conversation but enjoying the sleep a little much.

"Moonlight. Is she okay?" Neorch said towards Astarte. Jade felt Astarte turn her head to look at Neorch. "Mhm, I think her ribs are fractured. In the middle of the night, she was gasping." Jade felt Astarte rub her side gently.

"I'm going to keep her asleep as long as I can. I'll let you know when to start cooking."

"What if Jaycee is hungry?" Neorch said before getting cut off the by the voice of Thorin.

"You can't walk inside of that room, Roxanne. Back the fuck up," Astarte sighed once she knew it was Roxanne.

"I need to talk to Astarte." Her voice was heard but quickly cut off by Thorin's yelling.

"Back up! She will talk to you when she wants to. You can wait."

"God damn okay!" She said defensively

"You got a good bodyguard," Neorch said

"Mhm," Jade could feel Astarte taking in a deep breath.

"You think Jade feels safe?" Neorch said in question

"I hope so. She accidentally pushed on my tits. That hurt. Feels like an infant sleeping on your chest. You don't wanna move, or else you'll wake them," Neorch laughed.

"She's enjoying your vanilla scent," he said, pushing hair out of Astarte's face.

Jade inhaled and exhaled, feeling the wheeze Astarte was talking about. She quickly pointed it out to Neorch.

"We will get that sorted today. But I'm glad you two are getting along. After that unfair treatment from Roxanne, I don't blame you for letting her get this close to you."

"Mhm. Now, let us sleep. She needs it."

"Alright, cutie." Neorch kissed Astarte and was heard walking out of the room.

"Jade?" Astarte quietly said, catching Jade off guard. Jade gripped Astarte before opening her eyes. Astarte jumped as Jade accidentally scratched Astarte. Astarte reached and held her hand.

"Girly, you hurt," Astarte laughed as she released her hand.

"Is Roxanne going to beat my ass?" Jade whined.

"Babe, you're not going anywhere. You are sleeping with the most dangerous woman in the United States." Astarte held her tightly.

"I guess you can brag to future friends about this," she said, improving the mood.

"When do you wanna get something to eat?" She stated the question that was initially on her mind.

"Never. The vanilla scent is all I need," Jade said, half asleep. Astarte laughed at the response.

"Fair enough," Astarte said before grabbing her phone and looking at the time. Astarte felt Jade raise her head, looking at her, but paid no attention.

"Your eyes are pretty up close," Jade said, watching Astarte smile.

"Go to sleep, you idiot," Astarte said after laughing at the compliment. Astarte placed her phone back down on the side table.

"Just take the compliment," Jade mumbled before passing out. Astarte snickered

"I'm still your boss."

"Does that mean-" Jade popped awake and said what came to mind.

"You know that revolver you were talking about? Do I need to finish that sentence for you?" Astarte said, taking her hand off her waist and reaching for her revolver.

"No. I'm good."

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