Questions unanswered (Tomarry)

By NatashaLavender

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Harry has just finished his first year at Hogwarts when he gets an unexpected visit from a bunch of Auras. Th... More



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By NatashaLavender

Hadrian felt cold. He hated being locked up, not too mention his Chlostraboia. It felt like hours since he's been snuggling with his Uncle with the other three cell mates watching the scene with smiles on their faces. Hadrian could tell they were smiling because of their magic practically radiating off of them. 

After the extra long hug, Harry slowly allowed himself to destatch from his Uncle Padfoot, even though was sad at the loss of touch. It had been so long since he had received any touch from anyone. 

"Hadrian...You can't of come here for a visit so please tell me what happened word for word....and tell me how your mother and....father...treated you after i was locked up. Remember i still know when your lying to me..." Padfoot now sounded scratchy, as if he needed to down some water. Even though Harry hated snitching on people, he knew he could trust these people for some random reason. Taking a deep breath, he looked at the floor in shame.

"After you left....Uncle moony left us too because he was so sad and James told him not to bother coming to see me. When no one bothered seeing me, they would always ignore me...especially on my birthday. They would send me upstairs to the attic whilst they celebrated with Elliot. Dumbledore started telling everyone that Elliot was the boy-that-lived because someone named Voldemort's spell hit him instead of me but i don't remember it like that" Hadrian paused to take another breath and wiped forming tears away. He was tired of crying. 

"Then what happened after that Pup? What do you remember? Did James or Lily ever hurt you?" 

"I remember Voldemort doing some sort of spell on us to test who had more magic and then he commented on my eyes saying they were as green as the killing curse and that he loved them. Once he found out that i had more magic than Elliot did he told me that he didn't want to kill me but he had too because of some prophecy? The killing curse hit my head but my magic was able to slow the curse down enough to bounce off of my head and leave a scar on Elliot's cheek. That's all i remember of that night. I tried telling them but when i mentioned James would....." This time Harry allowed the tear to slide elegantly down his face.

"He would do what Pup?" Even though his Uncle spoke softly, Harry knew that he was angry. In fact he knew all of his cell mates were radiating with anger as they listened into the conversation.

"It would be different punishments. If i tried bringing it up James would either turn me into a slave for a few days, punch me until i get a bruise on my face or make me cook for them whilst i watch them eat and i don't get food for a few days. Lily only stays too a few smacks now and then. They stopped talking to me completely a few months ago for some reason and they moved me up to the attic so i wouldn't get in the way of their 'plans' and today i got kidnapped and brought here. I heard noises coming from downstairs and it was that man that brought me here" Harry explains with a swollen face from crying. 

Harry looked around the cell once again. The lady with frizzy black hair looked like she was about to kill someone near her if they touched her, one of the menwith hazel eyes looked emotionless, like he was trying to mask all of them and the last man with blue eyes looked too shocked to move from where he was standing. There was so much magic energy coming from the cell that Harry was starting to get addicted to its's power. It, fot some weird reason, seemed to calm him down.

"Pup...The crazy-looking lady is called Bellatrix Lestrange she got in here for framed attempted murder, Rodolphus Lestrange with the hazel eyes is Bellatrix's husband and the other man is the brother of Rodolphus and his name is Rabastian. The brothers are in here for being framed for using an unforgivable on a muggle. In fact, were all in here for attempted murder" Sirius must of read Harry's mind because he informed him of all of the cell mates and nodded in appreciation.

"Who's this little cutie Sirius?" Bellatrix asked politely with a huge smile on her face, trying to lighten up the mood.

"This is my godson Hadrian Jamison Potter! I haven't seen him since he was a year old but he has become a rather handsome young man. Sometimes when James and Lily ignored him I'd come round and take him off their hands for a few nights before....How did you even recognise me?" Sirius said proudly but looked slightly confused.

"I noticed you as soon as i turned around. I thought i knew who you were and then when i felt the energy that i feel around James, i knew you were an animagus. I smelt your fur and had a memory of when you brought me a toy broomstick and caught me before i smashed into the wall" Harry answered him.

"You don't feel threatened by us?" Rodolphus grilled Hadrian.

"No...I smelt someone familiar on you. Like i knew who they were. I thought it must have been Uncle Paddy at first but the scents are different. Paddy smells like Oak trees and a dash of honey but this smells of sweet cinnamon. I smelt it somewhere before but i can't remember where" He admitted and became slightly suspicious when they all froze and tensed up.

"You said that you could feel magic?" This time is what was Rabastian to question Hadrian. They all sounded dreadful so Hadrian got a sudden urge to show them exactly what he was talking about. Closing his eyes, he imagined four cups to appear. Once he heard gasps, he knew that he had done it correctly. Re-opening his eyes, Harry took one of the cups and imagined it to be filled up with water and soon enough it was. Hadrian quickly gave it too Padfoot who rapidly took it after thanking him and Harry did the same to the rest of his cell mates. 

"How did you do that Pup?" Demanded Sirius looking both stunned and impressed, as do the rest.

"After they stopped ignoring me, i read a book about wandless magic and found out that you can do it and it can't be traced so i learnt it after a year or two with patience. It comes in handy when needed. I can make anything appear and i can pretty much do most spells. I have tried a lot of them. I accidently gave Elliot a pigs tail when he annoyed me once....James smacked me for it" 

"Not too use you or anything but can you make food appear. God how i mused cheese sandwiches. The guards don't come and check for another hour so were safe" Said Bellatrix guilty in which Hadrian laughed but nodded all the same and made all kinds of food appear on a blanket. He even cheekily added a bottle of firewisky since he knew that James drinks it a lot. Rodolphus went straight for the alcohol making everyone giggle with glee.

It had been so long since he had been this happy. At least people loved it when he used his magic unlike his fake family who allowed someone to throw him into Azkaban. He felt loved for the first time since he was a year old.

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