It's okay until it isn't

By JaneS26227

1.3K 47 3

Minho and Newt have been friends and lovers for a long time, and everything was okay. Until it wasn't. After... More

The glade
New Room
Hide Away
No Way Out
The Changing
The Sun
A Sign
Not Immune
Safe Haven
New House
The Note


15 1 0
By JaneS26227

Minho's POV:

The next hour of waiting for Clint to allow me back in could have been the worst hour of my life.

I had been thinking about the. . . let's say incident.

What Thomas had said, what I thought, what I could guess about.

I think that was the worst feeling in my life. Not pain, the feeling of seeing Newt suffer, and me able to do nothing about it. I had been sitting by the ledge again, and as I was walking towards the hut after what felt like much more than an hour, when Thomas intercepted me. He had an attempted smile on his face, which looked more like a grimace. I smiled and stopped walking to let him catch up

"Hi Thomas!"

Thomas's eyes were darting all over the place

". . .Hi."

I was feeling slightly giddy since I could see Newt again.

"I was just heading over to see Newt!"

Thomas looked unsure

"Well, that's what I was going to talk to you about. Can I come? I mean it's about. . ."

The whole. . .incident. I nodded

"Yeah, sure! C'mon, let's go!"

Thomas smiled gratefully, and we started walking in a comfortable silence. When we reached the hut, we were greeted by Sonya, the girl from group B.

Something about her reminded me of Newt. . .

She smiled at us

"Lemme guess, you're here to see Newt?"

I nodded and she opened the door

"He's been looking forward to it."

"Well, I've been looking forward to it too."

Sonya motioned to go in.

"Get in there then! Clint should be in there, but he'll leave."

I walked in, Thomas waiting behind, and was greeted cheerfully by Newt. Clint almost immediately left.


I walked over to Newt's bed. He was sitting up, and I hugged him.

"Shuck, I swear that was the longest hour of my life."

Newt smiled

"I think it was more than an hour."

I mockingly glared out the door

"If it was, I'll kill Clint."

Newt hugged me again, and when he pulled back, I glanced towards the door, and I must have looked anxious, because Newt looked worried.

"Hey, everything okay? Did something happen? If I was there would it have helped?"

I opened my mouth to respond but Newt kept going

"Shuck, I knew I should have been able to get up. I knew something would happen. God, I'm so stupid, I should have been there and-"

I grabbed Newts shoulders and looked into his eyes

"Nope, nope, nope. Nothing happened. You're not stupid, never were. You can't even stand yet, you are not getting up."

Newt sighed

"Then what?"

"Well. . ."

I beckoned to the door, and Thomas walked in, incredibly cautiously I might add. He looked very nervous

"H-Hi, New-"

Before Thomas could even finish his thought Newt had jumped up

"Don't you come in here! You, you coward! Why would I want to see you?"

Newt lunged for Thomas and I grabbed him and pushed him back onto the cot, with him still screaming at Thomas. I held him down, petrified that he was having a sort of relapse from the flare. Newt had stopped screaming but was still flailing. I was still holding him down trying to get him to stop flailing

"Newt, Newt calm down, he just wanted to see you. . ."

Thomas backed up

"I-It's okay, I'll just leave."

Newt looked shocked, and almost scared, and when he spoke his voice was shaky

"N-No, Tommy, come back."

I backed up from Newt, seeing he was okay. Thomas stopped, but only for a moment

"No, really, it's fine."

Newt sat up.

"No, I want to tell you something, apologize for something."

Thomas nodded and leaned warily on one of the walls. I sat down next to Newt, knowing this could be hard for him.

"You- I- I shouldn't have given you the note, shouldn't have made you try to do it, shouldn't have yelled at you. . . I j-just- I remembered that moment from before. I felt like I was back at the crash site just now. . ."

Wait, what? I put my hand on Newt's and looked at him

"What note?"

Newt looked broken.

"I-I gave Tommy a note. I-I asked him to k-kill me. I-I didn't want to hurt you, b-but I still did. . ."

Oh, Newt.

"W-Why didn't you tell me? After last time you said you would. . ."

Newt had tears in his eyes

"I-I know, but, I j-just couldn't tell you."

Thomas was standing straight up now, looking worried

"Last time?"

I started to make an excuse

"I meant this was the last time I- I mea-"

Newt cut me off

"No, Min, he can know."

I nodded, and squeezed Newt's hand. He took a deep breath before he started talking

"Well, b-before you came, I, um. . ."

Newt looked at me, and I nodded. Newt squeezed his eyes shut and pressed on

"I-I jumped. I climbed the bloody maze walls and j-jumped."

Thomas looked stunned. Newt was crying now, and I pulled him into a hug. Memories filled my head of Newt passed out. Of Newt's asking if what he wanted was real

"Am I dead?"

Back then I thought he was scared.

Now I know better.

He wanted to die.

I didn't know what I felt.

It was like I was back on that day, back in the maze.

Back next to Newt's lifeless body.

I remember pleading and calling to him, ready to give up.

Then he stirred, and he told me what he had done.

And that just hurt more.

I realized I was holding back tears. Thomas had a pained expression on his face

"I-I'm so sorry Newt, and of course I forgive you."

Sonya knocked on the door frame

"Clint says-"

She saw all of our expressions and her look of indifference turned into a look of concern

"Are you guys okay?"

Are you okay?

How many times had me and Newt asked that?

How many times had we lied to each other about that?

How many times had we said we were okay when we weren't?


Newt was looking worriedly at me

"You okay?"

I stood up. I didn't answer his question

"Well, Sonya, I guess Newt needs to rest?"

Sonya nodded

"Yeah, but you can see him tomorrow morning."

I said goodbye to Newt and walked out of the hut, trying to keep it together.

I went back to the cliff. I sat down on the edge of it, and looked down.

It would kill you to jump. . .

Was I actually thinking about jumping?

Something that had been in the back of my mind burst forward

Chuck was dead.

Alby was dead.

Teresa was dead.

More than half of the gladers were dead.

I just stared off at the now darkening sky.

Maybe it was the adrenaline that made me not fully realize it.

But now I did.

I realized too fully, too vividly. I heard people moving, and I looked up to see Brenda, Aris, Thomas, and Frypan. They sat down next to me.

They were still alive, still here.

I couldn't change the past.

I could be here now.

That night we laughed, we joked, we hung out.

We masked the sorrow with fake joy. That night, we slept in the same area, close to the med-hut. I woke up with the sun shining on my face.

I would pretend last night didn't happen.

That I didn't realize what had happened.

That I didn't go to the cliff.

I wasn't really paying attention to walking, so that's probably the reason Newt caught me off guard. The moment I stepped into the hut, I was almost bowled over by Newt running at me.

I took a step back, surprised.


Newt laughed and kissed me. All the sadness of last night melted away.

Newt's cure may have been at WICKED;

But my cure was right in front of me, kissing me.

When Newt pulled back, he smiled at me

"I can walk again!"

I grinned at that

"When do you get to leave the hut?"

I heard Clint's voice from behind me, and I turned

"He gets to leave today. Now."

I cheered with happiness


I turned back to Newt and picked him up by the waist and spun around with him in my arms. The cure had really worked.

Newt was laughing, and the sound made me laugh too.

I set Newt down, and we interlocked hands. We stepped out of the med-hut. The sun was shining, the leaves were a lush green, the sandy ground crunched beneath our feet. I took Newt to the cliff. We stood together taking in the beauty.

This cliff had already experienced my story, my sadness, my masked pain, and now my joy.

Newt leaned his head against my shoulder, and I squeezed him closer. Newt spoke after what could have been hours, but felt like minutes

"Now what?"

I didn't reply, not immediately anyways.

"Now we get our happily ever after.

((If you want the happier ending, stop now. If you want the contenued, sadder version, keep reading!

P.S, the other ending is conected to this, it's the ending I intended. It's sad, so you have been warned!!!))

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