「₊˚. 🍓🍡。⋆ Krew Oneshots⋆。˚�...

By Mochi-Bug

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✧₊˚. 🍓🗒 / 🐰☁️*⋆ฺ✧₊˚. 🍓🗒 / 🐰☁️*⋆ฺ࿐ I swear this has to be ꒰💝꒱wholesome ꒰💫꒱random stuff ꒰🌧꒱angst ꒰�... More

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⸰ 𖥔 ͙ࣳ🌧 DOOOOORS🌧*.+゚
☁️🩸Sword powder🩸☁️
💮💝 Sizzling New Years 💝💮

⭐☁️A friend of mine☁️⭐

90 0 2
By Mochi-Bug

⚠️Warning ⚠️
Gore/ Blood
Sexual abuse
Swearing (Vulgar language)
Traumatic pasts

(You have been warned!!)
Imagine if I made Draca come back...I'll work on that too.
But until then, here a short story...
Or is it? JK it is.
Enjoy it anyway though!!
Inspired by the Roblox Yandere escape game. Mostly the part where Draco is the Yandere.
- This is Angst/ Spicy drama -
All Draco wanted was a friend...so why isn't anyone gonna be his friend? Do they know of his 'meaningless' secrets? He'll find out sooner or later...
Eenie Meenie Mine Moe~

_The sunrise [6:30]_

A heavy noise of drilling and car beeping could be heard from a distance. But to the girl in pink, it was so close by, she would use it as her daily alarm, awakening her to another day of school and studying. She slowly rises from her comforter, reaching out to her phone to see the time and date.
14/10/2023 (6:35)

"Ugh, I have school today. Just...great."
She sighs, rolling out of the bed to her window, separating the curtains to show the warm rays of sunlight springing back onto her room, spreading light around the provided area.

The more you look around the room, the more you start to realise how organised and painfully clean she is. You also start to notice that the room is basically covered in the color brown. Way to learn her favorite color.

Abigail Shawonks, an average academic achiever who has many accusations for her body type, as she finds no drama in 'jealous and low life losers' of her high school generation. She ignores their 'complements' as she tries dating. Which seems to be good roads to take since Abby needs that one love that stops people from bothering her.

To start her morning, she cleans up her room, leaving no irrelevant pieces behind. Making sure she's okay for today, she grabs the uniform and books she needs for the schedule and makes her way to her bathroom. Before closing the door behind her, she feels a vibration on her right thigh.

She screams and looks around to find no one there. 'i thought it was him, thank gods.'
She reaches for her pocket and sighs to find out it was her phone. Turning it on, she looks on the lock screen to see a message in gold. Reading it, she says:

'There is this blonde guy who's been asking where you are and where you've been. He does this every time you aren't around, it's weird.'

Gulping down this message, she tosses her phone onto her bed, and enters her bathroom to get washed up for school.

Closing it, she grabs her pure white coloured towel and takes off her clothes, ready to enter the shower. Once they are all off, she glances at the mirror to see half of her body. Her hair covers up most of her back, all up to her upper thighs. Without her hair pins, her hair looks a bit...funky.

She stands closer to the sink with her hand gripping tightly onto the pure white porcelain sink, she begins to breath fast.

And faster

Even faste-


"Ugh...I forgot I'm dating a fucking freak."
The man that has said this begins to scratch at his short blonde hair and stares at Abby's confused and shocked face. They look away from each other for awhile before Abigail begins to talk.

"I never knew you would call me a freak, Prince."
She states, pulling herself back into reality, she heads to the shower, for real this time.

"Where else should I call you that? In bed? All you ever do is sleep!! When will we have our first time!?" The boy, that Abby calls Prince, makes it clear he is bored, walking behind Abigail, he reminds her of this.

'What if he leaves me if I don't? He did say he loves me, no matter what.'
Abby thinks cautiously. Without further thoughts, she turns around and asks him: "What if I'm not ready yet?"

She quickly understands the problem at hand, and the possibilities it could carry. With speed and ease, Abby covers her bottom half with the towel. But Prince is shocked and seems ready to walk away.

Seconds later, Prince answers that he can wait, but not too long. This answer hurts her heart. 'I knew he was only here for my parts.' she sighs and tells Prince what she thinks. "H-how long till then?"

"Don't worry, babe. I can wait until you are actually ready, I was just teasing you."
He reminds Abby that he can wait for as long as she wants and that she shouldn't feel pressured for a five to ten minute fill of pleasure, although he is still excited for that to take place.

And she knows his impatience is as strong as their love...which is barely there.

'Last time he told me he actually loved me was when we started...it's been, what? Ten months!?'
"I love you, Prince."

"Shut up, Ab-"
Looking back, he sees her struggle to even remove the towel with him staring at her. He meets her calm but attentive eyes as she looks his way. They stare.

Within a little of that stare, she realized the work of horror at hand. He rolls his eyes and walks out, banging the door behind him.
'Add that to the counter I guess.'
Abby heavily sighs and makes her way to the shower, opening the wood door, to hanging her towel above the door, she begins to refreshen herself.

But it was difficult, to continue with how the interaction went down. So she rushes and makes herself look more presentable.
Who knows what good might just come out of this new day?


_School time! [7:30]_

"I'm happy you saw the text I sent you, Abby!!" A brunette pops up behind Abigail and Prince, breaking their awkward silence between the two.

Meet Goldibee Mory, or Gold for short. Abigail's best friend since forever. Even though it is agreed that Abigail has more friends, Gold was chosen to be her number one, through the gossip, the therapy and the love.

Even through this case, Gold would arrive out of the blue and talk about the endless waves of stories. Whenever the girl decides to stop will be the time she drags Abigail away from the other, gripping her arm like a bat to a fruit. Except, in this case, this is her black and gold nails trying to rip through human skin.

And that's exactly what Gold did. The brunette would shoo away Prince so she can talk to her friend. And without any hesitation, he removed his hand from Abby's and decided to walk to the other parts of school, away from the two.

"So I heard that the classes are gonna be more empty today. Since it's gonna be the holidays soon, you know? Also Rainie said we might squeeze the whole grades in one class if it's too small." Abby glances at Gold's messages to the school counselor, as the girl speaks. Not because she isn't interested but because their messages always have this touch to it.

Reading more into it, she notices their informal chats, but that's a regular and normal way to text many nowadays. But they would speak about the most dramatic stories and still understand each other, somehow.
They would such irrelevant abbreviations, such as, BTT, Meaning Beginning To Think, and STSWCBHFB, Which means, she thought she was cooking but her food burnt.

Wow, and all of a sudden, it makes sense why she would interact with someone like this with so much slang. She also almost immediately recognised the name,

RainPuff Mory. Also known as Rainie. She has been school counselor for 3 years straight, using this information to her best advances. After all, it is a privilege. Her name is recognised by all, in bold and attractive formats, basically all around the school. Some graduated students always said that the school always worshipped her, but never admitted it.

One thing is for sure, Gold and Rainie are close, meaning relatively close.
They aren't the only ones though, they came to this school in a group of 4. Some thought they were lying, but...damn they were wrong.

Abby remembered the first time she met them, you know? Gold's sisters. Everyone thought they were delulu, but the blue haired and purple haired basically pummeled them into a crying fit.

She doesn't remember their names clearly so she asked Gold their names almost all the time.
"Oh, you mean Kathleen Mory and Lunara Mory. But you can call them Kat and Luna." She would almost casually say, sometimes tease Abigail for her memory loss.

Abby tried having conversations with them, only to match with Lunara. She was calm and warm hearted, always had time to ask if you were okay, even if her herself wasn't. Luna didn't tell Abigail everything she knows, but she remembers hearing her say that she was always invested in putting people she loves first.

Her and Abby were so close yet so far. But Kathleen is a whole other story. Even though Kathy was known to be the protective and psychopathic individual of the group, sometimes she would go dead silent and read a book about animal and plant psychology.

Such a huge gap from her original personality, but it never really bothered Abby more than Rainie did to her.
Although she is school counselor, rumours still spread like wild fire. Most of them were about the jealousy of her perfect nature, from her manners to her form and even her work ethic. Everyone aspired to become her, not just be like her.

One would lie and say she took plastic surgery on most of her body, and that there was no way her parts are real. That same person was expelled from the school premises until further notice, which is probably never.

Someone went as far as to say that she talks to the teachers alot, and she probably even feeds their egos, but it was proven all wrong when a couple of teachers during class times would question her position as school counselor.

Now it's obvious that Rainie would obviously be upset about this whole ordeal and would look the type to report all this nonsense, one by one.
Abby had no idea about these things until a few days ago, while Rainie was giving her a full on lecture on 'prepping yourself into a healthy lifestyle'.

"Eh! Why waste my time on nuisances like them!?! After all, jealousy lurks you into the cage of regret and sorrow of your own mistakes." Ah, yes. Rainie is also a very deeply harmonized poet. She could tell her whole class a few poems Shakespeare has made and define each line to her best ability, she continuously won 'Poet of the Month' and introduced a beautiful speech on the approvable appropriation of the use of slang. Quite the intelligence is also presented with her love for story based games-

"Line up, Abigail Shawonks!" Looking around, she seems to already be by her classroom, as if she blacked out and made her way here. She quickly gets to the back of the line with Lunara, and continued to question how she got here.

"Okay, class! As we enter the classroom, please await for my arrival as well by keeping yourselves busy." The teacher lowers her glasses to come face to face with a boy in the other line. His hair was brown-ish black and his pupils may seem unnoticeable but they are definitely lime green. "I also need to talk to you,

Draco Halmallin."


_Register Dated [8:38]_

Hitting her stick to the entrance of her classroom, Mrs. Gardalina closes the door from the outside and faces a now attentive, and slightly fidgetive boy. She eyes him for a while, both keeping their contact until she speaks up.
"So you are...the Wakai renzoku satsujin-han? (Young serial killer?)"

Suddenly Draco has his full concentration on the teacher. Why would she suspect him of all people? Well, it wasn't known why, but her smile kind of revealed it all. She walks forward to the boy, reaching out to touch his shoulder. He rejects the interactions by stepping backwards. But he knew it was all over when his back hit the wall, so the interaction was inevitable.

Once she reached his shoulder, she mumbled something that was noted inaudible, but her words somehow comforted Draco as he smiled brightly. She pulls away from his ear and gives the boy a wink before opening the door to her class, ready to enter it, as if nothing has happened. Everything seemed natural again.
But from the very corner of his eye, he noticed brown hair moving away from a camera lens, from the first window of his assigned class.

And there is only one person who has brown hair in the class.


_First Lesson (but all students stay in register the whole day) [9:22]

"Fuck, I got detention again! What did I do NOW!!?" Gold slams her elbows on her table and plants her face into her hands. It's told she has been in detention for a while now, so having it again is now giving her misery. She planned to go to this new instrument shop with Abby and her sisters, as this would probably be the only time she ever does.

"Exams are coming up! You have got to be kidding me!" Abigail can't help but giggle from Gold's sighs and grunts. She was trying to think of a plan to get them all together for an outing again. But all this planning got her back to this exact day, all because it'll probably be the last day of actual free time in her schedule.

"I'm sorry, Goldie. We might have to wait till exams are done. We'll have to cancel, because we can't go without you at all." She passes her the schedule she tried so hard to fix, and hears nothing but a long sigh. "We really needed this day off, after all that studying for the exams."
Gold complains, but nothing can be done. So the two are silent...

"Can't we talk to the principal about this?" Gold and Abigail jerk their heads to the source of the noise, and it was non other than RainPuff.
"Wait, we can!?!" The brunette jumps with excitement on her seat, as if this is one of the best news she has received.

"Yeah, let's go and ask her. Maybe if I go, we might gain an 'advantage'." She lifts both arms to make the 'quote on quote' exaggeration. And with Mrs. Grandalina's permission their off to the principal's office.


_Principal's office [9:34]_

"What?! Why?"
"Your sister here decided it would be a good idea to record an educator of this school!"
"What? No, I would never do that."

"Didn't the boy outside recall seeing a brunette poking her phone onto the window, better yet black and yellow nail polish was seen applied on her fingernalis. Which is against school policies, so I might have to add another hour, so you have enough time to remove it all."

"What? You want me to give you an advantage? Get the hell out of my office."

As the girls walk out, with little to no luck of fixing the issue, the principal calls Abigail to come back in the room. "Is this yours, Abigail Shawonks?"
She pulls out a card from her drawer and hands it to the student. She glances at it for a moment, and with this she was ready to speak.
"It's from that same boy Mrs. Grandalina was separately talking with this morning before your class session." The principal claimed before she could open her mouth.

"You are dismissed." And with that, Abigail was out of the office and catching up with the two sisters.

Ms. Hamprolit, the principal, was so tired but she had to. Everything she worked so hard to build would be burnt to the ground, and she would die to see her school in that way. "I'm so sorry, girls. All five of you. You are the last things I want to destroy. Your manners are so perfect. And someone just wants to have you gone. I'm so sorry.


_[To be continued...]_

  ☘️      End notes:      ☘️

Kara Kara! My head is empty!
Okay, I'm uploading what I have because this might probably take me another 10 years so lemme just post it. The next part is the last. Next is Doors part 2!!! Sorry for the delay. Being a highschool student, in matric is hardge.

Give me some time, even though you already have...which I heavily appreciate. Ideas can be uploaded to the ideas page.

Please and thank you!

2838 words!

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