Crushed Chimere

By Mxxnchild07

857K 55.7K 11K

The world lays at his feet but his world is her. The king bows to no one except his queen. ☆°•°☆☆°•°☆ " How c... More

00. love the connection we can't explain
01. Things go wonderfully right (or horribly wrong )
02. 50 shades of pain.
03. Grumpy beginnings
05. T is for Trauma.
06. spoiler alert: you will see me in pain.
07.Emotions? how about no.
08.Bee stung heart
09. Cactus flowers
10. The God of Mischief
11. Mr bright side pleasing the storm.
12. Cupid screwed up
13. Thanks, I hate it.
14. Shadows and Secrets
☆Author Note☆
15. Bittersweet
16. Sour endings
17. The art of miscommunication
18.Mis(understanding) each other
19. Ferris wheel of emotions (1)
20. Ferris wheel of emotions (2)
21. Veil of darkness
22. The twilight of Innocence
23.lessons learned, bonds forged
24.In the grip of envy
25.Hard feelings
26. elle est un rêve
27.Glimmers of past
29. Paint the town red
30. Is that a coping mechanism?
32. Colour me red
33. Drunk words=sober thoughts
34. Pretty boy
35. Reverse icks
36. Make me blush
37. Me, him and the moon.
38. Show me.
39. Glazed breaths
40. The way I loved you.
41. Draped in your love.
42. Let me show my love.
43. Body language cheat sheet
44.I bet u think about me
45.Mouths smashed,

04. How to escape from the mess you didn't made.

24K 1.1K 195
By Mxxnchild07

♡Inayah's pov♡


Peace is what I always craved for.

The serene state of calmness , freedom from worry. Living in the moment , detached from the bothers of life ,being mentally or emotionally distant.

Lately everything around me have been suffocating.

Even though my physical wounds have healed .The scars imprinted in the back of my mind are still fresh.

Still sore.

I need an escape.

An escape from this vague feeling of sadness.
An escape to a place where everything is perfect.

So I pick up my brushes and start doing the thing I am best at.

Dipping the brush into the paint ,

I start gliding strokes on the canvas in front of me.

Random circles and lines representing the things I want to say but afraid to say so.

I tighten my grip on the paint brush as I am looseining the grip on my life.

Slowly Forgetting about everything , my father being abusive , my mothers death, forgetting how I have to glance behind me every second after each step because I am afraid that one day someone will snatch the only spirit of joy I have left the only piece of happiness surrounding me before I reach my end zone.

I slowly feel it , my mind being calm , controlled . I feel a deep awareness of my true self and I want to keep this glimpse of happiness in air, with only quick fleeting interventions , moving freely with the wind , creating a sense of euphoria in my hair. After completing the painting ,I put my paintings aside and go towards the washroom to get ready for my college.

I still had visible bruises here and there but they were not that visible.

After getting ready, I quickly closed the door behind me and carefully went downstairs. I see that the front door was open, which means my father is not at home. Probably outside gambling with his friends.


After 10 minutes I finally reach my college. Getting in one of the most richest colleges in the country was definitely tough for someone with my background but I worked hard for where I am today. I got hundred percent scholarship in the entrance exam , and now I am in my second year.

Entering in the classroom , I start searching for a seat. But there were none.

I move my gaze at the back of the class and see Arhaan.

Arhaan Malhotra.

I hate him.

With every fibre of my being. I hate him.

I hate his sarcastic comments and that devilish smirk he is giving me right now. I hate how annoyingly tall he is. I hate his beady eyes or how stupid his dark hair is. And don't get me started on his stupid stupid jawline. Ughh.

He is an annoying spoiled rich kid, who just like to annoy the shit out of me.

I hated it all. Everything about him. I can't stand him.

And to my luck the only seat left was next to that crusty batch of nature.

I take in a deep breath , and start walking towards him.
Maybe I can convince someone to switch seats with me.

" I saved you a seat" he said with his annoyingly deep voice.

I scoffed. " I'd rather die sitting next to you, but thanks I guess"

Getting annoyed with his presence I start walking to person sitting in front of me, maybe we can switch seats.

I was about to walk away when I felt a hand wrapping around me. I was pulled by the vain.

" what the- whats wrong with you , I could've slipped"

" the teacher is here, I also have no interest sitting next to you" he said . as if he would ever have that privilege.

I just groaned and looked forward.

"Good morning class , I have the results of the test that happened last week . I'll be discussing your performance individually with you all. "

Ms Gupta starts distributing the results to everyone. I worked very hard for this test so I hope I did great.

She finally came on our desk.

" Arhaan you just got 30 percent this time , which was shocking as you are one of the smartest student. "

Hmm take that mr stupid Malhotra .

" congratulations Inayah you got 98 percent, speaking of which you could tutor Arhaan for some time , it would also help you to know each other and solve your rivalry issues. "

What ? what ughh this cant be happening.


Its actually happening . I am teaching this stupid piece of shit.

I still remember the first time we met.
I was in the first year of my college and to my dismay he was also in the same.

We had this debate competion that day and we both were picked to compete against each other.


" are anti heroes different from villians " Ms Gupta said.



Me and an another person said at the same time.

The owner of that eloquent voice leaned sideways from the back.

He had olive skin and dark curly hair that looked so soft and shiny ughh! I wonder how it would feel if I run my hand through his hair wait!! what the !!!

He was wearing a black fitted tshirt and oversized cargo pants I could see some of his tattoos on his arms . He is wearing several rings and wait why I am suddenly so interested in his appearance.

I glared at him and asked " so do you think anti heroes and villains have no difference?"

" yes " he said with a smirk.

" how?"

"Well take Othello for an example, do you think he was an anti hero?"

"Yes . yes, he was an anti-hero." I exclaimed.
returning to look at the professor gupta who was smiling proudly.

" and why do you say that"

" because he realised his mistakes and admitted to them. He felt remorse, he regretted everything albeit late but he became aware of his wrongdoings.'

" yet nothing changed . he still murdered his wife , he committed suicide. And nobody got their happy ending. So did anything change? Did it really not strengthen the fact that he was just a lucky man in a strong position that he really wasn't build for? He is the actual villain." He said.

Ms gupta was staring at us both , sitting at her seat I assume preparing for a show.

" He was'nt build for it. but his guilt redemmed him, it set him apart from Iago , whose malice and inhumanity ruined everyone , and yet he felt nothing . that's why the play is called 'Othello'
That's why he is the anti hero not a villain , an anti hero , a tragic one . but still an anti hero nonetheless.

His silence , replied enough.

I looked at him and saw him starring at me with a look I could'nt tell. And I hated it . he was staring at me like he is studying his favourite piece of literature. Like a play he is trying to understand.

He smirked at me.

And I longed to throw something at him. Maybe the chair I am sitting on.

At the end of the class , I vowed to be better than him. Because I knew if someone in this college can be as smart as me it would be him.

♡Flashback over♡

Ughh I still get nightmares remembering that day.

I shuddered.

I could feel someone's eyes on me , I looked up and saw the rich worm starring.

"What ?" I asked.

He just looked at me with soft eyes like he was in some kind of a daze.

I snapped my fingers.

Blinking he finally looked like he was actually present here.

"So now I have your attention?"
He smiled and said:
" oh you always have my attention love."

Him and his stupid nicknames.

Ignoring the name I pulled out my books from my tote bag .

he suddenly grabbed my arm. His eyes darkening, jaws clenched.

"Who?" He asked.

"Who what?"

"Who did this Inayah? " He said showing the bruise on my arm.

Oh shit what should I say now. I mean I cant said that its my father who did this to me.

"Umm. Its nothing, I banged my arm to my dressing table."

His jaw was still clenched.

"Its nothing Arhaan." Trying to be more convincing.

He still looked at me like he was not convinced.

"I'll wait. " he said.


"I'll wait till the moment you are comfortable to tell me who did this inayah. Because I know that's not a bruise from a dressing table,but you should know that the moment you tell me who did this, that person will be dead."

My eyes widned. Why is he saying this.

I shook my head taking this as a joke.

"I am not joking Inayah."

"Why do you even care, its not that you are in love with me or something.

He was now looking everywhere except me. And I swear I saw his cheeks getting tinted.
But before I could question him, I heared my phone ringing and saw it was Anvi, I smiled and picked it up.

" hiiii babyyyyyy, how are you and why haven't you been answering my calls?"

I know its weird that we call each other baby, its an inside joke. Story for an another day I guess.

" hi baby, and I am sorry I was busy this week" I lied.

I saw Arhaan looking at me with disbelieve.

Like he just saw the titanic sinking in front of his eyes.

" you are coming to meet me right now I know your college is almost finished, and I am not listening to any excuses"

" umm fine I'll come right now"

"yay I am waiting for you"

" ok byee I love you"

" I loveee you moreee, see you soon"

I hanged up the call and looked at Arhaan. He looked like he was on the verge of having a panic attack.

"baby?" he asked.

" umm yes?"

He was taking short breaths now. His looked like I just kicked his puppy, wait he looked like he was the puppy in this situation.

That's weird.

"What? I was just talking to my friend Avni."

Getting out of his sad hour he looked at me surprised. Like the kid whose parents agreed on buying him an another ice cream , after he dropped the first one.

" your friend Avni?'

"Yes? Who else did you thought it would be?"
He just shook his head grinning like a maniac.

"well I have to go now. Maybe we can continue this teaching lessons tomorrow?"

" you want to meet me tomorrow again"

"Umm yes for your lesson right? Its not that I want to be here."

"Yes right for my lessons." He said.

"What else did you thought it was? A date? Sorry but I have to go home and laugh at that idea"

"I never said that it was a date sweetheart. But we can definitely go on one if you want." He said looking smug.

"Everything Is just a joke to you. "

Getting tired of his annoyingness I stood up and packed my bag.

"I am going "I said and turned to leave.

"The offer is still there" he said laughing from behind me.

Ughhh this turd sandwitch.


I reached Avni's house in about 10 minutes, I pressed her doorbell and waited outside for someone to open the door, after few minutes I heard footsteps coming towards me , Avni peaked from behind the door and the moment she saw me , her face brightened up.


She rushed towards me and gave me her famous bone crushing hug.

"How are you ?", I asked.

"How are you ki bachi kahan thi itne dino se"

( Translation: where were you from so many days?)

"Umm I was just busy with painting and stuff."

Her forehead creased and she was squinting her eyes now , and I knew she was about to caught my lie,

"Inayah "

I said looking anywhere but at her.

"First of all come inside"

"She locked the door behind me , and we went inside her room."

Taking a seat on the bed she looked at me and asked

"Whats wrong inayah I know you are hiding something from me.?"

What? How did she know that I was hiding something?

I scratched the side of my head and said

"n-no I am not hiding anything. Who said something was wrong?"

"Inayah look at me and say this again and I'll slap some senses in you , you know that you can't lie to me. "

I sighed.

"How ? how were you so sure that I was lying?"

"When you started looking everywhere except my face and suddenly started stuttering , at that moment I caught you . now don't change the topic and tell me whats wrong?"

I nibbled on my lower lip and finally decided to tell her the truth, she deserves to know it , she helped me overcome all my weaknesses and fears , she is the only person who genuinely cares about me without wanting anything back.

So I finally take a deep breathe and tell her everything, everything I have been hiding from the outside world. I tell her what all things he did , how he did it. I could feel my lower lips trembling, but I didn't stoped , I told her all about those sleepless nights when I used to hide under my bedsheets afraid that my monster of a father will come and get me. I told her about the days I wished my father will drink a little more so he will finally pass out and sleep so that I can go outside .

After saying everything when I finally looked at her, my love for this stupid bestfriend of mine increased to a level I didn't knew even existed.

Her eyes were swamped with tears , her forehead creased like she was fighting herself to not go on a full on sobbing session.

She slowly stood up and tightly snuggled me.

"You were going through all of this alone and I never even noticed , this is all my fault inayah , I am so so sorry. "

I could feel my kurti dampen up from the shoulder area, but I let her cry on my shoulder because I was going on a full on crying session on hers as well.

"Its not your fault Avni, and it never will be . you were the person who got me out of those tough days, trust me if you were not present in my life , I would have been closer to mother ages ago. "

She sobbed more and said:

"Don't say that , agar tu meri saath nhi hoegi to mein kise annoy karungi."

We both laughed lightly and looked at each other and then started laughing again.

She had red eyes and plumed up lips, looking at her laugh I assumed that i was also not in my best condition.

"Ok cry session is over. You will be living in my house from today."

I laughed it out, thinking this as a joke.

"What inayah I am not kidding, you are moving in today."

"What are you even saying Avni , I cant stay here. You have a life of your own, and what about your parents. I would just feel like a burden."

She lightly slapped the back of my head and said.

"Do you even consider me as your bestfriend? Because listening this I feel like an outsider."

" Inayah you are my best friend, I know you since we were little kids and I don't think my parents will mind you staying here. They love you more than me, and will figure something out so don't even think of giving me any excuses and don't even dare to say that you are a burden."

After completing her little rant , she looked at me again.

"I am going to bring some ice cream, to cool down our heads okey."

With that Avni went outside.

Could this really happen? Me moving in with Avni. I mean it would be really fun staying with your bestfriend but still.

Taking in a deep breath I thought about this again.

I mean I would have a safe place. No hiding, no bruises, no smell of alcohol in the air, no shouts. I could focus on my career , make paintings peacefully . and once I would be settled I can also repay Avni's parents right?

After 10 minutes ,Avni finally came back from the shop and we quietly ate icecream.

"I have made up my mind Avni. I think I would love to move in with you."

She giggled and side hugged me.

"But have to bring my clothes and stuff from room."

"Oh yes how can you forget your jhumkas."

I laughed with her.

She suddenly asked :
" Oh and how is that totally hot Arhaan?"

"eww Avni never say that again"

" What its the truth "

I just shook my head at her.

" So anyways what is he like?"

" he is cocky , annoying , too smooth for his own good and have better hair than I do"

" sounds like you like him."

" eww Avni , me and him. Not happening "

" Righhhhhtttt whatever floats your boat"

After talking for awhile we finally bid our goodbyes. And I went back to bring my stuff.

We decided that it would be better if I move in early morning and when my father would be sleeping. Avni will also get time to explain her parents the situation.


I slowly opened the front door and peeked inside, it was pitch black.

I slowly started walking upstairs with the help of my phones torch light, I could hear my dad talking to someone from the room.

But I ignored it and quickly rushed in towards my room. It is probably one of his gambling friend.

My room door was slighlt opened , it was weird because I remember closing it properly before leaving.

When I pushed the door it opened with a creak sound and my whole life flashed in front of me.

My room was a mess.

A complete utter mess.

Like someone just raided it.

I rushed inside, my wardrobe was open.

Clothes on the floor.

My safe was also open, and then it strucked me . My father, he took all my savings .

All of it .

But at that moment I didn't cared about that. I searched for the only thing which is more important to me than my life.

I could sell my soul for it.

And they were gone.

why its always me who ends up hurting?


An: that was the biggest chapter.

But I just love the silly banter between Inayah and Arhaan♡♡♡

Main plot will be starting soon so stay tuned!!

Follow me on wattpad ♡♡

If you guys want to give any suggestions you can message me , so I can add in the future <3

Don't forget to vote (☆) its give the motivation to continue ♡

Follow me on instagram:

Next chapter will be coming soon.

This is unedited soo bear with the mistakes for now :)

Byeeee Humans 🧸🤎🌕🌩
Peace ✌️
And treat people with kindness (even the mean ones )♡♡♡

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