Thug Like You

By jaetheeauthor

72.6K 2K 228

"You tryna fuck suhm?" "No Assiana. Watch the movie" "Mm..... I think you're lying" she hummed as her hand mo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Thug Like You: Characters
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26- Shallow pt 1
Chapter 26: shallow pt2
Author's note
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33: Love is.....
Chapter 34: Love is.....Messy
Chapter 35: Love is....... Desperate
Chapter 36: Love is........ Toxic
Chapter 37: Love is....... Or was it?

Chapter 31

1.2K 39 11
By jaetheeauthor

Y'all when I say I had problems tryna put this chapter out as soon as possible. I'm working this summer and it takes up all my day. I'm tired asf but I still make sure to write something before I go to bed. It's just that it's not as much as I would on average due to me being tired. Anyways enjoy this chapter pleaseeeee. We're due for a rollercoaster of emotions after this😝💪🏽💋💙

Don't forget to vote and comment!!!


Ares wiped his forehead with the back of his hand as he looked down at his work.

D'mani was barely hanging on by a thread after enduring multiple stabs, punches, kicks and more. He laid propped up against the wall, in and out of consciousness due to blood loss but still attempted to beg for his life.

A plea fell on deaf ears, as it only fueled Ares to do more.

He didn't stop when Assiana begged..... Ares thought, his glare intensifying.

"I'm surprised you still beggin. Yo throat don't hurt?" Ares taunted as he picked his gun up off the table. D'mani inched further back into the wall, or Atleast tried to, desperate to get away. He hoped the wall would somehow swallow him up and he'd be spit out somewhere- anywhere else.

"You... you can't do this..... you really gon risk jail for some bitch" D'mani tried to reason, his words still coming out condescending as if he wasn't close to being past tense.

Ares is taken aback by his statement and instead of doing what he actually wanted, which was pistol whip the teeth out of his face for calling Assiana 'some bitch', he gives a dark smirk in response.

Looking down at the bloodied bastard menacingly, he stoops so they're face to face.

"I'm not going to jail for no bitch. You however........ you gon die for one..." Ares' smirk deepens and D'mani watches as the boy gets a crazed look in his eyes. Without another thought, he springs up, wrestling the younger boy down despite his open wounds weakening him. Ares is knocked off his feet and his initial surprise allows D'mani the chance to over power him and hold him down.

Throwing punches, D'mani stands quickly to make his escape, assuming Ares would be down long enough for him to do so.

But before he could even make it to the door, he lets out a scream as he collapses to the floor, a hole where his kneecap once was.

Ares sat up, putting the gun down beside him as he spat the blood from his mouth. D'mani definitely got him good, he'd give him that much.

Standing he heads over the panting and wheaping mess on the floor as he grips what was once his knee.

However Ares was now pissed, and felt no remorse for him as he grabbed his other leg and started pulling him towards the kitchen. Ares was about to finish him off in one go.  But that idea quickly changed. Now he was gonna make what was already a painful death, into pure torture.

Searching the cabinets, he smiled when he found both bottles of what he was looking for. A grin was on his face as he headed over to the wailing man and as D'mani saw him, he cried harder. He was at the mercy of a madman.

"Save yo tears nigga. You really tried that shit and fucked my mouth up you know that? Got my gums cut up and shit. So guess what? We gon play a lil game ; Scream and die. Game rules?" Ares held up the bottles of lime juice and bleach. "If you scream you fuckin die. If not. You can live" he finished.

D'mani gulps, attempting to ready himself for the pain of the substances about to be poured on him. But nothing could prepare him for the feeling of his cuts and wounds being viciously ravaged by the acids as they hit his skin. He immediately let out loud screams, unable to hold it in as he's enveloped by overwhelming pain all over. He caught a glimpse of Ares, who glowered at him, his eyes dark and hateful, but his lip tipped upward slightly in satisfaction.

Satisfied at his pain.

When the bottles were finally empty, he dropped them and grabbed his gun. Turning back around, he stoops once more over his body.

"Not sure if my game was as fun as yours....... But Atleast I won" he smirked before standing and pointing his gun at D'mani's head. Ares ignored his hoarse pleas for mercy.

"Don't bother beggin. Even if you ain scream I was gon shoot you dead. Call me a sore loser" He said before pulling the trigger.

He hissed his teeth as he saw blood and brain matter scatter and looked down annoyed.

Though a lot of blood didn't splash back on his face because of his height, he wasn't so sure about his pants and shoes.

Lucky he was wearing black.

Pulling out his burner, he called Dante.

"Yo Ru. Wassup?" He heard.

Ares got right to it.

"I got suhm that needs clean up. Class A so get a good cleaner crew." He said.

"Class A? Mind tellin me what got you doin that level of dirt. Ran into a opp or suhm? Business?" Dante asked, already sending a text for cleaner crew.

Ares hissed his teeth.

"Nah. Personal shit. But had to be done. You know I ain been trigger happy or messy since I been clean. This shit I had to deal wit" Ares answered. Dante hummed.

"Aiite I gotchyu. Drop the location ima send em in 15" Dante told him. Ares does just that and they hang up.


Ares hopped out of his car, shutting the door behind him as he made his way up to the house. As he entered, he knew the first thing he wanted to do was take a shower, knowing he still had blood on him amongst other things. But he pauses as he sees shoes and clothes laying on the floor leading to the bathroom.

Letting out a sigh, he says nothing but instead grabs them and heads for the washroom where he threw them in with some detergent and fabric softener. Letting that wash, he put her shoes on the shoe rack in the storage closet before exiting and going to take his shower.

Assiana knew she was half awake as she laid on the living room couch, the sound of the tv playing in the background as she reveled in the effects of the pill she'd taken not too long ago. Although it hadn't completely hit yet, she knew it was only a matter of time as her body buzzed.

She thought she heard the front door open in the midst of her being zoned out but she wasn't certain, and as such just waited till Ares found her, if he was in fact back. She opened her eyes slightly and they flickered over to the t.v. That played American dad.

"What should I do here.....?"

"Well whatever you do don't blow him, he just keeps coming back for more" Roger says to snot. She giggles and continues watching.

Ares dries his hair as he looks at his phone. He'd just gotten off of a call with Dante saying things were sorted and he was satisfied with that. D'mani also had some affiliation to a gang across the state but things were discussed then pushed aside seeing as the incident  wasn't gang related. They were also a smaller and less organized group so they didn't have much to fight Dante on when he contacted them.

He texted Felix and Quay to let them know he had to dip for some business but he had a great night, thanks to them and their efforts. He actually did enjoy his birthday and appreciated that they showed up for him especially in his time of need. They really did help to distract him from thinking about anything that had to do with his relationships.

And a day and a half was enough to let him clear his head and think abit straighter. Allowed him to make up his mind that he had to take the time to grow. And put himself first rather than devote himself to other people especially in relationships.

And that didn't mean hating or mistrusting women. But simply that he'd do more to help himself make better choices in the future. Especially in choosing the one he'd give his all.

Going back to what he was doing, he heads back into the bathroom and puts the towel he was using down before looking at himself in the mirror.

He'd honestly forgotten he'd got his nose pierced and should've been more concerned with it considering D'mani got quite a few punches in on him. Checking it to make sure it was good, he cleaned it with saline before also checking his mouth to see the damage.

He was even more pissed seeing as he wore his grills today so even more damage to check for.

After a moment of inspection, he deduced that it was only a few cuts that would heal in due time. And his grills were fine and didn't do as much damage as he would've thought.

Finishing up, he stepped out of the room and headed towards the living room where he heard sound coming from.

Assiana's head turned as soon as she heard him enter and she gave him a lazy smile.

"Heyyy..." she sing songed, throwing Ares off. He was taken aback by her pleasant demeanor, which was quite strange seeing as she was far from being....this when he left.

It wouldn't be a stretch to say he expected her to be having break down after breakdown. And despite wanting to quench his curiosity about what D'mani did to her, he let it go. He wasn't sure if this was her attempt at being okay or if she was just pushing her feelings away but he would let her.

He didn't need to continue to be a therapist to her.

"Hey Si. You hungry right?" He asked her.

She shrugs.

"I prolly am. But not really feeling it. I haven't eaten since 3." She tells him, sitting up on the couch to give him space. She pats the seat beside her.

"Gimme a sec. I assumed you'd be hungry so I got us food" he said, heading out to the car to get the bag with containers. He grabs them before making his way back inside and to Assiana.

Sitting beside her, she smiles as she watches him separate the foods. He placed hers in front of her and grabbed his own, opening it and started eating.

Assiana grabs hers along with the remote.

"Mind if we watch a movie?" She asks him. Ares glances up at the tv through his lashes before shaking his head.

"You good. Gon head" he tells her.

She smiles and searches for a movie before putting it on.

As it starts, she takes the top off of her food and her stomach growls as soon as she's hit with the scent.

"Where you get this? And what is it?" She asked him, taking a fork full of the noodles and a piece of chicken and tasting it. She lets out a satisfied moan.
Ares looks over at her.

"Another Chinese place that I passed on the way back. Thought I'd give it a try. It's good as fuck" he comments, eating more of his food, Assiana does the same.


About half an hour later they both watched the Tv. Ares sparked up a blunt, finishing it and starting another. As they sat there, they had conversation here and there but nothing much was said between them, not only due to Ares' own drowning thoughts but also due to Assiana slowly getting dizzy and sensitive to the light in the room.

She closed her eyes for a moment as Ares gets up to go grab his bag. When he came back, he spread all the stuff out on the table and stared counting and packaging what he hadn't yet which was the shrooms and Molly.

He packaged out 60 packets of shrooms and moves on to the pills.

As he gets those done he realizes he's short.

Checking the bag once more, his eye brows furrow as he doesn't find it. Getting frustrated, he looks on the table and also goes over to the couch and checks it.

Just then, Assiana let's out an audible moan, taking in a deep breath and she looks up at him.

"Ares..." she calls out to him, her voice and tone having his pants tightening drastically.

Ares sighed as he noticed her eyes and put two and two together.

Letting out a sigh, he looked back down at her once more.

"Did you go in my bag and take one of em pills Si?" He asked her.

She pursed her lips.

"Yes bu-but I only took ONE...... so I could feel better...." She said, putting emphasis on one as she held up a finger. Ares closed his eyes and took a deep breath before letting it out. He opens his eyes and looks down at the girl, not knowing what to say and whether or not to scold her.

The last thing he wanted her to do was turn to drugs when things got tough......

He knew first hand what that led to after all.

Deciding to take the softer approach seeing as she was already going through it, he licks his lips and stoops down in front of her.

"You feel okay right?" He asks her and she nods slowly with a smile on her face.

"I ammm. But I would feel better if you took one too" she tells him, not wanting to be on this trip alone.

Ares gives a small breathy laugh but shakes his head as he turns to pack everything back into the bag.

"Nah, I'm high already yeh" he tells her.

"No. It should be this type though. Please Ares" she begged him, her pleading eyes finding his as he's about to close the bag.

Ares goes to say no but pauses as he looks at her before sighing.

"I'll take a piece. That's all" he tells her, breaking one in two before taking it out of the bag and putting it on his tongue. He swallowed it down with his water.

Assiana smiled as she watched him happily. Her mind truly far from the original thoughts that plagued it. And she felt free for a moment as she sat there, looking between Ares and the tv.

He continued to pack up the bag before going over to the other couch and putting it down. He turns and walks back over.

"You owe me 20 for it" he tells her, not sure if he was joking or not.

Assiana pouts.

"I don't have cash on me rii'now. I'll get it to you though" she says. Ares raises a brow.

"No worries. What happened to the money I gave you though?" He asked, referring to the cash he'd slipped into her bag the other morning. It was Assiana's turn to be confused.

"Money? What money?"

"I put it in your bag the other day. Check" he told her and she did just that, standing to find her purse that was in the kitchen and she opens it as she walks back to the living room.

"Ares what the fuck?" She looks up at the boy and he turns to face her as she approached and sat down.


"What is all this?" She asked as she held up the wad of cash he'd put in her bag.

He shrugs but says nothing.

"I... I can't take this..." she tells him. He rolls his eyes before grabbing the cash from her hands and shoving it into her purse and closing it.

"Well I can't take it back so we gon have a problem" he tells her, leaning back into the seat and going into his phone.

She sighs, knowing he wasn't going to let her continue with the back and forth and decides to just put her bag down.

As she sat back down beside him, her mind began to wonder.

More and more she was regretting not choosing the boy who sat beside her and she could only assume it was Karma at play. But why did karma have to play such a heavy hand on her?

What else had she done to deserve what she'd endured?

As she continued to be lost in her mind, she unconsciously leaned over on Ares, snuggling into his side and he looks down at her, shaking his head but putting his arm around her nonetheless as he sparked up another blunt.

He watched the tv, having switched on Netflix and started paradise pd. Giving a short chuckle here and there, he could feel his high slowly setting in.

And because of the weed being mixed with the Molly, there was quite a kick to it.

He let out a long breath, looking at his blunt that was almost done, knowing well enough he wasn't gonna finish it. Putting it in the ash tray on the side table beside him, he goes back to watching his show.

"Si?" He called her name softly, wondering if she was awake. She stirred slightly.

"Si..?" He called again and this time she seemed to actually wake up.

Cracking her eyes open slightly, she takes in a deep breath, making a moan-like sound that had Ares caught off guard. His dick twitched involuntarily.

"Mm yeh?" She answers, looking at him through low eyes.

"It hit didn't it?" He asked her. Assiana gives an exaggerated nod, smiling.

"Mmm yehhhhhh"

Ares looked at her, though he was high he wondered if he should be happy or worried about her carefree and lively attitude.

He decided to go with the latter.

"You okay right? Want anything?"

She gives a small smirk, making a walking gesture on his thigh with her fingers. 

"You" she tells him, looking up at him from beneath her lashes, moving in closely.

Ares pulls back in the same moment, keeping distance between them as best as possible.

"Let's watch the show or suhm. Feelin' hungry? You should eat" He changed the subject quickly, not bothering to acknowledge what she'd said nor her attempt at getting in closer.

Assiana frowns.

"I'm not hungry!!" She exclaims, her voice whiny.

Ares keeps looking straight.

"Then watch the show with me then" he tells her, his voice soft and tone soothing. Assiana only looks at him for a moment before nodding.

"Okay" she says, leaning back into the chair.

Getting more comfortable, she leans on Ares once more but soon enough finds herself adjusting to lay in his lap, her legs pulled up and stretched out on the couch.

He lets her, both of them becoming invested in the adult animation that played on the big screen.

As they watched, Assiana's thoughts unintentionally went to Ares. And specifically what he'd went to do after getting her. She hesitated to ask, not sure if it was something he would get mad about her asking. She assumed they had moved back to square one with their relationship due to the recent events. And because of this she feared how he would go on to treat her.

"I.... Earlier.... Where did you go?" She asks him, trying to sound normal.

Ares clicks his tongue, still looking at the tv.

"I had business I had to deal wit. Urgently" he said vaguely. Assiana hums, but still refused to drop it.

"Ares... it's your birthday. You know your people wouldn't have you doin no dam business tonight. I'm high, not fucking stupid. So..... where'd you go?" She continued to press.

He sighs, looking down at her as she turned on his lap to look at him.

"Stop askin questions you'on want the answer to forreal Si" he told her. Ares knew she couldn't handle it if he answered her. So he wouldn't.

"What the hell you mean by that though?...... I'm asking you cuz I wanna know Ares.... Did you....?" She trailed off.

Ares looked away from her and back at the tv.

"You can't handle it. So it's better you don't know nothin. Watch the show and stop staring at me wit yo high ass. You got crazy eyes" Ares tried to make her forget about the situation and shift her attention elsewhere. But as high as the girl was, she was adamant on getting the information she wanted. And 'handling' it, seeing as Ares thought she couldn't.

"I can...... and if you think I can't..... does that mean you went back?" She asked the boy. He avoided her eyes, ignoring her question.

"Ares did you go back there?" She asked once more.

He hissed his teeth slightly.

"No Si" he told her, wanting the conversation to be done. Didn't matter if he was being honest or not as long as the subject was dropped.

A moment of silence passes and just as he lets out a small sigh, she asks another question.

"Are you lying?"

After hearing this, he looks down at her slightly before his eyes flickered back to the screen.

"Yes" he answered her.

"So why are you being honest now?"

"...... cuz I ain expect you to ask if I was lyin" Ares wasn't sure why.... But he couldn't lie once asked a specific question like that. Ofcourse circumstance mattered, but in this case it stands.

Assiana bites the inside of her lip as she puts more and more questions together so she could dig deeper.

"What did you do?"

Ares shrugged.

"I just made him leave." Life. "He was already bout to dip by time I got to him"

"So you just made him leave?"


A pause followed as his response weighed heavy in the air.

The weight of a known lie hung above their heads, daring them- any of them- to address it.

And though Assiana knew he wasn't being 100% honest with her, she decided to leave it be.

Ares hoped she'd drop it, knowing he was just gonna continue to be vague towards her. It was less about his upset with her, and more about him not wanting to be seen as what he was to dam near everyone else.

A monster.

A killer.

A psychopath.

Assiana saw him differently. And he'd be damned if that was gonna be ruined especially on his own terms.

So as she finally turned back to watching the show, he could feel a weight be lifted off his shoulders. And for Assiana, she pushed it to the back of her mind.

She knew enough to know, he did something. And honestly she wasn't mad. Not at all. He did something..... just like he said he would. And somehow she found herself feeling differently about that than she thought she would.

It's something different when someone means what they say. And acts on their words.

And as fucked up as it was to be somewhat happy with whatever he did, it was the principle really....... Or so she tried to convince herself.

They sat in silence, as she finally decided to smother her curiosity. She didn't want to press and upset Ares especially when she was too dam high to argue or deal with making him mad.

Ares was happy with that, staring blankly at the tv, knowing the Molly was slowly hitting him.

"Can I change this?" Assiana breaks the silence, having been watching the show for a couple minutes and no longer being in the mood to watch it.

"Gon'head" Ares answered her, grabbing his phone to scroll through his apps.

She grabs the remote, finding a different movie for them to watch and she smiles as it starts playing.

As time goes by, Assiana could feel herself tingling down there from her thoughts of the boy she laid on.

Perverted and nasty thoughts she blamed solely on the drugs, and not her own desires and temptations.

And as she rubbed her hands on his legs, she also blamed that on the drugs.

"Happy..... happy birthday.... I'm sorry I hadn't told you" she said apologetically, sitting up to look at him. Ares glanced to the side at her before looking at his phone.

"You alright. If you did I'da prolly ignored you so..." he told her with a shrug. "Thanks though Si" he says.

She hums.

"Did you have a nice day?" She asked him.

He looked at her with a blank stare, his mind running back to the past couple days leading up to his birthday and now the night of and how it ended.

"You'on gotta be askin me shit like you care Si. Watch yo show. When you done you can go sleep and I'll take you home ina mornin." He said, not even bothering with answering.

"I care Ares. I do...... I know I messed up I really did and I'm sorry for that. I regret it so bad....." Assiana felt horribly about what happened. And didn't mind opening her heart up to the boy in that moment.

But Ares wasn't here for it.

He shook his head as she spoke, reaching over to grab his blunt as his blood began to boil at her words.

If she cared and wanted him, she wouldn't have left him. She didn't regret losing him.

She regretted choosing that other nigga. He thought.

And he refused to fall for her tricks or lies.

He couldn't do it. It was too much of a dangerous game to play with himself.

And would only lead down a path he knew all too well. And a path he never wanted to see again.

"Yah okay." He mumbled as he held his blunt between his lips to light it. He took a long drag before letting it out as he leaned back in the seat.

As he continued to puff his blunt, he defaulted to watching the tv, not wanting to look at Assiana.

But as he took another long pull, she takes hold of his head, turning it towards her and his breath hitched as she comes in close, making him pull back and cough profusely as he choked.

"What...... the ..... fuck....." he said between coughs, looking at her through red watery eyes.

She bit her lip to stop herself from laughing but couldn't help it as she let out a snorty giggle.

Ares ignored the way his heart leaped at the sound. It wouldn't be the first time his body betrayed him.

When his coughs finally died down and he caught his breath, he turned to look at her, a look of confusion on his face. He cleared his throat.

"What.... What was that?" He asked her.

She looked around then at him before shrugging.

"I just wanted to take a hit too" she answered him casually.

"Well why you ain ask for the blunt then?"

"Ares you know ion smoke....."

Ares gave her a look before sighing. Leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, he takes another pull before sitting up and turning towards her.

Grabbing her by the neck gently, he pulls her in and blows smoke on her lips and she happily takes it in. She unconsciously takes hold on his shirt, gripping it in her hands as her eyes closed. When her lungs were full, she held it before letting it out.

Opening her eyes slowly, Ares takes another hit before blowing it on her lips once more, both of them coming in closer. Assiana's heart raced in her chest, and she hoped and prayed he couldn't hear the loud thumping. But Ares was already too busy trying to contain himself. And be reminded on what resolve was.

"Ares?" She whispered breathlessly, pulling him in abit closer by his shirt. Ares hummed.

"Uh huh?"

"You tryna fuck suhm?" He let's out a sigh at what she says, despite her words raising goosebumps along his skin, his body responding positively towards her, once again betraying him. He leaned back, putting the blunt back down in the ash tray as he grabbed his phone.

"No Assiana. Watch the movie"

"Mm..... I think you're lying" she hummed as her hand moves up to his hard on, massaging it. Ares sucks in a breath of air at the action.

"If you knew anything about me, you'd know my dick is always hard around you. Now get off, you're high"

Assiana hissed her teeth, grabbing his phone as she climbed onto his lap, throwing the device on the other side of the couch. She straddled him, leaning forward and holding his chin so he looked at her, having realized he'd been avoiding doing that.

"Why....... Why won't you let me back in?" She asked, despite knowing as well as any one else she brought it on herself. She just hoped it was something she could fix. And she'd do anything to fix it. To fix them.

"Because...." Ares looked at the girl, knowing there were multiple reasons he needed to keep his distance from her. "I ain gon let you ruin me Si" but most importantly, he knew he couldn't handle her. The emotions that came with her and what she'd do to him...... where he'd end up......

He didn't want to let her go. He wished he could just take her back and forget things. But he couldn't. He wouldn't. He had too much growing to do. And so did she.

"But... but I know you want us ares. You want this." Assiana tried to reason with him. It made no sense to her to just walk away when just days ago they were confessing feelings and willing to move mountains to be together.

Ares hissed his teeth as he rolled his eyes.

"This? This what Si?? You made your choice. So even if we fucked right now it wouldn't mean shit. It would be nothing more than sex" he told her, wondering who he was really trying to convince. Assiana shook her head at his words.

"I don't..... I don't believe you." She said, looking down at him from her seat on his lap.

Ares stared back, his eyes finding their way to her lips as he bit his own. But he tears his eyes away from the sight of her tempting pink lips.

"...... yah well....." Ares hands move unconsciously towards her soft exposed thighs and up to her ass as he grips it firmly.

"Shit, Neither do I"


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