Family Line

By florencepughismine

9.1K 169 9

I can run, but I can't hide From my family line In which Caroline Goode gets herself mixed in with Shadyside... More



395 8 0
By florencepughismine


After the a while both Will and Ashyln left. That left Caroline alone in the room. Her knees were to her chest as she watched the movie Clueless.

From beside her, she heard her pager beeping. She grabbed it from the table and read it.

Everything okay?

Caroline typed back in it as she laid down and turned onto her side.


She answered as she looked back at the movie on the screen. The teenager laid her head back on her pillow as she watched the show. She was bored senseless.

After around 10 more minutes she got up. She put on the shoes that she was wearing the previous night and snuck to Sam's room. She wasn't supposed to leave her room unless it was an emergency.

"Alright, I'm going to the OR room." Said her doctor as he put his clipboard on his side.

"I'm with the old man upstairs, now. I'll see you." The other said before the two walked away. Caroline waited around 5 more minutes, then snuck to Sam's room.

She opened the door. Sam gasped of shock when she did. When she walked in, she gave a wave. Peter was sitting there as well. "Visiting hours are over." Caroline said as Peter flipped her off.

"You trying to get out of this shithole to?" Peter asked Caroline as she sat on the edge of Sam's bed. Caroline shook her head no.

"I get discharged tomorrow morning if they see nothing wrong." Caroline told him as she looked at Sam who was staring at her jello again.

"Your room is weird, I've got a door and everything. You've just got curtains." Caroline said looking around Sam's room. Sam smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Which is exactly why I'm getting her ass hauled out of here." Peter told Caroline. Caroline shrugged and he stood up. "I'll be back." Peter said, walking away.

"Jeez, you don't have a TV. Shadyside hospitals suck." Caroline said as Sam tried to eat her jello again. Sam felt disgusted by it, she didn't know why. But she just didn't want to eat, especially after she puked blood.

"You feelin' ok?" Caroline asked in concern for her best friend. Sam slowly nodded and looked up at Caroline.

"How about you, are you feeling ok?" Sam asked her just as concerned as Caroline.

"Yeah, I'm good." Caroline said nonchalantly. She crossed her legs and leaned on her arms.

"Cute sweatshirt." Said a voice. "Hey Caroline when is that sweatshirt from, freshman year?" Caroline looked down at her sweatshirt, which was a Track hoodie from her freshman year..

The two girls gasped and turned their heads. They saw Deena, the last person they wanted to see.

"Oh fuck you, Deena." Caroline said as she shook her head. She'd been waiting 4 years to say that to her, and she finally did. And to be honest, it felt fucking great.

"What are you doing here?" Sam asked as she put her jello down. It was no secret that she was frustrated at Deena, and she had every right to be.

"What do you think?" Deena asked as she tilted her head to the side.

"I honestly have no clue." Sam said making Sam scoff and shake her head. She rolled her eyes and Caroline looked at Sam.

"Oh, Jesus. This game?" Deena questioned with an annoyed look on her face.

"Deena nobody knows what your talking about." Caroline said. Deena looked down at her as she said that.

"What I'm talking about is her dipshit boyfriend. Last night he threaten to kill us, "You're all fucking dead." Deena said, quoting Peter. Caroline rolled her eyes, when teenagers threatened to kill each other 95% of the time it was all talk.

"That didn't mean anything." Sam defended as Deena denied it.

"Now tonight, he's stalking around, messing with us. He broke into the house where Kate was babysitting." Deena said, making Sam confused. Caroline hadn't known if Peter was at the hospital all day, because Caroline was in her room.

"No. Peter's been here. Caroline, back me up-"

"You need to call him and tell him to back off." Deena told her and Caroline shook her head.

"Deena he's been here all night." Caroline said calm as possible. There was 2 reasons she stayed calm. Every time she got any kind of frustration, or anger, her head would pound. The 2nd reason so was that she would slap Deena. Which was another thing she wanted to do.

"Good news. They're gonna transfer you out of this shithole tomorrow." Said Peter as he walked in the room. Caroline sighed as she looked away.

"Speak of the devil." She muttered underneath her breath. Peter noticed Deena, and suddenly got angry by her being here.

"Perfect timing, asshole. Where's your stupid mask?" Deena asked as Caroline covered her eyes. She sighed knowing there would be a battle over this.

"The fuck are you doing here?" Peter asked as Sam got up from her bed. Caroline followed as the two argued.

"What the fuck were you doing at the house while Kate was babysitting? Huh?" Deena asked as Peter furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"He has been with me all night!" Sam yelled at Deena with anger coursing through her veins.

"Stop covering for him! He's a bad guy, Sam." Deena said in both jealousy, anger, and sadness. She was jealous of how Peter had Sam were together, she was also angry about how Sam didn't believe her, and sad that the two were together. As for Caroline, she was just angry at her. She was angry that she moved to Sunnyvale. She was angry that she didn't call or visit.

"Jesus Christ, Deena! Calm the fuck down, Peter was here all night!" Caroline exclaimed pointing at Peter. Deena scoffed at the girl.

"Wow, the princess of Sunnyvale cursed! Hopefully your daddy doesn't find out-" Deena yelled at her while clapping her hands together before getting cut off by Sam.

"You're out of control. You put both of us in the hospital! Now you're here yelling at me. Which I-" Sam said as Deena looked down. She sighed as Peter looked annoyed.

"Ok. No, that was an accident. Look, I-I got a nosebleed. I didn't actually mean-" Deena excused. Caroline absentmindedly put her hand to her nose to check if it was bleeding, and thankfully it was not.

"A nosebleed? Stop making excuses! You are total chaos! And you have always been! So don't blame me when you wake up in 10 years just like your dad! Old and drunk and going nowhere!" Sam yelled at Deena. Caroline covered her mouth when Sam yelled at her. She stepped back in shock, she felt like she was in the middle of a soap opera.

"Okay, 1st, go to hell. 2nd, yeah. Congrats on getting out of Shadyside, Sam. You to Caroline. All you two had to do was suck it up, literally, and swallow some Sunnyvale-"

"You know what? I never want to see you again!" Sam cut Deena off for what felt like the millionth time.

"Great! Have a nice god damn life!" Deena yelled at her.

Gagging was heard from beside Caroline. She turned her head to see Peter getting stabbed in the stomach. She shrieked and jumped away from him. He dropped to the floor, and behind him was the skull mask killer.

All 3 girls screamed and ran. Caroline grabbed the curtain railing and threw it at the killer.

"Holy shit!" She yelled as she sprinted out of the room. i should run track again. Caroline thought to herself. Wait, not the time Caroline. The girls went running down the hallway screaming.

"Run!" Deena yelled as they stared in confusion.

"Move your asses!" Caroline yelled as they didn't move. She waited for them to run, and they finally did when they saw the killer.

"Don't wait for us, Carol!" Simon yelled as she sprinted with them. They ran for the door and they went to a stop.

"Do you guys have a car?" Caroline asked as she stopped her sprint. Simon searched for the keys in his pockets, and started to freak out.

"Where are the keys? Do you have the keys?" Simon asked everyone. Caroline absentmindedly checked her pockets and felt no keys.

"No." Josh said. Simon grabbed Kates arm as he freaked out.

"Where...where are the keys?" Simon asked her. Caroline cracked her knuckles.

"Come on. The ambulance!" Kate said, grabbing Caroline by the arm. The three ran out to the ambulance and got into it.

"You guys know this is theft, right?" Caroline asked as she got into the ambulance. "My dads gonna fucking kill me!" She said and Kate looked at her with a confused expression.

"Would you like to live? Because if you do, do not step out of the ambulance." Kate said, Caroline nodded her head as Kate drive to the front doors to get Sam and Deena.

"I choose life." Caroline said as Simon and Josh yelled for Sam and Deena. The two girls went running out and Caroline looked to see if Simon and Josh shut the doors.

"Step on it!" Caroline yelled and Kate went speeding off.

"Sunnyvale really turned you into a rule follower. You used to be fun." Kate said and Caroline nodded knowing she was correct.

If Caroline stayed in Shadyside, stealing the ambulance would be her idea. She would be driving the ambulance. She would be the one doing all the shit she used to do when she was a reckless teenager.

"I agree with you, trust me I agree." Caroline sighed leaning her head on the seat. She took a deep breath as Deena and Sam flipped out in the back seat. Caroline took another deep breath and looked at Kate.

"I know neither of us like him, but um..Peters dead. I'm not saying I wish death upon him or anything..." Caroline rambled with a shaky voice. You could tell she was stressed. Her voice was shaky, her hand was shaking.

"Caroline. Caroline." Kate said trying to stop her stressing.

"I mean, he kinda just dropped to the floor. Then blood went everywhere."

"Caroline. CAROL!" Kate yelled stopping her rambling. Caroline covered her face as she took another deep breath.

"What?" Caroline asked with a yell. She calmed herself down and placed her head in her hands.

"When did you start getting so stressed?" Kate asked, making Caroline shrug her shoulders. Caroline used to be the nonchalant girl who could give zero shits about anything.

"I don't know." Caroline said grabbing the hair tie from off her wrist. She put her hair in a quick ponytail before doing anything.

As they drove to the ambulance, the two girls could here Deena and Sam in the back seat talking about someone. Ryan Torres. Apparently he was alive?

"Ryan Torres is dead, guys. There's no way that was him." Caroline said from the front seat.

"You know, that's what a Sunnyvaler would say." Deena said making Caroline roll her eyes. She slapped her hand on her knee.

"You're a selfish bitch, you know that?" Caroline asked her as Simon smirked.

"Girl fight." He said. Kate sighed as the two girls fought. Deena was Kate's best friend, but before Deena, it was Caroline. Caroline never did anything to Kate. So she had no reason to be mad. Maybe Caroline could've called more, or visited, but other than that, what bad did she do?

"I'm selfish? You're the one that moved to Sunnyvale. You turned into an entitled bitch." Deena said with the means to insult her. Caroline shook her head and looked out the window. Lights blared into her eyes, and she squinted them as they sent pain through her head.

"Because my mother died! Jesus, Deena you're like talking to a god damn brick wall sometimes!" Caroline said making Deena annoyed by her. Deena shake her head at her. Sunnyvale really taught her a few things.

Back in Shadyside, when someone called her out, 99 percent of the time she wouldn't care. She'd shrug and literally say "I don't care". But she finally got the confidence to stand up to herself. Some call it entitlement, and others see it as her finding her voice.

When they got to the police station, Deena and Sam went in. Caroline, Josh, Simon, and Kate waited outside by the ambulance. Caroline sat where the doors usually closed as her legs swung.

"We should not be this close to the police station in a stolen ambulance." Simon said with a shaky and worried voice. Caroline nodded her head in agreement.

"My dads in there, if he comes up and sees me not on bed rest, it won't be good." Caroline said looking at her shoes.

"Jesus, how strict is he?" Simon asked, Caroline looked at him, nodding her head.

"My curfew is 10:30, you figure it out."

"You have a curfew?"

"We're hiding in plain sight." Kate reminded. Caroline nodded her head. It's not unusual for ambulances to be in front of police stations, right?

"Yeah, just like Bundy." Josh said making everyone confused. Everyone stared at him with the same expression on their faces. "Ted Bundy, when he was stalking his victims, I mean." Josh said, making everyone more stressed out about this.

"Ok, didn't he get caught though?" Kate asked him.

"Well, no. Well, yeah, but-" Josh said and Caroline looked at him with her eyebrows knitted together.

"Did you just compare us to a serial killer?" She asked him a little bit offended.

"Figure this out. I'm gonna go take a leak." Simon said. Caroline nodded as she sighed.

"Thank you for sharing that." She said as he walked away. Josh sighed as he did so.

"So why do you know so much about killers?" Sam asked him curiously. Josh shrugged his shoulders, not exactly knowing how to answer.

"Know thy enemy, right?" Josh asked. Kate nodded her head knowing that what he said was a valid point.

"You hang onto any of that candy?" Kate asked him. Caroline looked in between the two.

"You have Candy?" Caroline asked as Josh handed Kate a pack of skittles. Josh handed her a Snickers bar and she gladly took it.

"I'll pay you back." Caroline said and Josh shook his head. She opened the snickers bar as he shook his head no.

"It was free." He said and Caroline nodded.

"Well, thanks anyways."

Minutes later after a short silence they saw someone walking out of the station. That person was Nick Goode. Caroline got in the ambulance as he went to his car. He got in the car and put on his sirens as he drove away.

"That was a close one." Caroline said brightly as she took a bite of her snickers.

"We need to leave." Deena said rushing over. Caroline looked as Sam argued against that.

"Ya know, I agree with her." Caroline said crossing her legs.

"I think we should stay. We're safe here. What if that psycho shows up again?" Sam asked worriedly. She had the right to be worried. Someone was on a killing spree, and they were stuck defenseless.

"Then we'll be ready." Deena said digging into her pocket. She pulled out a gun and Caroline whistled.

"What the hell?" Sam asked as everyone got surprised.

"Deena, what is that?" Josh asked as Caroline grabbed the gun from her. She pretended to shoot it.

"Anyone got a camera?" Caroline asked, making Kate smile. Deena tried to get the gun back but Caroline put her arm up with it.

"I'm the future Sheriff, I need my practice." Caroline said pretending to shoot. Caroline's future was planned out for her. She was given everything on a silver platter. She'd be getting into the Academy, and going to be an officer, and soon a sheriff. She had the guts to do it, everyone knew that.

Deena took a deep breath, then realizing this Caroline was actually more tolerable. She wasn't being a rich snob, she was being funny old Carol.

"Is that the cop's? You stole a cop's gun?" Sam asked furiously. The situation was already stressful enough, but this added a whole new level of stress. What if they got caught?

"Fuck yeah she did!" Kate said proud of her best friend.

"Are you out of your goddamn mind?" Sam asked as Caroline got out of the ambulance.

"We all go a little mad sometimes." Caroline shrugged as she spun the gun on her finger. Kate laughed at her little joke.

"They didn't believe us. We're on our own." Deena said looking at Sam. She then looked around for Simon, realizing he wasn't there. "And where the hell is Simon?" Deena asked as Caroline walked past them.

"Taking a piss."

The group walked away from the ambulance to see Simon getting attacked by a female. They were in the middle of the street when they saw it. She was on top of him as Simon fought off her razor blade. She was singing some song, it sounded creepy.

Caroline aimed and fired at the girl, she shot her. Twice. Square in the head and to her chest. "I'm to good." Caroline said to soon. The girl started to bleed black blood. Caroline furrowed her eyebrows, but remembered the car. How she had black eyes and black veins.

"Simon, come on!" Caroline yelled as Simon got up. He started to scream as he sprinted away.

At that moment, everyone saw the girl starting to get up while singing. Caroline took a couple steps back away from the girl.


"What?" Caroline asked as everyone started to run.

"Carol, let's go!" Kate yelled at her as she look disoriented.

Who kept saying her name?

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