
By icewolf14

106 6 4

Just a test More

The Search for Paradise
The Joys of Essay Writing
Just a Matter of Luck Now

We're Going to...

11 2 2
By icewolf14

1 week later...

A long week had passed that was filled with chatting with Steve, homework, school, sports, putting up with Dave, and hanging out with Dawn. It was 5:45 and I was at my desk browsing Facebook and chatting with Steve. Dawn would be there in a mere 15 minutes to head to the Rose FM studio to find out who won the contest. I heard the doorbell ring and let my mom answer it, already knowing it was Dawn, and took the time to shut my grey HP laptop down. I headed down the stairs.

"Hey Dawn! Let's go Mom! We don't want to be late! What if we win? What if we lose? What if-"

"Enough with the what ifs! It's not that big a deal!" Dawn said, finally exasperated with my constant worries.

"To you! You lose it every year! I just feel like there's something important riding on this!" I explained for the 1000th time that week.

"Whatever, let's just go!" Dawn said and turned to walk out our front door, my mom and I following suite.

After loading into my mom's Mazda, it was a short 20 minute drive to the studio. My mom dropped up off in the parking lot.

"Keep your phones on! I'll pick you up at seven!" she called out the rolled down front window before pulling out of her parking space and driving away.We waved and headed through the two glass front doors and into the same room we had before. About 30 other kids were crowded around a small platform that had been set up. Bill Bouquet was standing on top of it, microphone in hand, reading over some cue cards in his hand.

I checked my watch; 6:25. Only five minutes left until we would find out who won the trip! I got butterflies- stinking butterflies! I didn't know why I was nervous, and I still don't. Oh well. My thoughts were interrupted my the high pitched squeak of speakers adjusting to the mic.

"Hello boys and girls! As you all know, I'm Bill Bouquet, host of Rose FM. I shall announce the winner of this year's Surprise Destination Trip for Two Contest!" he finished and everyone cheered and clapped their hands for about fifteen seconds before it slowly died down and Bill began to talk again.

"Thank you, thank you. Now, in my hands, I hold an envelope.In this envelope is the winning person or team of the trip. I will open it, read out the winners, who will come up here, and I will give instructions to them from there. Okay, here we go." He said cheerfully before starting to peel open the envelope.

I held my breath and felt myself tense up. I knew everyone else in the room was doing the same. He was taking such a painstakingly long time to open the envelope. Unfold the paper. Clear his throat. The answer was coming.

"The winners of the Surprise Destination Trip for Two are... Dawn Schmidt and Paula Wilson!" he said, and I froze, wide eyed. We won? We won? I couldn't quite comprehend it at the time. All these other kids and my essay was the best? Dawn understood quite well though and grabbed my forearm and dragged me up to the front.

"Congratulations ladies! Would you guys all like to know where these lucky two are going for their five day trip?" he said.

"Yea!" everyone called back but me, I was still stunned.

"You have won a free, all expenses paid, five day trip, to... Manhattan!" Bill announced to a round of applause and cheering .My face lit up in realization.

Manhattan. That's where Steve lives. Maybe I can be lucky. Maybe I will meet him.

Manhattan, here we come.

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