snake in the lions den|| WTM

By KoolInsomniac

224K 6.7K 791

Ada Potter was struggling to get through her fifth year, the trauma of the past events catching up to her, be... More

act two
act three


5K 179 5
By KoolInsomniac

It is pitch black, until we see what seems to be a small glow before it dims out. Then, the glow emits again, only bigger and revealing itself to be from a window, and then dims out. During all the while, a dog was heard barking. The glow from the window emits again, only this time, a familiar object was in front of the glow and then it dims out.

Ada has a soft smile on her face remembering her third year. It was her best year to date, though it did have some traumatizing events, it was also the year she gained a family who loved her. And now everyone can see that her father is innocent and as soon as he's cleared Ada wont waste one second to move in with her family.

"Lumos Maxima." It was revealed that Ada is under the bed covers, and the glow is so bright that it lights up the room "Lumos Maxima" She casts the spell again which is the Lumos Maxima. Until he hears a toilet flushing and immediately goes back to sleep just as Vernon opens the door and turns on the light. Ada quickly lies under her covers pretending to be asleep. He looks around in confusion before he turns off the light and closes the door and heads back to his bedroom. With him gone, Ada goes back to what she was doing. "Lumos Maxima" It revealed she was learning the Lumos Maxima from a book. "Lumos Maxima. Lumos Maxima!"

A doorbell ringing sound is heard multiple times. Ada sighs and opens the front door. It is raining outside and Aunt Marge exhales as she brings her umbrella down and gives it to Ada. She passes the foyer into the kitchen where Aunt Petunia stands waiting. Aunt Marge's pet bulldog Ripper is on a leash. Aunt Marge and Aunt Petunia exchange greetings as Ripper lifts up on his hind legs at Aunt Petunia. We then cut to Ada and Uncle Vernon in the foyer, where Ada unfolds a small parchment while Uncle Vernon takes off his car coat.

Ada has a disgusted look on her face at the sight of Marge. "I'm guessing we don't like her pup?" Sirius says noticing the look on her face, Ada just shakes her.

"Uncle Vernon, I need you to sign this form." Ada says holding out her Hogsmeade permission form. "What is it?" Vernon asks with a gruff voice. "Nothing. School stuff."

"Later, perhaps, if you behave."

"I will if she does." She says looking over to the large woman with hatred. "Oh, you're still here, are you?" Aunt Marge says in distaste.


"Don't say 'yes' in that ungrateful way." She hands Ripper's leash over to Petunia "Damn good of my brother to keep you." She goes to Vernon to say something to him "She'd have been straight to an orphanage if she'd been dumped on my doorstep, Vernon."

Ada was already holding her tongue, itching to say something but she really needs Vernon to sign her permission slip.

Laughter is heard nearby. Hearing that, Aunt Marge looks delighted. She walks up to the couch, where the laughter has come from Ada's tubby cousin Dudley, who is watching TV and eating snacks "Is that my Dudders? Is that my little neffy-pooh?" Marge says grabbing him from behind, kissing his head over and over and pinching his cheeks.

"Awe is that my little Addy-pooh?" Sirius mocks copying the woman's actions as everyone around him laughed. Ada looks like she wants to kill the man, slapping his hands away she grumbles out "Get off." But she still smiles slightly.

"Take Marge's suitcase upstairs." Vernon orders, Ada gives a tight nod already done with the evening "Okay."

The Dursleys where sat around the table eating, while Ada was cleaning up after them. Marge placed a gravy smothered plate down for the dog. "Finish that off for Mummy. Good boy, Rhippy-pooh." She coos as the dog licks the plate clean.

Dudley eats not taking his eyes off of the tv while Vernon walks in with a bottle and glass in hand. "Can I tempt you, Marge?"

"Just a small one. Excellent nosh, Petunia." Marge says snapping her fingers at Ada pointing to the plate on the floor. Vernon slowly pours the drink "A bit more. Usually just a fry up for me, what with 12 dogs." She laughs and Petunia gives a light chuckle. "Just a bit more. That's a boy." Marge says taking the glass out of Vernon's hand, she takes a big sip "Ah! You wanna try a little drop of brandy? A little drop of brandy-brandy windy-wandy for Rippy-pippy-pooh?" She says lowing her glass to the dog as he drinks it.

Collective groans of disgust fills the hall.

Ada cleans the kitchen with a odd look on her face. "What are you smirking at?" Marge spits out, Ada raises her eyebrows and shakes head head indicating nothing and continues to clean. "Where did you send the girl, Vernon?"

"St, Brutus'. It's a fine institution for hopeless cases."

"Do they use a cane at St, Brutus', girl?"

Ada pauses for a second and Vernon gives her a look. "Oh yeah. Yeah. I've been beaten loads of times." She says with a cheeky smirk, one Marge didn't catch.

"You know, I think I've had far worse then being beat by a cane." Ada says nonchalantly causing people to nod in agreement but look at her in concern.

"Excellent. I won't have this namby-pamby... wishy-washy, nonsense about not beating people who deserve it." Marge rants. Ada turns around to hide her smile listening to the woman go on and on. "You mustn't blame yourself about how this one turned out, Vernon. It's all to do with blood. Bad blood will out." Ada smile slowly falls, she can deal with people insulting her but not her family.

"Uh-oh." Fred whispers knowing the woman was on thin ice, one wrong word about her family and Ada will flip.

"What was it the girl's father did, Petunia?"

"Nothing. He didn't work. He was unemployed."

"He only stopped working to protect Ada and Lily and help the order. He did so much." Sirius yells annoyed at the insinuation that his best friend, no, his brother was a lazy git who did nothing.

"And a drunk too, no doubt?"

Ada finally had enough with all the insults towards her dad. "That's a lie."

"What did you say?"

Ada turns to look at the woman with a deadly glare. "My dad wasn't a drunk." Suddenly the glass in Marge's had smashes sending glass and brandy everywhere as everyone yells out in surprise. Marge laughs shaking her hand " Don't worry. Don't fuss, Petunia. I have a very firm grip." Vernon and Petunia look over to Ada "I think it's time you went to bed."

"Quite Vernon. You clean it up." Marge snaps her fingers pointing to the table. Ada grabs a cloth rolling her eyes and of course Marge had to add fuel to the fire. "Actually, it's nothing to do with the father. It's all to do with the mother. You see it all the time with dogs."

Ada bites her cheek causing small droplets of blood to hit her tongue as she brushes up the glass heading back to the kitchen. "If there's something wrong with the bitch, then something's wrong with the pup."

"Shut up! Shut. Up!"

Everyone in the hall jumps in surprise at the volume of the girl. Ron has a slither of excitement running through his veins as he knows what happened to the woman, he couldn't wait to see it, especially now.

Marge hums turning towards Ada who is breathing heavily, eyes a deep red. Wind starts blowing through the girls hair and the kitchen lights start flickering.

"Right. Let me tell you..." She starts pointing her finger but stops when she notices it swell.

But it didn't stop there, Marge's face started to swell too, as did the rest of her. Her body started pushing though the chair, tights laddering as her feet looked like someone blowing up a balloon with a rubber band around it. The seams on her blazer started to tear and Vernon groans helplessly.

Marge's top button broke sending flying around the room, hitting the clock. "Vernon!" She muffles out in panic as her extended stomach pushed against the table sliding her seat back. Petunia looks at her in horror and Ada just stands there with a blank expression watching the scene unfold.

The hall was filled with wide eyes in bewilderment, some people hiding there chuckles at the woman's predicament feeling like she deserves what she was getting.

"Vernon! Vernon, do something!" She flaps her arms about , as Vernon gets up Ripper runs up and bites his ankle growling. "Ow! Ripper! Ow..." Dudley, who has no idea about what's going on tries to look around his father to watch the Tv. Marge slowly lifts up into the air with the chair, her neckless finally gives sending cheep plastic beads all over the table finally getting Dudley's attention.

Dudley looks to his aunt in horror not knowing what was happening. Vernon was still groaning in pain while the dog was biting his ankle "Ah! Ripper. Get down boy. Ow!" Petunia swiftly backs away as Marge floats higher, still blowing up like a balloon till the chair falls apart.

Another button pings off of her clothing hitting Dudley point blank in the face causing him to dramatically fly off the chair onto the floor. Marge holds onto the table cloth pulling plates and glasses with her. Another button pings off hitting Dudley in the face sending him back to the floor once again.

"This is the best thing I've ever seen. I wish my family dinners ended up like this." Sirius tells Remus with a shit eating grin and joy lining his eyes. Remus laughs shaking his head, he feels like he should scold Ada for using magic like this but he can't find himself to. She deserves it.

Marge floats higher hitting the ceiling creating a sort of 'blub' sound, Ada backs away to entrance of the kitchen knowing she'll have to make her escape soon. Marge screams and does a sorta summersault in the air and floats out of the doors bouncing on a window before floating out of the patio doors.

"Stop!" Vernon yells rushing over to his sister. Ada slowly creeps forward to get a view on what was happening. Vernon catches up to his sister gabbing her hands "I've got you Marge. I've got you." Marge screams still floating up, Vernon who still has Ripper attached to his ankle also starts to to fly up. "Hold on hold on."

"Get off." Vernon groans at Ripper, he then give Marge a guilty look. "Don't you dare!" She spits out, Vernon lets go of her hands "Sorry." He falls straight to his face practically eating the grass. "Oh, Vernon." Petunia rushes over helping him off of his face. The two look up and Vernon desperately yells "Marge!" As the woman screams floating up like a hot air balloon. Dudley turns away from the scene eating the food that was on his bib and continued watching the Tv. Ripper barks, Vernon is on his knees yelling and Petunia waves solemnly to Marge.

"Oh well done pup. That was so good." Sirius claps still laughing. Ron wipes a tear that has fallen and looks over to his best friend who was currently giggling in her seat. "Th-that was brilliant." When she told him she blew up her aunt he didn't know what to expect but he never thought it would be so magnificent.

Hermione then smacks his arm and started to scold him "Ronald, you shouldn't encourage this. Ada could've been in serous trouble."

"Oh come off it Hermione, you can't say that wasn't funny."

The girl stays silent for a second "Okay, it was quite funny." She giggles.

Ada then storms upstairs slamming her bedroom door, she kicks the cabinet next to her bed and sits down with her hands shaking in anger. The girl takes a deep breath and rubs her face, she looks over to her bedside table and sees a picture of her patents smiling and dancing together with the autumn leaf's falling around them.

Sirius smiles sadly at the photo, he was the one who took it, they took lots of photos like that. Him and James, Him and Remus and more. He remembers every single picture. But one made his smile drop as the memory surfaced.

It was Remus standing with his arm thrown over his shoulder giving and awkward smile. Himself with his oh so charming smile with one arm around his husband and one arm around Lily. Lily was stood in the middle with a smile that shone as bright as the sun, her hands on her stomach. James had his arm around Lily's waist with a smile that held nothing but love, he also had an arm thrown over a man shorter then the rest who was looking nervous but smiled all the same. That man was Peter Pettigrew.

And now any good memory with him in it felt tainted. That day was one of the best days of his life. He remembers the day full of smiles, laughter and excitement. That was the day they found out they where getting a future marauder.

Ada stomped down the stairs with her trunk thudding behind her with every step when she came face to face with Vernon. "You bring her back! You bring her back now. You put her right." He demanded screaming at Ada "No. She deserved what she got." Vernon yells and tries to grab Ada. The Potter girl then pulls out her wand and her eyes flash red for a split second "Keep away from me." She warns pointing the wand in her uncles face.

"You're not allowed to do magic outside of school." He says with fake confidence but still backs away. Ada looks him dead in the eyes "Yeah? Try me."

"They won't let you back now. You've nowhere to go."

"I don't give a shit. Anywhere is better than here." She storms out and swiftly walks down the dark street, in the sky you can see a floating Marge screaming. Ada pulls her trunk still angry and ends up by a park. Setting her trunk down she sits on top of it not wanting to sit on the wet pavement. She hangs her head and rubs her temples knowing she doesn't really have a plan.

The lamp post above her starts flickering and the wind picks up causing the swings behind her to sway, the roundabout to spin, and the seesaw to fall the other way with a thud. Suddenly she heard twigs snap across the road. Ada stands up and spots a large black dog growling at her till it barks causing her to fall in surprise.

"It's me." Sirius smiles but it quickly falls when he is smacked over the head by his husband. Sirius rubs his head with a pout and looks over to a glaring Remus. "Why the hell did you growl and bark at her!?" Sirius holds a sheepish look "I don't really know, thought it'd be funny. Sorry Bambi." Ada just smiles at her father says it's fine and snuggles up to her boyfriend feeling tired.

a/n: i know it's not the best but i just feel like i have to get a chapter out today or my head will explode.

i know i'm a bit dramatic.

also im mad because the transcript i use has like no scenes in it so i have to copy everything down while watching the movie so i'm like 100x slower

i was gonna put the Knight bus scene in this chapter but i'm getting annoyed with all the coping down so it will be in the next one, i wrote half of it and was like nah can't be arsed right now.

anywayss sorry for the complaining. Thank you for all the votes and i hope you have a lovely day/night <3

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