Hidden Lies

By TheExaltOne

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Prologue: An Encounter With Another World
Chapter 1: Confusion And A Group of Heroes
Chapter 2: Explanations and Answers
Chapter 3: The Dawn Library
Chapter 4: The Torment and Rage
Chapter 5: The Word of Asternia
Chapter 6: Clash Of Destines That Rise
Chapter 7: Preparing For A Journey
Chapter 8: Into Asternia To Find The Truth
Chapter 9: Lady Lilith of Asternia
Chapter 10: Down With The Mouse
Chapter 11: Understanding The New Planet
Chapter 12: "Just One More Clash Blast!"
Chapter 14: The Sounds of The God's Commencing
Chapter 15: Finisher Clash At The Time Keep
Epilogue: One To Remind Yourself

Chapter 13: Hands on The Weed

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By TheExaltOne

"Mrs. Lady Lilith, we must have you reconsider, we're no longer going to put our time into Mickey. He's only going to be a hassle for what our goal is. We came here to strictly put an end to whatever the hell he's doing. We're just being honest," Alear replied. The other heroes nodded in agreement.

Lilith stood there staring at the heroes and then took a deep breath. "Okay, you're all trying to put an end to Mickey, correct? I know but you need consider what I have in mind."

Alear sighed, "We are Lady Lilith, the problem is... we don't want to focus on Mickey anymore!" Lilith stood there staring down at herself as the other two looked over. "I get we need to get the weed but I think the heroes can do that for us, we don't need to handle him anymore."

Lilith questioned, "How positive are you in your allies?"

"Very positive they will do just fine," Chrom replied with a small smile. Lilith took a deep breath and then slowly nodded. "We do not wish to be harmful or rude but it's just the way we are. We apologize."

Lilith sighed, "Don't you worry about a thing. I trust your allies." The heroes nodded as they sat around waiting for the heroes. Meanwhile, the heroes were eating at the café, laughing and cheering with each other.

Kirby laughed, "So you guys, you know how many times we've kicked Mickey's ass yet it took a while for the Asternians to defeat him? I think we're doing excellent this time around!"

"Even with the borders power barrier being broken, I think we are doing just fine against him. Still, I feel awful just about all the things that happened to the people in Asternia when he was there terrorizing them," Eula replied. The heroes nodded as Kirby looked over at the window. Suddenly the heroes got a message written by Chrom.

It wrote, "Hey heroes, we need you guys to deal with Mickey just one more time, we need to the weed as we forgot to get it away from him. Can you all do us a favor and get the weed when he attacks? " The heroes nodded as they replied to Chrom with a thumbs up. The heroes continued chatting with each other as Kirby kept staring out the window. The sun was setting and it was a peaceful feeling.

Hajime asked, "Enjoying the setting sun?"

"The setting sun is one of my favorite things to view! How about the rest of you?" Kirby questioned.

Marianne nodded in agreement, "Yes, the setting sun is amazing to watch. You get to see a wonderful sunset and the colors help with the mood as well. That's how I've seen it." Kirby nodded as he kept on looking outside.

Mario sighed, "I'm looking back to when we first met Asternia Mario, we were a little rude but I guess it made sort of sense. He appeared out of nowhere after we all were just recovering from the war. And we still are, it's been quite a lot."

"Definitely, the war a lot but this has just been absolutely wild, going against Mickey Mouse out of all people? That's... honestly really stupid," Agent 4 giggled. The rest of the heroes giggled alongside him. Suddenly Kirby spotted ray gun shots being blasted. Kirby looked up and dashed directly outside. The heroes were unaware as Kirby came across Tails.

Kirby questioned, "Tails? What are you doing around here?"

"I heard some noises and I was just randomly being attacked! I'm really worried it was Mickey again but the moon hasn't come up yet! I don't think he'll respawn until tomorrow but I'm still nervous either way," Tails explained.

Kirby replied, "Yeah I understand how you feel, Mickey has left me worried too since he constantly terrorizes the citizens here. Can't imagine how the Asternians were feeling when he was at his fullest power. Speaking of, we need to get that weed away from him."

"Don't you guys need to wait until he attacks before you guys can do anything against him?" Tails questioned. Kirby sadly nodded as Tails looked ahead. "I see, Meta Knight is passing over to protect Hero Town at night and to alert you guys. Just a heads up."

Kirby cheered, "Appreciate it! Thanks for the support as always Tails!" Tails nodded as Kirby walked back inside. Tails kept searching the area around when heard sounds in the distance. However it was just Azura who was walking by.

Tails laughed, "Hey Lady Azura! It's been a while since I've seen you! How's the city going?"

"Dawn City is doing just fine, Luigi has been able to get the city back in shape after the war. It was such a wonderful feeling to be back together after so long. I know the war was concluded just two months ago but it feels like I can remember everything so well..." Azura sighed.

Tails replied, "Yeah I get what you mean, it's a lot to take in especially since the war just concluded just a little while ago. Afterwards, Chrom became insanely obsessed with technology, as that started it ended. Such a strange feeling..." Azura nodded as she looked around the area. Then she looked up to where the sun is setting.

Azura asked, "Oh, what time is it?"

"Uh... eighteen, fifty-four... the sun is just hitting the deck," Tails replied. Azura nodded as she continued to watch the sun set. She felt herself at ease as a the summer breeze brushed upon her. "I can't wait for Autumn to begin, the feelings are so nice and the weather just is awesome! Afterwards, Winter! The snow! The good stuff!"

Azura asked, "Do you have a favorite season of sorts?"

Tails replied, "I like all of them, they bring back good memories no matter what!" Azura nodded as she turned around from Tails. Tails walked up to her and looked at her in confusion. "What about you Azura? Do you have a preference?"

Azura responded, "I love Spring and Summer the most. I enjoy Autumn and Winter a lot too but-" Out of nowhere, there was a yelp for help. The two looked over in confusion as they got themselves ready to attack. They searched the area around but there was no luck. "What was that?"

Tails muttered, "Don't tell me it's Team Villain again with their schemes..." The two stuck together as they continued scanning the area around. That's when Azura tapped Tails on the shoulder and he looked over. There were a group of figures standing in the distance. The sun made them appear as if they were in the shadows. Right behind them, was none other than... Mickey. Those ears you could see from miles away.

Azura whispered, "It's... Mickey but he seems to have help with him..." Tails looked over as they dashed over to Tails and Azura. It was Team Villain alongside him. "Team Villain!?"

Marth laughed, "Good to see you all! We decided to team up with Mickey Mouse here. We heard he's from Asternia and we decided to go ahead and help him out. You two are the only ones here? How charming..."

"Enough with the games Marth!" Tails yelled. Marth chuckled as Mickey chewed on his weed. The two looked up at him in anger as Tails tried to alert the heroes in the café, but that wasn't any good. They didn't seem to pay attention.  

"NEED A HAND!?" Someone shouted. Then landed Shea, she took out her blades and stared up at the group.

Azura giggled, "Good to see you Shea! Thanks for helping!"

"No problem, I just let my brother know of what's going on and soon the heroes will be out-" Just as Shea said that the heroes all dashed out and took out their weapons.

Kirby said while giggling, "You finally appear again at long last. A brawl underneath a warm summer sun evening. I think we will have a blast here!" Mickey floated in the air while staring at the heroes.

"Your toughest members aren't present? This will be a BREEZE!" Mickey punched his fists together as the heroes got themselves ready. But they soon noticed Team Villain working alongside them.

Mario questioned, "You invited Team Villain as well? I'm shocked..."

"Yeah but you can't have nice things! I WILL WIN THIS TIME SINCE YOU ANNOYING ASS HEROES ALWAYS STAND IN MY WAY!!" Mickey shouted. The heroes tightened their grips on their weapons as Mickey got himself ready. Marth ordered the villains to get themselves ready, and then... they clashed weapons with each other.

Mickey attempted to punch Kirby but he jumped out of the way. Kirby swung his sword up as Link shot several arrows at him. Mario jumped in the way and tried to punch Mickey but he moved out of the way. As for the rest of the heroes, they waited patiently to see what was the next best move. Shea dashed ahead and then slammed her blades against Marth's sword.

Shea shouted, "BACK THE HELL AWAY!"

"WHY SHOULD I LISTEN TO SOMEONE LIKE YOU?!" Then Marth shoved Shea onto the ground. She rolled backward and looked over in anger. Azura dashed to Shea's side as Shez jumped in the way and kicked Marth down. Marth rolled on the ground and looked up at the heroes in anger. The heroes held tight on their weapons as Marth got up.

Suddenly, Mickey started punching at the heroes. They dodged the attacks as best as they could but Eula was punched and she fell onto the ground. Marianne dashed to her side and started to heal her. As for the others, they wanted to find an easier way to take down Mickey and his crew. "HAHAHA! YOU GUYS WILL NEVER WIN THIS TIME!" Mickey started chewing on his weed when the heroes remembered why they were doing this.

 "Hey heroes, we need you guys to deal with Mickey just one more time, we need to the weed as we forgot to get it away from him. Can you all do us a favor and get the weed when he attacks? "

Chrom's message, the heroes in Asternia wanted them to get their hands on the weed. The heroes nodded at each other as they first dealt with Team Villain. Wiping them out with ease. They continued attacking them the best they could and all of them eventually retreated from the area... except for Marth and Ephraim.

Agent 4 mocked, "Care to give up Marth and Ephraim?! You two lost already so get lost with your teammates!" The heroes chuckled as Marth looked up at Mickey. He got ready and swung his fist directly at the heroes. They all got hit and fell backward. "Oh... you're insulted aren't you?"

Marth ordered, "NOBODY DARES TO SPEAK TO ME IN THAT MANNER! YOU HEROES WILL PAY FOR THAT!" Marth dashed over as Ayato jumped in the way and slammed his blade against Marth's sword. Ephraim tried to help but Zhongli dashed over to assist Ayato. They kept on pushing on each other while the others went to check on Mickey.

"HAHAHA! YOU REALLY THINK THIS WILL BE YOUR WIN BUT IN ACTUALITY, THE WIN IS GOING TO BE MINE!" Mickey laughed hysterically. Then his fist transformed into a gun. It started shooting bullets as the heroes jumped out of the way. They barely dodged the bullets as one hit Hajime and he fell onto the ground. Feeling his arm bleeding as Marianne dashed to help him.

Tails yelled, "We need to stop injuring ourselves! Marianne won't be able to take care of us!" The heroes nodded as Kirby took out the cutter copy ability. Then he started throwing the blade at Mickey. He dodged the blade as Kirby managed to cut him on the back.


"You got to KEEP IT CLEAN OUT THERE MICKEY!" Kirby then slammed his cutter blade against Mickey's back. Mickey slammed onto the ground as Kirby jumped on him several times. The heroes dashed over to assist and then they all slammed their weapons onto him. Nonstop beating to the ground. "Did we kill him?!" Tails made a scan and soon Mickey broke out from the group.


Kirby groaned, "Are you done yet?" Mickey looked down at Kirby as Mario kicked him directly behind as Link shot an arrow directly at his head. "Yeah, I thought so." Then all the heroes leaped into the air and put their weapons together.


"KEEP IT CLEAN MICKEY!!!" Kirby screamed before all the heroes slammed their weapons against Mickey's body. They slammed him onto the ground and they had successfully killed him once more.

Shea cheered, "WHOO! That's the good stuff!" Kirby picked up the weed from Mickey and smiled at everyone.

Zhongli said, "The borders, I can take you there if you wish. Or we can ask the heroes to open the portal for us."

"I think that'd be a whole lot easier for us if we ask them to open the portal so I can deliver it to them!" Kirby cheered. The heroes nodded as Hajime texted them on the communicator. Right before they did that Marth and Ephraim attempted to throw their weapons at the group. But luckily they didn't get close to hitting them.

Tails yelled, "HEY! YOU GUYS BETTER RUN BEFORE THE HEROES BEAT YOU ALL DOWN!" Marth and Ephraim stood there staring as Marth scoffed. The heroes tossed their weapons back as the group ran away from the scene.

Kirby said, "Just as long as he doesn't have the weed, he won't be able to kill us." The heroes nodded as the portal opened up as Albedo waved for Kirby to jump in. Kirby jumped in the portal and handed the weed over to Albedo.

Albedo said, "Perfect, we got the weed in our hands. Thanks for the assistance heroes."

"No problem! If you don't mind, I wish to join for the big fight!" Kirby cheered. The heroes nodded as they looked toward Lilith.

Lilith laughed, "Go right ahead. Now that we have our hands on the weed. Let's get to Jaden as soon as possible. I don't want him running around causing any more problems..." The heroes nodded alongside Asternian Zhongli and Virus. Lilith took a deep breath and lead the group to the one and only...

Time Keep.


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