Boys Like You / Tyrion Lannis...

By rissarosewrites

94.4K 4.6K 214

Rieka Stark hated the idea of being engaged to a stranger. Then Tyrion came and she thought she was doomed to... More

1. Bravest of Men
2. Good Boy
3. Entertain Him
4. Future Husband
5. Boys Like You
6. Little Brother
7. It's an Honor- It's a Hell Hole
8. Feral
9. Not Impressed
10. Don't do the Math
11. Lovestruck
12. Mermaids
13. Leverage
14. Not Married Yet
15. Because Murder is Wrong
16. Oh, Mother
17. Shady Weasel
18. Looney Lysa
19. Mother Knows Best
20. Intimate
21. Checkmate
22. Deathwish
23. Blah, Blah, Blah
24. Suffer
25. Powerplay
26. Lion's Den
27. Don't Jump
28. Disappointing Child
30. Yell at You
31. Educating
32. Secrets & Wildfire
33. Twins
34. Get Out You Whore
35. Quarter Man
36. Monster
37. Future Daughter In Law
38. Friends in Low Places
39. Jump
40. Was It All a Lie
41. Kneel before a Lion
42. Gone
43. She Has Me
44. Breathless
45. You Know What You Know
46. Legacy
47. Reign
48. What's The Catch?
49. Not The Day I Die
50. My Child
51. Threats & Homegoings
52. Late to the Party
53. Leona
54. Invitation
55. United
56. Nervous Jitters
57. Snow Lion
58. Back To Bitch
59. Glitter & Hellfire
60. Crypts? Idiots
61. You Know? What Do You Know?
62. Choices
63. Little Lady
64. Dangerously
65. Girl Like You

29. Alton

1.2K 65 1
By rissarosewrites

'From this time till the end of time we are not part of your realm we are free and independent kingdom of the north.' Cersei ripped up the letter, the peace treaty. 'He has more spirit than his father I will give him that.' she remarked

'You have become quite effective at tearing up papers.' Tyrion remarked 'we can give him his fathers bones back at least a gesture of good faith.'

'Will you give the Starks our reply cousin?' Cersei asked

'I will your Grace.' Alton Lannister replied.

'Did you see my brother? When you were the Starks guest?' cersei added

'I did.' Alton admitted 'they have not broken his spirit your grace.''

''If you speak with him... Tell him he has not been forgotten.' Cersei told her cousin.

'I will your grace.'

'Safe travels cousin.' Tyrion added 'you certainly have a way with diplomacy.''

'If that's everything?' cersei countered.

''A raven flew in this morning from Castle Black.' the maester said

'Trouble with the wildlings.' varys said

'That's why they're called wildlings.' Petyr remarked.

"I dont want a hand maiden. Go away." Rieka insisted.


"I dont want a spy. Go away be someone elses problem." Rieka insisted slamming her door shut again. Shae stared back at the door with a huff. There was a knock on the door. "What did I just- Sandor."

"Why are you shouting at me already girl?" Sandor questioned.

"I thought you were someone else." Rieka admitted. "Sorry for my tone." She sassed.

"No you're not,"

"What do you want?" Rieka countered.

"Messanger from your brothers camp is here. Thought you would to know. Dont get too excited. Its a lannister." Sandor offered.

"Thank you sandor!" Rieka agreed.

'Some of the wildlings it seems have stopped killing each other and started following this king beyond the wall.' varys added

'Another King.' Cersei remarked 'how many is that now? Five? I've lost count.'

'Lord Commander asked that we send more men.' Tyrion read off the note 'to man the wall.'

'Perhaps he forgot we were fighting a war and we have no men to spare.' Cersei told him

'Cold winds are rising and the dead rise with them.' Tyrion went on

'Northerners are superstitious people,' the high maester said.

'According the Lord Commander these dead men attacked one of their camps. Mormont does not lie.'

'How do you kill a dead man?' Varys questioned

'Apparently you burn them.' Tyrion said reading through the note again.

'One trip to the wall and you come back believing in grumpkins and snarks?' Cersei teased.

'I don't know what I believe.' Tyrion told her 'here's a fact for you though the nights watch is the only thing that separates us from what lies beyond the wall.'

'I have every confidence that the man of the nights watch will protect us all.' Cersei said leaving Tyrion.

"You!" Rieka shouted and Alton stiffened. "You are going to my brothers camp."

"Yes my lady but-"

"Can you give him this please." Rieka held out a scroll. "It doesn't say anything bad or any plots against the crown" she assured. She held up the scroll thrusting it at him. "Please!" she begged "I just want him to know I'm OK. Hes my twin." Alton hesitated when tyrion came up.

"Deliver the letter cousin." Tyrion agreed. "I trust Rieka."

"Right away my lady." Alton agreed taking the scroll. Rieka turned to tyrion.

"Thank you."

"What did you say?" Tyrion mused.

"Wouldnt you like to know." She taunted as she headed down the hall. Tyrion smiled watching her leave.

"You're new." Rieka remarked.

"Podrick, my lady." He remarked bowing before her.

"RIeka." She answered. "You got a sqiure, thats fancy."

"He does anything I want and need." Tyrion agreed.

"Thats handy, you are going to get really lazy." Rieka decided. "Sooo... How was it really?"

"Bronn here saved me, your mother wasnt happy about it."

"She is rarely happy." Rieka assured him.

"You met the hilltribes? We fought together in my fathers battle- against your brothers army-" he murmured "-I fought so bravely!"

"He got knocked out. Before ever stepping-" bronn cut in.

"Thats enough out of you!" Tyrion declared and rieka laughed out as the there was a knock on the door. "Rieka we are going to have to cut this short. I believe i have some business to attend to."

"No problem i should find sansa." Rieka remarked as she got up.

"My lady Stark." Janos Slynt remarked as she passed.

"Ser." Rieka offered awkwardly. "Bye Bronn. Podrick... Tyrion," tyrion smiled back at her.

"Goodnight Rieka."

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