Rimuru the solo pirate

By gwynnava

4.3K 209 32

what if luffy have a twin and his twin is rimuru? this story is about monkey d rimuru journey as solo pirate More

chapter 1
chapter 2

chapter 3

1K 52 10
By gwynnava

In a dark room..a room lit only by the light coming from a small window...the situation in the room is very calm like a beach...a place where no one makes any noise at all...and in the middle of the room there is a girl who was illuminated by the light from the window...she had a very graceful face...she looked very calm and happy when she was in that place....

"Hey get me out of here!!!!!!" screamed the girl

or not......

"SHUT UP!!! FOR THESE FEW WEEKS, YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE WHO'S BEING NOISE!!!" shouted a man in a marine uniform

And unexpectedly that girl is rimuru...She has been in that prison for a few weeks now...She is very bored because She has no one to talk to after ciel left her...a few days ago rimuru was told that the cardinal world was attacked by another god ..so rimuru sent ciel to take care of the problem..

"Hah...I'm bored...if only there was ciel...why should I just go out? maybe I can find something interesting here" Rimuru thought

Unbeknownst to her, there was a huge war outside the prison....there were thousands of people fighting...the pirates were trying to save a girl who was about to be executed by the marines...there were explosions everywhere...even there the ice wall that covered the battlefield..not only that there was also a meteor heading towards the battlefield but it was easily split by a pirate..

Meanwhile in a different place rimuru was walking around the prison area..


"What happened there....that's the eleventh explosion I've heard...whatever that is none of my business" thought Rimuru

And back to the war between pirates and marines is heating up...see 2 yonkou who are fighting some admirals...whitebeard is fighting akainu and kizaru..he looks a bit overwhelmed by kizaru's incredible speed but the same thing happened to akainu and kizaru..they can't match the strength that whitebeard has

On the other hand luffy fought aokiji and some other admirals...he seemed to dominate the fight but he still couldn't beat them all because of their very good cooperation..he looked very worried because he was afraid something bad would happen to his little sister...he tried to hit an admiral's face but was blocked by aokiji's ice..

Back to rimuru.....she was walking in the courtyard of a building...there were some bodies of marines who fell to the ground because they were beaten by  rimuru...she saw a store guarded by some marines..because she was curious about the store she quickly defeated the marines and entered the store...she was surprised to see that there were many treasure chests inside the store..

"Wow.....I didn't think they kept the treasure here...why should I just steal it?" Rimuru thought

"Yes...I need to take this treasure because now I'm a pirate...but this is too much for me to carry...if only I could use beelzebub I could definitely take it all but I promise to only use the power of the devil fruit and haki when I'm is in this world...sigh." Rimuru thought

As rimuru was thinking how to take all the treasure she heard a huge explosion on the other side of the island...

"Huh..do I need to check what happened there?" Rimuru thought

With that Rimuru walked towards the battlefield carrying two treasure chests in her  right hand and left hand...

Back to the battlefield...the atmosphere is getting worse on the battlefield..there are many ships that are destroyed due to being thrown by their strength...huge flames are everywhere...the marines are seen getting overwhelmed by the strength of the pirates which is huge...

"Akainu...the situation is getting worse for us...we better retreat now" said Kizaru

"Tch.. fine everyone back off now" ordered akainu

The marines quickly retreated towards the ship to save themselves....thus the battle to save rimuru was over...luffy and the crew of the straw hat pirates ran towards the prison to save rimuru...they were followed by several other pirates ....but when they were running they saw a girl walking towards them carrying a treasure chest in her hand..the girl had difficulty walking because the treasure chest was too big..

"Luffy...isn't that it" Nami said

Luffy stopped running and opened his mouth wide as he saw the person he wanted to save instead casually walking outside the prison carrying a treasure chest

"Uhh brother..... long time no see" said Rimuru with a smile

"Can you help me carry this box.. it's heavier than I expected" Rimuru asked

The crew of the straw hat pirates could only hold their foreheads because they saw rimuru's nature which was no different from luffy.....after that luffy took rimuru to their ship to rest...don't forget rimuru also asked them to help her carry the treasure chest still left in the store...

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