
Fiizzysoda द्वारा

2K 91 7

Rain is an intern for Phayu's firm. Right from the start he feels like he can't do anything right, and why is... अधिक

sweet like sugarcane

2K 91 7
Fiizzysoda द्वारा

If you asked anyone on campus they would have said that Rain won the lottery. He had been the only applicant to be hired for their internship at the God of Architecture's firm. They almost never accepted interns, and almost everyone in their program applied. Everyone wanted to work for Phayu. They heard that the people at his firm were all treated really well. Everyone there was happy to work for Phayu and his family.

If you asked Rain, he would say the complete opposite. When he got accepted he was so excited. It wasn't even his idea to apply, Sky made him do it. He didn't think he would care that much about making it. So when he showed up on his first day, excited and eager to learn, he was brought to reality quickly.

Phayu wasted no time with pushing him to his limit. Every day it was a constant stream of his name being shouted by everybody on the team. Instead of shadowing people and learning more about how to actually design for clients, he became their errand boy. He was constantly running around getting papers printed, grabbing coffee, making sure the lunch orders were correct. Everyday he went home and took a long bath to soothe his aching muscles. He knew it would be hard, he just didn't think it would be like this.

The rumour of Phayu being good to his employees was true, he treated everyone with kindness and often spoiled them with treats or bonuses. However, Rain wasn't his employee. Rain was an intern sent by the university. Phayu almost never smiled at Rain, and every time they interacted it was treated like a huge inconvenience for him. Rain told himself he wouldn't let it get to him, some people just don't get along. It's normal, right?

At night when he would talk about how hard his day had been with his friends they always just brushed him off. There's no way the great God of Architecture was mean. He helped everyone around him, even if he didn't know them. The few other interns that had worked there sang nothing but praises. So why was Rain experiencing something completely different? Was he not good enough? But he made the cut, he had to be good enough. Did he do something to make Phayu dislike him?

It was always Rain's fault, never Phayu's. His friends would just tell him to be nicer, stop acting like a spoiled kid. Phayu would eventually warm up to him. They were never much help. When they complained about their placements they would always say that they wished they were in Rain's position. Eventually Rain just stopped telling them what was really going on. He would just make up a different day in his head that he could tell them. If he couldn't have a good time at his job in reality, he would make it good in his head.

Then it started to seem like things were getting better. People around the office stopped treating Rain like their coffee runner and actually started letting him shadow them. The atmosphere became good. That was until Phayu would enter the room. It didn't matter what they were talking about, the conversation dropped. Phayu would command Rain to do something and then walk away.

While the other people at the firm definitely helped him get through the day, it was becoming hard to want to show up. There's only so much that Rain could take. He was human too. When he tried to confront Phayu about the way he was being treated, he was brushed off. Phayu just said if he couldn't handle it, to leave. He wasn't there to babysit an undergrad. So Rain just dropped it. He was only there temporarily, he would be able to leave and move on. There was no way he could change his placement this early on.

"Rain, I would be careful today. Phayu seems to be in a mood." One of the girls warned right as Rain walked in. He stopped, looking towards the meeting room. Phayu was in there with a few people Rain could only assume were clients, giving a presentation. He seemed to be his normally calm self. If Rain looked for a beat too long, no one noticed. He shook his head, walking over to his desk.

"What mood? He seems fine." Rain looked back at the room another time before pulling out his laptop from his backpack. One of his other coworkers walked over to his desk, leaning against the divider, her eyes trained on the room Phayu was in.

"He's playing nice because clients are here. Fan spilled coffee on one of the drafts and completely ruined it." She said. Rain blinked, looking back at the girl that had talked to him the second he came in. Fan was normally always on Phayu's good side. If she made him mad, Rain couldn't imagine how he would be treated.

"Don't worry dewdrop, I'll yell at him if he tries anything." Silky said, smiling at Rain. Rain sighed, laying his head on his desk. He didn't think he could handle Phayu yelling at him today.

"Silky, if I ask to go home early because I'm sick, will he let me?" Rain asked.

"Nope." She responded, giggling. Rain groaned. There was no way he would be able to make it through today. Everyone went back to work, acting completely normal. Except for Rain. His heart was racing. Every second that ticked by was a second closer to Phayu coming out to yell at him.

"Thank you so much for understanding, we'll have a new draft ready for you next week. I promise." Phayu said as he walked with the clients towards the door. They all thanked him, telling him everything was okay. As soon as the door closed and the clients were gone, the mood shifted. Rain froze, barely even breathing. If he just did his best to make himself invisible, maybe Phayu would ignore him.

"Rain." Phayu said. Nevermind. He was doomed. Rain slowly turned in his chair to look at Phayu. The look on his face was impossible to read. He didn't seem mad, but he didn't look happy either.

"I need you to redesign that client's project." Phayu said. Rain's jaw dropped. His eyes went wide. Did he hear that correctly? Phayu wanted him to completely redesign a whole project in a week?

"W-What? P'Phayu that's impossible. It took your team a month to come up with that design!" Rain responded. Phayu walked over to Rain's desk, stopping directly in front of him. It forced Rain to have to crane his head up to look Phayu in the eyes.

"Not from scratch Rain. I'm going to give you the older drafts. I want you to come up with changes that you think would improve the overall design. You can do that, right?" Phayu asked, raising an eyebrow. Rain's stomach was tied in knots. How did Phayu expect him to do that? He barely had any experience with the programs they used.

"Yes, P'" Rain said. He lied. There was no way he could. Phayu looked Rain up and down, and walked away without a word. Rain watched as he walked away, absolutely confused. Why did Phayu look at him like that? Why didn't he say anything? Silky rushed over to Rain's desk.

"Don't worry, we'll help you." She said, Rain shook his head.

"No. He wants me to do it. I'm going to do it. I'll figure it out." He sighed.

"Good luck.." Silky said, patting his shoulder and walking back to her desk.

"Thanks." Rain said weakly. He opened up his laptop, going to his email. The first one being the files he needed from Phayu. When he viewed the email, it seemed normal until he scrolled to the end. It was a note from Phayu. It was simple. Just words of encouragement. It made Rain's heart flutter. A person had to be blind to not find Phayu handsome.

At their university, even though Phayu had graduated, he still had fan clubs. Everyone loved him, men and women alike. Rain tried to deny that he liked his boss. It didn't matter that he was mean, Rain still found himself falling anyway. He wanted desperately to prove to Phayu that he could do his job. Maybe if Rain could do this, Phayu would finally start being nice to him and treating him well like the other employees.

This simple "I'm trusting you." was enough to send Rain to cloud nine. He wasn't going to let Phayu down.

Rain should have never agreed to redo the project. Ever since that day he had been putting in over time. He taught himself to use their design program. He stayed late into the night trying to make a design that changed it enough but also still looked good. Nothing he did seemed right. He was slowly losing confidence in himself. Why did Phayu want him to do this? Was it to prove that Rain really didn't belong at the firm? Was this his way of getting Rain to quit? Well if it was, it was working. A week later Rain was forced to walk into Phayu's office empty handed.

"Rain, did you get the designs done?" Phayu asked, only glancing up at him for a split second before continuing to work. Rain felt like crying. He took a deep breath trying to calm himself down before he responded.

"No." Rain said. Phayu stopped what he was doing, looking up at Rain with a look of disbelief.


"Everything I tried, nothing worked. I must have tried 100 different designs. Nothing was functional and made it look better. I'm telling you I tried my best. I really did." Rain said. His voice was shaking as he fought back tears.

"Rain, showing up with a bad design is always better than showing up with no design at all." Phayu said. He sighed, looking down at his phone. "I'll call the client and let them know we need more time. Send the files to Fan. I'm really disappointed in you Rain."

Rain didn't have any rebuttal. He nodded, turning to walk out of Phayu's office. The second he was out of sight tears started falling from his eyes. He couldn't believe he had let everybody down. There was no way Phayu would trust him with anything ever again. He was now forever on Phayu's bad side. When he sent the files to Fan, his heart broke. She would be able to get done exactly what Phayu wanted. She would be the one getting the praise from him and the clients.

Now whenever Phayu walked out, he ignored Rain entirely. He would only talk with the others, and anything that needed to be directed at Rain was told from Silky. Rain was now messing everything up. He felt like he couldn't do anything right. No matter what he did it was sent back with fixes. He couldn't even get their lunch orders right anymore.

Rain was taking all of this as a sign. It was still early on, but the university would have to accept that he left because he wasn't capable of performing to the standards Phayu expected from him. If Phayu signed off on his resignation there was nothing that they could do. He would have to be transferred to a different firm.

That Friday he worked the whole day as if everything was normal. He didn't want to have to explain to everyone that he was leaving. It would be easier if Phayu just told them after he left. After he thought everyone had gone home, he pulled the resignation letter from his bag. Rain never gave up. When it came to anything in his life he would finish it no matter what. This however felt like an impossible task. Phayu regretted accepting him. Rain leaving would benefit them both.

He got up, walking into Phayu's empty office. He frowned, normally Phayu always stayed late. Of course on the one day he actually needed to talk to Phayu after hours, he was gone. Rain sighed, setting the paper on his desk. It would just be a surprise for him on Monday. Just as Rain turned to walk out of his office, he slammed into something. Rain gasped, stumbling back a bit. An arm wrapped around his waist, stopping him from completely falling back. No it wasn't something, it was someone.

When Rain looked up, his eyes met with Phayu's. Obviously the person he would run into would be him. He was in his office after all. Rain's cheeks flushed pink as soon as he realised the arm around his waist was Phayu's. He vaguely remembered a tv series where something like this had happened to the lead girl. Since when did his life become a drama?

"Rain, are you okay?" Phayu asked. He made no move to take his arm off of Rain's waist. Rain blinked, taking a moment too long to respond. He pulled himself forward, clearing his throat. As soon as he got out of Phayu's grasp he put even more distance between them by stepping back.

"I'm fine. Uh.. Thanks for making sure I didn't fall." Rain said, his eyes looking everywhere but Phayu's face. How could he look at him after that?

"Then I guess my next question should be: why are you in my office?" Phayu raised an eyebrow at him, crossing his arms. Whenever he stood like that it made it harder for Rain's brain to process anything. Rain tore his eyes away, looking towards his desk then back at Phayu.

"I was putting my resignation letter on your desk." Rain said, biting his bottom lip out of nervous habit. Phayu's eyes widened and he moved past Rain. He grabbed the envelope off of his desk, turning back to look at Rain.

"Why on earth are you trying to resign?" Phayu asked.

"I can never do anything right. I know you don't like me. If I leave you don't have to worry about seeing me, or me messing anything else up." Rain said. He told himself he wouldn't cry, but saying everything out loud made it all the more real. Phayu scoffed, tossing the envelope into the small trash can next to his desk.

"I'm not signing that." He said. Rain's eyes widened and he looked between Phayu and the trash can. He was so confused.

"B-But why not?! You clearly don't want me around!" Rain tried not to raise his voice too much, but it was hard not to. None of this was making sense.

"Rain, if you can't handle someone being brutally honest with you, than this job is not for you. I work you as hard as I do because I know you struggle to get things done unless you're being directly told what to do. Obviously I was disappointed when you showed up empty handed. What boss wouldn't be? But that doesn't mean I want you to leave." Phayu said.

"I-" Rain was speechless. Phayu didn't hate him?

"I'm hard on you because I know you have the potential. You just need to believe that too."

"So... You don't hate me?" Rain asked, finally looking Phayu in the eyes. Phayu shook his head, giving a soft smile.

"No, of course not. If I did, you wouldn't have made it past your first week." Phayu said with a chuckle. Rain's heart fluttered. He had heard Phayu laughing before, but it sounded so much prettier when he knew it was because of him.

"Thank you, P'Phayu." Rain said, his cheeks were still dusted pink with a blush. Phayu tilted his head, once again giving Rain an unreadable look. The way he stared sent chills up his spine, and made his stomach flip. Rain wanted to leave. He knew that if he stayed he would probably end up admitting his crush and that wouldn't be good for anybody.

"W-Well, I'll get going then. Um... Thank you P'" Rain said, turning to leave. Just as he grabbed for the handle on the door, he was stopped in his tracks.

"Rain." Phayu said. The demanding tone to his voice made Rain freeze. He slowly turned back again, looking at his boss, confused.

"Yes P'Phayu?" Rain asked, tilting his head to the side. Phayu pushed off the desk walking over to Rain. He crowded Rain up against the door. Rain gasped, his back pressing into the glass of the door. He looked up, the blush returning to his face.

"Am I right to assume you're... interested in me?" Phayu asked, looking down at Rain. Rain felt like a deer that had been caught by a lion. His heart was pounding in his chest. With how close they were he was sure Phayu could hear his heartbeat. Rain was unsure how to respond. Obviously he hadn't been as subtle with his looks as he thought. Trapped like this, lying wasn't an option.

"Um..." Rain tried to look anywhere but Phayu, his words catching in his throat. He stuttered, making simple noises as he tried to articulate his words. Phayu brought his hand to Rain's chin, forcing him to tilt his head to look him in the eyes.

"You need to use your words." Phayu said. Rain's heart felt like it was trying to escape from his chest. This close to Phayu he was completely engulfed in his cologne, the scent intoxicating.

"Y-Yes." Rain said weakly. Phayu smirked, the thumb on Rain's chin moving to run along his bottom lip. It was a simple motion but Rain's lip tingled where it had been touched.

"If I do anything you're not comfortable with anything, tell me to stop." Phayu said. His voice was low, if there had been anyone else in the room no one would have heard him. Rain nodded as best he could with Phayu's grip on his chin.

Before Rain had time to process what was happening Phayu's lips were on his. His eyes widened, and he scrambled to push Phayu back. He didn't push harf, just enough to get him to pull back. Phayu gave him a look, confused.

"What if someone sees?" Rain said, he was having a hard time remembering to breathe. Phayu chuckled, pushing closer once again.

"Rain, no one is here. It's Friday. No one is coming back." Phayu said. Rain looked around nervously. Phayu's office had two glass walls, meaning he never had much privacy. He had a remote that could give them a frosted effect but it still showed shadows. They would be caught easily.

"Is that your only reservation?" Phayu asked. Rain knew where this was going. He wasn't stupid. Well, maybe letting his heart take over this time made him stupid. But when Phayu gave him that look, with the mischievous glint in his eye, it made his knees feel weak. He would do anything for Phayu. So instead of doing the smart thing and stopping things before they even started...

"Yes." Rain said simply. Phayu leaned down, once again pressing a kiss to Rain's lips. Rain kissed back eagerly, his hands moving to grip at the front of Phayu's shirt. This time Rain was pulling Phayu closer instead of away. Phayu nipped at his bottom lip, making Rain part his lips in a small gasp. Phayu licked into his mouth, his tongue exploring Rain's mouth. Rain let Phayu lead the kiss, pressing as close as possible. When they finally parted, Rain's bottom lip glistened with saliva, his lips now pink.

Rain didn't give Phayu much time to admire his kiss stained lips. He pulled Phayu back down for another kiss, his arms wrapping around his neck. Phayu was caught off guard, managing to right himself before falling too far forward. His hands moved down to grip Rain's hips, pulling him with him as he walked backwards. When he realised Rain was struggling to walk, he wrapped his arms around his waist lifting him. Rain gasped, his legs instinctively wrapping around Phayu's waist.

Phayu's hands quickly moved to grip Rain's thighs, carrying him over to his desk. He set Rain down, pushing everything out of the way. Phayu ignored the clattering of items hitting the floor, his only focus kissing Rain silly. Rain was happy to sit on the desk, his legs holding Phayu's position close to him. Phayu finally tore away from Rain's lips, trailing kisses. down his jaw to his ear. The sweet moan that left Rain's lips making his pants tighter.

Rain's head leaned to the side, exposing more of his neck for Phayu. Phayu's hands began to explore Rain's body. As he nipped and sucked at Rain's earlobe he began to unbutton Rain's shirt. Rain's eyes closed and he let out soft breathy moans. The feeling of Phayu's lips on his skin was heavenly. He gripped onto Phayu's shoulders, grinding his hips forward. They both let out a moan, the friction equal parts pleasure and not enough at all.

"Rain." Phayu said suddenly, pulling back. Rain had to stop himself from whining when he pulled away. "Have you ever..." Phayu trailed off. Rain was confused for a split second but his eyes widened when he understood.

"Not with a person." He admitted, biting his already abused bottom lip. Phayu raised an eyebrow and Rain's stomach flipped. It was such a simple gesture, but in this context it might as well have been the hottest thing in the world to Rain.

"But I have by myself. Just my fingers though." Rain said, the flush on his cheeks deepening from the admission. Phayu smirked. his hand snaking to the back of Rain's neck, fingers entangling with his hair. Phayu gave a gentle tug, enough to make Rain look up at him. This way he couldn't look anywhere else.

"Then I'll be gentle." Phayu said. Rain shook his head. He would be having none of that. Phayu looked confused at the boy on his desk.

"Don't treat me gently. I promise I won't break." Rain said, grinding his hips forward again. Phayu groaned, his eyes closing. All they had done was kiss and he was already going crazy. Rain was intoxicating in the best way. If he didn't want gentle, he wouldn't get it.

Phayu pushed Rain's legs down from his waist, giving them enough room to turn Rain around. Rain gasped as he was manhandled. He wasn't fighting it though, however Phayu wanted him, he would get it. Phayu reached around, unzipping Rain's pants, his breath hot in Rain's ear. The sensation made him shutter, goosebumps rising on his skin.

Phayu pushed Rain's pants down, along with his underwear. He pressed his chest against Rain's back, reaching to grip his now freed cock. Rain moaned softly, his eyes closing. He was doing his best not to thrust into Phayu's hand, trying to keep himself still. Phayu stroked him a few times before letting go. His other hand moved up to Rain's shoulder gently pushing him to lay his torso on the desk.

Rain whimpered, the motion pressing his lower half into the edge of the desk. It was slightly painful the way the desk dug into him, but he welcomed the slight pain. In this new position with his pants down at his ankles he felt more exposed than he ever had. Phayu smirked, his eyes roaming over Rain's body. Having him bent over his desk, legs slightly spread, he wanted to burn this picture into his memory forever.

"Stay just like that for me." Phayu said, moving away from his desk. Rain nodded, biting his bottom lip. He could feel it when Phayu moved away. He however wasn't about to move to look to see. He stayed put, his eyes trained on the glass of the desk. His mind began to wander. The desk was made of glass, meaning if someone were to be underneath they could see everything. The thought alone made his cock twitch in interest. That would be for a different day, hopefully.

When Phayu returned to stand behind Rain he soothed a hand up Rain's spine. Rain jumped slightly at the sudden touch, having been completely lost in thought. He was about to ask why Phayu had walked away when he heard the sound of a cap popping open. Oh. Just as he realised what was going on, Phayu was pressing a finger to Rain's entrance. The lube on his finger had thankfully been warmed by his body temperature.

"Tell me if it hurts too much." Phayu said, pressing his finger slowly inside. Rain closed his eyes once again, nodding. It felt strange having someone else do what he had done to himself many times. The stretch didn't hurt, yet. After thrusting his finger a few times, Phayu added a second finger. Rain moaned at the stretch. It wasn't much, until Phayu began to spread his fingers inside him. Rain moaned, pressing back into his fingers.

"Please P', I need you." Rain begged. Phayu's fingers stilled inside him.

"Are you sure? You don't sound so eager." Phayu said. He wanted to hear just how much he could get Rain to beg. Rain pushed his hips back, trying to fuck himself on Phayu's fingers. He whined.

"Please please..." He whimpered. Phayu gently smacked his ass with his freehand, making Rain gasp.

"Come on... You can do better than that." Phayu said. He kept his hand still, knowing that no matter how much Rain pushed back, it would never be enough. Rain squeezed his eyes shut, his hip movements erratic and desperate. Phayu was being so cruel.

"I need you, I need your cock inside me. God, please P' I need you." Rain begged. Phayu smirked, moving his fingers slowly, not giving into the pace that he knew Rain so desperately wanted.

"Please please please..." Rain kept begging. He was getting so frustrated, but he didn't want to disappoint Phayu. He couldn't handle that again. "P'Phayu, please fuck me. I can't take it anymore.' Rain continued. Phayu thought for a moment to give in, but decided not to. He loved hearing Rain like this.

"Baby boy, you don't sound like you want it." Phayu said, his freehand gripping Rain's hip, forcing him to stop moving. Rain whined. The only pleasure he had been getting suddenly stopping. Tears of frustration filled his eyes. He was losing his mind.

"I can't take it, please fuck me. I've been such a good boy, please. I need you inside me. Please." The tears began to drip down his cheeks. Phayu leaned over him, finally pressing in a third finger. Rain moaned softly, the tears still falling. It was more, but it wasn't enough and Phayu knew it.

"You're so pretty when you cry." Phayu said, moving his fingers faster inside of him. Rain moaned, pressing his forehead to the desk. The cool glass was a welcome relief from how hot his body was becoming. Finally, Phayu pulled his fingers out and Rain heard the sound of Phayu's zipper being pulled down. Phayu had pushed his pants and underwear down just enough to free his own cock.

Rain heard a tearing noise behind him, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Phayu rolled the condom onto his cock, moaning softly. It wasn't anything close to relief for him, but it was something. He lined up his cock to his not nearly stretched enough entrance. Rain's eyes widened when he felt Phayu's cock begin to push inside of him. The stretch was more than he was expecting, but the burn only added to the sudden pleasure.

Phayu pushed until he bottomed out, his hips pressed flush against Rain's ass. He leaned down, his hands gripping Rain's hips. In this position Rain couldn't move at all, Phayu was in full control. The fact alone made Rain's head spin. Phayu started slow, pulling out almost completely, then pushing back in. Rain let out small whimpers. He needed Phayu to move faster, but he knew that no matter how much he begged, if Phayu didn't want to move faster he wouldn't.

"Such a good boy for me." Phayu cooed, nipping at the top of Rain's ear before pulling back. Rain moaned, his stomach doing a flip. Phayu had praised him, it made his whole body buzz. Phayu began to move faster, finally giving in to his own pleasure. Rain had told him he could take it, so he would give it. His thrusts turned rough and unforgiving. The force pushing Rain's hips repeatedly into the edge of the desk. He moaned, his hands moving to try to grip at the top of the desk.

Phayu kept the brutal pace, his hands holding a bruising grip on Rain's sides. His head lolled back, letting out his own pleasured moans. Rain felt absolutely amazing, his hole tight stretched around Phayu's cock. Rain began to let out strings of incoherent sentences, the pace making his head spin. Phayu's cock brushed against his prostate making him cry out in pleasure.

"Right there, P' oh god." Rain moaned, trying to turn his head to look back at Phayu. The way he pressed to the desk made it hard, but he managed to glance at him. Phayu's normally perfectly slicked back hair was falling from his ponytail and into his face. Sweat was making his hair stick to his face, his cheeks red. It was a beautiful sight.

Phayu began to hit his prostate with almost every thrust, making Rain see stars. It was almost too much, but he didn't want it to stop. Phayu's name began to spill from his mouth like a prayer. Phayu continued to thrust harshly, moans slipping from his lips.

"Can you cum from just my cock alone?" Phayu asked, hitting deep inside of him. Rain gasped, the moan hitching in his throat. He shook his head, panting. Phayu smirked, giving a particularly harsh thrust, his cock pressed against his prostate.

"No, please, I need to cum I can't-" Rain said, his eyes closing tight.

"I think you can.." Phayu said, not pulling out, simply grinding his hips to keep the head of his cock pressed against his prostate. Rain sobbed, the head of his cock angry red leaking pre-cum. He tried to reach his hand down to stroke his own cock but Phayu just grabbed his hand, leaning over him again. Rain wanted to shout in frustration, he was so close to his orgasm. Phayu finally began to thrust again, though with him leaned over Rain, he wasn't able to pull out much.

Rain's mouth stayed open with moans, tears and saliva mixing on the desk. Just as Rain thought he would never be able to cum, his orgasm hit him like a bus. He cried out, his head leaning back. It was almost painful, making his body shake. Phayu continued to thrust into him, using Rain's body to chase his own release. Rain panted, letting out small weak moans.

"God you're so tight." Phayu groaned, he was so close. After a few more harsh thrusts he finally reached his orgasm. His release spilled into the condom, filling it. He moaned loudly, continuing to thrust through it.

"Too much..." Rain whined, his body was spent and sore. Phayu pulled out, panting.

"You're such a good boy for me..." Phayu praised again. Rain peeled himself off from the desk, his chest red from being forced to move against the glass. Phayu pulled the condom off, tossing it into the trash can. He tucked himself back into his pants, zipping up his pants, He helped Rain get his underwear and pants back on properly after wiping his cock with a tissue. It was all he had in his office, it would have to do for now until Rain could take a shower.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Phayu asked, taking another tissue to clean off his stomach. Rain shook his head, smiling softly. Phayu buttoned up his shirt again, leaning down to kiss him softly. It was a stark contrast to their earlier kisses, but Rain welcomed it.

"Where did you get the condom and lube?" Rain asked. His voice was already hoarse from the way he had been moaning. Phayu chuckled, running his fingers through Rain's sweat-damped hair.

"Well after a certain university student came to intern here... I wanted to stay prepared." He admitted. A dark blush bloomed on Rain's cheeks. Phayu had just admitted to liking Rain since the beginning. Something Rain wouldn't have even dreamed of being true. All of this felt like a dream Rain never wanted to wake up from.

"So you've.."

"Liked you since you walked through that door." Phayu finished Rain's sentence for him. Rain covered his face with his hands, shaking his head. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"H-How? Why? Why me?" Rain asked, peaking at Phayu through the gaps in his fingers. Phayu chuckled, gently pulling Rain's hands down from his face so he could look him in the eyes.

"Because you're you. That's all the reason anyone needs."

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