Ma freak || Ao'nung

By genyascumdump_

529 19 2

Ka'la born of another avatar like Kiri was adopted by the sully's. Seen as a jinx because of her appearance s... More

Ka'la te Suli tìyawn'ite: Back Story
🐚✨ Time with Ronal - filler

🐚✨ lessons

91 4 0
By genyascumdump_

Ao'nung's pov

"Aonung wake up." Arms tightened around his waist making him turn his head toward the voice. Tsireya was giggling. "What tsireya?" I watched as she pointed to the forest Navi that was now curled into my side. I began to freak out trying not to wake her up finally getting out of her grip. "How long has she been there!" I hissed quietly. "Mother put her down next to you." She giggled.

"Wake her brother we have to teach her and her siblings. But it's best if you teach her separately from them Mother doesn't want her father bothering her." I nodded and waited for her to leave so I could wake up the sleeping Navi.

"Hey wake up." I shook her slightly causing her to sit up rubbing her eyes. "Oh I'm sorry did I over sleep ronal told me I have lessons today?" She apologized as she woke up fully and stood up. "My sister is through there she'll get you ready for your lesson today. Then meet me at the water." Ignoring her question in general and pointed towards the open beaded archway.

She nodded and walked out in a hurry. "Oh great mother." Letting out a sigh of frustration leaving for the water.

Ka'la's pov

The feeling of someone shaking me brought me out of my sleep as I opened my eyes rubbing them a bit. "Oh I'm sorry did I over sleep ronal told me I have lessons today?" I apologized as I stood up stretching.
"My sister is through there she'll get you ready for your lesson today. Then meet me at the water." Looking over to where he was pointing and muttered a thank you and hurried towards the room.
Peeking through the beads that hung in the archway looking around. "Tsireya?" I called out steeping into the room. "Here!" Looking towards the right you saw her pulling out some fabrics and and jewelry.
"Come chose your fabrics, shells and jewelry." She waved me over with a smile as she sat on the floor.
The fabrics and ropes that laid on the floor. After looking over them for a while I looked up at Tsireya. "Can I have bottoms like yours in this fabric." I spoke pointing to the beige fabric. I watched as she turned around and pulled out already made items of clothes. "Now for your top. Do you want the same fabric and what jewelry?" She asked. "Yes and could I do shards of sea glass?" She nodded with a smile and pointed to the little area where there was a giant leaf covering the view. "Here change into these bottoms behind that leaf while I make the top and I'll show you what I have done for sea glass." You took the bottoms and went and changed into them. They were different from what you were used to but it was more comfortable then the clothes you were growing out of. Walking out from behind the leaf you walked back over to Tsireya who gasped and clapped her hands.
"My brother will love this color on you!"the smile she had on her face was contagious and I couldn't help but smile with her. "I doubt it he was being a grump this morning." Replying with a frown etched onto my face. "Don't mind my brother he'll come around now come I have your top and the jewelry that you can choose from." She handed me the top as she turned around and let me change into it. The fabric crossed in the front over my chest and was connected to a green seashell it was pretty. "Tsireya is it supposed to go like this?" Fidgeting with the top she spun around and gasped. "That shell I knew he snuck it in here." You tilted your head in confusion. "Who snuck what in here?" Question the younger girl who giggled and shook her head. "Don't worry you'll find out." Letting out a hum as you let her fix the top wear it needed to be. "Now here are your choices." Peering at the necklaces until one caught your eye. It was strung on brown rope with with different shades of green sea glass and had pink flowers weaved into the rope.
"The green one." You smiled at the flowers on it as you bent and let her place it on you. The necklace rested on your shoulders and hung a bit due to the sea glass. "Oh you look perfect go on I don't want to keep you from my brother." Nodding and thanking her you left for the beach. You could see Ao'nung standing in the shallow part of the water looking out at sea.

"Ao'nung!" Calling out the figure as I jogged up to him head snapping over to me. "Sorry I took so long Tsireya was helping me with this top." You looked up at him. "Ao'nung? Is everything alright?" Waving my hand in front of him. "Into the water your losing time to learn. Mother wants to speak to you after todays lesson." He spoke ignoring probably everything I said.

You swam around the reef with Ao'nung looking at the sea creatures. It was different than the forest rivers. The fish were bigger and different shades of color. You see Ao'nung out of the corner of my eye.
"The fish are pretty here." You signed to him. "You can sign?" He signed back as he looked at me with narrowed eyes. "Yes i spent my time swimming in the rivers of pandora." You smiled as a fish swam between your legs.

"Todays lesson is done let's get back to shore." He signed and called for his ilu. He sliding on the ilu putting you in front of him making sure you would get lost in the waters.

As you both got closer to shore you both slid off the ilu and walked up to dry land you waved at the na'vi woman. "Hello Ronal."
Author's note
Hello y'all! My bad for not updating this! I've been going through the ringer it's crazy.
How are y'all? Are you okay? Healthy? Drinking water?

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